Chapter 14 - Battle for Skull Island part 2
As the two titans fought, Princess Rapunzel, Flynn, and Tim continued to flee, by order of Maui, to the great wreck of what was once a majestic ship, covered in moss and moisture and whose hull was now half buried in the marshy waters of the peat bog.
Out of breath, Rapunzel, a rifle in hand, looked over his shoulder worriedly, seeing further Moana and Maui at the top of one of the granite cliffs, not far from the clash of the giant monsters.
_ "We can not stay without doing anything, they will be killed!" said the young princess of Corona.
_ "And what do you want us to do? Our weapons can not do anything against these things!" Flynn answered anxiously, raising his voice. Tim watched them both, then his rifle in his shaking, dirty hands, then stared at Moana further. The young moth trembled with fear, swallowed, but decided not to act like a coward.
_ "If you have an idea, princess, I follow you." Tim said with determination, to which Rapunzel smiled and looked at her husband in the eye, placing her hand against his cheek.
_ "And you Flynn .... or should I say, Eugene .... are you with us?"
The young man sighed heavily and smiled at his wife.
_ "You know very well that yes."
_ "My hook!" Maui said with a big smile, after seeing his magic weapon, which he thought was lost, being expelled from Ramarak's mouth after a violent blow from Kong. The weapon was now on the ground, in the mud, just waiting to be picked up. Maui prepared to go down to get it, but Moana held him back.
_ "Maui, stop! It's too dangerous!" she warned, seeing that the monsters were too close to try anything.
_ "I need this hook, Moana, you know it! With our unified powers, Kong will have a better chance of winning!"
Moana hesitated, not wanting her friend to risk his life, but deep down he was right. They had to put all the chances on their side. She nodded softly, letting go of her arm. Maui smiled at her, thanking her, and began to descend. Moana stayed on top of the cliff, preparing her spear.
Meanwhile, just in the middle of the cliffs and bog, the battle of giant creatures continued. After receiving the violent blow of a tree trunk in his head, Ramarak had risen up, furious, and gaining momentum, had climbed one of the cliffs at high speed to gain height, under the gaze perplexed from Kong. The Skull Crawler then leaps into the air, towards his opponent. But Kong had planned this attack and grabbed Ramarak in the air, by the throat, with a firm hand. But Ramarak was unleashed, wrapping his long snake tail around Kong's body and trying to bite him and slap him with violent claws. Kong roared, blocking one of the arms with his other hand, but received a scratch on his face from Ramarak's second hand. Kong gave Ramarak a head blow, dizzying him, but not enough to push him away.
Ramarak managed to gain the upper hand in the fierce fight, scratching Kong's face again, and managing to pass over him, used the momentum and strength of his body to catapult Kong into the air with his tail. The great ape could not do anything, stunned by the blow received and was thrown several meters, under the horrified eyes of Moana.
Rapunzel, Flynn and Tim had just enough time to flee at a safe distance, seeing Kong's huge body crashing violently into the ship's wreck, smashing it into two and crumbling the masts on him. The ground had trembled under the impact and the water had been lifted several meters into the air.
Seeing what happened, Maui hurried through the muddy water and the tall grass, and finally grabbed his hook, which he grabbed into his hand and felt all his powers come back to him.
Kong shook his head, regaining his senses to see that he was lying in the muddy water in the middle of a ship wreck and was now trapped in the ropes and chains of the sails. He wanted to try to free his body and his arms but the chains were still very strong despite the rust. Kong groaned in fury, trapped, and then saw Ramarak coming up to him, roaring with triumph at seeing his enemy on the ground, at his mercy. Kong glared at him angrily, but Ramarak seemed almost to revel in his superiority over the monkey, coming heavily to lay his clawed paw on Kong's chest to keep him from moving.
From the top of the cliff, Moana was horrified, seeing the skull crawler approaching his gaping, salivating jaw close to Kong's helpless face.
_ "KONG!!" Moana screamed in tears, and with all her might, threw her spear.
While Ramarak was about to put an end to the life of the last of the great apes, he was suddenly struck by Moana's spear, which reaches him in one of his eyes. Roaring with pain, the skull crawler pulled back abruptly, and with his claws, scratched his face to try to pull the spear out of his eye. Kong watched with perplexity, but quickly looked at the cliff, where this young human woman with black waving hair was kneeling, panting. Kong's eyes lit up. She had saved him.
Ramarak groaned in pain, managing to break the spear and pull it out of his eye, but was suddenly attacked in the face by a small flying form and very fast, uttering loud and sharp war screams. Moana recognized this scream, with hope. Maui had regained its powers and turned into a brown hawk. Annoyed, Ramarak gave jaws or claws blows to try to reach Maui, but the demigod was too fast and small for him. With its raptor talons and its beak, Maui attacked the eyes of the skull crawler, trying to annoy him as much as possible and to blind him.
Suddenly, detonations sounded in the air and three projectiles struck the skull crawler in the neck and head, but were comparable to insect bites for him. Grumbling with fury, he turned his gaze to see the three little humans, several hundred meters from him, who had just shot. Their rifles in their hands, Rapunzel, Flynn and Tim swallowed, seeing the great reptile turn their attention on them.
_"And now?" Flynn asked, shaking with fear.
_ "Reload your rifles and keep firing! We must get his attention as much as possible!" Rapunzel ordered, though she also showed some fear.
Noting this group of humans who came to help him, Kong knew he had a chance. One by one, he used all his physical strength, managing to break the ropes and chains that held him. Seeing him do it, Moana helped him again. Commander in the water by the thought, she made spout water arms of the peat bog that then came to help Kong break his shackles. Seeing these arms of water coming to his aid, Kong was at first very surprised, but accepted the help, breaking another chain.
Unfortunately, Moana found that his friends were now in big trouble. Maui, though very fast, did not take enough care and was hit violently by Ramarak's paw. The demigod was thrown several meters to the ground and crashed into the marshy waters. Stripped of this embarrassment, Ramarak roared with anger and ran towards Rapunzel, Flynn and Tim, who seeing him do, had to start running as fast as they could.
_ "Come on, you bastard !!" screamed Tim at the monster to try to draw attention to him and allow the royal Corona couple to flee.
The young moss fired again with his rifle, without causing injuries to the skull crawler who was approaching him dangerously.
Farther back, put back on his feet, Kong broke his last chains, uttering a loud animal roar, then noticed that one of his wrists was still tied to a chain, itself being connected to the old and large rusty anchor of the ship. Seeing this, Kong seemed to think of something and growled.
Suddenly, everyone was frozen in horror. Tim, who had attracted Ramarak's attention to him, had just paid the price. The big lizard had thrown his tail in a violent rotary motion, which had hit the young moss full force. Moana, Maui, Rapunzel, and Flynn stood petrified with horror and horror as Tim's body flew in the air for several meters and crashed into the muddy water.
_ "TIM!!" Rapunzel shouted, trying to get to him, but was restrained by her husband. Maui, who had managed to regain his senses and come out of the water, sighed heavily. From the top of the cliff, Moana fell to her knees, also desperate by what she had just seen. A tear ran down her cheek.
_ "Tim ..." she sighed sadly. Moana was all the more desperate when Ramarak approached Rapunzel and Flynn to kill them.
But suddenly, Moana noticed Kong's upset roar, and saw Kong gain momentum and using the strength of his arm to launch the chain attached to his wrist like a kind of whip. Moana gaped at this vision. The rusty but still sharp anchor, connected at the end of the chain, acts as a kind of giant hook and hit the flesh of Ramarak's shoulder, knocking him back into the bog and stopping him in his race.
Huddled together, Rapunzel and Flynn were amazed at what they saw, while Maui gave a glimpse of hope, just like Moana. Pulling on the chain, Kong gradually brought Ramarak back to him, the latter struggling furiously, dragged in the water and the mud with the anchor of the ship embedded in his flesh. After bringing his enemy back to him, Kong wrapped the chain around the neck to start trying to strangle the skull crawler to death.
Freed from the monster's threat, Rapunzel and Flynn began running hand-in-hand to Tim's body.
Kong and Ramarak were fighting again in close combat, both falling backwards and shaking the earth and raising the water in their wake. With one hand, Kong closed the jaws of the lizard, and with his other hand grabbed the anchor in the shoulder, and lifted Ramarak on his shoulders and then brutally crushed him to the ground. Carried away and blinded by his rage and his hatred for the skull crawler, Kong caught him by the tail, turning on himself and threw him with all his might against the nearest cliff. Ramarak's body hit the rock wall at full speed and with extreme violence, causing a powerful landslide and almost exploding the cliff into pieces. Moana, who was on the cliff and had no time to escape, shrieked and was thrown back into the air by the violence of the impact.
Kong then noticed his mistake, seeing the young woman falling from the cliff's heights, and showed an expression of fear for her. Maui, too, from his position, had seen her fall.
_ "MOANA!!" the demigod screamed, wanting to run to help her, but fell on his knees grimacing in pain, still suffering the blow Ramarak had received. Rapunzel and Flynn had seen them too, the young princess covering her mouth with horror and tears in her eyes.
Moana fell into the murky waters of the peat bog, and having lost consciousness, began to slowly sink to the dark depths.
Kong wanted to act, but was attacked again by Ramarak who threw himself on him, rolling them both in the mud. Kong punched hard, then pulled the anchor out of the lizard's flesh to hold it in his hand and use it as a melee weapon.
Raging, Ramarak leaped forward to bite Kong, but he avoided it by moving sideways and took advantage of his enemy's momentum to hit him on the top of the skull with the anchor, causing him to fall heavily on the ground. Ramarak wanted to get up, but Kong was waiting for him and gave a violent blow from bottom to top with the sharp side of the anchor, tearing deeply the skull crawler's throat, causing a sheaf of blood to spurt out. His throat cutted, Ramarak froze before falling heavily into the mud, inert, at the feet of Kong, standing, breathing hard and dropping the anchor at his feet in a heavy groan.
Moana could barely open her eyes, feeling the cold of the water penetrate her flesh and blood. She could see nothing but the darkness of the marshy waters, as well as the few rays of daylight that filtered through it. The young woman had no strength, unable to move to swim and rise to the surface. The vision of her island, of her family, of her friends, passed through her mind .... she also thought of Kong ... so it would be that she would die, swallowing by the waters of this island of the edge of the world....
But suddenly, the daylight was covered by a big shadow and Moana then saw a giant and gnarly hand enter the water and come gently take it to bring her to the surface.
Moana felt herself lift into the air, feeling fresh air and wind on her face and body again, as well as her breathing. She saw the sky again, so big, so beautiful. Then, turning her gaze weak, she saw him too. Kong ... his big face was there, looking at her, concerned, as he held her preciously in the palm of his huge hand. Recapping the water from her lungs and coughing, Moana slowly felt her breath and smiled, looking at the big ape in the eyes. Seeing her alive, Kong seemed reassured and grunted softly.
The young woman from the ocean and the king of Skull Island looked at each other for a few seconds in the utmost silence. Moana, kneeling in the middle of that huge hand, could not stop smiling. He had saved her life, as she had done before. Again, she felt this unique link between her and the titan ...
_ "Thank you .... great king ...." Moana sighed softly, shedding a tear of joy from her eye. Kong seemed to understand her, emitting a neutral grunt and nodding gently.
But their meeting was suddenly interrupted by the surprise attack of Ramarak, who jumped on Kong's back. The two monsters rolled several meters on the ground. Moana, who gave a cry of surprise, was immediately covered by Kong's hand, which closed on her and protected her in the violent tumult. Kong, roaring with anger, pushed Ramarak away from him and faced him. Having been shaken a lot, Moana was still in Kong's hand, who opened her fingers again to check that the girl was fine. Although he could have easily crushed her in his hand like an insect, Moana was admiring to see that Kong had mastered his grip so as not to crush her.
Moana stared ferociously at the big skull crawler, still alive, who was about to jump on the attack. Summoning her water-related power, Moana lifted her hands, gushing big geysers of water from the peat bog that struck Ramarak violently on the sides, annoying him more than really wounding him. Annoyed, the monster roars while trying to move forward. Kong seized the moment to violently push his other hand deep into Ramarak's mouth, and pulling with all his might, tore the inside of the jaw and part of Ramarak's throat, and his brain, in a crackling filthy flesh and bone. Moana looked away, disgusted. Vomiting a cascade of blood, Ramarak again fell heavily to the ground, this time never to rise again.
Moana gasped at the violence, but was also reassured to see that it was over. Kong had won.
Putting his foot on the body of the great skull crawler and holding Moana in one of his hands, Kong struck his chest firmly with his second hand and let out a loud roar that echoed throughout the island, claiming his own title of undefeated king of Skull Island.
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