Chapter 5
"My dad had massive gambling debts while he was in prison..." Eren started.
"And he owes most of it to the Titans. So when he didn't pay them, they killed her. Slowly, and did somw things in front of me that I don't want to go into detail about. And now they're after me," he explained. Reliving it.
"They raped her, they beat her, burned her, and lastly they slowly cut into her until she died from blood loss,"
"They hate me. Not to mention with what happened with Mikasa..." he finished. "If they figured out that it was me, a Jaeger, was the one who stopped one of their main targets then I wouldn't be here right now."
"What happened wih Mikasa?" Jean asked, eyes widening.
"I murdered some rapists," Eren told him flatly. "Sex traffickers if you wanna be technical,"
"Damn, I'm not gonna mess with you," Connie laughed out.
"Heh, well if y'all wanna stay the night you can," he sighes out tiredly, wiping his face,
"Hell no, you're staying with me," Jean stated.
"Are you sure?" Eren asked, looking him dead in the eyes.
"Yes, my parents won't give a damn," He told him.
"Alright, I'll take up your offer," Eren took the offer. " I hate this damn shed, it costed me two thousand dollars," he muttered, crossing his arms.
"Well when you're ready to go we will," Jean told him.
"We're all gonna need rides," Krista announced.
"And his truck is a single cab," Connie groaned.
"Am I the only one here that knows standard?" Eren asked.
"Yes," everyone said in unison.
"Well I'm gonna teach y'all,"
"You're gonna burn my damn starter out you dumb ass!" Eren roared at Connie as his truck died once again. "Feather it!"
"I am!" Connie freaked out. "And what the hell is a starter?!"
"Push the damn clutch in! And when you feel it pull forward you push on the gas!" Eren ignored his question.
"I do it everytime!" Connie yelled back.
"Wait," Eren shifted the gear shifter into first. He looked Connie straight in the eyes. His expression was unreadable.
"YOU DIDN'T PUT IN FIRST YOU DUMB SON OF A BITCH!" Eren thundered. "You owe me a starter and a clutch!"
"How much do those cost?" Connie asked, fear in his voice.
"The last time my clutch literally slammed to the floor it costed nine hundred dollars, and a starter is around eighty," Eren informed him.
Connie opened the door and jumped in the bed. Jean was laying on the back. Krista was laying in his spare tire, and Mikasa was leaning against the closed tailgate.
"Your turn Jean," Conne told him flatly, sitting on the wheel well.
"He'll kill me," Jean whined.
"Don't care," Connie wasn't budging.
"Fine, but I'm only gonna be in there for a few minutes," he grumbled. They all saw Eren's angry form through the back window. They all shivered, fearing their turn at learning standard. Jean hopped out of the bed.
Screams of rage were heard on the dirt roads they drove on.
"Is that all you got?!" Eren roared as he punched Jean in the gut.
"Yes," he gasped out.
They were in the woods, Connie, Krista, and Mikasa stood to the side. They all watched Eren "train" Jean. Eren was pretty much abusing him. Eren slid back into his stance in the knee high grass. Mikasa stepped forward as Jean stumbled away.
"Do you have any experience?" Eren asked her.
"Yes," was her only response. It sent chills up and down his back. He knew she had quite a bit.
"Let's do this," he cheered and ran at her.
Of course he was being gentler on her, but not easier. If he saw an oppurtunity to take her doan he'd take it no problem. He faked a right hook and jabbed with his left. He expected his hand to hit her gut, but instead she caught it in her fist.
"Oh shi-" she yanked him forward and head butted him.
"Damn," he groaned and jumped back.
While he still had plenty of strength and capability, he knew she did too. But his gut told him that he could overpower her. Her technique was far superior to his, he could tell by the stance she adopted, but he had the advantage in weight and brute strength.
He could also tell that her stance was more for defense because of her neglect to move the dominant side of her body back, meaning she didn't have much intent to attack. But his advantage was in his pain tolerance, he could charge her, ignore the resistance, and pin her down.
"Go Mikasa!" Connie cheered her on.
"Yeah, what he said!" Jean agreed.
He charged her, and he recieved an uppercut, but he continued his advance and tackled her down. She struggled against his grip. He got up.
"Who's next?" He asked. Krista stepped up.
"You got any experience?" He asked her.
"No," she replied woth a giggle.
Within secods she was on the gdound, him on top of her. And he slightly liked the closeness. Her minty breath tickled his nose. And her chest was pressed to his. It was a very kind moment to him. He wouldn't forget it any time soon. And the best part was that the tall grass blocked them from the others.
"You're cute, you know?" Krosta giggle out. Hs quickly jumped up.
"Alright I'm done for the day," he power walked to his truck, and the others joined.
Eren ended up going back to his shed after a few weeks. The Titans tormented him. The only time he slept were the days he didn't get a text. And those days were very few. He often stayed aith either Connie or Jean, but he understood that he needed to move back to his place. And so he did.
His paranoia grew even greater, until he was training rigorously everyday after school and work. He honed his skills in hand to hand combat. And even did research on the Titans and their branches.
If the Titans were taking them down then he would go down fighting.
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