Chapter 20 - I'm Coming For You
Authors Message: Ok, So this chapter has 3 POV's. Can you guess the third POV? Enjoy the chapter my lovelys!!!
Chapter 20
I'm coming for you
Titan's POV
"Your biological father is the president." I stated and looked up at Ash and down at Dave. I looked at the file in disbelief. How is this even possible? So the cure never had a thing to do with taking out Ash.
"Back when Mr. President and Ash's mother were in college, they had an affair for years. In secret of course because Mr. Presidents parents did not like Ash's mother because they thought she was a distraction to his work. So even after he ran for senator at the time of his work, Ash's mother met Ash's father. Years passed and they met again at a senate meeting at the courts. Next thing you know Ash's mother became pregnant with Ash here and the president wanted her to get an abortion because he did not want anyone knowing. Nor the president's wife." Dave took a deep breath before continuing. "You see, Ash's mother did not like the fact that the president wanted her to do those things, so she picked up and moved to New York where Ash and his sibling were raised." I looked over at Ash who was looking at Dave with such anger and disbelief it made my heart shatter. I could feel that he was angry. Not angry at Dave but angry at the president and his mother.
I seen Ash grip the gun on the side and walked over to Dave. Dave's eyes widen in horror as he looked up at me and back at Ash.
"Titan you better stop him!" Dave shouted at me.
I smirked and shook my head. "Sorry, I can't do that."
Ash hit Dave over the head with the gun, sending blood from his womb. I watched as he knelt down and grabbed onto Dave's collar of his shirt and made him look into Ash's eyes.
Ash's POV
There was so much anger in me, not even Titan could stop me from what I am about to do. I walked over to Dave and hit him up the side of the head with the gun, making blood flow from his head.
I bent down and grabbed him by the collar, making him look into my eyes so he could see how angry that I am.
"You give Mr. President a message and tell him that his son is coming for him." I said before hitting his head once more, sending him out cold.
I looked up at Titan and seen him looking at me curiously like he was studying me or something. Like he did when we first met. I frowned and got up, grabbing our bags so we could leave.
"You are very angry." Titan pointed out.
I sighed and turned towards him.
"I'm ok. Let's just get out of here." I smiled at him and handed him one of our bags. I watched as Titan stopped at the top of the stairs and tilted his head and looked out the window.
"They're coming." Titan said before he darted down the stairs. I followed in pursuit as we ran out of the house and jumped onto the boat, starting it up.
Someone started shooting at us, making me duck. I looked over and Titan was getting shot at, not even phasing him one bit. I tossed him one of the guns as he locked and loaded the gun and started shooting. I took that as my cue to drive the boat, and get out of here as fast as we can.
All I heard was loud gun shots after gunshots as we made our way out of the swampy land. All I could think about was the president. Also know as my biological father.
Mr. President's POV
"Mr. President, you have a call." My assistant said as she walked into my office and handed me the phone, interrupting my paper work. I waved her off and waited for her to close the door so I could talk.
"Did you get him?" I asked Dave curiously.
"They got away sir, but Ash gave me message for you." Dave spoke with fright. I raised an eyebrow in worry.
"What is it?" I asked.
"He is coming for you."
I hung up the phone and threw it against the wall. I took a deep breath and looked out my window. I should have known my son would be harder to get. He is my son after all. I know he will not go down without a fight. If he wants a fight, I am going to give it to him. I turned around in my chair and picked up my office phone, dreading to call the person that I wish was mine.
"Steven, what are you doing calling me?" Her voice rang through my ears, making me close my eyes as I wished I heard her voice everyday when I woke up.
"It seems our son is not going down without a fight, Angela."
Authors Message: So........... Is Ash's mom in on this with the president? Ohhhhhhh the cliffhangers..... *Hides in closet from all the people throwing things at me*
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