Chapter 15 - Training
Authors Message: So I updated twice this week..... I feel accomplished ^-^ The video above is how I like Imagined what Titan wanted Ash to fight like..... This is the only one that I could possibly find that was good enough..... Sooooooo ENJOY ME LOVELY DUCKLINGS
Chapter Fifteen
Ash's POV
"Ash, wake up." I heard Titan shout at me rambunctiously.
I groaned and pulled the comforter over my head, ignoring his demand.
"Ash." He demanded in a stronger tone than usual.
"Shush, let me sleep for a little longer. It's early." I whined beneath the covers. Before I knew it, the covers flew from my body and I shivered from the instant coldness to my naked body.
I shot Titan viciously glares and huffed.
"Did you have to do that at...." I started to say and look at the clock. My eyes widen in complete shock. "FIVE A.M.?!" I screamed.
Titan just stood there like the robot he is, watching me intensively.
"I am going to train you so you will be able to fight and use weaponry." Titan informed me.
"Weapons? Like guns? Knifes?" I asked.
He nodded and gave me his evil smirk.
"And grenades." He said and walked out of the room.
My eyes widen in complete horror. I am definitely going to regret ever making that cure.
I sighed and got up, using the bathroom and slipping on some clothes to train in. Titan went out last night and bought some new clothes for us that will last us for a while. So I am happy he did that. But I was so scared when he left. I hid under the bed until he came back.
Maybe that is why he wants to train me because he caught me scared shitless.
I walked down stairs to the kitchen and spotted eggs, toast, and fruit lying on a plate.
"Do I really need to eat all that?" I asked, looking from the food and back at Titan whom is standing in front of the stove.
"Yes, your body needs protein." Titan informed me.
I just rolled my eyes and brushed off his seriousness and sat down. I began to eat the food, while Titan just eats a piece of Toast. Oh, if you don't know Titan doesn't need to eat anything. He just does when I do so I wouldn't feel awkward eating alone.
After I finished eating, we made our way in the yard close to the swamp.
"You are going to learn how to fight like a special ops and navy seal. As long as we stay here, we are going to be training everyday until I know you are good enough. You are also going to learn how to use weapons like an assassin. Just like me, understood?" He asked me.
I gulped and nodded.
"I didn't hear you." He said.
"Yes, understood." I responded.
He nodded and got in position.
"First thing first, know your targets weakness." He told me. I couldn't help but laugh at this.
"You don't have a weakness, Titan." I chuckled and shook my head.
Before I knew it I was slammed to the ground, Titan's fist gripping onto my shirt. He stared me into the eyes, smirking like he usually does when he knows he won.
"Also, never take your guard down." He told me.
"Now you tell me." I huffed dramatically as he helped me up to my feet.
"Show me what you got." He demanded and got back in his fighting position.
"I am not going to hit you." I said and crossed my arms.
Titan just rolled his eyes in annoyance and frustration.
"Yes you are. Nothing can hurt me so do it now." He demanded.
I sighed and nodded in response.
I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before reopening them and got in my position. I started to throw punches but Titan blocked every single one. I watched him carefully and then jumped up, kicking where he left his guard down. But of course, he knew that I was about to kick him and he grabbed my leg, tossing me to the ground, sending a huge oomph out of my mouth.
"You are not weak that is for sure but there is one thing. You don't hold your fist right. Never put your thumb under your fingers. You will breath your thumb in one wrong move." Titan informed me and helped me to my feet.
"How am I ever going to learn how to fight? I am useless in these type of situations, Titan." I explained.
Titan just shook his head and stepped forward where he was inches from my body.
"You are not useless. You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Do not hold back. Use anger and fight." He said and stepped back.
"You need to learn how to use your reflexes, like ducking when someone throws a punch at you." He told me and grabbed my hands, putting them over my face so I was in guard.
Next thing I knew he threw a punch and I jumped back instantly.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted with frustration and confusion.
He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Like I said, learn your reflexes." He told me again.
We continued to train for hours and hours until the late afternoon hit. Titan taught me a lot of things today. Like how to dodge punches, block hits, throwing a good punch and a couple other things then he made me sprint and go into the swamp to hold my breath. Talking about nasty ass water. I about barfed when I stepped inside of the water. That is not ok.
The last thing he taught me today, part of his 'training' is know your targets weakness. Meaning study. Titan told me everyone has a weakness, you just have to find it. Then I told him guys weakness is kicking them in the balls. But he just gave me the serious look he always sends me and continued to talk.
I hate when he acts all serious. It gets on my nerves to the extreme.
I stepped out of the shower, wrapping the towel around my waist and walking into the bedroom.
Titan looked over from staring out of the window and looked up and down my body, licking his lips as his shaft harden instantly and bulged out in his shorts.
Oh how I hate horny robots.
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