JessicaBFry - Joining Wattpad and Writing Competitions
Joining Wattpad was probably one of the best decisions I ever made for my writing career. Not only did it give me an incredible opportunity to share my stories and engage with other readers, but it brought me in contact with other wonderful writers. Wattpad has provided one of the friendliest and most engaging communities I ever participated in, and, even with its imperfections, it is among the best fiction networking platforms I've seen.
It's also given me the opportunity to give back to the writing community. I was able to start up several competitions to help other writers hone their skills. Some were specifically crafted for teens and younger writers while others were open to everyone. These competitions brought me in contact with both experienced writers as well as developing writers, and, while time consuming, they have been marvelous. I always learn a great deal myself in these competitions, and I have also had the honor of serving as a judge in several. Wattpad has a number of other great contests that they and others regularly host ranging from Harlequin's So You Think You Can Write to the regular science fiction writing challenges. It's also been a great central location to "meet" up with some of my online tutees and creative writing students. We have had so much fun writing stories and enjoying one another's works.
The community has made Wattpad an absolute delight, and one of my favorite aspects is the way that it allows writers to regularly challenge themselves. Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start or how to keep from stagnating. Coming up with biweekly fantasy and science fiction challenges as well as judging them has certainly kept me on my toes. And hosting the Breathtaking Speculative Fiction Contest always brings out some spectacular writers. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time on Wattpad, and I look forward to spending many more years learning, growing, and enjoying all that the community has to offer.
What are some of the contests you've entered here and how have they helped you grow?
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