𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚒 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚜 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 2⭐️
Hey umm it's been a while......so let me get this out of the way...I was sick and also I was focused on school and I wanted to update where I felt better and wasn't so stressed with school and also about the story I'm changing Tsuchigomori you know that spider dude into a brother figure to you and yako will be your sister figure mostly because I have something planned in the story so umm hope you enjoy this 4x longer chapter.
"Spirit world?" yashiro said questionablely
"They're called boundaries" hanako said
"When a living human wanders in, their whole existence will be arased" hanako said
"Hanako I have a question" I said
"Yeah y/n what is it" hanako asked
"Is there a way we could get people out of a boundary" I asked
[Insert sad yashiro]
"Don't look so down, it'll be okay... I'll save them. Didn't I tell you before, I'm seven of the seven wanders its my job to maintain order between humans and apparitions, although both you and y/n will be coming with me of course" hanako said playing with yashiro's face
"Hanako-kun" yashiro said in a sad voice
"There, there" hanako said
"HEY" kou yelled
"What is it, I was just getting to the good part" hanako said
"Get your cold ghost hands off of senpai's and l/n-san face!! your taking them to into the boundary!" kou said
"Well, yeah"
"I'll come to! I'll protect them both" kou said
"Kou I appreciate it but... I won't need help" I said
"Are you sure" he said
"Yes" I said
"I don't mind, but your not my assistant so I won't protect you at all" hanako said
"LIKE I'D WANT YOUR HELP" kou yelled
"Don't cry to me I you get shredded" hanako said
"Shredded...?" kou said
"URG THAT'S FINE BY ME" kou yelled
"Aoi we'll save you" I said
Y/n pov
[Insert creepy blood dripping sound]
"What's this...?" yashiro asked
"That's gross..." I said
"Aoi...."yashiro thought
"I'll protect you no matter what, Senpai" kou thought
"How did any of this even happen... Why did aoi even go on the fourth step" I asked myself
"Let's go then... Step on the fourth step, am I correct" hanako said
"WELL LET'S GO THEN---one" hanako said
"TWO!!!" hanako counted
"Three..." I said
-everyone got teleported to Japanese old like city-
"Wow, this place looks really good" I said
"It does look nice but... Where are we" Yashiro asked
"Well, Misaki Stairs... You sure are doing your own thing" hanako said
-you, Hanako, yashiro, and kou started to explore and look around-
"This is the spirit world, It really does look like a different world" yashiro thought
"This atmosphere is really different compared to the school..." I said
-you stand and look at a doll-
-the doll has the number two on it-
"Strange... Yet so different, and they all look the same but different numbers and colors..." I said
"Dolls....?!" yashiro said
"Hurry up, you three we don't have all day" hanako yelled from a distance
"OKAY!!!" I said
"WOAH" kou yelled getting jumpscared by a jack'n'abocks
"A puddle???" yashiro questionly said
-yashiro decided to touch the puddle-
"... Are you okay senpai...?" kou asked
"Oh no, I'm fine just got scared for a second" yashiro said
"Alright come on let's go hanako is just gonna keep rushing us if we don't" I said
-you all adventured higher up in the boundary-
"URG!!! hanako theres nothing up here, where's all the shredding you WERE talking about so long ago" kou complained
"Oh it won't happen just yet sorry, But aren't ending things to quickly are just a bit to boring... Isn't whitting away at someone a lot more fun then just ending it just like that??!" hanako said
"You're a real piece of work, aren't you" kou said
"This is really getting boring... Can't something fun happen, I expected better" I said
"Eesh" yashiro said
"Of course I am, As the leader of the seven school apparitions, We need more humans to know more about us" hanako said
"You don't act like a leader somtimes..." I said
"Ouch..." hanako said
"Can we continue with this maybe short adventure of ours" I said
"Alright let's continue" hanako said
-5 minutes later-
"Hmm, it's been 5 minutes of us being here, when is something interesting gonna happen" Kou said
"I don't know" yashiro said
[Insert phone ringing]
"I'll answer it" I said
"H-HUH s-senpai wait!!" kou said
-you picked up the phone to hear what the caller has to say-
"Hello, who's this?"
"I am... Misaki" she said
"The caller is Misaki, what do I say to her" I asked
"I don't know, I've never gotten a call from a actual wonder" kou said
"I taught students in the schoolhouse at the top of these stairs, But.... I was sliced and killed there, Right where you are standing now." She said
"Oh my..."
"Hey, are you still there...if so would you be so kind to find a body for me" she said
"W-wait! Is a friend of mi—"
"Right arm, first, my arm... I use this hand to write with chalk, Hurry class begins soon" She said
"So we don't get our friends back?" I asked
"Mm-nm" kou said shrugging his shoulders
"Ask her!" yashiro said
"I can't she hung up right after I asked my question..." I said
"Ohhhh" yashiro said defeated
"Huh" everyone said in unison
-a sand clock started-
"Tsk, so we've got a time limit" kou said
"Guess so... Which is mean..." I said
"Maybe we can go ahead if we put a arm in there" yashiro said
"Oh I didn't even notice that thing" I said
"Who knows??, I'm sure something will happen though" hanako said
"What will happen if the time goes out before we find it" I said
"Maybe that's where the shredding begins" hanako answered
"Okay..." I said
"Wh-Wha" yashiro said
"It's okay senpai! Let's ignore the prank call and continue with this" kou said
"Oh but I wouldn't advise it... Each of the seven wonder are practically unbeatable in their own territory, for me that's the bathroom!" hanako said
"So you would be able to fight better if you were in your bathroom... Is that what you saying, how did you end up having a bathroom as your boundary anyway, did the gods run out of space in this school for you or something that they would have to put you in a bathroom?" I thought while listening to hanako and kou argue
"Y/n?? Are you even listening to me or anything that I said" hanako said
"Yeah I heard everything that you said" I said
"Did you, then repeat what I said!"
"Okay...you said that...if you wanna leave the path and make her angry, you won't stop kou" I said
"Oh so you were listening... GREAT!" hanako said
"For now, let's just look for a right arm, just like what she told us, Going by her voice on the phone it should be a women's arm" yashiro said
"If you say so senpai" kou said
"Good idea... Looking for things can be surprisingly fun!! LOOK AT THIS BOY, I found treasure" hanako said pulling out a magazine of a women in a bathing suit
"Honestly I'll just look over here" yashiro said
"And I'll look on the opposite side" I said
"STAY STILL YOU—" kou said
"Hahaha" hanako laughed
"I can't with these two... I am a girl along side with yashiro, she probably also feel humiliated just as I do... Hanako's a weird ghost and he's also a ghost I would never think would exist, I mean Tsukasa doesn't act that way at all except he's more playful and scary especially his glare.... His glare give me the creeps... Hanako's a perverted, strong, trickster, playful kind of ghost... " I thought
"I've got to find an arm!! not think and compare Hanako to....... Tsukasa...... Now that I think about it" I thought
-3 minutes later-
"Guys did you find a arm yet" I asked
"I think yashiro's would work best for this one" I said
"RIGHT???!!!! We're looking for a woman's right arm!!!!! MINAMOTO-KUN YOU JUST GOT A ARM YOU LIKED THE LOOK OF AND HANAKO-KUN TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY WOULD YA" yashiro yelled
"Yashiro, I hate to say anything but doesn't something look different about you?" hanako said
"... Yashiro"
"Is it... I'm pretty sure I'm the same as usual" yashiro said striking a pose
"Hmm? Yashiro something is falling from your–ummm" I said
-ULTRA SIDED BRA UNLOCKED (for whoever wants it)-
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" yashiro screamed while throwing the bra
-Incorrect rambling-
"OH.... That was... Ummm.... You know...Its not what you think" yashiro stuttered
-hanako pat...pat...pat yashiro on the shoulder-
"You don't have to say anything... Anything at all" hanako said
-time has ran out-
[Y'all ready for a trash behind fighting schene.... BET😩😩😩😩😩]
"It's time... It's time...It's time" the dolls said in unison
"It's time for class" The dolls said
"Class...?" kou said in questioningly tone
"Look who's late for class" the dolls said
"GET DOWN" hanako said
-snip...some scissors came out of know where and Almost cut everyone in half
"Run...." I said
-everyone dipped real quick-
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" everyone said
"The one late for class is.... YOU" the dolls started to grab you and yashiro
"AH" you yelped
"AHHHHH" yashiro screamed
"YASHIRO!!!! Y/N!!!!" hanako screamed
"SENPAI, L/N-SAN" kou screamed
"I can't move....do something... DO SOMETHING YOU IDIOT ATLEAST DO SOMETHING TO SAVE YASHIRO" I thought to myself
-you did this except without moving-
"Y/N WHAT WAS THAT" yashiro said
-also yes hanako did save yashiro and you before the scissors got to you and her-
"Stand back...." hanako said
[Insert hanako fighting scissors]
"YOU DID IT" yashiro yelled
"It's not over yet"
"Not again!!!" yashiro said
"You don't have to tell me twice!!!!" kou said
"Wow, That's the stuff!!!!!" hanako said
"Now, we can go" hanako said
"okay great but... Y/n" yashiro said
"She'll tell us sooner or once we get out!!!" hanako said
"Okay" yashiro said
"RUNN" hanako said
Yashiro pov
"What y/n did was very cool......atleast I think it was... She run's so fast
Y/n pov
"BUT THE DOORS AREN'T OPENED" yashiro yelled
"QUICK OFFER AN ARM" hanako said
-y/n used her telekinesis to throw the buff arm in for fun-
"The scissors disappeared" I said showing a relieved smile face
"YES" kou said
"It opened!!" hanako said referring to the door
-everyone ran outside the door-
"We made through the door but... There are more stairs and more dolls" yashiro said
"I might ending up hating dolls after this" I said
"Me to..." kou said
"You like playing with dolls???" hanako asked
".... Are you sure you want to work for hanako... Senpai" kou said
"Maybe if we keep this nice energy up then going up the stairs would be less longer... And no one said we can't take breaks aswell, unless were still being timed" I said
"YEAH!!!" hanako said
"Hey what did we come here for again" hanako asked
"Oh yeah right everythings Been going on so keeping track on everything is hard" hanako said
"Speaking of aoi and two other people, we haven't found no sign of them yet" I said
"Don't worry well find them" hanako said
[Insert phone ringing]
"I'll get it again" I said
"NO... I'll get it!!" hanako said
"Hello!!!" hanako said
"My left arm, find my left arm for me... I pray before class every morning, I clap my left and right hands together, I pray for everyone to have another happy day...hurry before cla–"
"Hey there, number three... Long time no see! You remember me right?" hanako said
"Class will begin shortly..."
-hanako put the phone away-
"You have some type of relationship with her or something" I asked
"No no I was just saying hello!!" hanako said
"Yeah but, do you know her...?" yashiro asked
"Well, were both wonders of the school" hanako said
-the sand clock is starting-
"Oh hey we have another time limit" I said
"Another arm-hunt that's a real pain when will this be over...HANAKO do you know any other way??" kou complained
"Like what...?" hanako asked
"Like, does number 2 have a weakness or something! Anything to make this go faster" kou said
"She does" hanako said
"Huh??!" yashiro and kou said in unison
"She has a weakness, her yorishiro" hanako said
"Yori... Shiro?" yashiro said confused
"Yes! They're precious objects that give power to the seven Wonders" hanako especially
"Umm...?" (😞me in math class)
"Umm... Meaning" yashiro said
"Yay!! Yay!! Oh..." the mokke said disappointed at hanako for taking the toy
"Well, I guess it's like a battery? Breaking it will weaken the wonder, she wouldn't be able to maintain this boundary anymore" hanako said
"Yorishiro!" yashiro said proudly
"... Are we really gonna destroy her yorishiro and make her have her own place destroyed?" I said questioningly
"I guess so!...In the deepest part of this boundary" hanako said
"The deepest...?" yashiro said
(Theres'a lot of stairs going up but none going down)
"Like I said, the deepest part of this place, it's probably way past that door, at the very top of these stairs" hanako said
"So... That... Means" kou said
-you all look up, to see... So much stairs it looks like by the time you reach up there you'd be 100 years old-
"Ehhh" everyone sighed in unison
"OKAY LET'S GET TO CLIMBING" hanako said trying to brighten the mood
"READY. SET. GO" hanako said
"G-Go......." kou and yashiro said disappointed
"GO" I said
"L/n-senpai why are you so excited you have to climb to" kou said
"Oh because well um because why not" I said
"Sorry but come on! The faster we go the less time we'd take" I said
-5 minutes later-
And so we went on, finding the Misaki Stair's body parts, like she asked us to
"This is the last one" yashiro said
"This was a fun adventure... But we still haven't found what we MAINLY came here for... "I said
"Come to think of it, she wanted us to find her parts because she couldn't do anything... But then who was making those phone calls" Yashiro thought
-you all started to walk through the door and the door started to close once you all got inside-
"Hm" I said
"Okay!" I said
"Are those..."
"The parts we've been collecting" I said
"It's very ugly" hanako said
"I'm scared" yashiro said
"It's the most ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life not gonna lie" I said
"It's you're fault.. You sticking a weird leg on it boy!" hanako said
"The bust and legs on this thing are perfect but everything else" yashiro said
"Is a mess everything is a mess" I said
"You actually like this chest yashiro?" hanako said
"I see you've finally arrived"
"It's the voice from the phone" I said
"Oh she's beautiful" I said
"Hello? My My You are also a very beautiful girl" she said
"Are you Misaki-san, But where are you missing body parts" yashiro asked
"Oh those body parts weren't for me! They were for this....Thing" she said pointing to the body
-she dipped to the body thing-
"Oh... That... Y-You see, about that doll!" kou said
"I-I know what it looks like, but we actually tried" yashiro said
"I mean it's hard trying to look for good and matching body parts when there's a giant scissors chasing after you and trying to cut you in half" I said
"What..... A WONDERFUL DOLL" she said with a smile
"Huh! Y-You like it!!" I said completely shocked
"I was in quite a bind, you know!! I haven't the least idea, what a human body is made of!! I knew asking humans about humans was the right idea... I see, it's like nothing like any of the other bodies so far! I'm sure this one will work" the women said
"Umm are we talking about standing up because if so then that thing ain't about to be it" I said
"OH no I'm sure it will work right Misaki-san now try working for me"
"Wait if that things name Misaki then what your name" I asked
"Oh thats not important currently" she said
"AHHH" everyone screamed
"Yes!!" she said
-it fell to the ground and into the water-
"Another failure...what a shame" the women said
"Oh umm I'm sorry that, it was a failure like all the rest" I apologized
"U-Umm...have you seen any other kids here, they'd be wearing the same uniform as us!" yashiro said
"Other's? Oh, you mean the other kids that failed... If you're looking for them... They're all around you" she said
-there were a huge stack of bodies-
"Two... Looks like aoi...! But why is she here why did she step on the fourth step..."I thought
"WAKE UP AOI!!! AOI" yashiro cried out
"It's just a failure after failure...ah well... I've had enough, I'll do what the rumors say...and tear you apart" the beautiful women said
-before the scissors could touch yashiro kou protected her-
"ARE YOU ALRIGHT SENPAI!?!?" kou asked
"kou... Your arm" I said
-hanako pulled out his knife and defended everyone from the scissors-
"It looks like that thing turns humans into dolls when it cuts them" hanako said
-another picture of gif of magic that you used also you used fire and also you set the scissors on fire-
"Wow that looks very pretty" hanako said
"I can try and help as much as I can!" I said
"W-Wait but what will we do about the scissors thing she just spawned more!!!!! Can't you try using that cape and transform!!!!" kou yelled at hanako
"Oh yeah I can't exactly do that!" hanako said
"Because this is number 2's territory, I will need her permission to use my haku-joudai...but that can change if we can break her yorishiro...but the problem is, it looks like it's not in here." hanako said
"Then what do we do!" kou asked
"I'll start... With you" the women said referring to kou
"KOU" I yelled
-kou dodged number 2's attack-
"OKAY! just keep that up" hanako cheered
"WHAT" kou said
"It's okay kou I will help you" I said
"Hanako where are you going??" I asked him
"Oh to check on yashiro" he said
"Okay!! Just come back soon!" I said
"I WILL" hanako said
-3 minutes later-
"AHHHHH" yashiro screamed
"SENPAI...WOAH?!?" kou yelled
"sorry to keep you waiting boy..." hanako said saving kou
"Don't worry I took precaution so she should be fine... I think" hanako said
"YOU THINK" kou repeated
"It's okay I will check on her" I said
-you fell down where the rope was-
"L/N-SENPAI!!!!"kou said
-With you and yashiro...and mokke-
"Is she dead"
"She looks dead"
"Yashiro..?" I said
"Y/n I think she's dead"
"I don't think she is... Her heart is still beating" I said
"Hey. Hey. Hey!"
"You there?"
"I'm...not dead?" yashiro whispered
"No... You just look like it" I said
"She's alive"
"Oh okay bye mokke's" I said
"Hanako-kun pushed me off, and then..."
"And then you fell in water and survived because you turned into a fish and then you flopped out of the water and ended up here" I said
"Oh... So that how we ended up here"
-yashiro got up and looked around-
"It's bright. It's got a different atmosphere from the rest" yashiro said
"Yeah... Maybe the women wanted a more beautiful and different place from the rest to protect her yorishiro... Maybe I don't know" I said
"Could this be the deepest part" yashiro asked
"Most likely"
"Cone on we have to find that yorishiro fast—OH!!" yashiro said bumping into a table
"Are you okay yashiro! How did you not see that table" I said
"I don't know..." she said
-secret!!!don't look-
"Th-this it..." yashiro said
"Definitely suspicious..." I said
-by the way! It's a book-
"Let's read it" I said
"Okay!!" yashiro said
"Today, I scarred students it was fun" yashiro read
"Hmm and there's also teachers replies" I said
"Stop that, Misaki" yashiro read
"Ah misaki?!" I repeated
"Misaki cut my hair... I hate misaki... Today I took a "photo" with Misaki and the other kids" I read
"Is that Misaki-sensai?" yashiro asked
"Then you were right... The women up there wasn't Misaki..." I said
"H-Huh y/n how did you figure out I said that" yashiro said shocked
"... Because... I will tell you later let's focus on the yorishiro" I said
"Misaki gifted me a pair of hair cutting scissors! His handwriting is getting better he didn't give them to any of the other kids, only to me MISAKI LOVES ME I will treasure the scissors in the wayside shrine"
"Misaki come to teach me reading, writing and the abacus every single day! Thanks to him, I don't ever have time to scare people. I wish he would hurry up"
"HM this girl has a crush on her teacher, I've been there!!! I was the same way in kindergarten!! SCRATCH THAT! " yashiro said
"That sounds.... Interesting" I said
"Misaki didn't come today, There was nothing I could do, so I watched the road while making dolls all day"
"Hm? Her teacher didn't leave a comment on this one" yashiro said
"Maybe because the teacher wasn't here that day" I said
"Most likely" yashiro said
"Misaki didn't come today either"
"Maybe he's just sick or busy" I said
"Yeah!" yashiro said
"Misaki didn't come today either"
"Misaki didn't come today either
"Misaki didn't...come today either"
"Misaki didn't...come today either"
Misaki didn't...come today either"
"All the pages are filled with "misaki didn't come today either" I said
"Yeah that sentence is gonna give me a headache" yashiro said tiredly
"Hm wait this page is different!" I said
"I heard a rumour today, apparently, there was an accident on the stairs recently... They say that a teacher fell off the stairs and died..."
[Insert gasp]
"I wonder what "die"means, I'll ask misaki the next time I see him"
"Wh-What happens next..?" yashiro said
"What is this?!?!" yashiro said
"What happened... It all blank..." I said
"Wait!" I said
"Oh another page..." yashiro said
"Misaki may never come back here again...I decided I will just have to make a misaki"
"WHA!" yashiro yelled
"Hey maybe the women we just saw is the girl who made this book" I said
[Insert footsteps]
"What are you doing..."
"Y-You made, this book didn't you" yashiro said
"It's very well made" I complimented
"That's right and thank you" the women said
"YOU aren't Misaki" yashiro said
"Its Misaki's body I want to collect, using his name would save time, don't you think" she said
"S-So that... You could Misaki-san, you hurt aoi and the others!" yashiro yelled
"I did"
-if you can't see the picture then their dolls climbing onto yashiro's legs-
"I-I can't move my legs." yashiro thought
"Y-You Loved Misaki-san didn't you?!?" I asked panicing
"What you're doing wouldn't make misaki happy!!!!!" yashiro yelled
"Oh dear"
-the women kicked yashiro-
"YASHIRO" I yelled
"I already know that... Misaki treasured his students, if found out I was doing or done this he would be crossed with me... But that's fine, I want Misaki to scold me again"
-you did this-
"My what interesting magic, you have" the women said
"Thank you very much lady! Is it so interesting that you would leave yashiro alone!!!" I asked
"No sorry, because since I want him to scold me again...I'LL DO ANYTHING!" she said smiling
"HANAKO HELP" yashiro yelled
"Oh it's that cute red/pink thing again" I said
"All right, good work!"
"HOW DID YOU GET HERE" the women yelled
"HANAKO-KUN!!!" yashiro yelled
"Hanako-kun!?" I yelled
"Hey!" hanako said
-he fell to the ground-
"HANAKO-KUN, ARE YOU OKAY!?" yashiro yelled
"Hanako-kun! You look dead...." I said
"I might die..." hanako said jokingly
"WHAT?!" yashiro said
"WH—but your already dead..." I said
"Dear me! How touching! Did our little game earlier hit you that hard?" the women said
"I'm just kidding, I mean I'm already dead still, I'm in a fix." hanako said
"S-So what should we do" yashiro said
"Listen, if you can find her yorishiro, I can manage, did you find anything? There should be something here that's precious to number two" hanako said
"Something precious?"
"Maybe those precious scissors that she said she would treasure on the wayside shrine" I whispered
"We'll just have to break it right?" yashiro whispered
"It has a talisman on it, you'll have to peel it off, I'll deal with number two " hanako whispered
"O-okay!" yashiro said
"Understood" I said
"Sorry, but I won't give you time to chitchat..." the women said
"Come on yashiro let's go!" I said
"I'm sorry but that not an option... GO"
"Miss please calm down..." I said
"It's a little like seeing my past self!!!" yashiro said
-to cut things short yashiro jumped and landed in front of all the dolls-
"Yashiro! Are you okay" I asked
"Yeah!!! I'm fine!" yashiro said
-before the women could slice yashiro up hanako saved her-
"number two of the seven Wonders of the school, Misaki Stairs, you have abandoned your number." hanako said
-hanako stabbed her-
"I'll need to return your number" hanako said
"Yashiro! Yashiro!"
"Hanako-kun? Y/n?" yashiro said
"That's me!" Hanako said
"Hello yashiro!" I said
"We made it back?" yashiro said
"Where's minamoto-kun" she asked
"Umm.... He's gotton...cuter and more Fluffier than usual" I said
"Well, if you really are looking for him he's right here" hanako said showing a kou doll
"MINAMOTO-KUN?!?!" yashiro said
"The boy fought valiantly..." hanako said holding a tissue
"Kawaii♥︎..." I said
"Yeah he ended up so cute" yashiro said
"Oh yeah and y/n!" hanako said
"You never told me you had more than one power I thought you could only teleport!" hanako said
"y/n how much magic you CAN use?" hanako asked
"Umm... Will kou end up turning back" I asked
"Hey don't cha—" hanako was cut off
"And Aoi and the others to" I finished
"Urg...Of course, I'll get it taken care of" hanako said
"By her!" hanako said hanako said referring to the white fox
"Her?" yashiro repeated
"The misaki's stairs true form" hanako said
"A fox?"
"She's an inari statue. She moves though, come on number two? Where's your apology." hanako said
"Time to make kitsune udon." hanako threatened
"WOAH HOLD ON" yashiro said
"WooooW" I said
"What will happen to everyone who turned into dolls number two" I asked
"They'll all turn back come morning. I doubt they'll remember anything tho" she said
"Thank goodness" yashiro said
-misaki looked sad-
"Fox-san...here! J-Just so you know, I still haven't forgiven you for what you did!" yashiro said
"She was scared and she thought she would die..." I said
"YEAH" yashiro said
"But we also broke something you cared about and we turned you into a fox AND we intruded into your boundary and destroyed it" I said
"Yeah... We're sorry" yashiro apologized
-yashiro petted the fox-
"OW" yashiro said as misaki bited her
"I have no intention on being friends with you....only with y/n my new sister!!!" she said
"Wh-What when did y/n agree to that" yashiro said
"We been agreed to be each other's sister hmph!" she said
"Y/N!!!" yashiro screamed
"Sorry yashiro but she's not lying" I said
"Also, my name is yako next time you call me "fox-san" I'll bite your face off" yako said
"Bye yako!" I said
"Bye y/n!!" yako said
"Maybe kitsune udon was a better idea" yashiro said salty
"She's a very interesting school wonder not gonna lie... But I like the way she is" I said
"Y/n your lucky she's your sister" yashiro said
"Now now" hanako said
"The nerve of her..." yashiro said walking to a wall and hugging it
"YASHIRO?!" hanako said
"Are you okay" I asked
"Sorry! Once I relaxed, I was suddenly exhausted" yashiro said
"No kidding... Today was a adventure and a exhausting day I feel relaxed to" I said
"Stay like that, then" hanako said
"Huh? What?" yashiro said
"That's your reward, it's a charm to make you feel better" hanako said
"WHA!! WHAAAAAAA?!" yashiro screamed
"I will make a fire to keep warm for a minute" I said
"Huh ho—" hanako was cut off
"So warm" I said
This has to be the longest chapter I've made on ANY of my chapters or other chapters of my books... But I bet this is nothing compared to other people's stories I hope you enjoy this chapter♥︎♥︎
Word count: 5147
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