4 𝙾'𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙻𝚒𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚢⭐️
HEY EVERYBODY! I forgot to state this in my last chapter but thank you to Mira503_ch that yashiro's actual first name is Nene so... Maybe in the future I will give y/n permission to call her Nene.
"No kidding... Today was a adventure and a exhausting day I feel relaxed to" I said
"Stay like that, then" hanako said
"Huh? What?" yashiro said
"That's your reward, it's a charm to make you feel better" hanako said
"WHA!! WHAAAAAAA?!" yashiro screamed
"I will make a fire to keep warm for a minute" I said
"Huh ho—" hanako was cut off
"So warm" I said
-in the library-
"Hey yashiro, hey kou" I said
"Hey Y/n!" yashiro said
"Hey l/n-senpai!" kou said
"What are you two doing" I asked
"Oh were trying to find secrets about hanako-kun" kou said
"Oh?" I said
"Yeah" kou said
"I will join, I wanna know more about hanako-kun to" I said
"Oh y/n-san you really don't have to" yashiro said
"Oh no, I really want to" I said
"Oh! Okay" yashiro said
-10 minutes later-
"Sorry for dragging both of you along" yashiro apologized
"Aww how sweet of you kou" I said
"Plus, I'd like a look at his book anyway" kou said
"You want to find out his weaknesses" yashiro asked
"That's obvious" I said
"Really minamota-kun, you're still hung up on exorcising hanako-kun" yashiro asked
"Yeah, well..."
"Kou... There's no such thing as a good operation"
"I realized I don't know even know one thing about him, so I thought that it might not be right to exorcising him even if is a operation" kou said
"That's nice of you" I said
"So in that case all three of us want want to know more about hanako-kun" Yashiro said
"We're birds of a feather! So Let's give it our best shot!!" yashiro said
"Yeah!" I agreed
"Minamota-kun?" yashiro said questioningly
-A unique butterfly flew past-
"A butterfly?" yashiro said
"Why is there a butterfly in here" I said
"I don't know, Is the window open?" yashiro asked
"Not when I walked in it was" I said
"I don't see no open window" kou said
"Look a spider web" I said
-yashiro touched the web and it made smoke-
"SENPAI, L/N-SENPAI" kou yelled in worry
"Could this be the 4 O'clock library?" yashiro asked
"It most likely is... Its not everyday you see a door pop out of nowhere" I said
"... I'm gonna open the door" I said
"Okay...." yashiro said worried
-you, yashiro, and kou peeked out of the doorway-
"Wow...another boundary" I said
"This is border between this life and the next" kou said
"We've got to watch out" kou said
"It's awfully dark" yashiro said
"Should we be doing this without hanako" I asked
"Nah I think we'll me perfectly fine" kou said
"Alright then..." I said
"Here some light!" usagi said
"USAGI there you are I haven't seen you since a hot minute" I said
"Me neither!" usagi said
"And thank you for the light" yashiro said
"Your welcome!"
-yashiro grabbed the lantern-
"The white books are for living people, and black books are for dead people, or so I heard." yashiro said
"So hanako's book should be black" kou said
"But how will we know which book is hanako's even if it is black" I asked
"Then... Well... I don't know" yashiro said
"look the butterfly!" yashiro said
"Let's follow it! It might lead us to something, like last time" y/n said
-yashiro started running-
"I didn't expect her to run..." I said
"S-Senpai! Wait!" kou said
-you started to chase yashiro-
"Yashiro!" I said
"Look the butterfly landed on this book" yashiro said
"Oh? shine the light on it!" I said
"Okay" yashiro said
-Yashiro Nene-
"Is this... My book" yashiro said
"I mean it has your name on it... Climb the latter to get it, if you want to" I said
"Of course I want to!" yashiro said
-yashiro started to climb that latter-
"Then, everything I've done at school must be written in it" yashiro said grabbing her book
"Today, hanako-kun takes his hat off for the first time, Seeing a different side of him sets my heart racing I express how I felt at the time in a poem"
A glimpse of bare face even though your not my type.
So why, doushite Does my heart throbs to know more.
Of your mysterious... Kokoro?
-yashiro closed the book immediately-
"What's up" kou asked
"I-It looks like the rumors were true! This isn't hanako-kun's book, But I might learn something if I read the future part" yashiro said
"Yeah!!!" kou agreed
"Is there consequences for reading our future or is this for free?" I asked
"...okay let's read the interesting part" Yashiro said nervous
"Huh yeah l/n-senpai!?" kou said
"Are you planning on reading your future to while we're here?" I asked
"I don't know yet..." he said
"Alright" I said
"Are you?"
"Maybe..." I said
"Yashiro's been quiet for a while" I said
"Maybe she didn't find anything about hanako yet" kou said
"Wait a minute... Is the book turning red... IS THAT BLOOD"
"Yashiro are you okay up there!!!" I asked
"Yes!?" yashiro said
"More butterflies, but why?" I said
"The room it's turning green" kou said
"And it's getting dark" I said.
"w-what is that!!!" kou said
"I don't know?!" I said
"SENPAI!!! WATCH OUT" kou said
-kou saved yashiro before something could've happened to her-
"M-Me...?" yashiro said staring at the creepy version of herself
"Danm it! Bring it on" kou said
"Sorry l/n-senpai, but Not right now!" kou said
-kou pointed his staff at the monster and tried to use it-
"You still have that talisman on it" I said
"OH!!! I FORGOT DANM YOU HANAKO!!!!" kou yelled
"You called?"
"Huh" everyone said in unison
-hanako did a flip and sliced the ghost yashiro... I guess-
"Hey there, you three!!!!" hanako said
"Hanako-kun...you came to save us?!" yashiro said
-hanako stared at kou-
"What?" kou asked
"Nothing~" hanako said while hugging yashiro
"Hanako... You like yashiro?" I asked
"A-Ah of course not!!! she's only a very trustworthy friend of mine!" hanako said
"Okay" I said
"WHAT!!?" kou yelled
"HAHAHAHAHA" hanako laughed
"My ears..." I whispered to myself
"Hey... What do you think your doing"
"S-Sensei?! What are you doing here" yashiro asked
"I mean he is a teacher..." I said
"Oh, look what you've done to my precious books..." he said
Its really not that deep–(no one said this by the way)
-he killed it with one of his spider arm or legs-
"Oh... Our teacher is a spider..." I said
"Quit you're yapping, Danm it, this is why I hate kids" he said
-the spider grabbed you, yashiro, and kou-
"AH" everyone yelped
"Weeee" I said sarcastically
"This book turned red."
"Don't tell me you read, the future part? Well now..."
"HEY! could you put us down!!! Kou said
"Hi onii-chan (your brother figure)" I said with a slight smile
"Don't call me that..." he said
"Aww then onii-Tsuchigomori"
"No" he said
"Oh another butterfly" I said
-tsuchigomori ate the butterfly-
"Oh well" I said
"... What should I do with you" he said with a scary smile
"Number 5..." hanako said
"Don't tease them" hanako continued
"Hm...Yeah, Yeah I know, number seven-sama, I won't touch out boss's guest" tsuchigomori said dropping you, yashiro, and kou
"Ow" yashiro and kou said in unison
"Rude..." I said
"H-Hey hanako, what's going on" kou asked
"Oh, I forgot to introduce you" hanako said
"Wonder number five, the 4 O'clock library and it's manager Tsuchigomori" hanako said
"Also known as our science teacher" I said
"A teacher... As a wonder?" yashiro said
"I can't believe he's not human." kou said
"It pretty common, We apparitions can't exist if rumors about us die out, so it's important to spread your own rumor, some of your friends might not be human either" Tsuchigomori said
"Wait but, Isn't that dangerous" yashiro asked
"It's really not a big deal, Were here to make sure it's safe" hanako said
"Yako-san,what are you doing here" yashiro asked
"I was summoned by Number seven-sama" yako said
"So, basically we might scare humans, but we seven hero's work together to keep the peace in this school, I'm the leader" hanako said
"But there's only three of you" kou said
"And yako-san was attacking students until just recently." yashiro said
"They're talking about you, dumb fox" tsuchigomori said
"Shut up, gloomy spider, or I'll bite you" yako said
"Your not even working together" kou said
"Is this how it's like to have sibling" I asked myself
"Everything you said was not true at all" yashiro said
"Oh, you guys!" hanako said
"Work. Together." hanako said creepingly
"Yes sir..."
"I guess he really is the leader..." yashiro said
"So we keep peace at this school, but it looks like one of the seven of us is a traitor somehow they formed a bond with a human and they're spreading rumors about apparitions alterted to suit their needs, Number two is one of their victims" hanako said
"So is this school cursed or not?" I asked
"I won't be the one to answer that question... But for the most part... Yes, yes it is" hanako answered
"Numberless small-fry apparitions are one thing, but if they can change a rumour about a wonder..." tsuchigomori said
"Then the culprit must be a human who ties with a wonder." yako said
-y/n started to shake-
"Y/n are you okay? You seem to be shaking alot" yashiro said
"Yeah I'm fine... I'm just cold" I said
"So there is someone like me" yashiro said
"Yes!, but don't worry I have a plan... WELL TEMPORARILY GET RID OF ALL OF THE SEVEN WONDERS" hanako said
"... Hm"
"Destroy a wonders Yorkshire and loses their power, that way we don't have to worry about finding the traitor, or anyone going out of control" hanako said
"That just sounds reckless" I said
"Once the matters solved I'll just appoint them again" hanako said
"So... Tsuchigomori hand over your yorishiro" hanako said
"No... Or so I'd like to say. But I'm not fond of roughhousing" tsuchigomori said
"What a gentleman..." I said
"If you demand my yorishiro, I'll comply but only on one condition" tsuchigomori said
"What condition?" everyone said
"Tell me your personal secret" Tsuchigomori said
"WHAT?!?!" kou said
"Our s-secret!!??" yashiro yelle
"I'm an exquisitve apparition" tsuchigomori said
"What will you do if they don't tell you? Fight me?" hanako asked
"Of course not, I'll hand over my yorishiro but in revenge, I'll leak your embarrassing secrets all over the PA system" tsuchigomori said
"EEEEEEEEEE" yashiro and kou said in unison
"Do your best to entertain me... Brat's" Tsuchigomori said while doing a evil smile
"Y/N!!!" yashiro yelled
"What? Can't you take advantage of this to learn more about me and my secret" I said
"H-Here I come" yashiro said
"Okay..." I said
"Three points" Tsuchigomori said heartless
"That's just mean....and also does it have to be embarrassing or~~" I said
"I don't care, as long as it's interesting" Tsuchigomori said
"First, I know that much. Second, I don't care. Third...your lying" Tsuchigomori said
"I'm not-"
"Oh yeah? Don't you still keep that diary? And... There was a school assembly, everything else is pure delusion" Tsuchigomori said
"Nah that's the biggest oof out of all oof's today" I said
On fornem—
"You've been keeping an exchange diary of my brother, senpai?" kou asked
"NO!!!" yashiro screamed
[Insert yashiro dying and crying with embarrassing]
"WINNER" the mokke said while hold Tsuchigomori hand in the air
"Your nosy" I said
"Hm, how so" he said
"Because you want to hear everyone's personal secrets" I said
"Hm... Aw well" Tsuchigomori said
"NOW IT'S MY TURN" kou said
"Are you gonna talk about the time when I first met you..." I asked
"Huh...?" everyone said
"When I first met you on the third or second floor you were laughing like a maniac and everyone was whispering on how weird you were" I said
"L-Lets move on to the secret I was gonna say" kou said embarrassed
-everyone was kinda holding in their laughter-
"Yeah, Yeah go ahead"
"I... I'm...super scared of setsubun onii mask" kou said blushing madly and making little horns with his fingers
"Next" Tsuchigomori said
"Wow onii-chan thought that was so boring that he didn't even give you a score" I said
"YEAH WHAT GIVES" kou yelled
"That was my most embarrassing secret to..." yashiro said sulking in the corner
"Y/n your next" Tsuchigomori said
"Aww onii-chan if you really loved your little sister you wouldn't make her do this" I said
"Your right I wouldn't, tell me your secret" Tsuchigomori said annoyed
-you stuck up your middle finger him(jk you didn't actually we'll If you wanted to)
"Okay my secret is.... About my power... So when I was born, i was born with something kinds weird I was born with (hair color) hair and (eye color) eyes ... But one day when I was 2 my parents saw my eyes glowing and started to float at first they were panicking and started to follow me around to see where I would drop but instead I dropped slowly and fell asleep like nothing happened and when I grew up my parents started to notice that I was extremely powerful, and my parents started to train me to use it for the good my parents thought that I was a goddess I was beautiful, smart, and strong but I always told them it was just luck and of course my parents would be stubborn and not believe me when I said that... And that's when I discovered my powers" I said blushing madly
"Hmm 7 points" Tsuchigomori said
"... That's whack!" Kou said
"Hey hanako you tell a secret too!! he said everyone" kou said
"Me?" hanako said
"You want to know my secret tsuchigomori" Hanako asked grinning
"Nah, I guess I don't, I know enough already" Tsuchigomori said
"Hear that, That's how it is, so I pass" hanako said
-yashiro and kou grabbed hanako-
"That's not fair!" yashiro said
"Yeah, no fair, hanako!" kou agreed
"I don't care" I said
"Do you three really wanna know me that badly?" hanako asked
"We do!!!!" yashiro and kou said in unison
"Well, umm... Just one, okay" Hanako said
"I-I like-"
"Eh" yashiro said
"I likes donuts..." hanako said
"Donuts!!! He said donuts!!" Yashiro said
"How about it!!!" kou said
"Are you two stupid!!" Tsuchigomori said
-yashiro and kou was patting hanako on the back and praising him-
"What's your favorite kind" I asked
"Regular..." hanako said
"Plain?" yashiro said
"Where from" kou asked
"Homemade..." hanako said
"Aww kawaii" I said
"YOU CAN MAKE DONUTS?!?!" yashiro and kou said shocked
-while hanako, yashiro, and kou was having a conversation about donuts you went over to Tsuchigomori and yako-
"Onii-chan..." I said
"Don't call me onii-chan" Tsuchigomori said
"Hehe" I said
"What do you want" he asked
"Why don't you smile much...? Whenever you do smile its mostly creepy" I said
"Is that all?" he said
"Mm-hm" I hummed
"... Its none of your business" he said
"Okay" I said
"Hm" I hummed
"Go hangout with your friends..." Tsuchigomori said
"Okay onii-chan" I said
-here is your smile towards him-
"Y/n! Don't you think home made donuts are delicious!" yashiro said
"Yes they're very good! They might be one of my favorite deserts" I said
"C'mon you must have something better then that! I like chocolate" kou said
"Okay brats, times up" Tsuchigomori said
"P-please anything but the PA system!" yashiro said
"I won't do that... That was basically a joke, besides I got to see something interesting" He said
"I'll lead you to my Yorishiro, But the only one I'll let go beyond this point is the priestess who will destroy the yorishiro" Tsuchigomori said
"Priestess?" yashiro said
"He means my assistant!" hanako said smiling
"Not a chance! Spider guy leaving senpai alone is to dangerous! I won't-!" kou wa cut off
-Tsuchigomori used his arm/leg/tentacle thing grabbed kou by the mouth to shut him up-
"What do you say number seven-sama, don't you trust me" Tsuchigomori asked
"Okay take good care of my assistant.......Tsuchigomori-sensei." hanako said
-the door closed-
"So... Um... What know" I said
"How about you tell us more about you power?" hanako said
"No" I said
"Awww why?" hanako said
"Because, I don't know... Just because I guess..." I said
"L/n-senpai are you... Shy?" kou asked
-Your face-
"Y/n you can show more emotion!" hanako said shocked
"L/n-senpai do you have a favorite dessert" kou asked
"I like (favorite dessert)" I said
"Oh well my favorite dessert is sweet potato jelly!!!" kou said showing a wide smile
"Hehe I might bring you two some donuts and potato jelly tomorrow then!" I said smiling
"Really!!!" kou and hanako said at the same time
"Mm-hm♡ you two are so nice and you two try to protect me and yashiro" I said
"Yeah!" hanako said
"I'm gonna go use the bathroom! Wait for me!" kou said
-kou left to use the bathroom-
"Hey hanako"
"Yeah" hanako said
"Have you ever wanted to go to space" I asked
"YEAH!! I love space and astronomy!" hanako said
"Heh... I do to, I have ever since I was in pre-k" I said
"There's so many places you can go to in space! Don't you agree" hanako said
"Hanako..." I said
"If I ever disappeared... Would anyone notice" I asked
"Of course your very popular right!? I bet you everyone would be worried of you on the first day of you being missing!" hanako said
"Hm I guess your right... Your a great friend hanako" I said
"Y/n are you okay...?" hanako asked
"I-I...yeah...of course I am" I said
"...are you sure?" hanako asked
"Yeah!" I said
"...okay..." hanako said
-kou came back-
"I'M BACK!" kou said
"A-Ah hey kou!" I said
"What happened while I was gone" kou asked
"Oh nothing"
-sometime later Tsuchigomori came out of the deepest part of his boundary carrying yashiro he told everyone he will be taking her to the nurse and have a chat with her-
"Okay Tsuchigomori-sensei" I said
-everyone headed to the nurse-
"Everyone wait out here while I talk to her" Tsuchigomori said
"Okay!" I said
-10 minutes later-
"Okay you guys can go in there and talk to her now" Tsuchigomori said
"YAY HAHA" hanako said running inside
"HANAKO YOU DANM IDIOT" kou said running inside to
"Tsuchigomori-sensei" I said
"You can call me onii-chan I don't care anymore" he said
"HEHE" I laughed hugging Tsuchigomori
"Go see your friend Imouto" he said
"Okay onii-chan" I said running inside
"YASHIRO!!! Sorry I'm late I was talking to onii-chan" I said
"Oh it's okay y/n" yashiro said
"I'm happy your awake" I said looking away
"Y/n are you okay" yashiro asked
"I'm fine!" I said fake smiling
"Y/n...." yashiro said
"I'll be okay I promise♡ I'm just not feeling well, but I'm okay" I said
-your face toward kou, hanako, and yashiro-
"I'm fine... I promise" I said crossing my fingers
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