Straight Outta Compton
"Is he ever gonna wake up?" Tim opened his eyes and saw an 11 year old girl standing over him. She had brown hair and brown eyes, and wore a black hoodie. "I knew the story was true!" She yelled. "All o' y'all owe me what you bet!" He sat up looked around the room. "You okay brownie?" She asked. "You lookin' a little confused." He saw the money being placed in her hand. "Now remember Hoodie," The bar tender said. "You ain't the only one who owns the place." She stuck out her tongue and noticed Tim's shoes. "Like your Chuck's." Tim looked at his shoes and saw they were different. Red Converse high tops. "What happened to me?" Tim asked. "Found you in the alley." She said. "Swifty, you owe me double of what you bet!" The kid looked up, stuck up the finger and said, "F**k you. You always win bets." "You wanna triple it?" "Fine." He placed the money in her hand and she shoved it in her hoodie pocket. "I am da best!" She yelled. "So uh. What's your name squirt?" "Tim." He said. "So how did I end up in the alley?" "Oh," She said. "You were an idiot and was trying to beat someone way bigger than you. Then you just knocked out after he swung at you hard." Tim looked confused. "I don't remember fighting anyone." He said. "You were pretty good, for a rookie." The bartender placed a drink in front of the girl. "Thanks chief." She took a drink and saw Tim sitting in the chair next to her in his human form. "You ain't gettin' enough sleep lately or what?" It was true. Tim had really dark bags under his eye that were clear as day on his face. I do feel tired for some reason, he thought. "You came from London like Hoodie here. Right?" Tim nodded but Hoodie had something to say. "Thought you said I came from West Philadelphia?" Her sleeve rolled down revealing a huge burn that no one payed attention to, except for Tim. He grabbed her wrist and the bartender saw the same burn. "The hell happened to your arm Lorali!?"
Lorali's P.O.V.
Maybe it was the dream I had last night? I don't know. I heard the front door open so I quickly pulled my sleeve down. So no one else would see it. It was some guy lookin' like he's 20. Brownie had a look on his face when he saw him so I knew he knew this guy. "Who's that?" I asked. "Barry?" He said. "That's impossible." He looked at the floor then quickly put both of his legs on the chair. "Rats." "What?" I looked down and saw a bare floor. "Bruh, you must be hallucinating. There's nothing there." He blinked and looked up. "I saw them." He whispered. Poor kid. "Well what do ya know." He stared directly at Tim. "It's little Timothy who couldn't save his wittle friend from being killed by a little boy." Tim gave him the finger and said, "F**k off Barry I don't wanna deal with your sh*t today." "Someone woke up on the wrong side of th-" Tim pounced on him and yelled, "I am restless because of this demon that is living inside of mind! Do I look like I'm okay, to you!?" He sounded like he was a psycho killer that had no clue what he was doing. "Get yo happy ass off o' me." He kicked Tim off of him and then he was thrown at one of the tables. I've had enough of this punk. "Get yo punk ass outta my bar!" He looked at me like I was crazy, while everybody else hid. "Who put you in charge kid? Yo mamma!?" Okay, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has the right to be makin' fun of my momma like that. "Boy! You don't wanna know who you messin' with!" "You a scaredy cat, wittle girl?" THAT'S IT! "GET OVER HERE!"
Tim's P.O.V.
I woke up to yelling and screaming in the room. That's when I heard Barry yelling and ran out the door. "Lorali?" She looked over at me and helped me up. "Don't be callin' me that in the hood, got it?" I nodded. I looked down and saw some gold thing around her leg. "You like my gold leg?" I looked back up at at her. "It looks cool." Døń't førgęt âbøūt mę. No not her. "Your lucky my friend." She smiled. "Tonight's game night!" "Yep!" A guy yelled. "Every night she picks the first game and it's the same every game night!" I looked at him weird. "What game?" I looked over at Lorali. "Hide-n-seek!" Ain't she a little to old for that? "It's been her tradition for 6 full years," The guy ,she called Swifty, said. "Never been changed." Lorali stepped on one of the tables and yelled, "Since I'm feelin' like it, ya'll got 20 seconds to hide! Starting," Everyone got up. I heard some people go, "Oh boy, here we go." "NOW!"
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