3rd person P.O.V.
As the pain in Timothy's arm started to fade away, it remided him of the scar on his back. I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry Tina. I'm very sorry. He looked up but looked back down biting down on his lip as the cut stinged like hell. "Done." Timothy saw how Christopher put his hair over his right eye and saw the bandage around his arm. It's also not my fault I was made with one leg shorter than the other he thought. "Pretty girly action, huh?" Kind of mother's teaching but it helps. "Maybe," he replied. "1642 people were just the same in Czechoslovakia. My creator, Milada, would do that all the time I hurt my self like this. Minor cuts I would take care of my self. One day I found out one leg was shorter than the other and I asked her. She told me she got distracted by someone playing and gotten hurt like I did just now, that one of the reasons why she was concerned about my safety. *cough*." "Are you okay?" "Chocked *cough cough* on *cough* spit." "Well I cannot hide you here. How 'bout you come to the school tomorrow?" When Timothy heard that it clicked. He remembered he wanted to ask him about it when he walked through those doors. He probably saw me on the windowsill he thought. "Okay." Timothy replied, clearing his throat. Christopher and Timothy both saw the clock as it spun out of control. "Again?" He asked frustratedly. He got himself up and brought the uncontrollable clock to his desk and got to work. Timothy sat on the bed next to the desk and watched him work. He hovered his finger over the clock parts in the back of the clock. "There it is." The man who used to work here was great at his work, he thought. He must have gotten his talent from his father. Christopher pulled out his tools and put the pieces in place. Timothy was just as surprised about how Christopher put the clock together in a matter of seconds as he had knocked Matthew out. "That was fast." Timothy said in shock.
Timothy's P.O.V.
I'm impressed on how he got that done in just 2 minutes. How does he do it? I think it's a good thing he inherited that from his dad. *Few hours later* I fall asleep on his bed curled up by the wall. Just talking to him reminds me of Milada and Tina. I wake up and I see Milada right in front of me with Tina on her shoulder. I'm in my box form and...I.....I. Timothy woke up. Milada? Tina slid of of her shoulder and on the bed next to me. Don't cry Timothy. How could I not. They both are the people I care about deeply.
Christopher's P.O.V.
I wake up and I see Timothy crying in his sleep. It was an hour before school opens so I did't have to worry about waking him up. Timothy woke up on his own rubbing his eyes looking embarrassed. "I miss them." he whispered. I was a little confused until I remembered him whispering Milada and Tina while he was sleeping. I was crying myself for some apparent reason. I felt bad for him. I know how he feels. My father had to go get food for us but never came back. "It's okay." Even though he was a lot more adorable as a box, he still went through a lot worse than I did. "We have to get ready." We both got up off the bed and got our selves ready. 30 minutes before school started and usually 20 minutes before school started was the 'Early Morning Fights'. I lied to Timothy and said, "We're going to be late!"
Timothy's P.O.V.
I didn't get a chance to see a clock which there were several downstairs. In about 10 minutes we were at the the main grounds of the school. Travis came up to us and told us the news. Matt wanted a rematch with Christopher this morning and I want to know why I was lied to. But I kept my mouth shut. "Who's this?" He asked. "This is Timothy." "Well welcome newcomer. I'm-" "Travis?" Well someone has to know his name. He looks just like a Travis. "How'd you? HUH!?" "Christopher told me all about you on our way here." "Hey shorty!" Matthew came over and kicked Travis down before he could turn around. "You better back off punk!" Well I was an idiot and tried to be tough, but he was Christopher's friend I couldn't run away from this. "Go screw yourself." Just like that he punched my nose so hard I started bleeding. That didn't stop me from helping him out. I drop kicked him to the ground hard. That's when I jumped on that punk and it was my turn to hit. He grabbed my arm but just as he did I grabbed his and twisted it backwards. "Mess with them again and see what happens." I told him. "Are you going to mess with them again? Are you!?" "NO! No! Just stop." I let go of his arm and got off of him. Matt started to run like he'd seen a monster. "You okay?" He just smiled and nodded. Why does he go after him anyways? So after all that Travis claimed to be the fastest runner around here. "Oh really?" "Uh-huh." "Prove it." All three us raced from the entrance to the stairwell and back. Travis almost won but I gained speed ran way farther ahead than both of them. "No fair." "I didn't touch you, now did I?" "But-" "Did I?" "No." He was trying to be mad but I saw a small smirk with it so I know he wasn't mad at me. Honestly when I would sit on the windowsill I would try to read the teacher's lips to see what they were learning. I thought school was great. I was probably the only one in class who was all ears and paying attention. Maybe just a little to much because when the bell rang I nearly yelped.
Christopher's P.O.V.
It was a little funny when Timothy jumped when the bell rang. But then Travis was the one that yelped in the classroom. When the bell rang we all ran out for the 'Afternoon Friday Championships'. The previous winners of the whole week during their fights get to compete to win our usual junkyard prizes. Sometimes I'm satisfied due to the fact that I love my hobby. Matt's little friend Jonathan would pick who goes against who and there was no questions asked. Jonathan announces who we were up against and I was waiting for him to say Me and Matt but, "Christopher Kingsley and Timothy Box are up first."
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