Let's play a game
Tim's P.O.V.
I managed to get past the crowd and ran out the back into the alley. I ran to try to find a place to hide. I found a space in between two buildings with some garbage dumpsters along the walls of the buildings. I felt someone grab me and pull me towards someone else. I felt more than two hands pull me towards the wall. I think I know who it was that grabbed me. "You quit moving and this'll be way easier." "Way easier, Tim." Who are these guys? "Great job, Zach, Ontarious." Not them! "Wittle hoodie is already done finding them right now," You serious? "So uh, let's make this quick." He held out a metal rod that was heated to where you can't touch the rod with your bare hands. "Mmm mm!" I tried to get out of their grip but there was no escaping them. At the end of the rod was what looked like the top of a cookie cutter. A circle with an X inside of it. I had a feeling I knew what he was up to.
Lorali's P.O.V.
Usually I find the rookies before everybody else. I'm really surprised that I haven't found Brownie yet. He probably snuck out the back which no one really does after the first 3 years of this game. "Yo Brownie! Where you be!?" "HMMMM MMM!!" The hell! Where is he? I heard a clink! come from the alley. "The next time wittle hoodie comes and beats me up I'm a show you how I feel!" I found a space in between the two buildings with the dumpsters. Little guy was on the floor all beat up and a burn on his cheek exactly like mine on my arm. His hands were tied behind his back and...was he crying? "Why.....do you......do this...to....me?" Yep. He was. Tim got pulled by his hair and shoved into one of the dumpsters. "Because I feel like it." Poor kid. "So I see you doin' okay b**ch." He turned around and saw me. Crap, she saw me, he thought. "Thought I told ya to get." I'm tellin' him. "Well? Go on get!" Him and his crew ran off while I went in to help out Little Rookie. "Help." "Hey I got ya." I helped him out of the thing and untied him. "I have two living nightmares in my life." I tilted my head sideways. "I.....I wan-" "I know you want your freedom. I have a demon too." He looked at me like I was crazy. "How crazy is yours L- Hoodie?" I swear this is the only person I'm gonna tell this to. "You ever heard of 'The Ritual'?" He looked even crazier! "You serious!?" "The one and only, Sachiko around." "Did you? WHAT!?" Yep he's crazy. "Some idiots performed the ritual incorrectly and somehow I joined them in the journey to the school she died in. I was the only who got out alive, but somehow after that I lost all of my memories of my family. Crazy huh?" He was scared. "Ya know she's right next to me, right?" Brownie could barely speak. "I-I-I c-can see th-tha-that." I saw a girl in shackles stand right next to rookie. "She's only a spirit who annoys you to kill yourself." I think this will make him scream. "400." He stared at me. "What....d-did you...say?" This is ticking him off. "My lucky number, 400." "Say it again!I dare you." Watch this. "400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400!" "STOP IT!" She's really starting to tick me off, one thing I can do is read minds. That's how I'm so good at this game. "Oh, am I?" He gave me a face and stuck out his tongue. The last thing I need is another spirit haunting me for the rest of my life. "So," I started. "You wanna go inside? We've been out here pretty long." "Ok." We headed back towards the bar. When I opened the door the gang was counting down. "3, 2, 1!" "Right on time." These guys were placing bets without me. That's so not fair. I kept hearing some creaking noise upstairs. "You hear that?" He looked around and nodded, "Yeah." I went upstairs while rookie stayed behind. What I saw was unforgettable.
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