The whispered saying was like an incantation for flight as the three whisked into the sky once again. It was a short trip over a sea of flashing lights and bustling people until Tinkerbell saw her first glimpse of substantial green in the center of it all. They landed softly on the green grass near an outcropping of rocks. Peter Pan pointed to a small area of swings surrounded by benches insinuating that it was the abduction point of the young boy.
As Peter Pan walked toward the swings, with Tinkerbell on his shoulder and the darker boy at his side, something caused him to stop abruptly. Tinkerbell looked over his shoulder and saw many humans running around the area. Each one carried a light in their hands and screamed the same word over and over. "Matthew!" They were all saying. Peter Pan slowly started to back away from the crowded area. Unsure of what was happening, Tinkerbell flew to face him.
"What's wrong?" She asked with her gestures.
"I don't want to get in trouble." Was all Peter Pan said. The look of fear on his face was so evident that it shocked Tinkerbell.
"They're obviously looking for him." Tinkerbell gestured to to the small boy. "If we return him to his family it will all be ok."
" You don't know how things work around here. Boys like me get punished by being taken to the orphanage or to kid jail. Both places are equally bad. I don't want to get punished." He kept saying it; that he didn't want to be punished. His voice wavered with fear as he spoke. Tinkerbell didn't know anything bout orphanages or jails but she knew of fearing punishment. Nightmares of facing Solverfin still haunted her sleep every now and then.
With an equally potent fear of retribution present in her own heart, Tinkerbell couldn't force Peter Pan to get any closer to the group of adults. Instead, she did something that she wasn't quite proud of.
"Do you see your mother?" Tinkerbell yelled loud enough for the child to hear.
"Mama." The boy said but he made no movements toward the adults.
"Look at me! Follow the shiny lady!" Tinkerbell screamed as she flew in front of the child's face. The boy stretched his hands to try and grab Tinkerbell but she dodged him and headed toward the adults. He followed in a slow waddle behind her. As she flew in impressive spirals and circles, she reached the area where the adults were searching. Finally, the boy caught up to her and an adult spotted him.
"He's here!" A tall man yelled. A dark skin woman came running as fast as she could.
"Mama!" The boy screamed. For the first time since Tinkerbell met him, he smiled. She flew off before anyone got close enough to see her.
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