The Typical Story Starts
Pitter patter of small feet could be heard across the countertop. Every few seconds it would pause, the figure would look around, then take off at full speed. It stopped running after coming right up to a discarded match on the ground. This was a rarity that no regular borrower would ever find, but that's what you get when you live in a house with two younger adults with many guests over. It seemed like every Saturday night a treasure trove was always left behind, from discarded or spilled food to random rare finds like his sturdy rope he now always had wrapped across his body, or the needle he used as a weapon. There was even one night when he came across a battery the humans thought was dead when all it needed was shaken a few times. The young teen had a flashlight for a whole month from that night.
Tonight he was inspecting the match as if it was the most prized possession in the world like a human was looking at gold. This was a find of a lifetime. The thirteen-year-old was mesmerized with the red end of the match trying to make sure it was all intact when movement caught the corner of his eye.
Standing straight up, he allowed the match to fall to the ground. He was sure like one hundred percent both humans were in bed. Nothing should have woken them up since both drank on Saturdays and the alcoholic drinks knocked them out as soon as their heads hit the pillow.
Across the room, a shadow danced starting from the living room going straight upstairs. The teen's head tilted in anticipation and curiosity. What was that? He didn't see a human form move, he didn't hear anyone's footsteps, and both humans were already upstairs so how were their shadows traversing the house? Deep down, way deep down, his nerves were telling him to run. The exact same place where one feels they should step away from a ledge because they are super high up and jumping is a possibility is the exact same place where his body told his legs to run, but that dreaded night he didn't listen to those instincts. He knew right then and there he should have run and never looked back, but the curiosity of the world overpowered it.
He watched as the shadow slithered up the wall, to the stairs, then continue out of eyesight. It was like it was living, but no breath was coming forth. Running to the very edge of the counter he waited in anticipation. Something had to come out of this. Something. Pacing back and forth the teen couldn't help but wonder what to do from there. Picking up the materials from the ground, Rodger dropped and proceeded to walk away until the shadow perked his interest once more.
It traveled back down the hallway slithering like a snake, stopped, then approached Rodger at a weird pace. He stumbled back dropping all of his items causing them to go everywhere. The only thing he could think of doing was running behind a toaster like a typical borrower does.
The black mass started to form right in the room. A hand, head, and purple eyes formed to show a figure of unimaginable likeness. It looked human. What was going on? The form developed hands, legs, and a scythe in its or should he say her hands. The girl moved the scythe to her side as two figures appeared in her hand.
Rodger peered out from the toaster watching in horror. In her hand, two borrowers struggled for freedom. They fought in her hand and the girl didn't even care. She treated them like two rats allowing them to scramble in her hand as she reached for something. On the table, a jar appeared out of nowhere. "Alright. In you go." She carelessly dropped the two borrowers as they tried to scramble away. He watched with wide eyes as they coward together. The male tried pounding on the glass to try and break it, but the girl simply poked at the jar causing him to fall to the ground. The human had such a sinister smile on her face, he couldn't take it anymore. Rodger took a few breaths in before forcing his legs to move.
As his back left the metallic surface a soft echo verberated around the room that was caused by a hard surface leaving a metal one. A shiver went up his spine praying the human didn't hear the smallest of sound just from him moving.
No movement, no breath, nothing was heard on the other side of the toaster, so the borrower took one more step. As soon as his foot took that second to continue walking the toaster moved to reveal the girl in full view. Purple eyes from a seventeen-year-old glared down at him as his thirteen-year-old self tried to control his nerves and breath. Without hesitation, the girl grabbed the borrower bringing him up, about causing him to drop his rope and needle.
"Let go!" he struggled inside of the girl's grasp trying to avoid the same fate as the other two. She completely ignored him as she made another jar and placed him inside. Running to the edge a few times he tried to cause the jar to tip over or shatter, all this accomplished was a sore shoulder and a red spot that wouldn't disappear for a few hours on his skin. Taking a few deep breaths he prepared to keep fighting, but then the other two borrowers caught his eye. They looked so familiar, but couldn't put his finger on it.
The male was holding the female in his arms making it obvious that they were a couple, but the female wouldn't stop staring at Rodger. It wasn't a stare of recognition it was one of curiosity and wonder. It was like she has never seen another borrower before. Looking the female up and down Rodger noticed she was wearing clothes. Like he wore clothes too, but they were hand made. She was wearing actual clothes. Human clothes that weren't patched up or sewn together by a thread that was as thick as his arm. It was real clothing. Peering closer the male had on a ring and a watch.
They were human.
Quickly Rodger ran to the side of the glass that faced the giant teenager who was just full of curiosity. "What are you going to do with me?" he asked in fear but tried his best to control his shaking.
"I don't know yet."
I know it's short but didn't want to add too much more to make it super long. There will be a part two don't worry. We meet Xandra but we haven't met the most important one. Razz!!!
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