The Time Lords Best Friend
The Stone watched in amusement as she leaned against the console of the TARDIS while the Doctor explained an adventure they had with Amy to Rory while the man was a roman and also dead. "And then we discovered it wasn't the Robot King after all, it was the real one." The Doctor explained, waving his hands around in the process. "Fortunately, the Stone and I were able to re-attach the head." The Doctor grinned nodding his head over to his wife who fondly smiled at her husband.
"Do you believe any of this stuff?" Rory asked Amy while sitting in the jump seat. Amy walked down the stairs towards the console.
"I was there." She replied with a slightly smug grin on her face.
"Oh, it's the warning lights." The Doctor grumbled noticing the flashing lights out of the corner of his eyes. He lightly tapped a blinking light on the console. "Stone, I'm getting rid of those!" He exclaimed to the Time Lady on the opposite side of the console. "They never stop."
"Sweetheart they're warning lights." She gave him a pointed look after poking her head past the time rotor to look at him. "They're there for a reason."
"Yes but they are annoying." He pouted. "And they are always on."
"That's probably because you always refuse to find out what is wrong." The Stone shook her head at him.
"And you don't?" He frowned.
"In a matter of fact yes. I do happen to check." She nodded moving around the console and twisting a dial. The blinking lights then went out.
"How-" the Doctor stared at her in disbelief as if she just told him that she threw out all the packets of fish fingers and tins of custard.
"I actually managed to read that in the manual before someone threw it out."
"And now you're showing off!" He exclaimed waving his arms around like a child who was getting told of.
"I am not showing off." She playfully stuck her tongue out at him, something the Time Lord returned.
The two Time Lords stopped as a rhythmic tapping was heard on the door leading to the exterior of the TARDIS. The Doctor and the Stone both looked at the door and then each other as Amy and Rory looked over at them.
"What was that?" Amy questioned not sure if it was the Time Lords doing.
"The door." The Doctor frowned staring at it. "It knocked."
"Right." Rory slowly nodded walking up and leaning on one of the railings. "We are in deep space."
"Correct." The Stone slowly nodded glancing at the scanner to check that they somehow hadn't moved without realising. "Very, very deep space."
The Doctor and the Stone slowly walked towards the door. "And somebody's knocking." They shared a glance before opening the doors. The Stone gasped, eyes wide when she saw what was awaiting them outside the TARDIS. The Doctor grinned going to reach out for the box. Oh, come here." He cooed as the Stone lightly laughed more in joy than at her husband. "Come here, you scrumptious little beauty."
Completely ignoring him the small white box whizzed past the Doctor, making the Stone duck while she couldn't help laughing. The box flew around the console as Amy cried out ducking so she wouldn't get hit. Soon enough the box flew towards the Time Lords who both laughed. The Stone easily ducked down, dodging the box while the Doctor failed to do so being knocked down as the box made a strong impact with his chest.
"A box?" Rory frowned. The Doctor not even fazed jumped right up, the box in his hands as he joyfully ran to the Stone holding the box as they both stared with grins on their faces.
"Doctor, what is it?"
"We've got mail." The Doctor jumped up the stairs with the Time Lady, the two of them racing around the console.
"It's not just 'a box' Rory." The Stone corrected gently taking the box from the Doctors hands. "This is a Time Lord emergency messaging system." She explained briefly showing them the box before she tossed it back to the Doctor.
"In an emergency, we'd wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space." He giddily grinned running around the console, grabbed the Stones hand before twirling her around the pair of them laughing. "Anyway," he finished twirling her running over to Amy and Rory again. "There's a living Time Lord still out there, and it's one of the good ones."
"You said there weren't any other Time Lords left." Rory frowned.
"There are no Time Lords left anywhere in the universe." The Stone nodded.
"But the universe isn't where we're going."
"Exactly." The Stone grinned.
"See the Ourobouros, that sign of the snake?" The Doctor pointed at the snake that looked like it was eating its tail.
"That is the mark of the Corsair."
"Fantastic bloke." The Doctor laughed in thought. "He had that snake as a tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself unless he had the tattoo. Or herself, a couple of times. Ooo, she was a bad girl."
"No matter who the Corsair was they always could be found near troubled, and always would try to flirt with everyone."
"Yeah." The Doctor slightly grumbled. "The Corsair did try and flirt with you a couple of times. I think you even flirted back one time." He slightly growled at the thought.
"Oh sweetheart." The Stone chuckled, lightly shaking her head at him. "You even said it yourself, they flirted with everyone and don't forget who is and always will be my best friend and the only person I will ever love."
"Yes well." The Doctor smugly sniffed trying to fix his hair a little even though it didn't actually need fixing. "What can I say? You truly stole my hearts dear."
She softly smiled before yelping as the console sparked just after the Doctor threw down a lever. The Time Lords clung onto the console while Amy and Rory shared a concerned look grabbing on to what they could to help themselves stay upright.
"What is happening?" Rory shouted over the sound of sparks, flying and parts of the TARDIS crashing against other parts.
"We're leaving the universe." The Stone shouted.
"How can you leave the universe?" Amy cried out.
"With enormous difficulty." The Doctor replied throwing a couple of levers. "Right now I'm burning up TARDIS rooms to give us some welly-"
"If you get rid of the library." The Stone shot him a warning glare.
"Wouldn't even think about that dear." The Doctor looked at her seriously before he turned a dial. "Goodbye, swimming pool. Goodbye, scullery. Sayonara, squash court seven."
The TARDIS jolted and shook before suddenly stopping, throwing the Time Lords and humans to the floor. "Okay, okay." Amy stood up fixing her hair trying to calm herself down while the Doctor helped the Stone to stand lightly kissing her before taking her hand and entwining their fingers together. "Where are we?"
"Outside the universe," the Doctor said before smiling at the Stone. "Where we've never, ever been."
"You have no idea how excited I am right now sweetheart." The Stone laughed swearing that she could feel her cheeks begin to hurt. Her face then fell as the lights of the TARDIS slowly went out.
"Is that meant to be happening?" Rory questioned.
"The power, it's draining." The Stone said in disbelief looking at the Doctor. "Everything's draining."
"But it can't." He shook his head. "That's, that's impossible."
They then watched as the time rotor completely disappeared. The Stone swallowed hard lightly touching the time rotor, feeling nothing. "What is that?"
"It's as if the Matrix," the Doctor answered Rory's question swallowing hard. "The soul of the TARDIS, has just vanished. Where would it go?"
"I'm really not sure." The Stone sighed shaking her head at him as they slowly made their way towards the doors of the TARDIS, Amy and Rory following them close by slightly confused about the whole ordeal.
The Doctor poked his head out first. Looking around for a moment before slowly walking out of the blue box and stepping onto the ground that looked like multiple parts of crashed space ships, equipment and random items. The Stone was right behind him her hand automatically finding his as she exited. Amy and Rory followed suit knowing that staying in the TARDIS was most likely useless.
"So what kind of trouble's your friend in?" Amy asked either of the Time Lords. It really didn't matter which since they both seemed to have known the Corsair, no doubt because they were always by the others side.
"He was in a bind." The Doctor lied. "A bit of a pickle. Sort of distressed."
"Ah, you can't just say you don't know."
"Amy, Amy, Amy." The Stone slowly muttered walking up to the other ginger pretending to cough while putting a hand on her own chest before lightly tapping the humans shoulder as she put on a posh, over exaggerated British accent. "We're Time Lords, of course we know, we know everything there ever is, has or was."
"Stone, dear you amuse me." The Doctor fondly shook his head at her.
"I believe that was the plan." She grinned. "However I'm not entirely sure if it was."
"It's good enough for me."
"What even is this place? Rory frowned while looking around. "The scrap yard at the end of the universe?"
The Doctor shook his head. "Not end of, outside of."
"How we can we be outside the universe? The universe is everything."
The Doctor walked over to Rory and placed an arm over his shoulder, slowly walking around while the Stone looked up at the TARDIS slightly sighing when she couldn't even feel the machine in her mind much like she could with the Doctor. "Imagine a great big soap bubble with one of those tiny little bubbles on the outside."
"And now ignore it because it looks and is nothing like that." The Stone cut in.
The Doctor sighed walking up to the Stone and wrapping his arms around her in a hug while looking up at the TARDIS. "Completely drained." He shook his head. Look at her."
"Not even a hum." The Stone sighed.
"Same here." The Doctor murmured lightly kissing her left temple.
"Wait." Amy then spoke up seeming to be leaning on something that looked like a washing machine. "So we're in a tiny bubble universe, sticking to the side of the bigger bubble universe?"
"But not really-" The Stone cut in.
"If it helps, yes."
"It probably won't." The Stone shrugged at him before slightly brightening. "But look this place is full of rift energy. She'll probably refuel just by being here."
"Now, this place." He spun the Stone around and then picked up a rock. "What do we think, eh?" He then dropped the rock and watched it fall to the ground. "Gravity's almost Earth normal, air's breathable, but it smells like..."
"Armpits." Amy supplied.
"Armpits." The Doctor nodded in agreement.
The Stone scowled at her husband and the other ginger. "Lovely..."
"What about all this stuff?" Rory frowned gesturing to it all. "Where did this come from?"
"Well, there's a rift." The Doctor went on to explain his arm still around the humans shoulder. "Now and then stuff gets sucked through it. Not a bubble, a plughole. The universe has a plughole and we've just fallen down it."
"Thieves!" A woman suddenly shouted. "Thieves!" The Doctor and the Stone looked at each other confused seeing the woman looking between them both as she ran. "You're my thieves!"
"She's dangerous." A woman behind the strange woman who seemed to be wearing victorian style clothing warned. "Guard yourselves."
"Look at you." She looked at the Doctor. "Goodbye. No, not goodbye, what's the other one?" Suddenly she was kissing the Doctor. The Stones jaw dropped as she watched the Doctor try to fight the mad woman off of him. "No sorry." She stepped back frowning. "Thats not my job that's your job." She pointed at the Stone.
"Watch out." The man pushed the mad woman behind himself. "Careful. Keep back from her. Welcome, strangers. Lovely. Sorry about the mad person."
"Why are we thieves?" The Doctor frowned wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "What have we stolen?"
"Me. You're going to steal me." She then shook her head. "No, you have stolen me. You are stealing me. Oh tenses are difficult, aren't they?"
"Tell me about it." The Stone snorted before growing serious when the Doctor shot her a look.
"Oh. Oh, we are sorry, my doves. She's off her head. They call me Auntie." The woman next to the man introduced herself by shaking both the Time Lords hands.
"And I'm Uncle. I'm everybody's Uncle. Just keep back from this one. She bites!"
"Do I?" She asked before grinning. "Excellent."
The Stone cried out when she felt the mad woman sink her teeth into the skin just below the Time Lady's left ear, not enough to draw blood but still, it bloody hurt.
The Doctors eyes widened as he tried to push the woman away from the Time Lady. Placing himself between her and the mad woman he began to check the bite mark, wincing when he saw the mark that was a little too deep and red for his liking. Ghosting his finger tips over it his hearts almost broke when she jerked away from him. "Sorry." She muttered just as he did before they both softly smiled at one another. The Doctor lightly kissed her letting his finger tips lightly rub at the mark soothingly. His face was soft and kind before it grew hard and sharp his head looking back to the woman who cut into their moment.
"Biting's excellent. It's like kissing, only there's a winner."
"Perhaps not as hard as that, but when you think about it..."
"Don't encourage her Stone!" The Doctors eyes widened.
"So sorry." Uncle apologised. "She's doolally."
"No, I'm not doolally." She protested as the Doctor raised a brow as if to say 'are you sure? You bit my wife.' "I'm, I'm..." she frowned. It's on the tip of my tongue. I've just had a new idea about kissing. Come here, you." She went to grab the Doctor whose eyes widened. The Stone grabbed his arm and pulled him back before they both were running around and hiding behind Amy and Rory who both looked shocked, confused and scared as they put their arms out, the Doctor actually looking scared as he clung onto the Stone keeping her right beside him.
"No, Idris, no." Auntie scolded her like a little girl.
"Oh, but now you're angry." Idris pointed at the Doctor. "And you're angry and sad. No, you're not. You will be very angry and sad . The little boxes will make you very angry and sad."
"Sorry?" The Doctor frowned stepping away from Amy and Rory. "The little what? Boxes?"
"Oh, ho, no." Idris pointed at the Doctor before grabbing his chin. "Your chin is hilarious." She then looked at Rory dropping her smile in an instant. "It means the smell of dust after rain."
"What does?" Rory questioned Idris.
"But I didn't ask."
"Not yet. But you will."
"No, no, Idris." Auntie pulled the woman back away from the Time Lords. "I think you should have a rest."
"Rest." She nodded slowly walking away. "Yes, yes. Good idea. I'll just see if there's an off switch..." she suddenly collapsed, the Doctor and Rory managing to catch her before Idris hit the floor, resting her against parts from different things.
"Is that it?" Uncle flatly replied. "She dead now. So sad." He said as if it was nothing, as if he really didn't care.
"No," Rory shook his head at them. "She's still breathing."
"Nephew, take Idris somewhere she can not bite people." Uncle nodded behind the Time Lords who both spun around before smiling.
"Oh, hello!" The Doctor greeted as the Stone laughed, Amy and Rory slightly jumping at the sight.
"Doctor, what is that?"
"Oh, no, it's all right." He reassured the humans. "It's an Ood. Oods are good. Love an Ood. Hello, Ood." He walked up before frowning.
"Oh..." the Stone slowly nodded. "You can't talk can you." She nodded at the translate ball explaining to Amy and Rory. "It's damaged. Can we?" She questioned pointing at herself and then the Doctor.
Nephew nodded at them both. The Doctor then opened up the translator ball while the Stone messed with the wires for a moment. "It might just be on the wrong frequency." The Doctor told the others as he watched the Stone.
"Nephew was broken when he came here." Auntie informed. "Why, he was half dead. House repaired him. House repaired all of us." The Doctor placed the top of the translator ball back onto the bottom part connecting them both together before the translator lit up a light green colour. "If you are receiving this message, please help me." They heard what was clearly the Corsair. The Stones eyes widened in horror stepping back slightly into the Doctors arms, even slightly jumping at that. The Doctor swallowed hard never heard him sound so terrified before. The Time Lords continued to listen now hearing other Time Lords pleads mixed with the Corsairs, hundreds, possibly millions of distressed Time Lords begging for help from others. "Send a signal to the High Council of the Time Lords on Gallifrey." The Stone closed her eyes feeling a tear escape the corner of her eye as she sucked in a sharp breath trying to push the emotions away for now, at least until they were back in the TARDIS, her and the Doctor at least alone somewhere in the machine where they could be close and together, where they could hold and support each other. "Tell them that I am still alive. I don't know where I am. I'm on some rock-like planet."
The voices, including the Corsairs then cut out. Nephew, the Ood blinked at them all while Rory shared a look with Amy. The Doctor wrapped one of his arms around the Stone, the other slowly moving to her cheek, his thumb lightly brushed against her cheek, wiping away the single tear that fell. "What was that?" Rory asked looking at the Doctor. "Was that him?"
"No, no." The Stone quickly said plastering a small smile that would easily fool the humans and possibly anyone else but the Doctor. "It's picking up something else."
"But that's," the Doctor shook his head quickly turning around to look at Auntie and Uncle, the Stone's hand now tightly in his."thats not possible."
"That's," he tried to think, to remember what he heard, trying to think of a logical explanation. "That's. Who else is here? Tell us. Show us. Show us." He quickly demanded stepping closer to them both. The Stone quickly nodded in agreement stepping up and next to the Doctor, just as eager to find out what exactly what going on here and where all the Time Lords they just heard were.
"Just what you see." Auntie hastily replied gesturing to herself and Uncle. "Just the four of us," she answered before adding: "And the House." The Time Lords snapped their heads up at her wonderi what was 'the house' while Auntie continued to speak. "Nephew, will you take Idris somewhere safe where she can't hurt nobody?"
"The House?" The Stone questioned carefully watching them both while Nephew nodded and went over to take Idris, while was sleeping away. "What's the House?"
"House is all around you, my sweets." She explained, Uncle began to lightly jump up snd down to show what she meant. "You are standing on him. This is the House. This world. Would you like to meet him?"
"Meet him?" Rory said from behind the Time Lords. The Doctor held out an arm behind him not even looking at the human, intrigued.
The Stone quickly nodded along in agreement with the Doctors next words: "We'd love to."
Uncle nodded and began to walk away. "This way. Come, please. Come."
Amy frowned at them seeing the way the Doctor and the Stone was looking out into the distance. The Doctors arm wrapped around the Time Lady, hoding her close against him. "What's wrong? What were those voices?"
"Time Lords." The Stone replied. "It's not just the Corsair. Somewhere close by there are lots and lots of Time Lords."
"Come." Uncle waved them to hurry. "Come, come. You can see the House and he can look at you, and he-" the Doctor and the Stone noticed a device of some kind with a grating on the floor, green smoke raising out. The Doctor squeezed the Stones hand without saying a word she nodded at him and kissed his cheek before he let go of his hand and watched the Time Lord crouch down to look at what was below the grating.
The Doctor was't too keen on letting them both peer down the grating not knowing what was actually there, he was also just being protective over his wife, not that he would admit that to her. "I see. This asteroid is sentient."
"We walk on his back, breathe his air, eat his food-"
"Smell its armpits." Amy said making the Stone snort a laugh.
Auntie and Uncle then automatically straightened their faces becoming blank. "And do my will." What was supposedly the house said. "You are most welcome, travellers."
"Doctor," Amy cautiously questioned. "That voice. That's the asteroid talking?"
"Yes." He replied. "So you're like a sea urchin." He said looking at the grating before standing up. "Hard outer surface, that's the planet we're walking on. Big, squashy, oogly thing inside, that's you."
"That is correct, Time Lord."
"Ah." He nodded walking over to stand beside the Stone, truthfully not liking the way house was addressing him. "So you've met Time Lords before?"
"Many travellers have come through the rift, like Auntie and Uncle and Nephew. I repair them when they break." House said making the Stone raise a brow wondering what he meant by 'break'
"So there are Time Lords here, then?" The Doctor asked.
"Not any more, but there have been many TARDISes on my back in days gone by."
"Well, there won't be any more after us." The Doctor said. "Last Time Lords. Last Tardis." Although the Stones TARDIS was actually out there somewhere that in a Parallel universe and definitely unreachable. They would never be able to find it again no matter how hard they tried with how the Universe almost collapsed the last time the walls of the Universes had tears in it.
"A pity." House replied not sounding very disappointed at all. "Your people were so kind. Be here in safety, Doctor, Stone. Rest, feed, if you will."
"We're not actually going to stay here, are we?" Rory whispered to the Stone.
"We'll have to see." She replied glancing at the Doctor, the both of them knowing that they were definitely not saying, at least for forever.
"Well, it seems like a friendly planet. Literally." He nodded. "Mind if we poke around a bit?"
"You can look all you want." Auntie nodded. Go. Look." She then placed a hand on Amy's cheek. The Time Lords slightly frowned seeing that the hand looked quite large almost as if it wasn't hers. "House loves you."
"Come on then, gang." The Doctor said pulling his eyes away from Aunties hand, linking his own arm with the Stones. "We're just going to, er, see the sights."
"Thieves!" The Time Lords heard the cry of Idris. Making the Stone frown slightly still not understanding what she and the Doctor stole.
"Shush, shush, shush." The Stone stopped holding up her free hand thinking he heard something.
"So, as soon as the TARDIS is refuelled, we go, yeah?" Rory questioned before watching the Time Lords shake their heads.
"No." The Doctor answered. "There are Time Lords here. We heard them and they need me and the Stone."
"You told me about your people, and you told me what you both did." The Stone swallowed hard. She didn't like to talk about what she did to help the war. Or what she helped to build. Her great grand fathers work. She never even met the man herself but she heard of his work and what he did. Creating a weapon that would destroy anything. A whole planet destroyed with nothing remaining; it was never completed however, according to the stories he went missing before he finished the weapon. Giving it a name was the last thing he did.
"Yes, yes," the Doctor waved her off trying to distract them from the Stone who had slightly paled. "But if they're like the Corsair, they're good ones and we can save them."
"And then tell them you destroyed the others?" The Stone almost froze if it wasn't for the Doctor who had turned around.
"I can explain. Tell them why I had to." He then turned back around to continue walking. There was silence for a moment.
"You want to be forgiven." Amy realised making both the Time Lords both stop. The Stone closed her eyes for a moment bowing her head, feeling the Doctors hand tighten on hers, him telling her that she didn't have to reply to the ginger human because he knew she would.
"Don't we all?" The Stone quietly questioned Amy.
"What do you both need from me?" Amy looked between them.
"My screwdriver." The Doctor said letting go of the Stones hand. "I left it in the TARDIS. It's in my jacket."
"You're wearing your jacket." Rory frowned. "And doesn't the Stone have hers?"
"Mines also in his jacket." The Stone lied knowing fully well that it was right in the pocket of current jacket. "The Doctor was trying to improve it last night and forgot to give it back to me it seems."
"And they're in my other jacket."
"You have two of those?"
"I have three of mine." The Stone grinned.
"Okay, I'll get it." Amy nodded. "But Doctor, Stone." She pointed at them both. "Listen to me. Don't get emotional because that's when you both make mistakes." She then tossed her phone at them, the Doctor caught it.
"Yes, boss." The Doctor joked as the Stone jokingly saluted Amy.
"I'll call you from the TARDIS." She pointed at them both. "Rory, look after them."
Amy then left. The Stone lightly shook her head feeling slightly offended that Amy thought she couldn't at least look after herself and the Doctor. "Rory, look after her." The Doctor said just after Amy left.
"Yeah." Rory nodded.
"You know Amy's going to figure it out." The Stone shook her head at the Doctor taking her sonic out of her pocket and twirling it around in her fingers before popping it back where it was before.
"Of course she will." He snorted. "It's Amy."
"That is very true." She nodded just as the ginger humans phone in the Doctors hand rang. The Doctor answered and put the phone on speaker so the Stone could also hear the conversation.
"Hey, we're here. Sonics are in your jacket, yeah?"
"Yeah," the Doctor brought his sonic put of his jacket pocket and held it in the air. "It's around somewhere." He activated it and watched the tip light up green locking the TARDIS door. "Have a good look."
I apologise it has been a while, I've been busy and I know I say it a lot but for the past few weeks I've been too excited to edit or even write anything. Currently I am in the final preparations for a new puppy that is going to be living with me for a long time. His name is Jax and he is a small black Cockerpoo. Honestly he is so adorable and I am so happy that I am getting another dog, updates will come back in the next week. I just felt bad for not uploading in forever. Hopefully I start writing more soon as well as I haven't since October which was when my last dog passed away.
- Ev
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