I'm sorry that this is such a short chapter with only around 600 words but I think that this shows to be one of the most important chapters in the second half of this book (because series 6 was stupidly put into two halves, before 'Let's Kill Hitler' and after)There are only two chapters left now and I've super excited for these chapters, I put a lot of thought into the final two and I hope you enjoy how they turn out.
The Doctor kissed the Stones cheek as they both cleaned Craig's house. "I'll be back in a moment, dear." He murmured before exiting the house, heading towards the TARDIS.
He entered the blue box and headed to the console. "Right have to put you on silent otherwise the Stone will hear you."
The TARDIS made a grumbling noise and the Doctor winced. "Yes I know and I'm sorry but I really have to do this. I've been getting signals for weeks, it was hard enough trying to hide them from the Stone alone, don't you think leaving her is even harder?"
The TARDIS then buzzed again and the Doctor huffed. "If I tell the Stone then she will hate herself for what is going to happen. If I can find her and then fix this mess then everything will be okay."
The Doctor closed his eyes and lowered his head waiting for the TARDIS to argue with him again, he, however, heard a slightly more encouraging buzz and grinned. "Come on then we need a Vortex Manipulator, then we're coming back and you better look after my wife old girl, eh?" He raised a brow, his hand resting on a lever. "Then again you've always protected her."
The TARDIS hummed and the Doctor nodded. "Yes and then I'm off to find her." He grinned and pulled down the lever.
In a Study at the Luna University River picked up the eye witness reports of the Doctor and the Stone from the table and placed them back in their folders. She then opened her diary and looked at the next page before letting out a small sigh. '22/04/11 5:02 pm Lake Silencio.'
"Tick tock, goes the clock, and what now shall we play?" Kovarian sang as she walked into the study. "Tick tock, goes the clock, now summer's gone away."
"Hello?" River turned around, not spotting the woman.
"Such a lovely old song. But is it about them?"
"You know about the Doctor and the Stone?"
"So very well." She smiled. River frowned at her and tilted her head ever so slightly. "Oh, don't try and remember me. We've been far too thorough with your dear little head." She lightly tapped her skull.
River turned around after hearing something move behind her. Her eyes widened when she came face to face with two bold, eyeless aliens. "Oh! What are they? What are those things?"
"Your owners," Kovarian replied.
River turned around and frowned, instantly forgetting what was happening. "My what?"
"So, they made you a Doctor today, did they? Doctor River Song. How clever you are." She then took Rivers diary off the table and lightly tapped the open page with Lake Silencio circled. "You understand what this is, don't you?" She asked.
"According to some accounts, it's the day the Doctor and the Stone die."
"The Stone dies by Silencio Lake, on the Plain of Sighs, an Impossible Astronaut will rise from the deep and strike the Time Lady dead."
"It's a story." River replied.
Kovarian nodded. "And as all stories must: this is where it begins."
Two soldiers entered the study with a NASA spacesuit. Kovarian smiled. "You never really escaped us, Melody Pond. We were always coming for you."
"How do you know who I am?"
"I made you what you are. The woman who kills the Stone." She chuckled as Rivers face grew with panic. "And rumour has it, her death will trigger his own."
Rivers eyes widened in horror. "No! No! No!"
One of the guards then injected River with a sedative as the woman began to thrash around as she was held down. "Tick tock, goes the clock, and all the years they fly." Kovarian hummed. "Tick tock, and all too soon, your sister will surely die."
Kovarian sighed as Rivers body went limp. "If only that girl would stop running from us, maybe you wouldn't be in this mess, Melody Pond." She looked at one of the guards. "Definitely no sign of her?"
"Negative." The guard nodded. "
Kovarian smiled. "Well if she does turn up the girl can be our back up plan just to ensure that those Time Lords definitely die."
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