The Rebel Flesh - Two
The Doctor, the Stone, Jimmy and Amy all ran down the stairs to the bathroom, the door was open and a large hole was gaping in the door.
"Rory," Amy whispered seeing the hole and large smash in the mirror.
"Of course, Jennifer's a Ganger too." The Doctor muttered.
"Doctor, you said they wouldn't be violent."
The Stone shook her head and placed a hand on the other redhead's shoulder. "They're also scared and angry, Amy."
"And early technology is what you said." Jimmy looked at the Doctor. "You seem to know something about the Flesh."
"Do you?" Amy frowned. "Doctor?"
"You're no weatherman." He stepped back. "Why are you really here?"
"I have to talk to them." The Doctor stated. "I can fix this."
"Wait. What's going on?" Jimmy frowned. "Where's the real Jennifer?"
The Stone let out a yelp and the Doctor pulled her back before wrapping an arm around her waist and sighing. "It is too dangerous out here with acid leaks." He looked back at Amy and Jimmy. "Now, are you okay, dear?"
"Yeah." She slowly nodded. "Just a bit spooked."
The Doctor smiled slightly and kissed her cheek. "Spooked is better than burned with acid in my book."
"Doctor, Stone, we have to find Rory."
"Yes." The Doctor nodded. "We're going back to the TARDIS." He gestured to himself and the Stone. "Wait for us in the dining hall. I want us to keep together, okay. No more wandering off." He warned, pointing at the red-headed human.
"And what about Rory?"
" Well, it would be safer to look for Rory and Jennifer with the TARDIS." The Doctor replied.
The Time Lords went to go, the Doctor linked arms with his wife who stopped for a moment. "Which ways the exit, Jimmy?"
"Keep going straight. Can't-miss it. But you're never going to get your vehicle in here."
The Doctor smirked slightly. "The wifes an excellent parker."
The Stone rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm better than you, London Olympics 2012?"
"Hey!" He pouted. "That was before you remembered how to drive her."
The Stone laughed and patted his shoulder as they headed off. "Excuses, excuses, sweetheart."
The Stone looked at the Doctor slightly worried as he scanned the vat with the liquid for the gangers with his sonic. The two Time Lords then left heading in the direction of where the TARDIS was.
The Stone sighed while the Doctor stepped forward and groaned as they spotted that only the top of the TARDIS was sticking out of the ground, the box stuck in a pool of acid.
"Oh. What are you doing down there?" He muttered before hearing a hissing noise, the Time Lord let out a loud yelp and jumped back seeing that his shoes were burning in a small pool of acid.
The Stone let out a grunt as the Doctor practically jumped into her arms. "You're lucky I can handle your weight." She hissed at her husband.
"Well, you've had lots of practice." He smirked as he kicked off his shoes.
"Yeah, you're still lucky." She replied as they slowly made it back towards the building.
The Doctor and the Stone walked into the acid room and headed down the stairs. The Stone raised a brow at the acid suits that were lying against what looked like a seat. They then turned and spotted all the gangers.
"Hello." The Doctor smiled. "How are you all getting on?"
"Why don't you tell us?" Ganger Cleaves asked.
The Stone shook her head. "We have two choices here. The first is to tear each other apart."
Not my favourite." The Doctor cut in. "And I can imagine it isn't yours either, dear?"
"No, it isn't." She nodded
The Doctor smiled and continued. "The second is to knuckle down and work together. Try to work out how best we can help you."
The Time Lords lead the gangers through the corridor and towards the dining hall. "Now, we know its hard for you to hold your fully human form. That's why you keep shifting between the Flesh stages but do try. It'll make the others less scared of you."
"Where's Jen?" Buzzer asked looking at Ganger Jennifer. "What have you done with her?"
"I haven't seen her, I swear." The ganger stepped back. "But look, I'm her. I'm just like her. I'm real."
Jimmy shook his head. "You're a copy. You're just pretending to be like her."
"Rory, we don't really know anything about them yet." Amy sighed.
"Well, I know that she's afraid and she needs our help." Rory protested.
"Jimmy, Buzzer." Ganger Jennifer looked between them. "Come on, you guys. We've worked together for two years."
"I worked with Jennifer Lucas, not you." Buzzer replied.
"Okay, let's not do anything at all-" Amy began.
"Until the Doctor and the Stone get here." The Doctor grinned while the Time Lady rolled her eyes. "Hello."
"This is..."
"You're telling me." Ganger Jimmy finished for his human counterpart
"All right, Doctor, Stone, you've brought us together." Ganger Cleaves frowned. "Now what?"
"Before we do anything, I have one very important question." The Time Lord smiled. "Has anybody got a pair of shoes I could borrow? Size ten. Although I should warn you, I have very wide feet."
The Stone sighed. "Now?"
"What?" He shrugged. "I need some shoes."
After getting a new pair of shoes the Doctor walked around the dining hall. "The Flesh was never merely moss." He explained. "These are not copies. The storm has hardwired them. They are becoming people."
"With souls?" Jimmy asked.
"Rubbish!" Dickens exclaimed before sneezing.
"Bless you." The Stone nodded.
The Doctor raised a brow. "We were all jelly once. Little jelly eggs sitting in goop."
"You really think of the best things to say don't you Doctor?" The Stone glanced at him.
"Yeah, thanks." Amy grimaced. "Too much information."
"We are not talking about an accident that needs to be mopped up." He continued. "We are talking about sacred life. Do you understand? Good. Now, the TARDIS is trapped in an acid pool. Once the Stone and I can reach her, we can get you all off this island, humans and Gangers, eh? How does that sound?"
"Can I make it home for Adam's birthday?" Jimmy asked.
"What about me?" Ganger Jimmy asked. "He's my son too."
"You?" Jimmy chuckled. "You really think that?"
"I feel it."
"Oh, so you were there when he was born, were you?" Jimmy frowned and tilted his head slightly at the Ganger.
"Yeah. I drank about eight pints of tea, then they told me I had a wee boy and I just burst out laughing. No idea why. I miss home, as much as you."
"Look," the Doctor sighed, "I'm not going to lie to you. It's a right old mess, this. But as you might say up North," he then put on a Northern accent. "Oh well, I'll just go to't foot of stairs. Eee by by gum." He glanced at the Stone grinning before grumbling slightly as she slowly shook her head. "Or not. Good. Right. First step is we get everyone together, then get everyone safe. Then, get everyone out of here."
"But we're still missing Jennifer and Cleaves." Amy protested.
"I'll go and look for them." Jimmy offered.
"I'll give you a hand, if you like." The Ganger added. "Cover more ground."
Jimmy stared at the other for a moment before he smiled slightly and nodded. "Yeah, okay. Thanks."
"This circus has gone on long enough," Cleaves stated, walking in with a large device in her hands. A long tube connecting to the main piece of equipment.
"Oh, great." The ganger Cleaves sighed. "You see, that is just so typically me."
"Doctor, tell it to shut up!" Cleaves snapped.
"Cleaves, no. No, no." The Doctor pleaded
"Circuit probe." Cleaves stated, holding it out. "Fires about ooo, forty thousand volts? Would kill any one of us, so I guess she'll work on Gangers just the same."
The Stone frowned. "You call the gangers 'it' but you're happy to call your cattle prod a she?" The Time Lady tilted her head.
"It's interesting..." The Doctor hummed.
"When the real people are safely off this island, then I'll happily talk philosophy over a pint with you two."
"Oh, we don't drink." The Time Lady replied. "Last time we did that was our with River and I do not want a repeat of that night."
Amy frowned. "What did you three do?"
"It's a long story for another day." She replied.
Amy looked at Cleaves. "What are you going to do to them?" She asked.
"Sorry. They're monsters. Mistakes. They have to be destroyed."
"Cleaves they didn't ask for this." The Stone cut in. "Give me the probe."
"We always have to take charge, don't we, Miranda. Even when we don't really know what the hell is going on." Ganger Cleaves sharply cut in.
Ganger Buzzer suddenly rushed towards the woman and cried out when Cleaves zapped him.
The Stones eyes widened and she ran to the man and placed her fingers on his neck before looking at her husband and slowly shaking her head.
"He's dead!" The Doctor exclaimed, looking at Cleaves.
"We call it decommissioned."
The Stone narrowed her eyes and stood up. "You stopped his heart. He had a heart!" She pointed at the body. "Aorta, valves, a real human heart. And you stopped it!"
Rory frowned seeing ganger Jennifers eyes grow wide while her face grew with anger as she stepped back. "Jen?"
"What happened to Buzzer will happen to all of us if we trust you." She hissed
"Wait, wait, just wait." The Doctor tried to cut in
"No!" Rory shouted as Cleaves moved forward. The man jumped at Cleaves and disconnected the power.
"You idiot!" Amy exclaimed as the Stone pulled Rory away while the Doctor shouted at the boss.
"Look at what you have done, Cleaves."
"If it's war, then it's war. You don't get it, Doctor. How can you? It's us and them now. Us and them."
Dickens nodded "Us and them."
Jimmy sighed. "Us and them."
The Time Lords sighed as the group stood around. Amy was glaring at Rory who looked like a kicked puppy. "I just wanted to help her."
"Well, we all do, okay?" Amy replied.
"Don't be like that. Listen, she's-"
"I said I agree with you. Drop it." The redhead replied.
The Stone sighed as the dining hall grew in tention as she rested her head on the Doctors shoulder. The Time Lord moved his head and kissed his wife's forehead before sighing. "I know you're anxious dear, this wasn't how the trip was supposed to go."
"I know." She replied. "Amy and Rory were meant to go for a nice dinner while we studied the flesh."
"This is way out of control."
"And we will fix it." She reassured. "Eventually, just like we always do."
"Yeah." He hummed. The Doctor stared at the wall for a moment before he frowned. "The most fortified and defendable room in the monastery."
"Sorry?" Cleaves asked.
"The most fortified and defendable room in the monastery, what is it?"
"The chapel." She answered.
"Thank you." He replied, standing up and taking the Stone's hand.
"Only one way in. Stone walls two feet thick."
"You've crossed one hell of a line, Cleaves." The Stone muttered as she shook her head. "They were starting to trust us but you've killed one of them and now they're coming back, in a big way."
"What about the flares?" Jimmy asked as the group moved outside of the chapel.
"We'll worry about the flares when we're locked inside."
The Stone glanced at Rory as the man hesitated. "Rory..."
The Doctor raised his eyebrows. "Rory, Pond."
They all turned when they heard a scream.
"Rory, come on." Amy waved him in.
"Jen's out there. She's out there and she's on her own."
"Well, if she's got any sense, then she's hiding. Rory!" The Doctor shouted.
"I can't leave her out there!"
"Rory!" The Stone snapped.
"I know you understand that."
"Get in here." Amy hissed as the gangers in their acid suits approached. "Get in here!
Rory suddenly darted down the side corridor. "No, you don't!" The Stone shouted going to run out after him. The Doctors eyes widened and he suddenly wrapped his arms around his wife's middle. "No!" She cried out as Jimmy shut the door and held Amy back. "Doctor!" The Time Lady snapped.
"You're not getting lost out there as well."
"I could help him though." She narrowed her eyes at him. "I can look after myself, Doctor."
"I know that but I'm worried they will come after you to get to me, they're not after Rory, they're after us." The Stone sighed and nodded in understanding.
"But Doctor-" Amy tried to cut in.
"He tried to help them, Amy." The Doctor countered.
"Why?" A voice from the shadows suddenly exclaimed. "Why?"
The Doctors eyes darted around as he grabbed his wife's hand. "Show yourself. Show yourself!"
"The Stone frowned as she whispered: "I know that voice..."
The Doctor let go of the Stone's hand as he started to move around the room. "Doctor!" Amy shouted trying to get the Doctor to help hold off the gangers who were now trying to force themselves into the room.
"Pass me the barrel," Cleaves ordered.
"We need something heavy. Anything you can find." Dickens replied.
Jimmy shook his head. "This is insane. We're fighting ourselves."
The Stone swallowed hard spotting a tweed jacket she would be able to distinguish from another from a mile off. "Yes." She agreed before glancing at the Doctor. "Yes it's insane, and it's about to get even madder."
"insanerer." The Doctor smiled and looked at the Stone. "Is that a word? Show yourself, right now!"
"Doctor, Stone, we are trapped in here and Rory's out there with them. Hello? We can't get to the TARDIS and we can't even leave the island."
"Correct in every respect, Pond." It's frightening, unexpected, frankly a total, utter splattering mess on the carpet, but I am certain, one hundred percent certain, that we can work this out." The Doctor said without even moving his lips. The Stones eyes widened.
"Sweetheart..." The Time Lady whispered. "You wouldn't have happened to somehow accidentally say that telepathically in a voice that didn't sound all echo-y like how it does when we talk inside our heads?"
"No..." He muttered glancing at the Stone for a moment.
They watched as a ganger that looked exactly like the Doctor stepped through and out of the darkness. He smiled and straightened his bowtie and grinned when both he and the Time Lord Doctor spoke at the same time. The ganger sounded much more confident than the Time Lord. "Afraid not dear."
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