Icer's "Welcoming"
Flora's P.O.V.
I healed myself and saw that Icer was packing his stuff so he was coming I smiled to myself knowing that I'm finally going home Icer finished and looked at me he saw my smile and was surprised since it's been a while since I last smiled so he smiled back I got my stuff since I never unpacked my stuff in the first place and I've been living here for some time now we got outside and teleported to the Hall we got there and everyone was surprised to see me and said hi I said hi but Icer didn't get the same friendly greeting after they saw me they saw Icer and looked at him uhhh I don't even know how to describe it, it was confusingly, worriedly, madly but that was probably because they didn't know if they should trust him so to break the awkward silence I said "Ummmmm this is Icer my companion for all of these years" He nodded nervously but I honestly wouldn't blame him since he was being stared down by people I described as nice people and being stared as if they were about to kill you so I stepped infront of him to break the weird eye contact but Jess instead of doing that said "Hello I'm Jess nice to meet you" Icer then let her his hand to shake it and she hugged him and this really surprised Icer as he was awkwardly staring there then Jess broke off the hug and said "Where are you going to live anyway?" "Yeah since we don't have a pre-made room" Jin said and shook Icer's hand since it was still out I was sweating nervously and said "don't worry about that" "Wait do we have to share a bed?" Icer asked I said "Yeh" since it was basically something me and the SkyArmy would say when we were little "Aren't the fangirls gonna fangirl?" He said pointing to Jess (DONT BREAK THE FOUTH WALL ICER) I sighed deeply "You have so much detail but probably" I said then we kept talking and The Few actually liked Icer which I'm glad about.
Loki's P.O.V.
I have all of the superheroes captured but their children I'm going to torture them infront of their parents it'll break their hearts "Oh lookie The Few has a new member but lets see what happens if I give them a little visit. "YOU GOD DAMN BI**H" Iron man yelled "You will never be worthy" Thor said "Your a monster" Hawkeye said "They'll beat you and you know it" Black widow said I walked up to her cell "Really? Will they?" I said
Jess's P.O.V.
"Guys enough chit-chat we need to plan" I said "Jess' is right we don't know what's Loki's next move but I already know something" Flora said with worry "What is it?" Sly said "You remember what I said when we first met? That if I left they would leave our parents alone Loki has probably already captured them and they are going to be used to our disadvantage" Flora said "We need to get planning" Flora added while throwing a shuriken to the cameras "P.S. Loki probably already hacked all of our cameras take them out" Icer said while throwing another shuriken to another camera then we got to destroying "It's kinda funny I think this would be a little easier if Hulk had a son" Castor said while shooting another camera "Heh yeah" Alex said "The cameras over here are down let's get to the discussion room" Katz said while walking over to us from the north side "Clear" The SkyArmy yelled from the east and west side "Clear" Sly and Kala said walking over to us from the south side we all walked to the discussion room and sat down in our seats "Ok we need a plan of action" Sly said clapping his hands together "I say we first check out Flora and Icer's powers" Kala said Flora nods looking at Icer "We kinda have a presentation prepared" Icer said "Ok" the others say we all walk outside and sit on the grass Flora first starts off with levitating a tree and then making it grow bigger after that she put the tree back electrocuted it healed it and turned into her hybrid form Icer froze a pig nearby turned into a dragon and made a crystal which can do several things but this one was color gray but this was the first time I ever saw that crystal and Flora explained that it can show you your worst fear if you touch it so she teleported it to Mom knows where and we went back into the discussion room "That was very interesting" Katz said "Agreed" Alex said 'looks like you got better since last time" Jin said "Yeh" Flora said "You know what time it is?" Flora asked "ROSS TIME" Ross said "GOD NO ROSS" Max said I giggled 'Them dimwits' I thought they screamed "WE ARE NOT DIMWITS" "OH CRAP I FORGOT ABOUT THAT" I yelled while booking it
Flora:I'm gonna put some drama next chapter this was just a filler chapter to introduce Icer a little bit but there's still a lot we don't know about him
Icer: DAMN RIGHT YA DONT *he yells while booking it*
Flora:ICER GET BACK HERE *I scream while chasing after him*
Remix: (one of our friends) I'm Remix and I wanted to say bye since as you can see Flora's a little busy so BYE
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