•▪■Chapter 1■▪•
Shocked by the realisation of his invisible body that only himself seemed to see, he had no other chance but to accept his death and the propable chance of this being his punishment for what he had done to his homeland.
But why did he wake up next to this boy that looked so much like himself?
It wasn't him, since he was dead and this certainly was not the past.
Could it be...?
Did he somehow get a child with yet another woman other than Kionan?
He couldn't recall anything...except...
It could not have been the time where he was totally drunk and slept with the tempting young woman, also drunk as hell, out in Eversong Wood's silent nights.
Senzajin slapped himself.
Saying it that way it definitely was that and he somehow managed to get a child into higher nobilty, Lady Damia Lightsprinter herself.
The woman who tried to kill him so many times actually fell in love with him and gave birth to yet another of his children he thought he would only have with Kionan.
He needed to find out if his suspections were correct.
A last peek into his grieving family's house, then he left, back to the building he had left.
Sunfury Spire.
Did that mean Lor'themar had children and they were socialising with the both boys he had seen?
It seemed so.
A girl, looking just like the Regent Lord, ran through his invisible and now obviously ghost-like body, waving at the two boys waiting for her at the top of the bridge, followed by a lynx cub.
She was thin, almost too thin for an elf of her standarts, had a very feminine face and her long almost silver-blonde hair was braided over her right shoulder. Her red robes only increased the looks of her high ranks in society.
"There you are, Ayrith.", Luca smiled. "We expected Rommath to burn our asses to get you and check on you."
"I'm so sorry.", the young girl replied with a voice as beautiful as the Elrendar's relaxing noises, gasping for air after her probably long and hasty run. "I had to stay longer and take extra lessons in first aid after I accidentally hurt that other girl."
"I'm certain Grandmagister Rommath will understand if you just tell him." Fjordaan threw a mocking look at Luca, emphasising the title of Lor'themar's friend and councillor...and seemingly their magic teacher.
Senzajin couldn't help but feel relief he didn't grew up in elven culture.
He was more than fine with the little he knew and yet was stronger than most of his enemies.
Another three girls joined them, being greeted as Melina - who appeared to be Luca's twin sister - Yasha, as Fjordaan probably rather looked like their mother; and Rin, an already curvy and slightly muscular girl with golden-red hair, a little darker teint and the only one wearing armour-like clothes and weapons among the six children.
The few greetings were exchanged and the little troup marched inside, turned left into one of the two rooms other than the throneroom and then greeted the grandmagister as if they were one mouth.
Senzajin, who - of course - followed them, chuckled.
He'd never be able to do that nor would he ever even try.
It was ridiculous accepting one's superiority like THAT. Trolls always fought for their respect and powerful students were approved students.
Well, at least the trolls his generation did.
Half bored, half interested, he sat down in the back, apparently on a incredibly fluffy chair which made him sleepy as if being mortal still.
Rommath went up and down some magical runes, the children noted them into their notebooks, never losing concentration nor interest which surprised Senzajin.
He this age could never sit still for long, he needed movement or he felt restrained like an angry animal in chains.
The interesting part was the one Rommath asked his apprentices to perform the spells they have just learned in theory.
Since magic was in their blood, the youngsters did a great job but Senzajin and obviously Rommath as well were blown away by the force Luca's attacks and defences showed.
Always keeping the upper hand in the offensive, he forced his student-enemy into defensive, not leaving them much choice but to keep up a magic shield which didn't even hold long, the moment when Rommath stopped the fights.
"I think we're done with this part.", the Grandmagister decided. "Luca, give the others a break. I want to know how strong your defences are. The others will stand in a circle around you and you are not allowed to cast any other spell than a protection one. Understood?"
"Yes, Grandmagister." Luca nodded quickly, walking straight towards Senzajin who quickly got up before the boy sat down.
The other students, exhausted and worn out, took their time recovering, and it was quite some time before everyone was ready.
Senzajin noticed a red spark in Luca's felgreen eyes when they surrounded the one elf, reminding Senzajin of his own youth.
He killed rangers back then for slaughtering the Amani in Tor'Whatha, and they had done the same, not expecting he would survive the bomb they later threw when their hope was destroyed as much as his aunt's body.
The similar situation must've triggered this berserk side of Luca, and he hoped he would have better control over himself than he had when killing his aunt.
It seemed so.
The flimmering barrier of blue energie seemed to only grow stronger with each attack that hit it until a certain point when Luca's stretched arms started shaking and then, when he was at the end of his powers, the barrier crumbled and sent a huge wave of energy through the big room, throwing everyone back against the walls.
Senzajin, not affected by the spell, quickly stepped by his side, taking a good look at the exhausted boy.
His eyes burned almost completely red, blood ran over his cheeks like tears and they widened as if he was starting to see the ghost in front of him.
Scared, the boy might be punished by this kingdom for being what he was, Senzajin shook his head, whispered "Don't." and then stumbled out of his sight.
The twitching of his ears made it clear: he was beginning to activate berserk and if he wouldn't learn how to hide it, it would surely get him into big trouble.
Melina seemed to awaken as well.
Her barely visibly reddish eyes looked straight into his, though not very obvious.
He wouldn't have to worry about her.
She was in control and she was definitely further than her twin brother.
With an almost invisible gesture, Melina forced Luca's berserk back into the depths of his mind, giving him a warning look before standing up.
Luca quickly followed, surprised at Rommath's respect who yet dismissed them all.
Appreciating the additional freetime, the few students left, running home to get into less formal robes.
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