Traveling On
John Dory and the others continue to Ireland to find Enya.
The next morning the trolls were up before most of the other trolls and they were getting ready to leave Timothy were already up and had food ready for them.
''Good morning.'' He greeted as they came down the stairs to the kitchen.
''Morning.'' Poppy smiles as she sat.
Branch looked around. ''Say where is Floyd?''
They heard laughing and they saw Floyd come down the stairs with Erza as they were giggling, and they stopped seeing everyone.
''Hey guys morning.'' Floyd replied blushing as he sat next to John Dory.
Ezra went and poured them drinks. ''Here you are.''
''Thank you but you didn't have to do this.'' Branch replied as he ate.
''Of course, you guys are on a mission can't do that with a starving stomach.'' Timothy replied.
Later after they got done eating, they all went to the ship and Erza followed with a basket.
''Here just some food for your journey.'' He replied handing it to Floyd who took it and smiled.
''Thanks.'' He replied.
Erza smiles and Floyd brushes his hair back blushing as well.
''Come on Floyd unless you want to stay here.'' Called Branch.
John Dory watched his little brother and smiled; it brought back memories to when he was like that around Enya.
Floyd smiled. ''I'll be back.''
''I hope so I had fun last night.'' Ezra smiles and kissed Floyd on the cheek as the blue troll smiles and kisses his cheek and ran up the ship as it started to pull away.
Floyd turned and stopped when he saw Branch, Poppy, and John Dory with grins on their faces.
''Stop it guys.'' He said as he took the basket to the kitchen.
John Dory smiles as he went to steer, Poppy came over.
''Say if it's a sore subject say it and I'll drop it, but I want to hear more stories of you and Enya.'' Poppy asked looking at him.
John Dory smiled. ''Why not Poppyseed, they are some of my favorite memories.''
''Tell us.'' Poppy replied as Branch came over and leaned back against the rail.
''Ok well this one time me and Enya were hungry, and I said I would make us something to eat and well let's say there is a reason Bruce never let me in the kitchen.
Me and Enya were in Rhonda in the makeshift living room watching tv cuddled on the couch and she looked at me.
''I'm hungry, I'll go make us something.'' She replied moving her head and body from me and I grabbed her hand and stopped her.
''Let me make something, you're always cooking, and I want to let you sit and relax.'' I said as I kissed her hand.
She looked at me and laughed in her beautiful, cute laugh that makes you smile. ''Yeah, right John you can't cook.'' She joked.
''I can to sort of I use to make stuff for my brothers.'' I bragged.
''Alright, go made something then.'' She giggles as she watches me go into the makeshift kitchen and I start cooking soup since it was starting to get cold out.
I went through all the stuff I need but I guess the heat was too high because the water started to boil as I was cutting the carrots, and it went all over the floor and I heard Enya coming in and she wrapped her arms around me and kisses my cheek giggling.
''Here let me take over go do something.'' She replies in her pretty accent.
''I want to watch you and learn.'' I said as I stood next to her.
She smiles and turns around as we share a kiss and once, we were done with our make out session I watched her taking notes on how to cook.
Flashback over...
''Those are the memories I love no matter how dumb I was.'' John Dory replied.
They continued on sailing, they didn't have any run ins.
Branch was looking at the map. ''Alright we keep on this path for 5 more hours.''
Poppy came over and wrapped her arms around his waist. ''I love seeing you take charge.''
''Happy you think so. I can't wait until we get to Ireland.'' Branch replied.
''What if she isn't there?'' Asked Poppy as she lays her head on Branch's shoulder.
''Well, then we will continue to search for her on the way back. Turns out on the other side there are some islands so our best bet is to go there.'' Branch said.
Poppy smiles as they continue on.
Floyd was lounging listening to music when John Dory who finished napping went over to Floyd sitting next to him.
The blue troll took out his earbud looking at his older brother. ''What's up?''
''So, is there something I need to know?'' Asked John Dory looking at his brother.
''Meaning?'' Asked Floyd.
''So are you and Ezra a couple or just friends?''
''Well, I mean nothing happened if that's what you mean, we were in his bed listening to music and we shared some kisses and eventually fell asleep side by side.'' Floyd explained.
''So, again are you two a couple or not?'' Asked John Dory.
''No, on the way back I want to stop and pick up Erza and bring him with us and we'll see what happens.'' Floyd replied.
''Sure bro! If your happy I'm happy.'' John Dory stood up going over to the lovebirds.
A short time later Poppy was on the lookout. ''Oh guys I see it the Irish Land over there!''
The brothers went up on the deck.
''There it is.'' Branch was shocked.
''Now let's all get ready to meet this Enya.'' Poppy pumped her hand up and down.
John Dory was happy and nervous and not daring to get his hopes up.
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