Story Time
Branch finds out about John Dory's Long-Lost Love...
It was a beautiful evening as Branch with a pack on his back was walking next to his big brother John Dory they had decided to go camping and spend time together and here they were walking to find a place to camp.
''I forgot how nice and quiet it is out here.'' Branch replied taking in the view and silence.
''Yeah, its nice not to be surrounded by trolls, gives you time to think.'' John Dory replied.
They found a spot and started to unpack.
''I guess I'm like you in a way. I use to hate being around trolls and loud music.'' Branch replied as he started helping his brother with a makeshift tent.
''Even Poppy?'' Asked John Dory with a smirk.
''Yeah, especially Poppy she was annoying and never left me alone.'' Branch shook his as he went to get some wood.
John Dory smiles shaking his head as he watched his little brother go.
10 minutes later Branch came back with some wood and set it down.
''You get the food ready I'll start the fire.'' John Dory replied.
So, they worked on the fire and Branch pulled out the stuff they brought to cook once that started it was quiet between them.
''Do you and Poppy ever do camping?'' Asked John Dory.
''Not really, we did a couple of times, there is just never really a good time to go camping.'' Branch replied.
John Dory smiles. ''Does she not like camping?''
''No, she does but with her being queen it's kind of hard to do anything.'' Branch replied.
''Well don't take her or your relationship for granted. You never know when the last time you will be together or see each other.'' John Dory replied eating some fish and berries.
''I don't, heck me and Poppy have been through so much before we became a couple that we spend every moment we can.'' Branch replied with a smile and thought of something as he looked at his brother.
''Hey John, you speak as if you know what a relationship is all about.'' Branch poked.
The older troll looked at Branch and nodded giving a half smile and looking into the distance. ''I do. I had a love once and she was the best thing that happened to me... how I wish I had gone with her.''
Branch was curious. ''What did she look like? How did you meet?'' Asked Branch.
''Me and her met while I was in the Everglades.'' He replied.
I was walking through a forest and used my machete to cut through some plants I had been traveling for a while and was getting tired I sat down on a rock and sighed feeling the stress of taking care of you boys gone. But I had to admit I missed you guys but after a couple minutes I started up again and came to a mountain where I started climbing when I got to the top, I sat enjoying the sunset when I heard music playing and someone singing.
I went down the mountain and walked through some bushes and I heard the singing getting louder and it was so beautiful. I saw a silhouette of a beautiful troll and when I got into the light I saw the most breathtaking sight.
There was a beautiful green troll with red hair and black streaks in it. She wore a short dark emerald skirt and an orange bra as she was sitting down singing to some animals.
'And who can say where your love lies.... only time.'
'Who can say when the roads meet, that love might be in your heart?
And who can say when the day sleeps, if the night keeps all your heart,
Night keeps all your heart...'
I couldn't believe it she was an angel, and I went over to her.
''Hey.'' I called.
She turned and looked at me and the way the moon shined and reflected on her was a sight.
''Oh, hello, are you lost?'' She asked looking at me.
''Not really, I didn't have any place in mind, I was walking and heard you singing.'' I replied with a sweet smile at her.
She gave a shy smile. ''Oh, I see.''
''My name is John Dory.'' I held out my hand.
''Enya.'' She replied in an Irish accent and held out her hand as we shook, and her hands were so soft.
''Beautiful name same as you.'' I replied flirtingly.
''Thanks, I like yours too.'' She blushes.
Flashback over....
John smiles looking at the fire.
''She sounds amazing, what happened why aren't you with her?'' Asked Branch.
''Well I stayed the night there with her and in the morning when I was about to go she wanted to come with me, so me and her set out in the Everglades with Rhonda. We were so close, then a few days of traveling we shared our first kiss and it was amazing and we started dating for about 5 months we had a lot in common and we just fit.'' He smiles.
Branch was all ears.
''I was actually going to bring her back to Troll Village to meet you and grandma but while on the way, her brother who had been looking for her came and said she needed to go home to Ireland. She wanted to stay with me but in order to do that she had to tell her family that she was leaving and so she set on a ship to go back home and said that when she told her parents she would be back and we could go to Troll Village. So I watched her and her brother leave. A week later I went back only to hear the ship she was on crashed and there were no survivors...'' John replied gulping.
Branch felt bad and patted his back.
''Did you ever try to go looking for her?'' Asked Branch.
''Yes I did I went to where the ship had crashed and nothing and I searched for a few days and finally I came back and assumed she was dead.'' He wiped his nose.
''But they never found a body right?'' Asked Branch.
''No, some say it sunk to the bottom along with the trolls.''
Branch felt bad but John smiled. ''It was good while it lasted and I just haven't found anyone else.'' He shrugged.
The boys talked for a bit and they both went to sleep but Branch was up and he had a plan.... He just hoped it would work.
I don't own the song Only Time, I hope you enjoy!
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