Branch and the others plan to go find Enya...
Branch and Clay got on the lift while Poppy and Viva jumped on their backs as it goes down.
Floyd just finished eating and he looked to the doorway to see the rest of his siblings minus Spruce.
''Hey guys!'' Floyd went over and hugged Poppy and Viva, then jumped over to Branch and Clay.
''Hey Floyd.'' Branch smiles.
''What brings you down here so early?'' Asked Floyd.
''Early? Dude it's 10 in the morning.'' Clay pointed out.
''Anyway, where is John Dory?'' Asked Poppy.
''He's in his room sleeping.'' Floyd nodded towards the bedroom.
''Ok well lets, let him sleep until we talk this through and come up with a plan.'' Branch replied placing the map on this clue board that he had made.
''What is this and what did I miss?'' Asked Floyd looking at the map.
''So, while camping I found out John Dory had a girlfriend, and she got on a ship to go to her homeland, but the ship was in a storm and the ship is gone along with the trolls on it and his girl was on that ship and I thought we could go and find her and reunite her and John Dory.'' Branch explained.
''Wait John had a girlfriend?'' Floyd was shocked.
''Why is this a surprise to everyone? I mean come on John Dory isn't that bad looking, very cute looking back in his younger years.'' Viva giggles.
''I agree with Viva.'' Poppy nodded.
''Anyway, I got the map and we just need to find the exact location of it and then go from there.'' Branch replied.
The others watched.
''Smart Branch but what if John Dory doesn't want to go on this voyage with you guys?'' Asked Viva.
''I'm sure he won't object he does like spending time with us.'' Branch shrugs.
Poppy looked concerned. ''Viva aren't you coming with?''
''Nope, someone has to stay here and look after the trolls, and when your gone I'm the temporary queen.'' Viva shrugs.
''I thought you'd love to go with.'' Poppy sighed.
''I would Poppy but dad isn't feeling to well.'' Viva replies hugging Poppy.
''I'm staying here too.'' Clay replied.
''Why? I mean you don't have anything to run.'' Branch argued.
''No, but I want to stay here and help Viva out besides, the whole finding John Dory love isn't something I'm really into. He had all this time to go looking for her so why didn't he?'' Asked Clay.
''He did but he gave up and with us helping him we have a great chance at finding her.'' Branch shot back.
''Well, I'm in.'' Floyd smiled.
''Great! Now all we need is to get John Dory in on this.'' Poppy smiles.
''Get me in on what?''
The others turned and saw John Dory who looked at them curiously.
''John Dory we are going on a trip and we want you to come with us.'' Branch smiles.
''Awesome! I'm all in for a trip. We get to explore island and discover places we never knew! What are we waiting for!'' Shouted John Dory.
''Well JD we are going on a sea expedition!'' Poppy shouts.
''Sea expedition? Ok.'' He was confused.
''John I have been thinking about what you told me about Enya and well I don't think she's dead so me, Poppy, and Floyd are going to look for her and we want you to come with us.'' Branch said walking over to his big brother.
''Sounds like fun! Let's go do it.'' John smiles.
''Great! We will get our stuff and leave tomorrow but first we need you to show us where the ship is.'' Branch nodded.
''Oh easy, I know where it is. So who's all going?'' Asked John Dory who felt excited and hopeful.
''Me, Branch, and Floyd.'' Poppy replied.
John looked at Clay and Viva. ''Why aren't you love birds coming?''
''Well, I'm staying here because someone needs to look after the trolls and dad while Poppy is gone.'' Viva replied.
Poppy and Viva came to an agreement with their dad that when Poppy went on an important trip or adventure, Viva would take over.
''Ok alright I get it your highness.'' John playfully bowed.
Viva smiles.
''So, why is fun boy staying? Wanting to try to have some of that royal sex huh?'' John Dory teased and laughed.
''I'm staying here in case Viva needs help and besides I'm not too fond of traveling on water.'' Clay shrugs.
''Oh, right. That's why you never got in the pool when you were little.'' Branch remembered.
''I'm going to pack my bag and meet you boys at Rhonda.'' Poppy replied.
''I'll go with you.'' Viva giggles as they left.
''Anyway what are we waiting for let's get our stuff and get going.'' John Dory smiles as he ran to get his stuff.
Branch and Floyd went to their rooms to get their stuff.
John Dory packed his bag and grabbed the picture of Enya. ''Don't worry Enya I'm coming for you wherever you are. I won't stop looking for you this time.'' He vowed.
He placed the recording in his pack and placed the picture of her in his jacket as he closed the door and waiting for the adventure.
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