The three run into some pirates are the friendly or not.
''So how are we going to handle this?'' Asked Poppy a bit worried.
''Easy, we just tell them we are traveling around.'' Branch replied.
''Yep and Poppy you're our maid, so you should go down below.'' John Dory replied.
Floyd and Branch looked surprised.
''No John she is going to stay with us.'' Branch replied.
''If these are pirates they will want to trade something and they will want her.'' He nodded to Poppy.
''He's right go hide Poppy.'' Floyd grabbed Poppy as they ran.
Poppy and Floyd made it down below.
''I have an idea Floyd dress up as a captian and I'll be the maid we can use that against them.'' Poppy replied pulling a big box out from under the bed full of outfits.
''Where did you get that stuff?'' Asked Floyd.
''I never go without my outfits just in case for things like this.'' She winks as they got dressed.
Branch and John Dory were up top, and John Dory pulled out two of his machetes and Branch pulled out a knife and a spear.
''Here use these just in case.'' Branch said as he paced weapons on him and in his hair.
''I'll do the talking we are just explorers out for some fun.'' John Dory replied.
Shortly the ship came in front of them and the two trolls made out about 6 pirates and four of them used rope sails while the other two stayed back.
The troll revealed himself to be an orange troll with brown long hair what was down who was handsome and muscular wearing a white peasant shirt with a v cut and brown shorts and had a sash around his waist where his sword was and the others were dressed as well.
''Well, well who do we have here gents?'' He asked in an Australian accent looking at the two trolls.
''We are just two brothers out on an adventure to reconnect.'' John Dory answered both weapons behind his back in holders.
''Just the two of you?'' Asked the troll circling them as the others surrounded them.
''As far as you know yes.'' Branch replied.
''So, you're out here exploring huh? Well, these are dangerous waters, and this is my area of the sea.'' He answered standing face to face with John Dory.
''We had no idea we will leave.'' John replied.
''Oh, it's not that easy mate, I don't know you and you don't know me.'' He replied.
''And who are you?'' Asked Branch.
'I'm Captain Connor.'' Replied the troll.
Poppy and Floyd were hiding in the shadows watching.
''Captain Connor, we don't want any trouble we will leave.'' Branch replied.
Connor chuckled. ''You think it's that easy? You don't know where is safe away from my area do you?'' He asked circling Branch who frowns.
Suddenly they heard a yelp and one of the other pirates had grabbed Poppy and the other Floyd pulling them out.
''We found these two hiding.'' One said throwing Floyd and Poppy on the ground next to Branch.
''Poppy are you ok?'' Asked Branch helping her up as John Dory helped up Floyd.
''So, what should we do with them?'' Asked one.
Connor said nothing and was taken by Poppy.
''Are you alright Ms?'' Connor asked going over to Poppy.
Branch pulls Poppy behind him glaring. ''Back off she is taken.'' Branch growled.
Connor smirked. ''Hm she a cute thing, let me have her and you guys can go free.'' He replied.
''No!'' Branch snapped holding his arm back as Poppy held it.
Poppy stepped out. ''Sorry Captain but my father promised this troll.''
''And who is your dad?'' Asked Connor grabbing Branch and tossing him into one of the other trolls who held him back.
John and Floyd were stuck.
''Captain Blue Snow.'' She replied.
Connor looked at her and laughed. ''Never heard of him now you can come with me and let the boys go or else they will suffer.'' He replied.
''Poppy don't.'' Branch cried out.
Poppy walked closer to Connor and was face to face. ''Well, I have to admit you are very handsome much more so then Branch over there but are you a good kisser?'' She asked.
''Here let me prove it.'' He pulls her to him, and they lean in only for Connor to flinch as Poppy pulls away and she tackled a troll and pinned him down.
''Start attacking.'' She called.
The boys wasted no time in fighting. Poppy climbed up the on the sails as the boys were fighting and John Dory and Branch got the others trolls in the middle of the ship.
''Now Poppy!'' Shouted Branch.
Poppy pulled the rope as a net scooped up the pirates and Floyd went to the controls and used the hook to throw them onto their ship and while all of this is going John Dory started sailing away as fast as he could.
Once they were a distance away, John put it on auto pilot and went down to the others as they celebrated.
''You guys were amazing!'' John Dory replied.
''Heck yeah, we did.'' Squealed Poppy who ran over and hugged Branch.
''Are you ok Poppy?'' Asked Branch.
''Yeah, and don't worry I had no intention on kissing him.'' She replied.
Branch placed her down and frowned. ''Still, you could have just kicked him rather then leaning in like that.'' Branch snapped not happy.
''Branch come on nothing happened. I had to catch him off guard.'' She defended herself.
''Take it easy Branch if not for Poppy we'd still be dealing with those pirates.'' Floyd replied coming to Poppy's defense.
''Besides she didn't kiss him or anything so your fine Branch.'' John Dory said coming over.
''I needed us to get out and that was the only way come on Branch you know I would never do anything to put our relationship in harms way. I was flirting its a natural thing.'' Poppy snapped at Branch.
''Still I was there, it could have gone worse... How do you think I feel?!'' He snapped as he turned and walked back inside.
Poppy frowns and went up to where the wheel was.
John Dory and Floyd watched them and looked at each other.
''You talk to Poppy I'll go talk to Branch.'' John Dory replied.
''Sure thing John.'' Floyd left going to Poppy.
John Dory went down to see Branch.
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