Who would bring a child to fight against trained wizards?
"What year is it?" Teddy spoke up his eyes wavering from his fathers, it would be the first time meeting him and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional, but he pushed it down for now.
"1995, are you death eaters?" Sirius asked menacingly holding his wand out, "yes" everyone turned to Cassie in shock as she stood up from her seat with a little difficulty.
"No we're not death eaters! If you can't clearly see I'm pregnant, and the children here are as young as six, who would bring a child to fight against trained wizards? Oh- never mind" she sassed rolling her eyes at the two men, Molly had lowered her wand.
"How do we know this isn't polyjuice potion?" Remus spoke up her eyes instantly went to teddy.
"We're from the future we had an incident with a time turner, it broke and we landed here" victoire told them in hopes of calming things down.
"Do you not recognize me? Or has the future changed me so much that you don't recognize your own daughter?" Cassie almost glared at her father, she remembered what he was like in 1995, and she felt sorry for her younger self about what would be happening in a couple of months.
"Cassiopeia?" Sirius breathed out in shock, "nice to see you too, Sirius" she wanted to yell at him to blame him for everything she had been through but she couldn't, she and Harry agreed to not let her relationship with her father change their children's view of him. Even if he was a crappy father to her he was an amazing surrogate one to Harry.
"Call the rest of the order and tell moody to bring the veritaserum" Sirius ordered as Molly went off.
Not long after Cassie was sat in a chair surrounded by the order members, all her children stood protectively behind her.
Dumbledore and Snape entered the room and she breathed in a sigh of relief, it had been a long time since she had seen her old professors and each one had been part of the reason she was still here.
"We shall ask you some questions and you must answer truthfully" dumbledore said, Cassie sighed lifting the vile to her lips.
"What is your full name?" He asked and Cassie sighed "Cassiopeia Lily McKinnon" Sirius looked at her confused as did everyone else. "What happened to Black?" She could hear him mutter to Remus who shrugged in response.
"How did you get here?" He asked ignoring the looks, "from what I saw, they got hold of a time turner which then broke in front of my eyes, gold dust swooshed around us and poof we're here almost like it was magic" she joked at the end, safe to say they were not amused.
"And who are the children behind you?" Molly asked, "one of them is mine, the rest are the future kids of the ones trying to listen in from upstairs" she told them standing up briefly to pull on the ear dangling outside the door.
"How many times have I told you not to listen in?!" Molly's loud voice bellowed out and up the stairs, the children all made their way down one after the other, Cassie's eyes landed on her younger self, her eyes held sadness as the memory's flashed through her mind.
"Might as well do introductions" Cassie clapped her hands making her way back to her chair. "One last question" Sirius spoke up, "why isn't your surname Black?"
Cassie held her hands in front of her mouth, she knew it wouldn't do much to stop the truth from coming out but she couldn't just upright say it in front of everyone.
Her voice came out muffled, "stop that and answer the question" she worriedly looked at the children behind her. She motioned them to cover their ears, the older ones covering the younger. Cassie held her hands over rose, James over albus the same with Lily and Hugo.
Then in a quiet voice she muttered "my name is no longer Black because I disowned you" eyes widened at her revelation, even her own daughter didn't know of this.
"Wait what?" The young Harry asked looking between the two Cassie's, the younger one looked shocked at the thought that she could do such a thing.
"It is what it is" she shrugged "but what did you do that was so bad that I had to disown you?" She glared at him and the insinuation that it was her fault.
"Take the children outside please, I don't want them to hear what I'm about to say" she whispered to teddy who nodded pulling the younger ones out, Molly went with them with a tray of snacks to keep the occupied.
"What did I do? I think you misheard me, I disowned you not the other way around!" She pointed at him accusingly.
James, Fred, Sofia, and Louis had stayed beside her refusing to leave Cassie alone.
"What did he do that was so bad?" Ron spoke up, he never liked back then, "he told me to use the one good thing I had for his benefit and then called me a bad daughter when I refused" Sirius looked at her in disbelief.
"That's it? You disowned me over something so little" she shook her head mockingly, "that's just me putting it nicely" she shrugged.
"How do we know if this is even the real Cass? The real one wouldn't just betray her family like that" Ron spoke up again and hermione nudged him to keep quiet.
"Why's he being so rude to her now?" Fred II whispered to Louis who shrugged. "You think I'm fake?" Cassie almost laughed.
"Then how would I know that, lavender broke up with you when you said hermiones name in your sleep, and that Bill's secretly seeing fleur, Harry told Mclaggen hermione fancied him, Ron beat him up to scare him off and that Ginny hexed a fourth year who tried putting amortentia in Harry's drink, Harry had a go at dean when he made Ginny cry" she huffed out, 25 years later and she felt relieved to her they off her chest.
"Why didn't you say anything about Fred and George?" Ron muttered annoyed that his secrets were outed, "because unlike the rest of you they have never once stood against me" her eyes lingered on Fred slightly longer than the others.
"That's meaningless teenage drama I'm sure everyone knew that" Sirius laughed and she turned to him, "I know a lot more than that, Remus irons his socks, Molly's secret ingredient is a dandelion and that Arthur was once arrested for accident stealing from a muggle shopping center" all eyes turned to the patriarch of the Weasley family.
"Good one dad!" "We didn't know we had it in you" the twins cheered, "How could you possibly know that?" Snape asked amused.
"I was the one who had to get him, I convinced the muggles he was my uncle that had a condition where he forgets to do things like pay for stuff, it didn't work so we confunded him and ran" the younger cassie laughed at the memory of when she saw the wizard behind the bars in the small shopping center jail.
"What about me? There's nothing you can tell me that no one else already knows" Sirius told her once again, he was determined to prove her wrong as always.
"I think it's best for your reputation that I don't say it" she warily glanced behind her, the children held amused looks at all the blackmail they're getting for when they return home.
Teddy re entered the room, "somehow they are all asleep" he shrugged unsure of how he managed that.
"You have nothing on me" she sent a sad smile towards her younger self. "He knew about the first time you harmed yourself but chose not to say anything because he thought it would take attention away from Harry" younger Cassie's eyes widened as they turned to her father who looked shock, the colour had drained from his face as everyone stared at him accusingly.
"You knew?" Younger Cassie's looked at him so hurt, her eyes stung with tears, she felt hands on her shoulders, James and Teddy, her daughter hugged her as she relived them in her head.
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