"You knew and chose not to say anything?" She seethed at him "it wasn't my place to say" he tried to defend.
"All you had to do was talk to me, but that was a task in itself isn't it? You'd rather have me die than to speak to me" she shook her head, leaving the room.
"Call him down" older Cassie spoke up, looks of confusion went around the room. "Call who down?"
"Call him down, he's in the next part of the story" younger Cassie nodded her head and hesitantly went upstairs.
"Right not a word out of any of you, I'm over the whole 'you don't love me thing' I've dealt with it, but she hasn't not yet, and if you so much as saying anything to upset her when she brings him in I will hex you myself" Cassie warned everyone in the room, this didn't make threats she warned people, so when they went against her she'd always commit.
The sound of footsteps returned and the door hesitantly pushed opened to reveal "dad!" Sofia whispered shocked, excited and confused.
"Matteo riddle?! You brought a riddle into my house! He could be a spy! He could-" Sirius wasn't able to say another word as older Cassie raised her wand and hexed him, his lips glued together.
"Anyone else?" She looked around the table but they shook their heads. "Good, take a seat" Matteo looked between the two Cassie's, he was confused but by the little his Cassie told him, she was from the future, where she was no longer a Black.
"The whole disowning happened, a little after my birthday, we had just about made up" she motioned between her and Harry "and well almost everyone forgot, Fred, George and Matteo" she used her wand to show the images from her memories.
"We had a small cake by ourselves whilst you all were parading around Harry because Father's Day was in a month or something, Harry remembered a couple days later and I got decent gift so it's all good" she moved her wand to show the memory of that day.
"We need someone to find out what their plan is" Sirius told them, "I already have that covered Sirius" dumbledore told him.
"We need someone close, not someone who only sees you know who on meetings" he exclaimed.
"I could try talking to-" he cut him off "Harry no that's too dangerous" he waved him off, "Cassie could do it, she's will the dark lords son anyway" Ron spoke up as hermione and Harry shot him dirty looks, Harry motioned him to be quiet.
"She's what?" He didn't listen to another word, before shouting for her "Cassiopeia! Come down here right now!" Cassie ran down the stairs, it had been the first time in almost 3 years that her father had called for her.
"Yes dad?" She strolled into the room, "how long have you been sneaking around with you know who's son?!" He shouted, "I-I don't know what you mean" she stuttered back, "Don't lie to me" he shouted once again.
"I'm not lying, we're not sneaking around, everyone knows you just haven't been paying attention" she muttered the last bit quietly. "How could you? After everything his fathers done?! He killed Harry's parents! How do we know he's not the exact same? What if he's with you to get close to Harry?! How can you be so selfish?" He started to step closer to Harry who looked shocked by his outburst.
"We don't actually talk, he treats her good isn't that the main thing?" Harry spoke up but no one listened, this argument was long waiting to happen, this father and daughter needed to air out their problems and that was happening now.
"Out of everyone I know what it's like to be judged for my fathers actions! Up until a couple years ago everyone thought I was the daughter of a murderer, when Harry and the others found out they isolated me because of what they thought you did! I had to live in fear, death eaters have been after me because you betrayed them! I had students attack me and taunt because they think you're a murderer! I had no one and then I found someone in a similar situation, I had someone for me and you're accusing me of being selfish?" Tears started to pool in her eyes but she blinked them away.
"You have one chance to redeem yourself, you need to use your relationship with him to find out what he who must not be named is doing, then you must break up with him, is that understood?" He told her calmly but she couldn't fathom the words he was saying.
"No that's not understood! I'm not risking the only good relationship in my life for the benefit of someone who has not once taken an interest in me, not to mention if anyone found out he could die! You don't think voldermorts against harming his own son?, and you're demanding me to break up with him? You have no right to do that!" She wanted to smack him, she tried so hard to resist the urge.
"I am your father!" He pointed at her "actually no, you're not, you see a father would care about their child, console them, advise them or even take a genuine interest in their life, you've been back 3 years we haven't had a proper conversation til now, and you think you can just dictate my life once there's something in it for you? You are not my father" she snarled at him, she had hit her breaking point.
She didn't expect it or even watch it happen, but she felt the sharp stinging in her cheek, her broken eyes hardened as they made contact with his.
"You are my daughter and I will not have the black name tainted with the likes of him!" He told her almost ordered her.
"Not once have I said anything bad about you, not once did I tell anyone about they way you treated me, I didn't blame you all those years in the orphanage, I defended you to everyone who cursed at me I'm done now, You don't have to worry about me tainting your name" her voice was so calm it was almost chilling.
"If being a Black means I have to keep dealing with this abuse then I no longer want to be a Black" she told him.
"Cassie you can't" Remus tried to stop her, "you're no better, you're supposed to be my godfather, you could've stepped in anytime, where were you all those years?" She whispered back.
She turned back to her father "I'm disowning you and the Black name. I don't deserve this! I've done nothing to be treated like this, Matteo has the voldermort as his father and he gets more acknowledgement than I do! You happy now? Your names not getting tainted now!, before you say it, I'm not going to regret this, I just spoke up for myself for the first time in years! If that's being selfish than so be it, I'm going to do what's best for me for once and that is being as far away from you as possible" she ended pointing towards her father.
"Get out" he growled, "gladly" she went to go upstairs to grab her things until her wrists were harshly tugged, Sirius dragged her to the door and threw her out onto the street, "you are no daughter of mine" he said before slamming the door behind him.
End Flashbakc
"After that I got the knightbus and stayed at the leaky cauldron, Harry and hermione got me my stuff a couple days later and Ron got me a box of my mums things he found in the attic because he felt bad that that all happened because he couldn't keep his mouth shut" by now almost everyone was in tears.
Matteo was holding young cassie comforting her as she tried not to cry in front of everyone.
"Enough about us, we should probably call the others in and do some light introductions, not that the emotional bits are done I'm dying to see their reactions" she stood up and left them room to grab the children.
Eyes were now on the 5 children from the future, "how could you do that to her?" Sofia questioned quietly wiping her tears, not once did her mum mention anything bad about her grandfather.
"You sound surprised, did you not know?" Hermione questioned her own tears barely subsiding as she squeezed young Cassie's hand.
"They didn't" Cassie spoke when she walked back in, "Harry and I agreed to let them come up with their own image of you, at the end of the day you were a good father just to the wrong child" She shook her head, everything she ever wanted to say and do was done, they knew what he did and so did she, she made her peace with it, so there was no reason to continue their hate for a man who didn't know how to raise his daughter.
With a smile she raised her wand "Obliviate"
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