Everything's fine
Everyone froze as the words came out her mouth, "it's too early" Matteo said as he got up from beneath Albus.
"I'm 36 weeks it's not that early" she told him as another contraction hit, "this is way too fast, last time I didn't have contractions until a couple hours before Sofia was born" Matteo helped her up panic begin to flood in his eyes.
"We need to get you to st mungos" and with that the two quickly scurried off into the fireplace.
"Oh my god, my brothers coming!" Sofia grinned ignoring the pain of Fred sat on her back, how did she end up at the bottom of the pile again?
James landed somewhere at the top and helped everyone get situated one by one, his hands went to Sofias waist helping her sit up, subtly checking for any injuries.
"This is so exciting we haven't had a baby in the family since Lily!" Ginny gushed to Harry, "don't look at me like that! We're not having any more!" He quickly ran ignoring his wife who trailed after him babbling about having the chance to name the next one.
One by one the cousins all separated as if they hadn't just been on an adventure together, it left just James and Sofia in his room.
James smiled at her bringing her into his arms, "is everything sorted with your dad?" He pulled back nervously, it pained him that she couldn't say it back but he knew deep down she did, and he was more than happy to wait for it.
"It is" she whispered, pulling him into a deep kiss, the kiss lasted longer than any other they've shared, James was still dazed once she pulled away and he barely caught onto her words "I love you too"
"You do?" He asked hopeful, "I do, so much" James pulled her into another kiss slowly lowering her onto his bed until the door opened. "We're going to the hospit- stop doing that unless you want your new brother to be an uncle very soon" Albus scolded as he watched the two groan and pull apart.
After forcefully separating them he dragged them to the fireplace, everyone else had gone back to their own homes to reunite with their families, leaving Sofia with the Potters.
As soon as they made their way to the hospital they didn't expect to see Cassie holding the baby in her arms, they hadn't expected it to be over so soon.
Before they could even ask she told them "the shock of falling induced my labor, but the baby's healthy and so am I" Sofia grinned as she walked to her mothers bedside, she observed her brother unlike her he had his fathers chocolate brown eyes but they shared the same nose, and lips. She was already promising the world to him as he opened his eyes to greet her.
"Mum can I hold him?" She asked so quietly as she sat on the bed, gently the newborn was placed into her arms, "he's so adorable" she gushed and heard the snap of a camera, Matteo held out the photo to see it magically depict her smiling down at her brother in awe.
"What's his name?" Harry asked, "Thomas, I used to have a brother named thomas" Matteo smiled down sadly at his son, his brother wasn't lucky enough to have the same fate as him, he didn't get to grow up and leave their father, he died before he even got a chance to go to hogwarts.
"Thomas Matteo Riddle"
A little while later the baby had been put to sleep and one by one everyone had decided to leave, Matteo and Sofia had gone to get some food, which had left just Harry and Cassie. "How are you?" He asked as he sat in a chair beside the bed.
"Sore but other then that I'm fine" she told him playing with her hair, "no I meant how are you after seeing him?" He knew seeing him again would bring up all sorts of memories for her.
"Let's just say I got out everything I had to say, don't worry they won't remember any of it, I obliviated them seconds after" she rolled her eyes a small smile growing on her face, "I called him out in front of everyone, shouted at him, yelled, cursed, Remus too, I blamed him and told him why I left or would leave" her smile quickly dropped "why wasn't that enough? Why don't I feel satisfied? I did everything I wanted to do" she turned to her brother figure hoping he could give her answers.
"Maybe it's cause deep down you miss him?" She scoffed at that "miss him? He did nothing for me" Harry sighed, "maybe that's why you miss him, did you actually get answers? About why he did what he did, or did you just shout at him as much as you could" she groaned.
"I hate it when your right" Harry chuckled leaning back into his chair pulling a note out of his pocket. "He asked me to give this to you, Don't worry I didn't read it" Cassie hesitantly took the note from him.
She sighed as her eyes glistened with tears as she repeated the words in her head I've always loved you, the four words she longed to hear since she was a little girl, she felt almost relieved, like a weight had been lifted off of her.
"What did it say?" Harry asked, she wasn't one to cry, whatever was in the letter had to have been something really good or really bad. "He said sorry" it may not have sounded like much, but to her it was everything.
"Hey is everything alright?" Matteo asked as he stepped into the room. "Everything's fine" she smiled grateful for the family she now had, she didn't need her father to have a family but she was glad that he always wanted her to be his.
Dear Cassiopeia,
I don't know how I remember after everyone else forgot but I do, I'm deeply sorry for all the hurt I have caused you. Know that it was never intentional, you reminded me so much of your mother, they way you talk, act, look even the sass, I know that is no way an excuse to treat you the way I did but every time I looked at you it was just a constant reminder of what I had lost. I never meant to make you feel like I didn't care. When I had learnt about you hurting I wanted to talk to you but I felt bad that you were at that point because of me, so I used Harry as an excuse each time I couldn't get my words out to tell you how I felt. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you, to hold you when you were hurt, or reassure you that it would all be okay, I'm sorry I couldn't take care of you when you were sick, or watch you grow up, I'm sorry I was a terrible father, you were right you didn't deserve it. This is not at all a justification, it's just a reminder that I may not have shown it and I regret doing so, but I'm proud of the woman you've become, you're strong, brave and seem incredibly smart, just like my Marlene, you have an incredible daughter whom I wish I could've spent more time with. I know you'll continue to make me proud, nothing you do could ever disappoint me,
I've always loved you
Sirius Black
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