Memories Return And Helm Faints
Blue, Bessfer and Lyka wakes up two hours early and noticed they're back in the cave making them to be confused as there's new members and their pregnant making them to be soo confused until they think and the memories flashed making them to gasp their heads in pain before the memories restored themselves.
"Helm... Helm's back?" Lyka asked as he wanted to go see him, but blue stopped him as something's not right before they saw more making them to be shocked as Helm changed far too much that the timelines aren't matching up making him to be able to stay with them forever making Blue to freak out in his mind as Helm's...
'I'm going to be a father...?' Blue thinks as he looks towards Helm's... No... Their room as Helm's still asleep making Blue to wonder how Helm's going to take this and then they saw Helm who walks out with clothing like theirs meaning he's staying as the timelines don't match up and the Swamp Alpha's not after him making Helm to look at them.
"What's wrong?" Once Lyka hugs Helm and was happy his brother's not coming a second time to take Helm away from them, Helm froze before fainting making Blue to catch him as this is not what they expected before realization hits them; Helm thought it's only him who wet back in time making them to realized his heart's been hurting cause of this.
Helm woke up three hours later with Blue cuddling him making him to see Lyka near the bed while Bessfer's making food making Helm to feel Blue waking up and once he saw him awake, Blue hugs him mkaing Helm to realized this isn't a dream making him to hug Blue tightly as he has his family back which has him crying.
"This isn't a dream, right?" Helm asked as he has to make sure making Blue to kiss him on the forehead making Helm to blush a bit from this as Blue whispers they're back making Helm to cry as he's family's back and they're not going anywhere. Helm explains to them the many changes as he can't lose them and how he did it making Lyka to like this timeline better.
"I like this timeline better! I'm Helm's student and a senior to more!" Lyka said making everyone to laugh as the teens aren't up yet making Blue to pull Helm's onto his lap which Helm's cuddles into his chest making Blue to wonder why Helm changed everything unless it's to stay with them forever, then Helm did it to be with them all.
"I... I was three to four days long before I got sent back..." Helm mumbles, but Lyka heard him shocking him as he gasp and points at Helm who hides his face more into Blue's chest.
"You were three to four days long in the past timeline!?" Lyka shouts, but not loud enough to wakes the others making Blue and Bessfer to be shocked as Blue hugs Helm, never going to let him go making Helm to accept before Blue licks his neck and bites down hard making Helm to moan as in front of Bessfer and Lyka, Blue just Married Helm.
"Should... Ah... Should I do the same or?" Helm asked making Blue to lick the the wound as Helm gasps and Lyka hands the medicine over to Blue making Helm to keep the hold on Blue as he keeps treating his bite mark. Blue gently raises Helm up and he noticed his mark from when they... Blue nods and Helm licks it before open his mouth wide and bite down hard.
Helm breaks the skin deeply as bloods filling his mouth, his teeth went only quarter a cm in making Blue to moan as Helm shallows the blood like Blue did to him as he removes his teeth and licks the wounds making him to do the same treatment to Blue as he did to him. Helm's noticed that over the past two weeks, he got scales.
They're white, but not chameleon scales making him to be confused, but not as confused as to where he can understand snakes somehow and has white patches in his hair making him to be weird out until Bessfer explains it's a semi-converter making him to not mind, but would like to know more about it making only Blue to explain it to him.
Blue explains that a semi-converter is when a Outer and a non-Outer shares some genes, but sometimes the non-Outer would not have anything on them, but Helm's looks different making Helm to not mind the scales, just they're not chameleon ones making Blue to noticed they're snake scales making Helm to be confused by this.
Blue's surprised by the clusters of cocoons Helm's found and the past ones making him to go get them as Helm can't come making Bessfer to stay while Lyka can go making Helm to help out as many still needs him here making Blue and Lyka to leave with the cube storage to collect the cocoons as Helm has the map digitalized for them with their markers moving towards them.
Helm's nervous making Bessfer to explain how her pregnancy went making many to listen as Bessfer's wasn't a picnic making Helm to smile as he's feeling better about this as it took Blue and Lyka a month to find all of them and to come back meaning two weeks and two weeks making Helm happy to see them back safe and sound.
Blue noticed that Helm's stomach's sticking out more making him to rub it as he nuzzles Helm's head making Helm to not mind as he hugs Blue. The Swamp Alpha smiles as Blue's looking after Helm making H-02 to be upset he's not looking after his brother, but he can't stop how happy Helm is making the Swamp Alpha to nuzzle him and he went to sleep.
'Guess H-02's not going to remember. Good. Helm deserves happiness.' The Swamp Alpha thinks as it's weird on how Helm's changes is making a different in the world making him to wonder how he came up with these ideas in the first place. Helm's napping in Blue's hold as he's drained making him to be relaxed and calmed which Blue wants for him.
Blue smiles as he has Helm in his arms and not away from him as his instincts were to protect Helm and he's not going to fail this time around as he has children to also look after making him to not fail Helm or the children as he needs to be there for them no matter what the cost.
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