Chapter 9
You arrive in the Hokage's office. Kakashi sensei knocked on the door softly. After a few seconds, loud yelling came from the other side.
"Get in! Fast! Your wasting my time!"
"Well, that's the Hokage for you. Let's go." Kakashi sensei said, opening the door, letting us go first.
"Well, are these the brats that came from the future?" Tsunade asked.
"Supposedly. I don't believe in it much either, but if you see this kid," Kakashi pointed towards Boruto. "He really resembles Naruto."
Tsunade stared at Boruto for a long time. "Yeah, he really does. Tell me, kid, who's your mom? Everyone from the future, state your parent's names."
"My dad's Naruto Uzumaki, my mom's Hinata Hyuuga Uzumaki, and I have a sister named Himawari Uzumaki. I'll be the strongest ninja ever! "
"My name's Y/N. My mother's name is Charlotte. My father left a long time ago."
"My name is Mitsuki. I come to Konoha as a transfer student to study on how to be a ninja."
"Hold it kid. Who are your parents?"
"My mother is Orochimaru. I do not know where he is currently. Don't worry, she is not causing trouble at the moment."
Huh? She? He? Is Orochimaru a girl or a boy? I'm confused.
"Boruto, is Orochimaru a boy or a girl?"
"I don't know! Mitsuki keeps on saying he, then she, then he!"
Is... Is Orochimaru Bisexual?
Tsunade, obviously shocked from the news, took a few seconds before composing herself.
"Alright. I trust you. I think there was a girl?"
"Yup. Her name is Sarada Uchiha, only daughter of Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Uchiha."
"Ah." Tsunade looked at the 2 teenage parents for a while.
"Anyway, granny Tsunade! Can we have a tour of Konoha? I think it'll be really cool, dattebasa!"
"Don't call me a granny, damn it!" Tsunade slammed the table, papers flying everywhere.
Shizune burst into the room.
"Tsunade, I heard-" Shizune paused to look at us. "Oh. You must be the kids from the future. And..." Shizune turned to look at Boruto and sighed."I assume you called her granny?"
"Mhmm! She looks the same though!"
"Anyway, I'll run a DNA test for you kids. So, go to the hospital after this. Understand?!"
All of you nodded fearfully.
"One last question? Who is the Hokage of your time?"
"My dad, dattebasa!"
"Ah. He really did achieve his dream. The sixth?"
"Nope! The sixth is Kakashi ."
Tsunade looked at Kakashi. He gave her a 'yeah, i don't know how I became Hokage either' look.
"Yeah! Say, granny, can you tell me what dad was like? He never tells me anything, dattebasa!"
"Nah. Later, brat. Now, get out!"
Now your standing outside the Hokage's office, with nowhere to go.
"So... back to the hospital?" You asked.
"Yeah. You guys only though. They probably already have our DNA's. I'm heading home." Sasuke spoke, already walking back to his house.
"Sasuke!" Sasuke turned around.
"Um, is it okay if I come to your house too? When I was a kid, I think I left something there, but I'm not sure..." Sakura said sheepishly.
Oh My Gosh. That was an awful excuse.
"Hnn." Sasuke started walking again.
After a while, he stopped and looked back.
"Well? Are you coming?"
You saw Sakura's face swell up into smiles.
As you watch the two walk further away, you sigh happily.
Good Job Sasuke! Already bringing your girl on an official but not really official date!
"Let's go." Mitsuki stated quietly.
"No! I'm starving dattebasa! The hospital food was so bad! Can I please get some food?" Boruto begged.
"I mean, she didn't specify what time, so I don't think we can. I don't think we want to make her angry." You said.
"Aww! I want food! I want food!"
"I'll get you guys food. Meanwhile, you can head off to the hospital yourselves, right?" Kakashi spoke up, surprising you.
I forgot he was here!
"R-right, Kakashi sensei. We're off!" You waved.
The three off you ran to the hospital, having an unofficial contest with each other.
"I win!" Boruto cheered.
"Aww! No fair! you ran first!" You whined, panting.
"Ne, doesn't matter. I won!"
"That's cheating!" Mitsuki argued as well.
"See, 2 versus 1! Give up,Boruto! I win!"
"No, I win." I voice surprised you.
You turn around to see Kakashi, with a shopping bag full of ramen cups.
"Kakashi sensei!" You shouted.
"Anyway, let's get in."
You ate the already made cup ramen ( Boruto thanked Kakashi repeatedly) as you wait for the announcement.
"Wait." You paused from your meal. "My mom just came here recently. Doesn't that mean her DNA isn't here?"
"I'm pretty sure all the villages have all their occupants DNA's, either inside or outside the village.
"Oh. Okay then!"
"How did your mother 'just came here recently'?"
Oh crap. I don't have an answer to that! What do I say! Cause I sure as hell don't know!
"Well, I-"
An announcement came through the speakers.
"Boruto, Y/N, Kakashi and Mitsuki, please go into room 65."
Saved by the speakers! Thank you!
"Let's go." Mitsuki said, throwing away his ramen cup.
"Aww, I just have one left dattebasa!"
"You can eat it on the way there!"
In a nutshell, yes, the research matched. The doctors and nurses couldn't believe it either.
You were asked to go back to the Hokage right away. The four of you obliged.
"So, the test results were true. Now, can you explain to me how you got here in the first place?" Tsunade asked.
You quietly explained what happened. After your explanation, she stood up, stood in front of you and Boruto and bashed your skulls together.
"IT HURTS!" You and Boruto yell.
"I don't care! You made a conundrum because of your foolishness!" Tsunade sighed. "Shizune, can you call Shikaku?"
"Sure." Shizune headed out.
" Give me the scroll." She outstretched her hand.
Mitsuki took it out of his pouch. He was a bit hesitant, you notice, but gave it to her.
"Alright! Now get out! I got some drinking to do! Oh, and come here tomorrow! Kakashi, I'm leaving you to deal with the brats!" She slammed the door behind you [you guys are out already].
"Right." So, where do you want to go?" Kakashi asked once you all are out of the Hokage building.
"Let's visit Sarada. I don't know if she's lonely or talking with Naruto, but let's visit her." You suggest.
The rest of them agreed. That's how you found yourself in front of Sarada and Naruto's room, knocking.
"Come in!" 2 happy voices can be heard from the other side of the door.
"Well, I'm glad they're getting along." Mitsuki said, waiting for you to open the door.
The 4 of you sat down in the offered chairs and chatted.
After a while, Sakura and Sasuke joined. Seems that something has happened, because Sasuke is now taking freely to Sakura. You decide not to ask. Sarada looks pleased.
"You know, when all of us are better, we should spar together!" Sarada suggested.
"That would be pretty good." You agreed.
"Hell yeah! Get ready to be beaten by me!" Boruto and Naruto yelled at the same time.
"Don't copy me!"
Here they go again...
After a while, you notice the clock reading 10 p.m.
"Guys, it's 10. We should get going. Actually, it's a miracle that the hospital hasn't kicked us out yet." You said.
"I agree. Let's go." Sasuke said, standing up and stretching.
"Oh, and Sakura is staying for the night."
YES! YES! We just need Naruhina to happen!
"Bye guys!" Naruto waved. Sarada already fell asleep.
You 4 head to the Uchiha compound, You brushed your teeth and fell asleep immediately. Hey, stopping 5 ninja's fighting with each other constantly is difficult, okay?
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