You rubbed your head as you slowly sat up.
Where am I?
You spied the rest of your teammates lying down on the ground.
Wrong question. Where are we?
You stood up, looking for bruises that might happen when you were in your body.
Finding only a few minor scratches, you stood up, trying to configure where you are.
You realize that you are in the outskirts of Konoha.
But, everything's so different. The land is so... barren and-
You gasped.
No way...
You whipped out the scroll you took and studied it. Your face turned pale when you read the words on the scroll.
'Time travel scroll. Not to be used unless in dire situations. If used, will stop time in the future. Once the past has been left, characters from the past that interacted with characters from the future will have memories erased.'
Oh thank God. So, I didn't mess up too bad. But...
You look at the scroll again. There is no indication on how to go home.
How the hell do we go back to the future?
You heard some shuffling behind you. Turning around, you spot Boruto waking up. You approach him quickly.
"Boruto! Thank kami you're awake." You said frantically.
"Urgh. Hi. Where are we?" He groaned, opening his eyes.
"Well, would you like the ba-"
You looked at the Uchiha in a hurry.
Eh? She seems alright? What's wrong-
Oh shit.
Her ankle looked like it dislocated, and she had a few minor injuries. You checked Mitsuki as well. He looked like he had only some minor injuries.
Thank you again, kami.
"We have to tell Aunt Sakura!" He hurriedly lifted Sarada as best as he could.
"Boruto, wait!"
"We can't wait! She dislocated her ankle! What if-"
"We're in the past!"
Boruto paused.
"You know when there's the white light? I think it dragged us here. You know, from the scroll I dropped?" You explained sheepishly.
You watch as Boruto take in the news.
Oh my kami, will he be mad? Actually, I've never seen him mad. Will Boruto go like, completely insane or what?
"That... Is... So... Cool!"
Eeh?! Well, were talking about Boruto here. At least he took the news well. If he's okay with it, then Sarada will be okay with it. And Mitsuki will go along! I really should thank Boruto. But still, it's really complex.
"Urgh..." You look up from your musings to find Mitsuki.
"Oh! Mitsuki! You okay?" Boruto asked.
"Y-yeah, kind of? Where are we? I'm sure we're not in the same place where we were."
You explain the situation quickly. Mitsuki just nodded. He clearly knows that time travel is not to be messed with.
"Right. So, what's the plan?" He asked.
"Yeah, Sarada needs help." Boruto agreed.
"Well, we need to get help. Konoha is just to our north, so it'll be fine. Should we say who we are? Because the memories of those here will be erased about us if any contact is shown. So, should we?" The boys nodded.
"Then, we need shelter."
"For shelter, maybe we can get into an abandoned house or storage area. It's not comfortable, but it's the best we got. There was always this abandoned house in the east side of Konoha. From stories, it was the remains of an old lady that moved to the mountains. Could be the one we had our first mission on." Mitsuki suggested.
"But, guys! We're forgetting Sarada! We gotta get her to hospital now!"
"Right. Let's go guys. Might need to cover her crest though. The fewer people know, the power needed for erasing memories will be less, making it hopefully, easier for the scroll to turn us back to the future."
Boruto shrugged his jacket over Sarada and picked up her legs.
"I got her legs, Mitsuki, grab her hands, you'll support the legs." Boruto instructed.
You nod and did as instructed. Thankfully, you arrived at noon, so no enemies will attack.
The walk was in silence.
"Hey guys... Sorry for doing this. It's my fault that we traveled to the past." You said, feeling a huge weight crushing you.
"You should be." Was Mitsuki's response.
"I'll treat you both to hamburgers and eggs if we ever get out of here." You said wearily.
"Alright then! Apology accepted!" Boruto cheered.
"Thanks. Oh! We should we take our head protectors off. So no one necessarily has to see where we're from. "
The boys took their head protectors off. You did the same to yourself and Sarada.
"Wait, Y/N."
"You glance at Mitsuki.
"What's your plan? You dragged us here, you have to have a plan."
"Well, I thought we would bring Sarada to the hospital first, to get her ankle fixed. Might take a few days, if I'm not mistaken. While she's being treated, we can go find the abandoned house. Hopefully. "
"And if we find it, what do we do?" Boruto asked.
He's listening. Good.
"Well,we probably should get some food.Maybe we'll split. I'll get the food, Mitsuki will find the place, since he seems to know where it is and Boruto will accompany Sarada. She will be confused when she wakes up, so you explain it." After our finds, we can meet up at the hospital room. Sounds good?"
The boys nodded.
"Alright, team 7, let's do this!" You three fist bumped, hope surging though each of you.
"Can any of you cook? I can only cook sunny side up eggs." You said, embarrassed.
"I can cook some veggies." You turn to Boruto, wide eyed. He noticed.
"Hey, you don't think that I'm that much of an idiot, right!"
"I mean, sorta..."
"Guys. The hospital."
Mitsuki pointed towards the hospital.
"It's so small, dattebasa! I'm glad though. My arms are starting to hurt." Boruto winced.
"Same. Let's go. Wait, lemme just take a few coins from Sarada."
You dug through her pockets and found some money. You enter the hospital. The boys sat on some chairs and you approached the receptionist.
"Excuse me miss, we have a friend here who sprained her ankle. She was training when she knocked herself unconscious. She must've broken her ankle then." You lied,fingers crossed.
"Oh! Of course, you can lay her on... here." She gave you a bed. You motioned to the boys to bring her to the bed. They obliged.
Sarada's bought in the examination room to get her bone fixed.
The three of you rested for a moment. You stood up and stretched.
"Well, I best get going now. Guys, your money please. "
They handed you their money.
"There should be enough for veggies and eggs. Good luck explaining Boruto. Good luck finding the house, Mitsuki." You said, turning heel to leave.
"Wait, Y/N. If Sarada stays here, can't we stay?" Mitsuki asked.
"Probably not. Boruto could though. He might have the advantage if he acts like her boyfriend. She looks like the same receptionist in the future, just older. She's an avid shipper, so Boruto might get the advantage. And if Boruto gets the advantage, then we should be sleeping in her room too. Probably in chairs, but it's better than the floor."
"I-I... I guess I'll act like it." Boruto muttered, a blush creeping up to his face.
"And you said you aren't here boyfriend. Lies, all of that." You scoffed, grinning.
"Right. I better get going. Good luck." You said.
You asked the receptionist where the grocery shop is.
Heading out, you arrived at the grocery store. in 30 minutes, you got the veggies and the eggs. You still have a few extra coins, so you decide to save it. You wanted to buy flowers for Sarada and make her think Boruto bought it for her but, due to the circumstances, you can't.
As you walk out, you spy a raven haired boy with duck butt hair, a blue shirt and white pants.
We must be in the past where Team 7 are still kids. Looks like Sasuke hasn't left the village. No curse mark either. We're still in the peaceful era. Thank kami. Before Orochimaru attacked. Yosh!
You notice a head peeking out of the corner of the shopping mall. Scratch that, a lot of heads.
What the hell? What are they- Ohh. Sasuke stalkers. There should be Sakura. Should I bring her with me? Nah, she'll think it's weird.
You approached the hospital in a hurry. The sky is getting dark. You let out a silent prayer that you won't get killed.
Once at the hospital, you asked the receptionist where Sarada is. She told you Sarada was in room 23.
You thanked her and walked there. Once you arrive, you knock on the door. Boruto opened it for you as you quietly stepped in.
"Hey there Boru-"
"Shh. She's sleeping, and there's another patient here. I think it's... my dad." Boruto whispered.
"Eeh?!" You shout whispered.
"Shh! Anyway, did you see Mitsuki?"
You shook your head as a no.
"Has she woken up?" You asked.
"Nope. The doctor's put her under a drug. She'll be awake in a couple more hours they said. She'll heal in a week. Thank kami for medical ninjas." Boruto breathed, and smiled. Not a wryly smile, an actual smile.
"Are you that happy she'll heal? Also, what about the sleeping arrangement?" You asked.
"She said we could. I guess you were right about the 'love' thing."
"Wait. You actually-"
"Yup. I told her I was her boyfriend and that I have 2 friends visiting. She nodded happily and got us 3 chairs. I was messing with it and the chairs could turn into tables. We can use that as beds." Boruto explained, a blush coming to his face.
A knock appeared on the door. You opened it. There, stood Sakura, Sasuke and Mitsuki.
I did not expect this. This is interesting.
Judging from Boruto's face, you knew he didn't expect it either.
"Oh. Come in." The three of them wordlessly walked in, Sasuke and Sakura ogling at the newcomers [you guys] and Mitsuki stepped aside, unsure what to make of the situation.
"I see we've encountered them faster than expected." You whispered to Mitsuki.
"Mhmm. Wait, random thought. You still have the scroll?"
You search your pocket frantically. Luckily for you, the scroll is there, just almost out.
"Here. It almost fell out. Better give it to you." You hand the scroll to Mitsuki , who took it.
"Ahh..." A voice came from a bed.
"Sarada." The three of you came close to the bed. You watch Sarada open her eyes.
"Hmm? Where am I? Boruto, is that you?" She asked, pointing towards Boruto.
"Yup. Hey." Boruto hugged Sarada. She seemed surprised, but hugged him back. You were shaking Mitsuki so hard. [It's a scene I wanted to add, because... why not?]
"Ano, where are we? Why does you hair look like a pineapple?" She gurgled.
"The effects of the drug is kicking in. Seems like she's delirious." You noted.
"Probably. But I'm amazed on how she can still notice you, Boruto." Mitsuki added.
"H-hey! Don't tease me, dattebasa!"
"But, your expression is so cute!"
"It's not! Cut it out, dattebasa!" Boruto yelled, yelling the last part too loud.
"... mocking me?!" A voice from the next bed yelled.
"Ah. Might've said that too loud." You commented.
"Shut up old man! I can sat dattebasa whenever I want to! Got a problem?!" Boruto contradicts.
"Urusai Boruto! You're hurting my head, Channaro!" Sarada shouted.
"But Saradaa!"
"Urusai! Just ... let... me... sleep." Sarada ended her sentence, sleeping.
She almost flopped her head back when Boruto caught her and laid her gently.
"Should we get out of the curtains?" You ask Mitsuki.
"We don't have a choice, do we?"
You step out of the curtains, ignoring the sharp glare the youngest Uchiha.
"State your name." Sasuke spoke for the first time.
"Sasuke , you shouldn't-"
"Shut up Sakura. State. Your. Name." He said coldly.
Hih! So scary! How the hell did Sakura marry this douche? I mean, THIS version of Sasuke is a douche.
Gulping, you said, "My name's Y/N. You?"
"Sasuke Uchiha. Your friends are saying the same things my teammates would say. Too similar, really. The blonde looked like the idiot, Naruto. And the girl said 'Shannaro', Sakura's catchphrase. What's going on? "
Before you could answer, Naruto's voice broke through the silence.
"Shut up Sasuke teme! Don't ask people stuff like that!"
"Shut up Naruto! Sasuke's just asking for information. Now, go to sleep!" Sakura hit Naruto's bed, making it shake.
"Sa.. ku...ra... Please, don't..." Naruto fell into deep sleep again.
"Back to my question. Who are you guys?"
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