Chapter 5
[ The picture has nothing to do with the story. I just find it so cute. Like, look at it! So cute! Credits to the artist who drew this. Ehem, back to the story.]
Once you've healed [please refer to the last chapter], you got out of your house.
Ah, it's only 9.45, thank goodness. Wait, 9.45?
Oh crap.
You ran with all your strength to the training grounds, where you're supposed to meet.
There's only Mitsuki, Sarada and Konohamaru sensei.
Oh thank God. Boruto's probably away because of how embarrassed he is. Huh. It's actually, kinda cute.
When you arrived, Sarada was complaining about Boruto.
"That Boruto! What does he even do with his time!" Sarada complained.
"Sarada..." Mitsuki said helplessly.
"Well, perhaps it's because he's busy." Konohamaru sensei said, grinning. Mitsuki told him about what happened, so he must've wanted to tease Boruto for a long time.
A few minutes later, you spot a figure running towards you.
"Bo-ru-to! Where were you?!" Sarada yelled. At the sound of her voice, Boruto's face turned a bit red.
"I was, er... eating hamburgers. Yeah! I was eating hamburgers! Got a problem with that?!"
"Yes, you're late! Do you want to do missions or not?!"
"Well, I-"
A cough from Konohamaru sensei stopped them from arguing.
"Well, you both are interrupting us from having our mission."
"Sorry Konohamaru sensei !" Sarada apologized. A grumbling Boruto reluctantly apologized as well.
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry Big Bro."
"Call me Sensei! Anyway, let's go to the Hokage for the mission."
Wait. Naruto. Sweet!
Sarada seems to be having the same reaction.
"The Hokage! Really?!"
Konohamaru sensei smiled at Sarada's reaction.
"Yes, so let's get going."
"Yes! You know, I always admired the Hokage. I..." Sarada started talking about the Hokage with great respect to you. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Boruto scowling. You giggle slightly.
"What are you laughing at? Better not be at the Hokage!"
"Nope. Your boyfriend's jealous of his dad."
"Huh? Why?"
"Sarada, Sarada... He wants your attention ."
"Really? Boruto wants my attention? And is jealous of the Hokage? Why?"
You smiled.
"Eh? Did I say Boruto? Or the Hokage? Why did you assume I was talking about Boruto, Sarada?"
As realization struck, you grin wider as you watch the Uchiha turn red step by step.
"H-hey! Y/N stop! You don't know how much teasing I get from Chocho!"
"Oh trust me. I do."
"Wait, you ask her to tease me about HIM?!"
Sarada was fuming, with a red blush across her face.
"Well, I would be an awful wing-man, sorry, wing-woman if I didn't, right?"
"I didn't ask you to be my wing-woman!"
"I appointed the job to myself Sarada."
"Argh! You-! Ah, I hate you." Sarada blushed, hiding her face in her hands.
"I know. Ah, we're here in the Hokage's office!"
In an instant, Sarada seemed to have forgotten about what happened. Her face broke into a huge grin as she started shaking you arm. Hard.
"The Hokage's office! I've never been here before! This is awesome! C'mon Y/N! The boys are beating us!"
She dragged you inside, her running and you dragged behind. Seeing her happy made something swell inside.
"Ah. Konohamaru. I thought you'd disobey your boss!" Naruto's voice broke through your thoughts.
"Nah. You'd have my head off!" Konohamaru said, grinning.
"Alright, new Team 7! I have a pretty good mission. This mission isn't even supposed to be for you guys, but everyone's out." Naruto turned serious.
"So, do you promise not to open the scroll?"
Your whole team promised, except Boruto, who just kept quiet.
"Good. Now, you're supposed to send this scroll to the Kazekage. Do not, I repeat, do not let anyone open this. Got it?"
"Mhmm. Got it boss." Konohamaru sensei said, bowing.
"Right. Get going now. Konohamaru, I might need to talk to you about the scroll for a second. The rest of you can stay outside."
"Alright, you heard what the Hokage said. Outside guys!"
Once outside, you half-listened to Boruto's happy cheering as you worry.
Eh? An important mission? I hope nobody comes up and takes the scroll. It sounds scary. What is in that scroll?
"Alright guys, let' go!" Konohamaru sensei appeared. You started waling to the Sand village.
"Alright, it takes about a day or two to reach there, so we better hurry up. We want to deliver this as fast as we can." Konohamaru sensei said seriously, putting the scroll into his back pocket [You know, those things cartoon people do?].
"Boruto, be serious okay? Your dad said no hamburger if you make us fail the mission." Konohamaru sensei said.
"Hey! Why am I the only one targeted! Not fair dad!" Boruto huffed, folding his hands.
"Well, maybe because you do pranks and cause trouble, but, I don't know." You said sarcastically.
"Hey! It's;s not a prank, it's a work of art, okay?!"
"Whatever you say, Bolt."
"How do you know the meaning of my name?"
You gave him 'Because it's obvious doofus' look. In return, he gave you the 'Well, I'm sorry that I wasn't born with an IQ of 500' look.
As you were giving each other looks, You tripped over a rock. Konohamaru sensei tried to steady you, but the weight of the bag he bought (filled with camp equipment) dragged him down. The scroll that loosely fit in his bag's pocket flew out and landed in the ground. Opened.
A bright light began to shine from the scroll. You quickly took the scroll as it the white light enveloped.
[I know the explanation isn't very clear, but I had to, okay?]
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