Chapter 3
You owlishly open your eyes.
Where am I?
You suddenly remembered. Training. Meeting with Konohamaru. Park. Today. Oh crap.
You quickly change and grab your breakfast while yelling "I love you!" to your mother.
You frantically look through your pocket for the paper you receive yesterday.
Where is it, where is it? Kunai, Kunai, more kunai's. Throwing thing, shuriken, paper, more shuriken...
Wait, paper?
You lift up the paper to see the park. You head straight for the park. Surprisingly for you, nobody is there.
Huh... Maybe I'm too early...
You look towards the paper again. It says to meet at 10 a.m. You recall that the clock at home read 8.30 a.m.
Oh. I 'm too early. Well, maybe I can train a bit. But, then again, I'll just drain my energy, so... I guess I'll just go back home and read the books I borrowed. Sounds like a solid plan.
You came home, surprising your mother.
"Oh! I thought you left honey! Is something wrong?"
"Oh, no mom, I was too early, so I thought I'd go back here and get out again when it's time." You explained.
"Ah, all right then. Well, I'm out on another mission. Don't be late!" She replied, walking out of the house.
Ah... is it always like this here? I mean, it's nice and all, but I hope I get to spend some time with her. I mean, I don't even know her name!
You sighed again as you walk to your room, picking up a book labeled, 'The History of Jutsu's'.
After almost an hour of reading, you look up.
'Eh? It's nearly 10. Best to go now.
You approach the park, breathless as you try to find your teammates.
Ah, there they are.
As you walk closer, you see Bourto and Sarada fighting. Again. You silently stare at them fighting.
"ITAI! It hurts Sarada!"
"Then don't mess with me then, idiot!"
"Who are you calling an idiot?!"
"You that's who!"
"Ehem." The four of you turn around to see a a brown haired man with a short blue scarf .
"I'm Konohamaru sensei. It's nice to meet you guys!" He said.
"Big Bro Konohamaru! Yo!" Boruto said happily.
"It's sensei, not Big Bro! Give me a little more respect Boruto!"
"Hey! Wait, how do you know my name?" Boruto asked.
"Idiot. Your the son of the Hokage, of course everyone knows your name."Sarada said, flicking him on the forehead.
"Ow! That hurts Sarada!" Boruto moaned, rubbing his forehead.
"Now, you two, calm down. Do you want a mission or not?" At the suggestion, all of your heads turn to look at him.
"Really Big Bro? That's so cool! Alright, what's the first one?" Boruto cheered excitedly.
'Wait first Boruto. I have to ask you guys to introduce yourselves to me. I'm not a mind reader after all." Konohamaru said.
"Well, my name's Mitsuki, a transfer student attending classes in Konoha to become a ninja. I enjoy eggs."
"My name's Y/N, I like {insert favorite food}. I want to become a strong ninja, because the strongest ninja title has been taken by Boruto."
"Hell yeah! Thanks Y/N! I'm going to be the strongest ninja that ever lived, dattebasa! Oh, and hamburgers are the best!"
"I'm Sarada. Unlike the idiot here, I want to be Hokage of the village. It's a much more reasonable goal."
"Hoi! I heard that Sarada! My goal is pretty reasonable dattebasa!"
"No it's not! You just want to be a great ninja! Nothing to be based of on!"
You see Boruto grin. He got close to Sarada , put his face in front of hers, and said,
"So, if I said I wanted to be a great ninja like you, would that be reasonable enough?"It took you a few seconds to realize what he said, but once you did, you started whooping.
"Nice Boruto! I didn't know you could flirt! That was good dude!"
Unfortunately for you, your whooping ended when Sarada punched the living daylights out of Boruto. Literally. Like, you could see him sailing across the sky, yelling "AAAAAAAA!"
"Sarada, I know your embarrassed, but you didn't really have to punch your boyfriend like that right?"
You sailed through the air too, right after that.
Ah well.At least I didm't die.
Once you and Boruto got back on your feet (Thank God for bushes), you head back to the place where we're supposed to meet. You and him chatted along the way.
"So, so Boruto! I thought you said you didn't like her." You teased.
"I don't. What makes you think I do?" He said, oblivious.
Is this guy really that oblivious?
"Well, I dunno. Maybe the fact you kind of gave her a cute compliment? Maybe. I mean,the whole team certainly didn't see that. Of course not! And she totally didn't punch you out of embarrassment. Nope, not at all!" You said sarcastically. Like, VERY sarcastically.
You watch as his face slowly, but surely turn red.
"S-shut up! I mean, she's just mad because I was too close to her dattebasa!" He said, attempting to explain. But you weren't falling for it!
Fish, there's no way you got too close to her face and she didn't immediately kill you if she didn't have any feelings for you.
After arriving, Konohamaru sensei coughed and said, "Well, apart from our 'accident' , we still have a mission to go to. Do you guys wanna go?"
After hearing those words, Boruto immediately perked up as he yelled "Heck yeah I do!"
"Where are we going?" You asked.
"Well, we have to find a lost cat around here. Her name's Lucy and she's a white, young feline.We should be able to find her easily." Konohamaru sensei explained.
"I thought we'd go to somewhere cooler, not to find a cat!" Boruto complained again.
He's just like Naruto. Better shut him up before Sarada kills him.
"Oy! Boruto! Stop complaining. The faster we find the cat the faster we can go." You got closer to him and whispered. "Besides, you don't want Sarada punching you again, so let's go!"
"Oh! Right, let's do this! I want to eat hamburger as soon as possible!" Boruto left to walk around the park, yelling, "Here Lucy! Come here Lucy!"
Konohamaru sensei also continued to wander around the park, leaving you, Sarada and Mitsuki.
"So, should we split off?" Mitsuki asked, already leaving.
"Well, ye-" You were interrupted by Mitsuki leaving.
"Well. I guess I should go too Sarada. See you!" You wave. However, you noticed a look of displeasure across her face. After looking at that expression, you decide to stay.
"So Sarada, where to go?" You asked her.
She looks surprised when you decided to stay. You saw a little smile curl upon her mouth, but she struggled to not show it.
"Um, maybe around the bench?" You and she walked there quietly.
Looking around the bench for the cat, you decided to address the issue.
"Sarada, I know it isn't my business, but is everything okay? You look really quiet and kinda... upset." You said tentatively.
"Oh! Well, nothing much really... Just that idiot Boruto! Going so close to my face like that! Does he not know personal space or something?!" Sarada burst. You look at her in bewilderment. Her face showed a face that looked like she was about to cry, and it was red too.
Eh!? Is she THAT embarrassed that she didn't want to talk about it? No, she's probably very upset. Well, I'm not good at comforting people. What the heck am I supposed to do?! To hug her is probably the best option. But then again, I'm kind of awkward... So, I'll just pat her on the back.
You pat her on the back. She seemed to calm down much.
"Sorry... I don't know why I felt like that! When he was THAT close, I just... froze. My heart began to beat faster. And... I feel warm around my face. I also feel... uptight everytime someone else talks to him. Is that the best way to describe it? And I don't know why! It's just a bit too much. Damn it, how am I supposed to be Hokage when I have all these distractions, shannaro?!" Sarada yelled, punching a nearby tree.
Oh. My. God. She has a crush on Boruto! Starting to, anyway.
"Well, maybe it'll get better if we start doing our mission." You replied, not really knowing on what to say.
Well, it least that's better than nothing.
You look under the bench, and there's Lucy, all curled up and asleep.
You motioned Sarada to look down and pointed towards the cat. Her mouth shaped into an 'O' as she stared at the cat.
"How are we going to get her out of here?" You whispered to Sarada.
"I don't know. Maybe-"
"Lucy, where are you?!"
The said cat under the bench jumped and ran away.
You turn to look at the person yelling. Turns out to be Boruto. You're a bit annoyed at the fact that he scared the cat away, but you haven't had the murder intent feeling to kill him. Sarada, however has.
"You idiot! The cat was right there! Nowshe's probably out of here! You idiot!" She punched boruto on the head and ran away to find the cat.
"Yeesh, what's her deal! I just scared the cat one time, and then she kills me. Besides, doesn't she know how much it hurts?!" Boruto complained, rubbing his head. "Right, Big Bro Konohamaru?!"
"Boruto, call me Sensei. But, this is our first mission. She does have the right to yell at you for scaring the cat away. It'll be more of a problem now. Boruto." Konohamaru said.
"I'll go after Sarada. Catch up, okay guys?" And Mitsuki left.
I should go after Sarada too. But, then again. Boruto and Konohamaru sensei will be clueless. Maybe I'll just stay here with them.
"Alright guys. Let's move it!" Konohamaru sensei said, starting to jump. You and Boruto followed suit.
The trip to follow Sarada was surprisingly quiet.
You glance at Boruto. From the anime, you expected him to talk much. But, he isn't.
Should I break the silence, or not?
Deciding on the former, you took a deep breath and nudged Boruto. He flinched, seeming surprised.
"Boruto, is something wrong? I don't know much, but from your personality, you seem like the type to talk much. So,it's pretty unusual to see you quiet. Is there anything?" You ask.
"Well, it's just Sarada being sad kinda bothers me, dattebasa. I don't know why, but it does. She looks so sad when she left, and I'm determined to find her and-"
"Found her!" Konohamaru sensei yelled.
You look down. There is indeed, Sarada and Mitsuki, trying to console a white furry friend to come out of hiding.
"There they are!" Boruto rushed, but Konohamaru held his shoulder. When Boruto turned to yell, Konohamaru shook his head as a no.
"Wait, Boruto. Our presence might scare the cat again. Does anyone have any fish?" You asked.
Konohamaru sensei took a tuna can out of his pocket and opened it with a can opener.
"Well, what are we waiting for?"
The three of you dropped lightly to the ground, in a good distance between you and the cat.
Konohamaru sensei got closer, with the tuna can outstretch in his hand. Tentatively, the cat got out of hiding and started eating it. After that, the cat curled up into a deep sleep. You could tell by the fact you approached it and it didn't notice. Sarada took the cat into her hands and asked Konohamaru sensei where the owner is.
The travel there was silent. You could tell that Mitsuki and Konohamaru sensei were curious about what happened to Sarada.
Mitsuki pulled you aside and whispered to you.
"Hey Y/N, did something happen?"
Well, she didn't tell me NOT to tell anyone. So, it should be fine, even though Mitsuki IS Orochimaru's son, technically, I'm sure it'll be fine. Or not. Besides, sharing thoughts with a Borusara shipper can't be so bad.
You decided to tell Mitsuki.
"I'm not sure either. Sarada did tell me that her heart began to beat faster, she feels warm around her face and she also feels... uptight everytime someone else talks to him. I think she's developing a crush, but I'm not sure."
"Hmm. I think we should just see where it flows towards."
"Perhaps. It's probably for the best. However, you do have to promise me one thing." You look Mitsuki in the eye.
"You gotta tell me if Sarada told you something."
"Well, nothing really."
"Ah. But seriously, you still have to keep on teasing them. You understand me?"
"Yes ma'am."
You laugh quietly. Mitsuki just smiled. Unbeknownst to you and Mitsuki, Konohamaru sensei was listening.
"Alright guys, we're here!" Konohamaru sensei announced.
A content little house was found on top of a mountain.
"That's a weird location to place a house." You said.
"Yeah, I agree. I wonder how she gets her groceries." Sarada joined the conversation.
Shit. Did she listen to the conversation? I don't think so.
"Probably from her cat. That's why Lucy walked to town. To get her cat to bring her food." Mitsuki joined in.
You three giggle. A loud voice can be heard from behind. You don't even need to look behind to see who it is.
Bourto. And Konohamaru sensei. Well, at least Boruto feels better.
You feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulder.
Once you arrived, you knocked on the door. A thin, frail old lady opened it.
"Ma'am, is this your cat?" You said, gesturing towards the cat Sarada held.
"Why Yes! Oh, Lucy, where have you been? Thank you for returning her here. I've been finding and finding." The elderly woman said, taking Lucy.
"Wait here for a second." The elderly woman went back to her home.
"Hey guys, should I ask her how she gets her groceries from up here?"Boruto's voice suddnely crept up from behind, shocking you.
"Boruto. Don't." Sarada said in a firm tone.
"C'mon Sarada, you also want to know don't you?" You said.
"W-well... I suppose it wouldn't hurt. What do you think Konohamaru sensei? Should we?" Sarada asked, Mitsuki nodding in agreement.
"Well, we probably shouldn't, but... I am kinda curious too." Konohamaru sensei rubbed his neck sheepishly.
"Here you are!" The elderly woman showed up with some sweets.
"Thank you ma'am!" You said, taking the sweets from her.
"Say ma'am? How did you get your groceries from up here?" Boruto asked before anyone could stop him.
"Well, usually, I'll just send one of my birds down with a list. Then, the shopkeeper will give me my food."
You stifle in a giggle. Your guess was true. Certainly, it isn't with her cats, but her birds? That sounds stranger to your ears.
"I apologize ma'am. We're going now, goodbye!" Konohamaru sensei said, walking back down.
You waved goodbye as you retreat down the mountain. Once you were a certain distance from the house, you begin to laugh.
Soon enough, the whole gang's laughing.
The walk back was a happy and cheery one, unlike the previous walk. Jokes were made, stories were exchanged, you couldn't be happier.
You notice that Sarada and Boruto seemed to revert to their original selves.
Thank God. Maybe this is a sign that BoruSara will happen!
You giggle. The supposed to be new Team 7 looked at you.
"What?" You asked nonchalantly.
"Oh. Nothing."
Once you arrive at the village, you waved your good bye's and went home.
You chatted to your mother over dinner. Turns out, your father left when you were young and his whereabouts were unknown. Your mother, who is 34, and she loves knitting. She still picks up medical missions (because she's a nurse) from time to time and is now travelling back and forth to nurse an old couple.Her name is Charlotte. You enjoyed that dinner.
Upstairs, you read your history book a bit, which surprised yourself because you would be dead asleep if this was in your world.
Sighing happily, you fall asleep once your head hits the pillow.
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