Chapter 2: Maple Street
"Marie! Marie!"
I opened my eyes and found myself lying in a grass field. Thomas was looking down on me with a worried face. He looked...different.
"Thomas? Where are we?" I asked, sitting up.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Yea, I'm fine. Where-"
He cut off with a hug. Then he pushed me away.
"Do you know where we are?!" He exclaimed.
"N-No? That's why I asked?" I said, confused.
"While you were unconscious, I walked around and found out we went back in time to 28 years ago!" He shouted.
I was shocked. I mean, not just at the traveling back in time thing, but because Thomas was yelling. He was like his Dad. He never yelled. The only time I had heard him yell was when Biffie Van Stomm was bullying me.
"28 years? So...Mom and Dad should" I tried to count in my head.
Thomas sighed. "They're 12. It's 2008."
"Wow!" I exclaimed.
"No! Not cool! Wanna know something else?" He asked.
"Uh, sure?"
"Look at your hands." He ordered.
I looked down and I screamed.
"Bloody hell! What the heck!" I shrieked.
"Hey, hey! Shut up! Even Dad doesn't say that anymore!" Thomas said.
"I don't care! I look like a five year old!" I yelled..
"You're twelve. I'm twelve. How did you not notice?" He asked.
"I don't know! But why are we twelve?! Also, why am I wearing this outfit?! I haven't worn it in seven years!" I asked.
"Didn't they build this when they were twelve? It would make sense." He shrugged.
"Where's the machine? We have to go back!" I said.
He pointed a few feet away and I groaned. It had exploded and was now just a pile of metal.
"Why do I always break everything..." I grumbled.
"Don't worry. I'll just build it again and-"
I sat up. "Dad!"
"Um, what?" He asked.
"Dad is here!" I jumped up.
"Oh, no, no, no! Marie, no! We can't mess with time travel! Even your Dad said that!" Thomas exclaimed.
"Thomas, I haven't seen my Dad in months and I might not ever get the chance to again. Plus, Mom is healthy and probably the same as I've known her. Please. I need to see them one last time before we go back to our depressed time." I pleaded.
Thomas bit his lip. I smirked internally. He had never been able to say no to me.
Thomas groaned and rolled his head back. "Let's go."
I squealed and hugged him. "Thanks, Tommy!"
"Don't call me thaATTTTT!" He yelled as I grabbed his hand and started running.
I knew the way to Grandma's house and if I went there, I knew that's where Mom and Dad would be.
I spotted the Maple Street sign and I jumped. "We're almost there!"
"G-Great! Now if you could just slow down!" He yelled.
I laughed when we got to the door. I rang the doorbell and waited excitedly.
The door opened and I stopped.
It was Dad
He was young and alive
I almost cried. He even had the same perky smile. "Da-"
"Hi, you're Phineas Flynn, right?" Thomas cut me off.
"Yes, yes I am! Are you part of Isabella's Fireside Girls troop?" Dad asked me.
"What?" I asked, holding my tears.
"You're wearing the outfit. Oh, I like your bow! It almost looks like Isabella's! Except it's orange." Dad laughed.
I looked down and smiled. I remembered being the chief of the Fireside troop #46321, Mom's old troop.
"Oh, uh, no but I...I want to." I said.
"Well, Izzy's out back. You want to come? We're tricking out our bikes because we finished our big project for the day." He said.
I pouted slightly. I missed Dad's project of the day. Then I smiled knowing I could just see tomorrow's.
"Cool! Right this way!" He said and led us through the hallway.
I already knew the inside and outside of this house but tried not to get ahead of him.
"Hello, Phineas. Who's your little friends?" I saw Grandpa come out from the kitchen and I beamed. I loved Grandpa
"Oh, hey, Dad! This is-...oh! I'm sorry! I forgot to ask your names!" Dad slapped his head.
"I'm Maria F-"
"I'm Thomas and this is my cousin, Maria, but we call her Marie." Thomas said, once again cutting me off.
"Maria? That's really pretty!" Dad smiled.
"Thanks, D-Phineas!" I caught myself and Thomas smiled.
"Marie?" I looked up at Grandpa who looked like he was contemplating something.
"Something up, Dad?" Dad asked.
Grandpa's face lit up and he stared at us in surprise. "Marie? Thomas?"
Thomas started to look worried. "Um, we should get going now. Bye, Sir."
He tried to pull us towards the yard but I stopped. Grandpa looked so happy and sad.
"Would you kids like some snacks?" He asked.
"Sure, Dad!" Dad exclaimed.
"You go, Phineas. I'll send these two out with the snacks." Grandpa said and Dad left.
As soon as the back door slid shut, Grandpa scooped us in a hug. "Oh, my grandkids!"
"Wha-" Thomas asked.
"You know us, Grandpa?" I asked in excitement, hugging him back.
He put us down. "Well, not personally. At least not yet. But I received a dream a few days ago from an older looking Phineas who told me about you two and...what happened..."
I frowned. "So you know about Mom and Dad?"
"Yes, I do, sweetheart. He told me to just pretend that you're my nieces and that you''ll fix everything. He believes in you two and he said that he loves you and your mother very much." He said.
I couldn't help it. A tear escaped my eye. "Dad said that?"
"Yes. Also, don't worry too much about what Phineas from now says. He's only twelve and doesn't know about any of this." Grandpa said.
"Wait, wait. I'm sorry to interrupt, Grandpa, but are you saying that we have to cheat death? If we were going to do that, shouldn't we have just gone to when the, uh, incident was?" Thomas asked.
"Ah, I suppose that would be more useful. But everything happens for a reason, my boy." He shrugged.
He handed us a platter of cookies and cups of milk. "Now, be dears and take these out to your parents and others."
I hugged him. "Thanks, Grandpa."
He chuckled. "Your welcome, sweetheart. But remember, right now I'm your Uncle."
"Right!" I smiled and then skipped to the door.
"Hurry, Thomas!" I said.
"I'm holding a tray of milk so be quiet." He grumbled.
"Don't be a grump butt! You know what this means right?" I asked.
"More time for you to be annoying?" He asked.
"No! We have a mission! We get to stay here longer!" I giggled.
"Marie, no!" Thomas groaned.
Yayayayay I'm really excited about this story I'm trying not to make this a cliche Marie and Thomas go back in time story so bear with me if I accidentally add some cliche mess because I haven't read much of their stories lol
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