Two | At Fourteen Years
She entered the halls, nervous.
Lovely clutched her books to her chest and looked down on the floor. The 'back to school' outfit she chose to wear was uncomfortable and cold. But she wanted a change for the first day of high school.
She felt like curling into a ball when people began to stare at her. Lovely picked out a simple red dress that had short sleeves and was tight around the middle. Along with it are the flats and hair pins for her mess of locks.
She had to make sure she dressed differently this time. Crystal and her group of friends were always insisting, and Lovely preferred to blend in instead of getting picked on.
She didn't know what her friends would say, though. Especially Gavin. He didn't know how she wanted to change just because she was teased. He didn't know that there were times he wasn't there to be her knight on shining armor.
But sometimes, she hated relying on her best friend. She wanted to stand on her own, to show those girls she can be a real lady. No more hiding behind Gavin.
And she was going to start today.
Lovely made her way to her locker, looking around for her friands.
"Lovely!" She heard a scream and before she knew it, she was tackled into a fierce hug. She didn't have to see who it was to know who.
Eric Jay pulled away, wearing a grin. The cute boy was still a joy nowadays, lightening up the mood in the group. He was also so hyperactive.
"What are you wearing?" To her other side, Lovely turned to see Eddie, the infamous bad boy of Rose Hill High. He had his trademark leather jacket on.
People said he was a bad boy, but to Lovely he was a sweetheart.
"I was thinking of changing my look," Lovely tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
That will be her usual excuse.
Eddie narrowed his eyes but nonetheless hugged her. Approaching them was Julian, who was formerly talking to a group of girls.
"Here's the new captain of the basketball team!" He opened his arms wide to hug Lovely. Eric Jay ruffled his hair while Eddie congratulated him.
Good thing he didn't notice . . . Lovely sighed in relief.
"Hey guys," Gavin appeared. He looked dashing as always. Caramel brown hair gelled to perfection and a neat but casual attire.
"Gavin," Lovely gave him a hug. He gave her a once over then sent her a look saying 'we will talk later'.
"Hey, where's Ravine?" Eric Jay, looked around, confused.
"Probably late again for pre-studying," Julian joked, chuckling.
"Or being a teacher's pet, as always." Eddie added.
Almost immediately after, shouts began ringing through the hallway. Lovely recognized the familiar voice of Ravine and Marie.
"I can't believe this happened - !"
"I never even want to work with you - !"
"Damn it to hell!"
"You're so strict and uptight -!"
"And you'll ruin this project altogether!" They finally said together, glaring heatedly at each other. Ravine and Marie stood in front of their friends.
The two, being the smartest people in their year, always argued about everything. Marie and Sofie were additions to their group back in middle school but it seems that Ravine and Marie were like water and oil.
While the two fought some more, Sofie looked horrified behind them.
"What's going on?" Julian whispered to Sofie.
"They were forced to work together on an opening of the year project," Sofie explained, "Obviously, they hate it but Mr. Mavin wouldn't change it."
Finally, in defeat, Ravine and Marie leaned against opposite lockers, avoiding anyone's gaze. But Lovely could see Ravine's sneaking glances at his rival.
"Anyway," Sofie said to clear the awkward tension, "you won't believe what happened last summer!"
"What?" Lovely asked.
Sofie grinned, "Jacob asked to hang out with me! Isn't that great?"
"What!" Eddie was first to react.
Lovely knew Eddie's little crush on Sofie. He didn't say it, but Lovely knew the subtle hints he dropped.
The group walked together through the hall, about to head to their classes. Lovely and Gavin fell a bit behind. She couldn't ignore the split seconds when their hands would brush.
"What happened, Love?" Gavin whispered to her. Their friends fell into chatter about their summer.
"Nothing," Lovely lied, "Just wanted a change."
"You're not telling me something," he said firmly, it made her a little nervous.
"Just drop it, Gav," Lovely avoided his eyes, "I'm okay."
She forced out a smile, "Why not just get to class? Which classes do we have together, huh?"
Gavib nodded, but he didn't look convinced. Lovely sometimes hated how he knew her so well. To him, she was an open book and there's no escaping that.
We're not done with this, she thought, unless I tell him.
= = = > < = = =
Marie couldn't understand what she did to deserve this.
The round year project was given to selected students and this project will be presented at the end of the year. As a favored student, of course Marie looked forward to contributing to it.
But then she wish she hadn't hoped so much when she found out who her partner was.
Marie was in the library, now, staring at a book, reading the same paragraph for the last fifteen minutes. In her head, she was cursing him.
She came as a new student in Rose Hill Academy during middle school. Then, she and Sofie - her long time best friend - were immediately accepted into a group of friends. Marie got along with everyone except for one particular person.
Ravine Rellemont irritated her to the bone. When she first introduced herself, the first thing she heard from his mouth was a rude remark. He was such an arrogant bastard, always so serious.
"Damn him," she whispered under her breath, rubbing her eyes under her glasses. She could never understand that boy.
But then a face popped into her mind. Yes, Julian Anderson, the golden jock of their year. But that was not what Marie admired in him. It was his insane abilities in chess and mechanics. He was amazing, absolutely nothing compared to Ravine.
And when he flipped his bangs . . . Oh hot damn.
Marie flushed red. What was she thinking? Of course Yzen would not notice someone like her. He had lots of girls in line waiting for him.
A thump of a book interrupted her thoughts. The bane of her existence stood in front of her. Ravine always intimidated students with his stern looks, the glasses and the dark hair - even the hot appearance, according to some girls.
But that didn't an effect Marie. She only found him annoying, whatever he looked like.
"What?" She scowled at him. What does that idiot want now?
"We have to start on our project," Ravine whispered, taking a seat in front of her, "or at least plan it."
"What is wrong with you?!" Marie softly shouted, "it's the first day of school!"
His eyebrows arched, "Exactly. That gives us more time to make everything better. Actually, I already have - "
"We have the whole year to work on it!"
He glared at her, "Well, unlike you, I don't favor cramming."
"I don't cram!"
A bell sounded in the room. They looked up to see the other students staring at them, including Gavin. The librarian was sending them a dirty look.
Marie blushed and leaned back on her chair, "Can we start it maybe a week or two later on?"
"It was just summer! I'm in no mood for another project!"
"Marie - "
"Why are you doing this, Ravine, huh?" She looked him straight in the eye, pushing a red piece of hair away from her face.
"What do you mean?"
"Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you?"
He stared at her, for a few seconds, then turned away, thinking deeply. Marie continued, "the first time we saw each other, you were so mean and angry. Why? What's wrong with me?"
"Nothing," Ravine said softly, "Absolutely nothing."
He sighed, staring at the book in front him, "I don't know either why I'm doing this, why it has to be this way. But there was this cute redheaded girl who came in middle school and I thought she'll notice me if I go in her way."
He looked at her. Marie's heart beat rapidly in her chest. "So far, it has worked," he murmured, "but not in the way I expected it to be."
Then he stood up and walked out the library, leaving a flustered and dumbfounded Marie.
= = = > < = = =
"Sup, girls. What's going on?"
Eddie wanted to facepalm at his friend. Eric Jay had convince him to sit by the three girls' table where he sometimes hung out. And by three girls, it wasn't Lovely, Marie and Sofie but the three closest best friends, Nadine, Daniella and Darcy.
If Eddie didn't know any better, he would've thought Eric Jay was after Darcy again.
See, Eric Jay and Darcy used to like each other, but they drifted away from each other. Eric Jay had said he was over her, plus he heard Darcy was after someone else, the famous boy Tyron.
So Eddie hated being forced into Eric Jay's antics. He knew he was trying to set him up with someone. But Eddie knew lots of secrets. Like how Yzen was after Nadine so by the bro code, he couldn't be with her. Not to mention, he knew some boys who had crushes on Darcy and Daniella.
"Hey Eric Jay," Darcy grinned at them, "Eddie." Darcy was considered as one of the most beautiful and perfect girls in Rose Hill. She had everything - looks, attitude and brains.
"Can we sit here, ladies?" Eric Jay flashed them his killer smile. Eddie resisted his urge to roll his eyes.
"Sure," Nadine said. This made Eddie glance at another table, where their friends sat, eating lunch. Ravine and Marie were missing though.
What are they doing?
Then Eddie caught Yzen's gaze at them. He quickly looked away, knowing he was probably jealous that he was with Nadine. He made a quick note to assure him later.
Eddie stayed silent as they sat down and ate. Eric Jay was making casual talk with the girls. Eddie wanted to disappear. He wanted to be with other people.
So my friends like other people, Eddie thought, but me? Eddie steered clear of relationships and crushes. But there was one girl he couldn't help being drawn to.
As time passed by and chatters became louder, he was getting impatient. "Excuse me," he said, standing up. Eric Jay sent him a weird look but he ignored him and went on, carrying his tray.
But before he could even gey near the tray deposit . . .
"Ouch!" A voice exclaimed as he collided with someone.
Food crashed on the ground and Sofie was in front of him, in a daze. She blinked, "Ed . . . Eddie?"
"God! I'm so sorry." He apologized, looking at the mess, "you're only eating now?"
"Yeah," Sofie said sheepishly , "I was looking for Marie a while ago. Found her in the library."
"Oh," Eddie still felt embarrassed. He heard Eric Jay's laughs behind him. "Let me buy you your lunch."
"No! No! You don't need to!" Sofie declined, "It's okay, I can buy another one -"
Eddie grabbed her arm and led her to the cafeteria line. "Choose," he commanded. Sofie hesitantly picked out the food of her choice.
Eddie paid for it and and guided her to an empty table. "So what was Marie doing in the library?"
They sat down and Sofie began to eat. "Ravine and her had a heated fight and he left her."
"Oh," Eddie tried to ignore the rapid beats of his heart. He wished he wasn't blushing at the moment.
"Hey Sofie!" Eric Jay appeared suddenly. What a cockblock, Eddie thought but he was still half thankful.
"Hi there, Eric Jay," Sofie waved sheepishly.
This is going to be long, Eddie said inwardly, but as long as she's here, I don't mind.
= = = > < = = =
"Julian you're, like, the MVP!"
"Congrats on the win, bro."
"You should try out for soccer!"
"No, he'll be perfect for baseball!"
Julian, or Yzen as he insists his friends to call him (though they don't) smiled at the proud faces before him. The team had a new win in basketball, all thanks to him, again. He rubbed his face of sweat and pushed through the crowd if fans and teammates.
"Congratulations, Yzen!" Asther Amor, one of the most beautiful girls in Rose Hill, suddenly appeared in front of her.
Unconsciously, Julian looked around for Nadine. There she was, distracted by Daniella who was talking to her. He put his basketball against his hip and pushed his bangs aside.
"Hey," He said to Asther, grinning.
"You're so good, you know," she complemented him as they walked, the crowd already departing. "Why not consider other sports?"
He shrugged, "Oh well, basketball is my passion. But maybe I'd try out for chess club next year."
"I'm sure you'll be accepted," said she. Asther cleared her throat, "So, I was wondering if our little hang out together is still on."
"Of course, it is," Julian assured her. He promised her during summer, when they were texting each other, that he'd hang out with her someday, just the two of them.
"Okay, congratulations again!" Asther ran off to meet her friend. Then, they disappeared behind the gym doors.
Yzen went to the locker room to change. After a quick wash and change, he was surprised to see Nadine waiting by the doors.
"Hey, Nads, what's up?"
"I was wondering . . . Um, since we're going through mechanical science, that I could ask help from you? The lessons seem super hectic."
"Why not?" Julian said, "I'll tutor you tomorrow."
Her face brightened up, "Thank you so much, Jul!" Then she left.
Julian sighed as he continued towards the gym. Asther and Nadine were his two crushes, but he couldn't seem to decide between them. Asther was sweet and considerate, while Nadine was smart and fun to be with.
What have I done? He thought to himself. Now he's scheduled two things with both girls.
His stomach grumbled. Yes, food was what he needed.
As he went into the gym, Ravine was there, ready with snacks and drinks. The gym was almost empty. Julian approached his friend by a spot in the bleachers. He convinced him to go to the game, because he knew it might lighten up his mood. Apparently he and Marie fought again.
"Thanks, man," he said to Ravine as he took a seat beside him. He took the delicious taco and began to eat.
The gym was empty now.
"What's going on with you and Marie?" Julian asked.
"Just things," Ravine sighed, a faraway look in his face, "You know what I feel about her."
"That you hate her with burning passion? She's probably the only person you hate."
"Not hate!"
"Ah, so you like her, don't you?"
Ravine murmured something Julian couldn't catch. "What was that?"
"Ever since middle school," he repeated.
"Oh . . . " Julian said, "Wow."
Julian was more oblivious to subtle hints than his friends. He wanted direct dialogue, not riddles and symbols. That's why sometimes, he couldn't understand girls.
Ravine had told him about Marie one time in eighth grade when Ravine saw Marie and Eric Jay hanging out and got a bit jealous. Julian seemed to have forgooten it. That was Ravine; he was a closed book and hid his feelings. But Julian was closer to him than any other of the boys.
After a long silence between the two boys, Ravine decided to change the topic. "So," he cleared his throat, "Nadine and Asther?"
Right, Julian thought, I told him about them.
"Nadine asked me to tutor her," Julian sighed, "I'm really in trouble now."
"Whoa," His friend cringed, "And weren't you supposed to 'hang out' with Asther?"
"Nadine on Saturday, her on Sunday, then."
"And homework?"
Julian groaned and leaned back. He took a swig of Gatorade. "Don't remind me of that."
"Yzen, your homework -"
"Yeah, yeah," he interrupted him before Ravine can blow up into a whole speech about homework. Sometimes when he talks, he can't shut his mouth.
"I'm just under some pressure right now," Julian sighed.
"Well just pick and tell them both how you felt," Ravine told him.
"Oh? And why not tell Marie?"
"Touché, my friend," Ravine chuckled bitterly.
= = = > < = = =
They were walking by the park.
It was the same park they played in as children, the one near their neighborhood and houses. Lovely and Gavin were sitting on the bench, only the two of them. After all, Gavin had told his best friend that they are going to talk.
"Speak up, Love." Lovely's chest did somersaults as he mentioned her unique nickname.
"What's with the dress?" He asked her, his eyes boring into hers.
"I . . . I . . . " No words dared to come out of her lips.
"Don't lie to me," he said, irritated, "I know it when you lie."
Lovely gulped.
"I thought we're best friends. And best friends have to tell each other everything."
She squirmed uncomfortably, "And best friends have to keep some secrets, too."
He stayed silent, staring at her. Lovely gave up.
"Okay, okay!" She said, "I was wearing this because . . . "
"Because?" Gavin pressed on.
"Because Crystal and her friends were telling me that real girls don't wear boy clothes." Lovely said, "I was wondering that if I changed, they wouldn't tease me anymore."
"Lovely," Gavin took her hand, "Whatever you look and whatever you dress in, you're beautiful."
Lovely's breaths deepened.
"You're amazing. So don't listen to whatever Crystal says. She's just jealous of you. If you're not comfortable with that - that dress, then don't wear it."
"Okay." Lovely said as she looked down.
"You're my best friend, Love," he squeezed her hand, "and you come to me if anything's bothering you."
She gave him a small smile, "Thank you."
She leaned back, finally relieved that a weight was removed from her shoulders. Gavin always made everything right and better. And she liked - loved - him for that.
"Seems like," Gavin moved closer to her after the long silence, "Our friends are on to things."
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"Marie and Ravine," he said, "of course something's going on with them."
"I thought I was the only one who noticed," Lovely said, "Eddie and Sofie, too."
"And don't forget Yzen's problem," Gavin nodded.
"Someday," he said, "They're going to be with each other. And we'll be crazy seventh wheelers."
"Yeah," she said, "But do you have a girl in mind though?"
He smirked, "You first."
Blood rushed to Lovely's cheeks. She hasn't told anyone, but people keep on telling her that Gavin and her were perfect for each other. She never knew how he felt, though.
"I don't actually," she lied, avoiding his eyes, "but I'm sure I'll find him someday."
"You?" She looked at his thoughtful face.
"I do like someone."
"Who?" Lovely sat up straight, jealousy burning her chest. He liked someone? It was probably Crystal, or one of her friends. They seem like Gavin's type.
"You," he said, staring right at her eyes. Lovely couldn't look away.
Loud silence followed soon after. The two best friends stared at each other, ignoring what's around them. Lovely never knew her heart could beat so rapidly. Neither did Gavin.
"Me?" Lovely croaked.
"Yeah y -"
"I like you, too."
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