Here is the part of the book where extras could pop up all of a sudden. So stay on the lookout for updates.
Please enjoy.
= = = > < = = =
A loud and shrill scream made the boys look up to the door.
Next door was where all the girls camped in, doing who knows what in the middle of the night. And indeed, it was a mystery to them what practices the female species had before a wedding day. Eric Jay had suggested that maybe they were having sleepover parties next door, Eddie had entertained the idea that the girls had demonic practices and Nico was pretty sure they were dancing around, drunk over their heads. None of the boys - men, they'd prefer - still had a certain idea what the girls were doing in the hotel room beside theirs.
"Oh my gosh, it's demonic rituals!" Eric Jay hopped from his side of the bed and plopped behind Yzen when he heard the scream.
Meanwhile, Ravine looked up from his book, uninterested. Tyron stopped mid-conversation with Gavin, and Eddie looked like he was about to fish out his phone to check on his fiancé.
Just a millisecond later, a mimic of the ear-shattering scream sounded inside the boys' room. Everyone turned towards Rebecca, wide-eyed as she began to squirm and wail in her father's arms. "Becky, Becky, calm down, love," Gavin tried to shush her but she only drooled and cried some more.
Like police sirens alerting them of an emergency, each boy scrambled around to calm down the baby. Julian reached for the pacifier, Eddie and Eric Jay helped each other out to prepare warm milk, Ravine took out a fresh pack of diapers and face masks in case a stink bomb was released, Tyron got the new clothes and blanket ready, Nico made sure the crib was neat and tidy and Sam gathered up all the stuffed animals he could find. Gavin busily rocked his daughter gently, trying to shush her with soothing words. And just a moment ago, the little angel was fast asleep.
Eddie groaned when Rebecca wouldn't stop, "Why did you bring her here anyway?" Gavin started giving the baby treatment to the little girl, checking if she needed a change of diaper, milk or just a lullaby back to sleep.
"We left our son with his Auntie and Uncle. No one else around to take care of her?" Asked Tyron.
"Lovely didn't want to leave her alone," Gavin replied, as he let Ravine wipe away Becky's tears with a soft cloth. "But she wanted a break from her, too. She shoved Becky into my hands and left with her friends!"
"Well, won't it just be peachy to have a baby," Julian tilted his head at Becky.
"And you just had one," Sam chuckled, "Have you named her yet?"
Gradually, Becky's cries receded and she went back to deep slumber. Gavin laid her down on her crib and sighed in relief. Taking care of Becky was a full time job, and he and Lovely were working on it nonstop. He decided it was all worth it, though, every time he heard Becky's cute laughs and when she closed her hand over his finger.
"Your wife gave birth and you didn't name the baby yet?" Nico arched his eyebrows at Julian.
"We wanted the gender to be a surprise," Yzen explained, "First, Dani wanted to name her Denise, but the baby cried loudly so that was out. We tried Julia, but she cried again. Lastly, we named her Ysabela." A faint smile appeared on his lips, "Her name rhymes with her mother's."
"What about you?" Eddie elbowed Eric Jay in the ribs, "I trust that you know the wedding night's the best part of it all."
Some of the boys laughed out loud as Eric Jay turned red and choked on his spit. "Of - of course I want to, but I won't force Darce if she doesn't . . . " He trailed off.
"Make it quick, I call dibs on godfather," Ravine smirked.
"Rav!" Eric Jay exclaimed.
"But," he sputtered out, "How does it exactly feel to be married? Will it be hard?"
"Oh you'll be hard," Tyron snickered.
There were four men in the group who were already experiencing the married life. Tyron, Gavin, Ravine and Julian had already shared vows with their fiancés and on their way to start a family. Tyron already had a baby boy with Nadine and they were expecting another one in nine months, Gavin had his little Becky, Julian was graced by his Ysabela a few weeks ago and Ravine had a very pregnant Clarissa, with the baby was due in a month or less.
"You'll be connected to the person you love so much than your life forever," it was Gavin who gave his friend a sane answer, "It feels really happy to have a child, and it feels better when you see your wife happy with you."
"But - but the wedding!" Eric Jay started panicking. Marriage was a huge thing between him and Darcy, and a lifelong committment he didn't know if he could fulfill. "What if I trip at the altar?"
"Relax," Nico rolled his eyes, "You're not the one walking down the aisle."
"Okay, the rings!" Eric Jay freaked, "What if I drop . . . ?"
"And you think the bride's the one worrying about these things," Eddie teased, "Dude you'll be fine."
Eric Jay laid back on the bed. "It's the night before my wedding and I'm wearing kiddie pajamas. Do you honestly think I'm going to be fine?"
His anxiety party was interrupted when a scream came from the girls' suite again, followed by bursts if laughter and giggles. Ravine put his book down and made a face at the door, "The girls seem to know what they do at bridal showers. Is this what a bachelor party's supposed to look like?" He met the confused stares of the other guys.
"All I know is you get drunk and invite girls to the parties - " Julian started.
"Girls?" Eric Jay echoed.
Sam put a hand over Julian's mouth, "That's enough. Before you taint his innocence."
"But seriously," Nico looked at each of them, "What did you do at the previous bachelor parties?"
Since they weren't still too acquainted to Tyron and Nadine, they weren't present at the former's bachelor party except for Ravine and Nico. This was the first the boys had together, and they were dumbfounded about what to do while their girlfriends, fiancés and wives had fun.
"I remember at Julian's we had this pool party," Gavin piped up, "And there were jacuzzis too. You almost drowned Ravine in the kiddie pool."
"The lifeguard insisted I wear floaties for the rest of the night," Ravine grumbled as the rest laughed.
"And Rav didn't even have a bachelor party!" Sam exclaimed, "We got held up at the clothing shop for our tuxes because orders got mixed up. We got home at the crack of dawn because we got stranded in the middle of the night!"
"And I told you to fill the gas tank that afternoon," Julian scolded Eddie.
"Quit nagging," Eddie lightly slapped Yzen's cheek.
"What about Gavin's?" Nico inquired.
"Oh that one was hilarious!" Eric Jay's face lit up, "We got cut off in the middle of our karaoke party because Lovely stormed in with the ladies and crashed the party! She was so pregnant at that time and demanded pie from Gavin and yelled at him in front of us!"
And a week later, Becky popped out, Gavin grinned at the memory. They had to cut their honeymoon short and dash to the hospital.
"And now, we're not doing anything remotely interesting in our bachelor night," Julian started bouncing on the fluffy hotel bed.
"Whatever you suggest could get us into trouble, you know." Ravine played safe, as always. "And in case you guys forgot, we have ticking bomb right here." He pointed his head towards the sleeping baby in the crib.
"She's already chaotic enough to be an adventure," Gavin looked at his daughter, who was stirring lightly in her sleep.
"Well I'm hungry," Nico said suddenly. He disappeared into the suite kitchen and came back with his arms full of junk food, leftovers from the party earlier that day and some ice cream. The guys fought for the food - quite silently as not to wake Becky - and they settled onto the beds as Julian put on a horror movie into the TV.
Eric Jay shrieked and started to use Eddie as a shield the second the movie started. "You're going to give me creeps and it's my wedding tomorrow," he mumbles against his fist.
In the middle of the movie, practically everyone was shaking in fear and anticipation (Julian tried to hide it but it became obvious when he tried to close his eyes). Ravine had given up the first few minutes and chose to read his book over flashlight. They came to a part where nothing could be heard except the sound of the boys' heavy breaths as they stared wide-eyed at the screen.
And soon followed screams from the boys, that it rivalled the girls' next door. Julian's scream was the highest pitched while Eric Jay was kicking and waving his limbs around, hitting Eddie in the process. Nico and Gavin spilled chips on the floor from jumping in fright while Tyron and Sam clutched onto each other tightly. Meanwhile, Ravine put his book down and paused the movie.
Becky's screams tore through the room. The boys gathered around the crib, reluctant to go back to the film. Gavin held his daughter and patted her head.
"You gave daddy quite a scare, Becky."
= = = > < = = =
I don't know why I wrote that. Sorry, it's short.
= = = > < = = =
He shuffled out of bed groggily, his eyes meeting the dark sky that told of dawn. Yawning, he flung off the covers from his body before sparing a glance at his fiancé, who was deep in sleep. Lately, nights had been visiting times for nightmares, and sessions of tossing and turning. Yzen leaned over and gave his Dani a kiss on her head. Then, he scrambled out of the bedroom, deciding that lying in bed will do him nothing.
The house was big, a gift brought on by the successful business he put up and Yzen couldn't wait until there were more people living in the house besides him and Daniella. They were hesitant about a child, and he wasn't certain when they will marry or when will he be graced by a son or daughter.
He treaded to the kitchen, to make coffee for his aching head. As brought on by boredom and habit, Yzen took out his phone, and the moment he unlocked it, it pinged of notifications from none other than Messenger.
It looked like he wasn't the only one awake at two a.m. in the morning.
Eric Jay: Psst . . . pssst
Eric Jay: hey, hey, hey
Eric Jay: Pssst, Mrs. Newman ;)
Julian Yzen bit his lip and chose to read on. If not something else, this one could entertain him early at dawn. He sipped his coffee and gave a chuckle when he saw Darcy reading the messages but not saying anything.
Eric Jay: Mrs. Newman!
Darcy Rae: What?! I'm right beside you, you butt
Eric Jay: We're getting married :D <3
Darcy Rae: Oh my gosh, will you shut up and go back to sleep?
Eric Jay: Ah! You pinched me!
Eric Jay: Why are you online anyway?
Darcy Rae: I should be asking you that, we're on the same bed!
Eric Jay: But I'm kind of bored :/
Darcy Rae: Just go back to sleep!
Eric Jay: But you won't sing me a lullaby :( </3
Darcy Rae: Quit being childish
Eric Jay: So where will we spend our honeymoon? Paris? Hawaii? Japan? Korea! Ooh, we should go to Korea!
Darcy Rae: Hmph, you just want to go there to see your celebrity crushes >:(
Eric Jay: What? No!
Darcy Rae: I want to go to Greece
Eric Jay: But KOrEa!
Eric Jay: Hey
Eric Jay: Hey, is that Yzen?
Eric Jay: Yzen you stalker and seenzoner!
Yzen smirked and decided to join in before the couple's banter blows up into an all out war. He sipped coffee and typed tiredly, but he paid no heed to his heavy eyes.
Julian Yzen: Yes, yes. I'm alive
Julian Yzen: Good evening (morning?) Eric Jay. Darce.
Darcy Rae: Hey Yzen
Eric Jay: And you notice him right away *gasp*! Yzen you have failed me
Julian Yzen: She's still your fiancé, idiot :p
Eric Jay: Is anybody else seenzoning us?
Darcy Rae: Nobody, I think
Darcy Rae: Yzen, why are you awake so early...er...late?
Julian Yzen: Just having nightmares. Don't worry about me :/
Darcy Rae: Aww, Dani awake yet?
Julian Yzen: Nah. Don't want to disturb her sleep
Eric Jay: And there they are. My close friend and fiancé talking like Eric Jay is invisible. Go ahead. Hmph. Eric Jay will only read your messages.
Darcy Rae: Bruh
Darcy Rae: Stop being like that
Eric Jay: Oh? Are you talking to Eric Jay? BeCAuSE hE can'T Hear YOU
Eric Jay: Ow! She pinched me again!
Darcy Rae left the chat room
Eric Jay: What! Bby, come back!
Julian Yzen: ...
Eric Jay: No!
Eric Jay: I should treat her with hugs, chocolate and teddy bears!!!
Eric Jay: I shall return
Eric Jay left the chat room
Julian stared at his phone, bored once again. He quickly downed all of the coffee, washed the mug and poured in another cup of caffeine. He needed it. Just so it could last until the morning. He went back to his phone, wanting to search for more The Conjuring 2 trailers when Messenger beeped again. It wasn't Eric Jay or Darcy.
Ravine: hello
Ravine: from the other side
Ravine: haha, I'm funny
Ravine: Julie . . .
Ravine: I can see you seenzoning me
Julian Yzen: They left me
Julian Yzen: Forever alone
Ravine: I thought there wasn't a forever
Ravine: Haha, I'm funny
Julian Yzen: Shut up :p Late night problems, too?
Ravine: Problems, sure
Julian Yzen: Why?
Ravine: Long story short - Issa got mad at me bc she remembered I spoiled her favorite book and then I told her she was cute when she was mad, and she said that meant she wasn't cute when she was happy so she took the bed to herself
Julian Yzen: Women
Ravine: ikr
Eric Jay entered the chat room
Eric Jay: She gunna kill you dude 0_o
Ravine: I know I'm in the bathroom. She locked me here. Halp!
Eric Jay: O_0 How can she lock the door from the outside???
Ravine: Idk, I couldn't open the door. I'm in the bathtub. She threw a blanket at me. Apparently I'll be sleeping here. Still halp!
Eric Jay: Poor Clarissa! :/
Ravine: oh pfft, she's the poor one, sure
Ravine: Why you guys up tho?
Ravine: Eric Jay?
Eric Jay: Hahahahaahahahahaha, dunno
Darcy Rae entered the chat room
Darcy Rae: That liar. He's high on caffeine and sugar so he can't sleep. Ugh
Eric Jay: I'm fiiiiine
Eric Jay: As hell
Eric Jay: Mah booteh fine
Eric Jay: Omg, I didn't write that! Darcy did!
Julian Yzen: Sure sure
Eric Jay: Arggh, Darce stop stealing my phone!
Eric Jay: Ah! She pinched me again! >:(
Darcy: Fine. I'll stay in the chat room. You boys go do your thing
He leaned back on the seat. The next messages were from Eric Jay, pleading with her not to go and countless emoticons being sent. He grinned in amusement, seeing how crazy his friends can get at the crack of dawn. Maybe the nightmares weren't all downside after all.
Ravine: It smells like shaving cream and bath bombs in here -_-
Ravine: I love puns
Ravine: Someone give me a pun
Eric Jay: Ew, nobody likes you're jokes
Ravine: *your
Ravine: haha, I'm funny
Ravine: Or should I say . . .
Julian Yzen: No! DON'T DO IT
Ravine: I'm punny!
Ravine: *is hit by cornstalks everywhere coz I'm corny*
Darcy Rae: *high fives Ravine*
Eric Jay: What! This is an OUTRAGE
Eric Jay: You're talking to him, too?!
Darcy Rae: *eyeroll*
Clarissa entered the chat room
Darcy Rae: Hey sista
Eric Jay: Unfair D:
Clarissa: Ello
Ravine: You're AwAKE???!!!
Clarissa: Of course I am. You've been making ruby ducky and bubble sounds for the past hours. Sigh. *facepalm* -_-
Darcy Rae: Men
Clarissa: ikr
Ravine: baby, please let me out. I'm sorry :(
Clarissa: Gross, don't baby me. You're not Justin Bieber
Ravine: What!!! Issa please!
Ravine: I'm gonna suffocate in all these deodorants and Axe
Clarissa: those are your deodorants and axe, you dummy
Eric Jay: Is it just me, or Rav's IQ declines when Clarissa is around???
Ravine: Shaddap. Just shut. Up.
Clarissa: hee hee
Eric Jay: oi, Yzen, you should wake Dani up so you two can fight too :p
Julian Yzen: No thanks .-.
Eric Jay: Ow! Darce stop pinching!
Eric Jay: Why did you do it?
Darcy Rae: Nothing just felt like it
Eric Jay: Meanie :(
Julian Yzen: Haha, Dani's not here so girls, go slay them hhahaha
Daniella entered the chat room
Daniella: Your wrong
Ravine: You're*
Julian practically dropped his phone on the cement when he saw Dani show up. She was awake? Since when? Had she been reading the messages? He rubbed his tired eyes and read a message from Dani, telling him to come up. He obliged.
Daniella was waiting on their bed, phone clutched in hand when he entered. She searched his eyes as he crawled on the bed to kiss her. "What's the matter?" she asked, "You were having nightmares?" She put a hand on his cheek.
"I'm okay," he sent her a reassuring smile, "Just a bit anxious about the wedding and . . . you know. Having a family."
"We're going to be fine," said Daniella. Julian kissed her cheek and sat beside her.
"Now go leave the chat room. We might as well join in the fun with my account," she told him. Julian nodded and got his own phone. After leaving the chat room, he positioned himself that he could hug Dani from behind and rest his head on her shoulder.
Julian Yzen left the chat room
Daniella: We are one - Julian Yzen
Daniella: Yah, Julie wrote that.
Daniella: My name is not Julie.
Daniella: Hehee, but Pippa calls you that!
Daniella: Pippa makes the worst nicknames ever
Eric Jay: Dani's talking to herself???
Darcy Rae: No you butt, that was both Yzen and Daniella
Ravine: I told you, I was sorry Issa. Now let me out. The bathtub's getting uncomfortable
Clarissa: Psh, go sleep their
Ravine: *there
Ravine: Your grammar geez
Clarissa: You know I do it on purpose you grammar freak
Ravine: Comma
Clarissa: What?
Ravine: There should be a comma between purpose and you
Clarissa: Omg! Stop correcting my sentences. As if your grammar is perfect!
Ravine: Your second 'sentence' is not a real sentence; therefore it should not be ended by a period but instead be revised. This is called a fragment. You have used a fragment, Clarissa. My shame is on you and your grammar-lacking cow. And as you know, I have excelled in many fields involving the English language and thus, I have the right to sound like Microsoft Word's grammar and spelling correcting lectures.
Eric Jay: Noseblood
Ravine: *Nosebleed
Eric Jay: Damn it. Go sit in the corner with your porny jokes
Eric Jay: *corny damn it! Who messed with my autocorrect???
Ravine: Hey, my jokes are both porny and corny, right Issa?
Ravine: Issa?
Clarissa: That is it, Ravine Lennon-Rellemont! I'm going to lock you in the bathroom forever!
Ravine: Guys halp!
Clarissa: It's 'help'. *snicker*
Eric Jay: See guys? He becomes dumber when Clarissa's there.
Daniella: Must be her IQ
Eric Jay: Ooh, snap! *z formation*
Daniella: What, no! I didn't write that! Julian! I mean, Julie!
Daniella: I'm so sorry, Clarissa. Didn't mean it that way.
Clarissa: It's ok. Ravine just has his stupid moments. I think he's spending too much time with Sam.
Ravine: What! You know I don't like him!
Clarissa: Speak for yourself
Julian quickly pointed to a new profile popping up to read messages online. "Look, Eddie's online," he laughed, "I wonder why."
"Oh no, don't tell me Sofie's mad at him, too," Daniella smiled.
Eddie Gabe entered the chat room
Eddie Gabe: Wassup ma free-ends??? Whaddup wth th leyt niyt 2king?
Eric Jay: What. . ... what language is he speaking?
Ravine: Ahh! AHH! It's the most grammatically traumatic piece of dishevelment I've ever seen in the world of Internet!
Clarissa: Translation - what's up with that text talk?
Eddie Gabe: Watchu tlking abt??? Imma fine
Ravine: AHHH GET IT AWAY FROM ME! Eddie your GRAMmaR Arggghh
Eric Jay: Whoops. I think you broke him, Ed. Not even five minutes in the chat room . . .
Daniella: Why are you awake at this time, Ed?
Eddie Gabe: just b0red as hella. My bods be deciding to wake up in th middle of th nyt. Hmph
Ravine: That spelling! Oh mah gad!
Darcy Rae: Welcome to the club, Ed.
Eric Jay: Oh, so now it's him. Fine. Hmph
Eddie Gabe: Ty, ty, ty, Darce girl
Ravine: He speaks in abbreviations and acronyms too! *faints from running around*
Clarissa: -_- You're in the bathroom
Ravine: I know. I slipped on the bathtub and my nose is bleeding like a uterus.
Clarissa: :O So that was the sound I heard a while ago
Ravine: You have any pads around here?
Ravine: So I could like, wipe my nose?
Clarissa: . . . . . . . .
Clarissa: The second shelf of the top cupboard.
Ravine: Thanks Issa sweetheart
Eddie Gabe: whoo, Rav be liek 2rning too a women
Eric Jay: Ed?
Eddie Gabe: Yah?
Eric Jay: y r u tawking liek dis?
Eddie Gabe: Just cos
Ravine: No, it needs sin and tan. HAHAHAHAHA (math nerds get this)
Clarissa: Stop!
Ravine: I've got a pad in my nose. I can't take you guys seriously
Ravine: Siriusly, hahahahahaha
Ravine: I'm funny
Eddie Gabe: psh, if u keep sayin dat it myt come tru
Eric Jay: Why are you talking in a wee-ord language? 0_0 You're as nosebleed-causing as Ravine
Ravine: Proof is on my nose - Ravine attached a picture
Darcy Rae: So you do have a pad on your nose!
Ravine: Of course I do! You thought I was lying?
Darcy Rae: What brand is that, Clarissa? It's so thick...
Eric Jay: Same thing you'll be saying on our wedding night, hun. ;)
Darcy Rae: Oh my gosh
Darcy Rae: Can you, like, not
Daniella: Ahahaha slayyy
Daniella: ^btw, that was Julie
Daniella: You don't have to say that every time! I think they know already.
Daniella: Shut it
Eddie Gabe: #couplefight #burning #hashtag
Daniella hit a light punch on Julian's face, "Look what you did. He's now talking in hashtags!" Julian only chuckled and buried his head on her face.
Sofie Felice entered the chat room
Sofie Felice: Oh no, the hashtags! 0_0
Eddie Gabe: Why are you here???
Ravine: Ooh, so his grammar changes when she's around. I get it now.
Sofie Felice: I'm all the way in Asia, remember, Gabe?
Sofie Felice: It's like one thirty pm in here.
Eddie Gabe: But you won't answer my text messages???
Sofie Felice: Heh, you're being annoying.
Eddie Gabe: But whyyy?
Eric Jay: OMG, Sofie, don't leave. Maybe his talking will improve
Eddie Gabe: *sends virtual slap in the face* #virtualviolence
Sofie Felice: Unfortunately, I can't stop the hashtags *shudders*
Darcy Rae: Btw, why are you in the other side of the world?
Sofie Felice: Aw, just a little family outing. My sister was insistent.
Sofie Felice: We visited Japan, China, Singapore and Korea! :)
Eric Jay: AHH, KOREA
Darcy Rae: Not now Jay -_-
Eric Jay: Food's yummy there
Darcy Rae: We're going to Greece
Eddie Gabe: I miss you, Sof :( #imsad
Ravine: Be gone, my fellow associate because your octothorpes are worthless and tags should not be found in chat rooms. Your manner of speaking sends chills through my vertebra
Eric Jay: Whaaa?
Marie Patrice entered the chat room
Marie Patrice: He means that the hashtags are horrible
Daniella: Lol, why you here tho?
Sofie Felice: I thought you and Sam were on a date
Marie Patrice: Ah well, I woke up and he wasn't there to snuggle me. Sam went AWOL
Daniella: I know the feeling, sister
Daniella: Hey!
Daniella: I had nightmares okay?
Daniella: ^^ julie's words
Daniella: You don't HAVE to tell them that.
Clarissa: What did he mean HE LEFT YOU ON THE BED???
Marie Patrice: I mean that. He just left. Poof. Won't answer my calls
Clarissa: Whaat?
Clarissa: *insert swear words here*
Ravine: Cutie, you can't even swear
Clarissa: ArgH!
Ravine: Did you just punch the bathroom door?!
Marie Patrice: But he did mention he had to go out with the boys, tho
Clarissa: I can't believe I'm related to that boy
Samuel entered the chat room
Samuel: I'm no boy! I'm a man!!!
Marie Patrice: Where are you???
Samuel: In a club :p Why?
Ravine: *just *tartarus Damn, what's up with your autocorrect, can't even get Greek Mythology right, tsk tsk
Samuel: . . .
Samuel: . . .
Samuel: I'm sorry?
Marie Patrice: Sorry? SORRY?
Marie Patrice left the chat room
Samuel: What's she going to do?
Ravine: *whistles* She's going to kill you!!! 0_0 Run dude!
Clarissa: No, don't run! Send me a video once she does that!
Samuel: What???
Eddie Gabe: #dead lol
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To be Continued . . .
I was just suddenly motivated and inspired, so I decided on this super random thing. I figured it was the best way to include them all and have each talk without being left out.
Anyway, more to come. All our characters aren't present yet, anyway.
What are the characters' opinions on the following questions?
Question 1: A bit mainstream but . . . What is love?
Gavin: Love is when you look back into the past and find yourself smiling. You are happy with that person and see him or her as the light of your life. Love . . . Is truly unexplainable.
Julian Yzen: Love . . . Hurts, I guess? I don't know, I guess. I never dwelt on the word. I dwelt on the feeling
Jacel Tan: Love! IS! FRIES! and forever alone . . .
Question 2: Among your circle of friends, who would be your ideal partner within your own sex?
Lovely: HA! Easy as pie. This one is Lyn. If I should go back to beinh gay, it's Merlyn :)
Ravine: Julie . . . Definitely Julian. I'd go for that hot piece of ass
Julian Yzen: What
Clarissa: WHAT . . . -.- In that case nothing would beat the scrumptious bod of Marie!
Marie: I would choose you too, Clar!
Ravine: Why don't you two just get a room -.-
Question 3: Favorite hilarious childhood moment?
Clarissa: Kicking Sam in the balls
Samuel: Putting spiders in Issa's hair >:-)
Clarissa: You're a mean big brother :p
Darcy Rae: Passing out in the middle of a competition (dancing competition) because my crush was watching
Eric Jay: Your crush???
Darcy Rae: Tee hee, now answer the question
Eric Jay: Sitting on a melted ice cream and walking around with a brown stain on my shorts .
Eddie: Screaming that I was drowning when really, I had floaties on
Ravine: Pass
Sofie: Accidentally taking home a cat that was not mine
Lovely: Getting to eat chocolate that had laxatives on it
Gavin: Wait what
Gavin: Why did Ravine pass
Gavin: Uhm . . . I've got nothing
Question 4: Furthest you've gone with your significant other?
Lovely: OMG
Gavin: Lovely's pregnant . . . So . . . Yeah
Ravine: Zero base
Ravine: And that's only because Sam is being TOO overprotective
Clarissa: Didn't we go to second base one night . . . ?
Samuel: YOU DID ? 0_0
Ravine: WE DID?
Clarissa: Yeah, but I think we were like, drunk as hell . . .
Question 5: Deepest darkest secret?
Everyone: Pass
Ravine: I have fantasies about Benedict Cumberbatch
t Cumberbatch
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