Sehun scoffed and removed his hand from the boys shoulder. He shook his head, laughing which earned a frown from Chanyeol.
"Why are you laughing?" Chanyeol said, narrowing his eyes.
Sehun just quirks an eyebrow up at him in reply. "I always knew you had something for that kid" he said. "It was so obvious"
Chanyeols face softens slightly after his friends words. Was it really that obvious? He diverted his eyes away from Sehun face and he heard the boy laugh once again.
"Whatever" Chanyeol grumbles and turns to walk away.
Sehun, however, doesn't let him and grabs his arm once again, causing Chanyeol to turn around with annoyance. Before Chanyeol could speak first, Sehun cuts him off with
a "I never said it bothered me"
Chanyeol opened his mouth, expecting to say something but didn't really know what. He wasn't expecting Sehun to give in that fast, that's for sure.
But then Chanyeol realised Baekhyun was probably still waiting for him on the dance floor and he definitely didn't want to keep him waiting. So he finished it off with a quick nod of the head and "good" Before he tugged his arm out of the grip and squeezed his way through the crowd.
As he got to the middle, he turned back just to check Sehun wasn't following him before he continued to look for his small boyfriend.
Baekhyun stood at a wall, holding a drink with his arms folded, while he watched what Chanyeol thought was Jongdae and Luhan dancing.
Chanyeol let out a small sigh, then marched over to the smaller. Baekhyun looked up when he saw him, with a big smile too.
"Where did you go?" Was what Baekhyun said.
"Just had to talk to someone that's all" Chanyeol smiles back down to him and cupped the boys cheeks. "But now I'm all yours"
Chanyeol couldn't tell whether it was the bright coloured lights shining around the room, or if Baekhyuns were actually that red.
"Shall we dance now?" Baekhyun laughed and he pulled the boys hands off with his own , but didn't actually let go when the fell in the middle of them.
Chanyeol nodded and gently dragged Baekhyun towards the middle, hands still intertwined together.
Chanyeol would follow Baekhyun's rules and let go of his hands at least for now, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He promised he would let go if Baekhyun told him to. But for now, he was happier than ever twirling the smaller around and tugging him into his arms. To be brutally honest, Chanyeol never wanted to let go.
"Do you want a drink?" Baekhyun shouted close to his ear – He'd tugged on Chanyeol's shirt so he had to bend down.
"No, I'm good"
"You sure? I can go get one–"
"Hey you two!" Jongdaes voice booms over the music, almost making the two jump. "I see you're both having fun?"
He gives Baekhyun and Chanyeol a raised eyebrow, Luhan then appearing next to him.
"Yeah!" Baekhyun grins.
Luhan just stares at the two before his eyes wonder downwards. He pointed at what he was looking at and said "you're holding hands"
Baekhyun held his breath as he looked down to their hands, before quickly pulling his own out of Chanyeol's soft touch. Again, Chanyeol was slightly sad that he didn't want to be seen with him like that, but he carried on as normal anyway.
"Don't try and hide it!" Luhan shouted as he began to laugh. "Kyungsoo was right! Wow he's a genius!" he said while jumping up and down, Jongdae soon joining in.
"K-kyungsoo?" Baekhyun asks looking slightly worried.
"What do you mean Kyungsoo was right?" Chanyeol added too, frowning at the excited pair.
"He said you two were complleetellyy in love with each other!" Jongdae cooed and Luhan laughed, Chanyeol and Baekhyun just turned a shade of pink.
"He said that?!"
"Are you sure?"
"100% sure!!"
Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun who shyly faced him with tinted cheeks. He ignored the other two eyes staring at them and continued what he was about to say.
"Does that mean I can keep holding your hand?"
Baekhyun's mouth drops open, Luhan squeals and Jongdae woo's.
Chanyeol blinks innocent, looking like a big puppy waiting for a treat, waiting for Baekhyun to give in and say yes. Baekhyun melts under his stare and does exactly that, he slips his hands into Chanyeols shyly and looks away, hoping his friends don't see how nervous he was. I haven't been this far with anyone... and it's only the first stage.
God I'm embarrassing.
"Finally!" Luhan jumps up and down in excitement before he bounces away, returning to the dance floor. Jongdae pats them both on the shoulder before he joins Luhan. The smaller laughs at the two as he watches his friends have fun, he was happy they reacted this way, he was happy he was with Chanyeol, he was happy with his life.
"I love you"
Baekhyun turns back to Chanyeol, the music was loud but he could have sworn he had said something else. Chanyeol was already staring at him, like usual, eyes glimmering in the multicoloured light and mouth turned up into a grin.
"What?" The smaller asked as loud as he could, trying to over power the music. Did someone turn the volume up?
He noticed Chanyeols smile flickered a bit, before he replied with "nothing" and shook his head. "Lets dance"
Baekhyun nodded and began to sway to the music, Chanyeol does the Same.
Baekhyun is happy, very happy.
He wouldn't have asked for anything more.
I'd like to thank everyone who has read this story, liked it and commented on it, thank you so much.
I've enjoyed writing this story, especially the beginning. I really hoped you liked it! I'm ending it here (at least for now) as I think it's the best place I could possibly leave it.
I could probably write loads more on this but I tend to make lots of chapters on my story's so I didn't want to do too many and felt like it would be a good ending here anyway, so....
I might write an epilogue though, if any of you would like that of course? If you're interested please comment below
I would write a second book to this book (I thought of some alright ideas what could happen) but then I thought it would be too much... would it be too much? Would you prefer just an epilogue rather than a whole new book or?? Again pls let me know that would be lovely!! Thank you so much! 💛💫🌼
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