The two guys at his door said in unison. Baekhyun stood, staring back at them examining each and every feature of the two boys.
How did they know my name?
"Oh my god, I'm so glad to see you!" One of the boys almost squealed with his hand over his mouth.
"You don't understand how hard it was to try and find you, can't believe you just left like that" the other interrupted, looking slightly more calm but worried in his eyes.
"I'm sorry but..." Baekhyun started. He was frightened how they would react when he said the words. "W-who are you?"
The two guys stiffened—or maybe they actually froze. The one with the hand over his mouth, let his hand fall to his side, revealing an open mouth.
Baekhyun wanted to shut the door and curl up into a ball where he could probably cry himself to sleep because he hated everytime he met someone he was supposed to know. They said his name like they've been friends for years but Baekhyun couldn't recognise any of them. He knew he had friends before the crash but he couldn't remember who they were.
Before either of them could speak again, Baekhyun's dad came behind him and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Oh" he said "are you guys Jongdae and...?"
"Luhan" the boy replied quietly.
"Yes that's right! Come on in, I'll get you a drink"
Baekhyun was moved to the side by his father, as he invited the boys in. He watched as they stepped inside and followed his father in to the living room. Baekhyun closed the door and followed them. He stopped when he got close to the doorway as he heard his father talking about him.
"He hit his head badly in the accident so he's having troubles with his memory."
"So... he can't remember us?" One of them gasped. It made Baekhyun feel awful even if he knew it wasn't his fault.
"Unfortunately.." his father said. "But who knows? He might gain memories back as time goes by."
"I hope so.."
Baekhyun sighed and waited a second before walking into the room. He sat next to his father and the two boys sat opposite them.
"Ah Baekhyun, I finally managed to get a hold onto your friends, which is why there here." He said with his arm around him. "They came all the way from Seoul to see you"
"Oh" was all Baekhyun could manage.
"It's been so boring without you"
"He's right"
When it dropped silent, his father decided to get up and go back to doing paper work in the kitchen. Which meant Baekhyun now had to communicate all on his own with his so called friends.
"Are you ok baek?" One of them asked him.
Baekhyun lifted his head and nodded. "Yeah, I'm wonderful"
After a while, Baekhyuns friends had offered to go out and buy him a drink at a cafe of his choice. He agreed to it, mostly because he didn't want to seem rude and say no. He learnt which names belong to which face and also that Luhan was actually Chinese when the boy was talking about how his family had flown to Korea for a week or two to see him.
Baekhyun had chosen a cafe that was only a small walk away from his parents house so Luhan didn't need to use his car. The cafe was run by Baekhyuns fathers friend that he had known apparently from Highschool—according to what his parents said.
As they chatted more, Baekhyun began to feel a little more at ease with the two but it still felt uncomfortable to him. He hated feeling this way and wished his hardest for his memories to soak back through. Baekhyun didn't know why he felt like this now when he seemed fine with Chanyeol but then again, he knew these two boys sat right in front of him were supposed to be his best friends. He could tell, but obviously he just couldn't remember.
Luhan and Jongdae sat across the table from him, one sipping a milkshake and the other drinking coffee. Baekhyun held a iced tea in his hand, he didn't feel like drinking it.
"People have been asking where you were" Jongdae started but Luhan kicked him underneath the table. Jongdae winced and asked: "what was that for?"
"It's ok" Baekhyun reassured Luhan. Baekhyun knew Luhan was worried about bringing the accident up to much just incase He started crying or something like that. He had gotten past that now. "What did you tell them?"
"Mind your own business"
Baekhyun cracked half a smile
"People are so nosy these days, I mean seriously. People that never even talk to us suddenly wanted to know where you were" he scoffed
"Alright, calm down" Luhan laughed.
It went quiet again between the three. Baekhyun wondered whether he should ask them about a guy named Chanyeol, see if they knew anything about him. But he also didn't know whether that would be too embarrassing to ask. Then again, he really needed to know, whether it was embarrassing or not, Baekhyun needed to know how Chanyeol knew him and what kind of relationship they had.
However, as soon as Baekhyun plucked up enough courage to ask, Luhan was already one step ahead of him and had started a new conversation. It was just a general question about what Baekhyun was doing at home since he didn't have to go to university at the moment.
Baekhyun just reminded himself to ask again some other time.
"Baek, are you there?"
After the third time the said boy realised he was being spoken to. He already had the phone up to his ear but he must have spaced out for a moment.
"Huh what?" Baekhyun answered. "I mean hello"
"Hey, are you ok?"
"I'm..." not fine was what baekhyun was supposed to say "..fine"
"You sure?"
"Yeah" he almost stuttered. "I wouldn't lie to you"
"But you sound sad though"
"I said I'm fine Chanyeol." Baekhyun said with slight annoyance "Just leave it ok?
Baekhyun sighed and leant his head back on the wood of his bed. He was sat on the floor at the foot of his bed, knees folded and arms curled around them. As soon as he came back from his day with Luhan and Jongdae, Baekhyun went straight upstairs and sat on the floor. For a while he just sat there, doing nothing but then his hand wondered over to his phone and decided maybe talking to Chanyeol would cheer him up.
However, he was just starting to take his emotions out over the phone.
Maybe I shouldn't have called him.
"I'm sorry Chanyeol." He said simply. "I didn't mean to call you just now.."
Baekhyun waited for Chanyeols reply and all he got was :"What?"
"Talk later" Baekhyun said, ready to hang up the call when-
"Wait no, don't go." Chanyeol stopped him. "Not yet at least, please"
Hesitating, Baekhyun didn't know whether to stay or to say goodbye.
"Ok" he said, shifting his position slightly. Baekhyun didn't want to ask why the boy wanted him to stay, just knowing that Chanyeol wanted him to keep talking was enough.
A moment went by and Chanyeol spoke again. "Baekhyun,what's wrong?"
Nothing. Baekhyun wanted to say. Unfortunately, that didn't work out and Baekhyun couldn't manage to produce the words. Instead, he thought about everything that was wrong and how he wanted to rewind back in time and carry on living a happy life.
Tears swelled up inside of his eyes, his lip began to tremble as he bit his lip, trying to hold back any sound that escaped his mouth. He didn't want Chanyeol to hear. But then his nose began runny and Baekhyun could help but sniff it back up.
This definitely wasn't a good idea to call him.
"Baek, are you crying?" Chanyeol asked with a worried tone. "Oh god, are you—"
"-N-no I'm fine"
"You're most certainly not fine. Shh it's ok just tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help?"
"I-it doesn't matter, there's n-no way you can help" Baekhyun didn't even know why he was still talking to him, he should have ended it instead of letting the boy hear his horrible sobbing.
"Well at least I can listen. It's no good for you to keep it bottled up inside to suffer alone."
Baekhyun paused to take in his statement.
"It's so hard" Baekhyun croaked. "I don't know who I am anymore"
When Chanyeol didn't reply he carried on. "I don't know what I was like or how I should act now. I don't remember anything. I don't remember who I was before— before... a-all this happened! I can't even be around my own friends without feeling so much pressure"
There was a long pause before Chanyeol finally answered back. It almost made Baekhyun worry that he had said too much.
"Don't push yourself." He said calmly. "Your friends and family will always love you, you're the same Baekhyun and that won't change."
Baekhyun closed his eyes, tight, and let tears fall off his face and onto his jumper. He raised his free arm to his face and soaked up the wetness with his sleeve.
"Why do you keep talking to me, Chanyeol?" He sniffled.
"Because I want to make sure you're happy 'till the day I die"
This chapter was a bit longer ohihihoohohoh
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