"Mom, Can you call me down when he comes? Just going to my room"
She nodded as I headed up to my old room. Ever so often my Leg acted up a bit, maybe turned stiff for a while, especially when walking up the stairs but i just guessed that would eventually go with age.
I stopped at my bedroom door and stared at it for a moment. It seemed so odd yet homely. The door was bare compared to my brothers right next to it, his had a poster still hanging up in the centre. I didn't know them but apparently it was a poster of a band he really liked when he was younger.
Pushing open the door, I step through and looked around. The room looked pretty bare when he first arrived back home, but now Baekhyun had managed to fill it with a few more personaly things to liven the place up a bit.. The brightest thing about it was the wallpaper, which was a light blue that matched with the faded white carpet. He had been Home for a while, in fact it felt like forever.
Baekhyun sighed and began to wander around the room, skimming over his old belongings from shelves to boxes under the bed. As he got nearer to the bed he saw the ends of the familiar metal sticks poking out from underneath his bed. Baekhyun hated the sight of them and wished his mother would take them out the room. However for now they stayed in his room. Baekhyun kicked them further under his bed so he wouldn't have to look at them.
Then he slumped down onto his bed and pulled out his phone from his pocket. He opened up his calls and checked the last call he had. Baekhyun was half tempted to ring the stranger back and ask how he knew him. I mean it wasnt anything knew as he had done that a few times this week.
Before his fingers touched the surface of his phone, Baekhyun's mother called his name, which meant his brother was here. He switched off his phone and left it on his bed as he made his way back downstairs.
As he came down, Baekhyun bit his lip feeling nervous. His heart suddenly beated a little bit faster and it worried him. Baekhyun had to remind himself that this was only his brother, family, and that there was nothing to be nervous about.
"so.." Baekhyun's father started as they sat around the dinner table with their home made meal. "Baekbeom, how does it feel to be back in Bucheon again?"
They watched as he took a bite of his steak in his mouth then sat back. "Good. Refreshing. It feels nice to come back home"
As their parents smiled and laughed along, Baekhyun sat quiet and confused. When his mother saw his expression, she quickly leaned over and said: " Your brother went to Australia to study and work there. He sent us quite a few postcards but i don't think you saw them, dear"
"yeah sorry about that" Baekhyun wiped his mouth with a tissue. "I didn't realise you had left and moved out the house that soon otherwise I would have sent some to your address" He laughed.
Baekhyun thought his brother looked so confident and lively compared to him. He also thought he looked like he should be very popular in Australia with those looks.
"it's ok" Baekhyun replied quietly before putting food into his mouth. He still wasn't used to this.
His father asked a few more questions about Australia and Baekbeom answered. Baekbeom asked how their father and mother was and what they were up to these days and so new conversations were continuously starting one after the other. Baekhyun didn't talk much.
Baekhyun could hear his brother unpacking from inside his room, while he lay on his bed staring up at the ceiling. He couldn't help but feel lost. He was safe at home and he still couldn't help but feel lost. His head felt so empty that he hated it and wished that he didn't have to think about every little detail all the time.
He hadn't seen his friends in a very long time and even his parents could tell he was having a hard time. Baekhyun just wanted to visit them or maybe just to get their contact again but it was extremely hard to get hold of them since they lived in Seoul. Baekhyun knew his father was trying to find their phone numbers just so he could call them again.
Despite wanted to hear their voices, Baekhyun knew it would probably just end up like it did tonight where he would become so nervous and shy, ending up at a very dead conversation. He almost dreaded seeing his friends at the same time as getting back to normal.
While he had all this time to think to himself, he wondered whether there was anyone else in seoul he should probably contact.
That was when his phone rang, filling the room with a horrible bell sound. Baekhyun made a note to himself that he must find a way to change it to a more softer tune.
He picked his phone up and checked the name. There was none; just numbers. Was this the same person as earlier this morning?
"hello?" Baekhyun answered.
"I'm guessing you're free now?"
Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows. "who is this? Can you just tell me cause this isn't funny"
"Do I have to?"
"do you have to what?"
"tell you who I am?"
Baekhyun sighed. "look, either you tell me or I hang up and never answer your calls again. I think we both know that... that I wont know you even if you know me, okay? I'm sorry but that's just how things work now"
Baekhyun almost felt a tightness in his heart. God, how he hated this feeling.
There was a long pause before the person decided to speak again.
"Park Chanyeol" It was quick and sharp, a if the guy didn't want Baekhyun to actually catch what he said.
"Chanyeol did you say?" I confirm the name and he humms in reply but it sounded sad. Too sad that it was making Baekhyun feel worse.
"cheer up Chanyeol. Don't take it personally" He said with a slight chuckle- like that would cheer any one up.
The stupid joke must have not worked cause Chanyeol hadn't replied back, not even with a laugh.
"Is there anything you wanted, Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asked as he was already thinking about going to sleep.
"no" the guy said. "not really. I just wanted to see how you were doing"
"Well, lucky for you, I'm as fine as fine can be. And maybe even better."
Now he was laughing. Baekhyun almost felt accomplished, proud of himself that he had made this Chanyeol Laugh when he sounded more depressed that Baekhyun did.
"now, if you don't mind, I'm kind of tired so I'm probably going to go to sleep now."
"oh yeah, of course" Chanyeol agreed. "I forgot how late it was, I'm sorry"
"s'okay. Bye"
"Night Baekhyun." He immediately ended the call after he felt a shiver travel up his spine after hearing him say his name.
Baekhyun got up and got dressed for bed before plugging in his phone to charge. Once he tucked himself under the covers of his bed, Baekhyun laid there, on his side, staring at the wall across the room (not that it was very interesting).
For most of the night he spent hours thinking about how much he hated not remembering someone when he knew he should.
I'm sorry if this story doesn't quite make sense yet... just give it time :))
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