"Oh man I've had way too much to drink"
"You're an idiot, dae, do you never learn from last time?" Luhan rolled his eyes.
The other side of the table was quiet. Ever since Baekhyun came back out of the toilet with Luhan, he hadn't really said anything. Of course he was listening, occasionally at least, but didn't feel like speaking at that time. Chanyeol had stayed pretty silent too. You could definitely tell as he was the one that was doing the most talking along with Jongdae. The two had spent pretty much most got the night laughing and telling stories up until now. So Jongdae was now left to do the talking and Luhan was the only one left to reply.
Baekhyun's friends could feel something weird going off between the two. He was glad they didn't bring it up.
"Well, we should go now, probably" Luhan said nudging Baekhyun out of his little daze and standing up.
Baekhyun looked up to his friend before nodding and following his actions.
"Chanyeol are you coming?" Jongdae asked and Baekhyun really hoped he hadn't.
"Uh," he started as though he had to think of the answer. "yeah, sure"
Once paying, Chanyeol joined the three of them outside where they began to walk along the streets in the dark.
As they came closer and closer to where Luhan and Jongdae turned off at different streets, Baekhyun became increasingly more nervous as he will have to walk the rest with Chanyeol.
If it had been a few days ago he would have loved to... now, not so much.
"Bye baek!" Is what his friends said as they turned off the other way, Baekhyun standing anxiously still as he dreaded the rest of the walk home.
"Call me when you get home safely" Luhan said with a wave.
After they left, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were still stood in the middle of the path. Baekhyun didn't want to move—well it was more like he couldn't, his feet wouldn't budge. If he turned round that would mean he'd have to face the glowingly beautiful Chanyeol while feeling enormous amounts of sadness.
"Baekhyun?" Chanyeol's voice, soft and gentle. "Are you ok?"
No, he thought, no I'm not ok
"Yeah" he replies shakily.
He quickly turns on his heels and begins to walk at a fast pace. He tries to ignore Chanyeol who caught up to him within a second with his long slender legs.
Baekhyun fastens his pace without thinking.
"Wait a second-" Chanyeol says again but Baekhyun doesn't listen.
He speeds up even more, realising he's now running.
But he didn't get far enough. Chanyeol caught up again and pushed himself in front of the boy, stopping him in his track. Baekhyun had forgotten he played football, of course he was fast.
Chanyeol grabbed the smallers shoulders, not to strong but not too gentle either. "Baekhyun— please just stop" he said sternly this time. Baekhyun obeyed this time but continued to avoid eye contact.
Chanyeol waited until the both of them had stopped panting, whether that was from running or their uncontrolled emotions, before he spoke again. "Baekhyun please look at me.." his voice has fallen soft again. It was the same voice that always made Baekhyun weak at the knees.
He debates whether he should do as Chanyeol says, debates whether he wants too. As soon as he looks back into the tallers eyes he worries that he'll start crying. But after telling himself crying is a stupid thing to do, Baekhyun lifts up his head and slowly meets eyes with Chanyeol.
Chanyeol was gazing at him like they did before, at the football pitch, but this time his eyes held much more guilt and worry.
"Im guessing I said the wrong things." Chanyeol gave a sad, half-a-smile. "I'm sorry"
The only thing Baekhyun could do was stare, as though he had forgotten how to speak.
Say something Baekhyun! Say something!
"I.." Baekhyun started, almost as a whisper. He would have carried on if Chanyeol hadn't have moved his hands from his shoulders to cup his face.
The air was chilly but Baekhyun had never been warmer in his hands.
As if he expected Baekhyun to say something else, Chanyeol waited for a moment, waited for the right time.
Then he leaned in.
But it wasn't as slow as last time, and he certainly didn't stop half way. Chanyeol's lips pressed against Baekhyun's. He didn't move from there until he knew Baekhyun wasn't going to move away.
The smaller was near enough stunned. Baekhyun still had his eyes open while Chanyeol had already closed his. When Chanyeol began moving his lips, deepening the kiss, Baekhyun had never felt anything like it.
Whatever he had imagined, it was so much more. Perfect.
Chanyeol's lips were soft and delicate against his and it felt like he wanted to cherish every bit of him. Baekhyun closed his eyes and his lips took over.
When the taller pulled away, Baekhyun almost fell forward. He was glad Chanyeol had a hold of him to stop him from falling.
Baekhyun wished he could pull Chanyeol back down for another go.
"Is that what you wanted?" The taller said. Baekhyun looked back up to see him smiling.
How was he supposed to reply to that?
Say yes.
Baekhyun's cheek flared up, leaving him with a bright red face. He nodded, despite being embarrassed.
"Thank god" Chanyeol spoke again. "I wanted it too"
The smaller heart thumped in his chest, the feeling of sadness was slowly evaporating. But Baekhyun still had questions to ask.
"I thought..." he started, nervously. "I thought you said.. it was a mistake..?"
Chanyeol rubbed his thumb against Baekhyuns cheek before sliding them down to his shoulders. "I told you I said the wrong things"
"I don't understand.."
"I was scared you didn't like me like that" Chanyeol admits shyly, which surprised Baekhyun. "After the first time, I thought you pulled away because you never wanted to, you know.. kiss me."
"You thought if you told me it wasn't supposed to happen, I'd forgive you and stay friends..." Baekhyun said his thoughts aloud and Chanyeol slowly nodded.
"I'm sorry Baekhyun, I didn't mean to hurt you like that"
"You don't need to Apologise"
Nothing else was said for a while as the conversation had apparently ended. Chanyeol removed his hands and said a small "come on, let's get you home" before he began to walk again, Baekhyun quickly following behind.
When they neared his house, Baekhyun wondered if Chanyeol was going to split off anytime but he never did. He carried on walking by Baekhyun's side right up until they arrived at his apartment.
"Can I just ask you one more thing?" Chanyeol asked as he stepped up to Baekhyun's door.
The smaller turned and nodded. He was thinking of inviting Chanyeol in again.
"Just to confirm and all... but this does mean" he started and stopped to phrase it a different way. "This means you like me too, right?"
The boy looked up to Baekhyun on the steps with his gigantic puppy eyes and the most adorable smile. Inside, Baekhyun was screaming.
He couldn't believe it still, this was the moment. The moment where Baekhyun said yes and admitted that he was so in love with Park Chanyeol.
But it was so nerve wracking.
There was still slight anxiety within him wondering whether it was all just a joke.
"Ye-yes" Baekhyun confessed.
However, when Chanyeol's grin grew even bigger, eyes glistening, It was as though he shot Baekhyun with love on the very spot as he felt an impulse of happiness spread all through his veins. Chanyeol looked genuinely happy and Baekhyun couldn't have hit a better jackpot.
"You don't know how happy I am" Chanyeol beamed.
"I do"
Chanyeol paused as he continued to gaze at the shy Baekhyun before he swooped the boy into his arms and hugged him tightly. They stood like that for a while, Baekhyun feeling quite stiff to begin with but soon relaxing into his grip, and Chanyeol with his eyes squeezed tightly shut.
When he pulled away, though not letting go completely, Chanyeol pressed his forehead against the smallers.
"I just wanted to be by your side. That's all I ever wanted." He spoke, sending Baekhyun's heart crazy. "And that's what I got– I'm so thankful. Even if you hadn't said yes, I have cherished every moment together."
Oh my go d
I have 17 drafts guys
Is that bad??
Also was this chapter any good?? Idk whether to edit the ending a little
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