Baekhyun had never seen Chanyeol play football before.
Well as far as he could remember, anyway.
Baekhyun sure didn't know anything about the sport, but suddenly it became so interesting.
Oh my, he thought as his eyes followed Chanyeol around the pitch. When the boy turned around, Baekhyun caught a glimpse of his dampened hair and the sweat that was trickling down his forehead. He never knew someone could still look flawless even when sweaty.
Baekhyun didn't really know how he got dragged along to this (not that he thinks it was a bad idea anymore). Jongdae came in to uni one day announcing that someone he knew was playing in the team and they wanted jongdae to support him, bringing any others along if he could. So there they were, at the local football pitch that was more or less just around the corner from his university, watching two teams play against each other.
Baekhyun didn't want to be rude but... he didn't really care who Jongdaes friend was anymore.
Suddenly he heard Luhan tut behind him after arriving back with a couple of drinks. "Who are you star gazing at?"
Baekhyun finally takes his eyes off Chanyeol and shakes his head gently. "No one" he said as innoncently as possible. "Just watching the game"
"You seem pretty interested in Football all of a sudden" Luhan laughed and raised his eyebrows, like he was expecting something from Baekhyun.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Baekhyun scoffs , trying to hide his concern– is Luhan on to something??
"I'm just watching the game. We came to see football didn't we? To cheer people on?"
Luhan rolls his eyes and Baekhyun focuses back on the pitch. "Where is Dae anyway? Is he still not back?"
"No clue" Baekhyun said flatly. He hadn't thought about jongdae.
Chanyeol kicked the ball and it went flying into the net, his team come running over to him as the small crowd cheered.
"Yes!" Baekhyun jumped a little and punched the air with excitement.
"What was that?" Luhan said beside him, sending him funny looks. Baekhyun forgot he was still there and immediately pulled his hand back down to his side and straightened his posture, as though he didn't do anything.
"What was what?"
"You're weird" Luhan laughed.
Not long after that Jongdae appeared beside the two and took one of the drinks from Luhans hand, mumbling a quick 'thank you' before tipping it up and taking a big gulp.
"You ok?" Luhan asked him.
"Yeah, There's a group of hot girls just near the gates and if I'm lucky I'll get their numbers" Jongdae pushed the drink back into Luhans hand and winked before he rushed back off through the crowd.
"Okay then.." Luhan rolled his eyes, sighing at the same time. "So much for supporting his friend"
"I don't even know who this guy is, he never told us" Baekhyun laughed.
"He's such an idiot"
An hour later the game ended. Baekhyun didn't realise how cold he was until it finished and had nothing else to watch.
Luhan had suggested going somewhere else, home maybe, after Jongdae had ditched them, since they didn't really need to stay. But Baekhyun managed to persuade him to stay, saying that they 'couldn't leave without dae' and ''might aswell stay till the end'.
Neither of them expected it to go on for another hour.
Luhan sat down on one of the benches and tried to entertain himself with his phone, plugging in music and playing games. Baekhyun however, sat down next to him and continued to watch the game. As the match went on, it dropped colder and the blue sky faded into a greyish one. In another hour or so, it will begin to go dark as it gets later.
The footballers started to pack up and grab their bags as they emptied the field. One by one, they flooded out and walked up the steps as the crowd followed them. A lot of them were unsurprisingly girls from university as they trailed behind their favourite players.
Baekhyun didn't realise it but he was staring again, staring at Chanyeol more specifically. So far, Chanyeol hadn't noticed the smaller sitting on the benches only seconds away from the steps.
For a second he was worried that he wouldn't be able to congratulate Chanyeol for winning.
The taller simply turned his head and to his surprise he saw Baekhyun staring straight back at him, clutching his backpack on his lap against his chest.
He didn't know whether that was because he was freezing or because he had been gazing at Chanyeol.
Baekhyun blinked and suddenly Chanyeol had a huge grin on his face as he diverted his path and walked towards him. With instinct, Baekhyun immediately stood up as soon as Chanyeol even stepped one place his way. At this moment he wasn't even bothered that he was staring.
"What are you doing here?" Chanyeol said at the same time Baekhyun said "you were amazing"
Neither of them caught what the other had said and laughed, eyes locked on each other. It reminded Baekhyun of the kiss-incident, reminded him that there still another chance to try it again.
"You first" Chanyeol smiled.
"I said you were amazing out there"
"Thanks" he said. "I didn't even know you were watching. You should have told me"
"Sorry, it was a last minute thing."
Chanyeol let out a small 'ahh' and nodded his head. The two stood still for a moment, it felt as though it was just them, alone at the football pitch, looking deep into each other's eyes like nothing else mattered.
Baekhyun shivered, unable to fight the cold any longer. The last thing he wanted to do was show that he was freezing up in front of Chanyeol.
The tallers gaze suddenly broke and examined the rest of Baekhyun's body. Baekhyun clutched his bag tighter to his chest and smiled weakly.
"Oh my god," Chanyeol gasped as he grabbed the sides of Baekhyun's arms. "are you cold? I bet your freezing right?"
"No–I'm ok, I-"
Baekhyun was cut off when Chanyeol saw him shiver once more and began unzipping his sports bag in front of him. He pulled out a dark navy hoodie that almost seemed the size of Baekhyun's whole body.
Baekhyun's mouth parted, he didn't expect Chanyeol to react like this and suddenly give up his clothing. And he most certainly did not expect Chanyeol to take his bag away from his chest and put the hoodie on for him.
"Arms up"
"I- Chanyeol–" Baekhyun stuttered.
"Quickly otherwise you'll loose heat"
With pink cheeks, Baekhyun raised his arms up as Chanyeol gently pulled the clothing over his head and arm. The end of the hoodie stopped just below Baekhyun's thigh and the sleeves were... just way too long. But it was warm and it smelt of Chanyeol so he loved it.
"Why didn't you wear more clothing?" Chanyeol asked with concern. "Bring a thicker coat next time, one that's sure to keep you warm"
"I came straight from uni, so I didn't have time to change at home" he replied in a small voice, slightly embarrassed but soon couldn't help but chuckle at Chanyeol's reaction.
"Don't you need this though?" Baekhyun asked, flapping his long sleeves around. "You'll get cold soon too"
"I'll be fine until I get home, you've been sat here still for hours. If I had known I would have sent you home to stay warm"
"There's really no need for that. Honestly, I'm fine" Baekhyun reassured him with a smile, causing Chanyeol's to reappear too.
"I'm cold too?" Luhans voice cuts them off from behind, sat with an eyebrow raised.
"Oh-uh" Chanyeol laughed awkwardly, "you should, um, keep warm too"
The four of them, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Luhan and eventually Jongdae (it took a while to find him after he had almost left with some random girl) walked from the football field to a small restaurant down the road. Chanyeol had guaranteed the meal was on him since his team won the game, so of course none of them complained.
Jongdae gained permission from chanyeol to order multiple drinks for the four of them. Due to Baekhyun being sat opposite Chanyeol, occasionally their feet would touch and make the both of them flinch. Chanyeols legs were so long he often rested his against the side of Baekhyun's. he was surprised by it at first but soon became slowly more comfortable.
The kiss-incident was almost completely forgotten. Baekhyun was having such a lovely time that the thought didn't even come across his mind once.
Not long after, Jongdae and Luhan got up to order another drink before they wondered off to find the toilets as Luhan didn't "want to go alone".
So that left Chanyeol and Baekhyun to make conversations up between themselves. This was the part where Baekhyun hoped Chanyeol could start first.
and he did "Do you like my jumper?" Chanyeol chuckled, watching the smaller sit comfortably in his huge hoodie. Baekhyun felt slightly bad for still wearing as all Chanyeol had on was a thin tshirt, where the short sleeves were almost riding up his shoulders showing the boys tanned arms. They were quite distracting actually.
Baekhyun smiled anyway and nodded. "yes, don't you think it looks good on me?" he raised his sleeve paws up and cupped his face, fluttering his eyelashes. It surprising himself that he was trying to look cute.
However it must have worked as Chanyeol averted his eyes away, coughing slightly in attempt to cover up the fact his face turned a shade of pink. This made Baekhyun laugh.
"knew it" he said.
Silence fell upon them as the both thought of something else to say.
It wasn't long until Chanyeol spoke again attracting Baekhyun's attention.
"Baekhyun, about that night—" he started but stopped, looking down at his hand that was wrapped around a glass. Baekhyun gulped as silently as he could. He wasn't ready to here this.
"Well, what I mean..." Baekhyun studied the boy's face carefully to see if he could guess what Chanyeol was thinking, what he was feeling, just to give him a heads up and make him feel a little bit more comfortable again. But it was hard to tell exactly. Chanyeol wasn't looking at him anymore and it seemed as though he was struggling to get the words out. He's just as nervous as me...
For a moment, Chanyeol's eyes flickered up to Baekhyun but immediately returned back to looking at the glass after he realised Baekhyun was staring.
"I'm sorry... is what I meant to say" Chanyeol said as his finger began to tap against the glass now. "I didn't mean to—I don't know what I was thinking, god I'm so sorry"
Baekhyun wanted to say something but he couldn't, he couldn't open his mouth.
"Seriously, Baek, i don't know what happened. Please say something? It was just a mista—"
Suddenly Jongdae sits down next to Chanyeol with two drinks and a smile.
"What are we talking about then?"
Baekhyun didn't answer his friends question. His eyes dropped from Chanyeol's face to the table, not really sure what to feel.
Was he about to say it was a mistake?
His heart must have sank straight through the chair and below the restaurant floor and beneath the earths crust because Baekhyun almost couldn't believe it. A mistake?
"Nothing much" Chanyeol attempted a laugh.
Baekhyun couldn't describe how he feeling— it was just an overwhelming amount of emotion. The idea of Chanyeol thinking kissing him was a mistake made him feel... well heart broken probably. Did that mean Chanyeol didn't actually like Baekhyun? Had he assumed the wrong idea?
His heart was pounding, but not in a good way. Chanyeol had made this situation worse. For a second, Baekhyun almost feels suffocated, despite being in a huge, spacious room.
"I'm just , uh, going to find Lu" Baekhyun announced weakly as he pushed his chair out and rose to his feet. "I'll be right back"
He ignored Chanyeol's worried gaze as he walked away from the table, hoping the toilets were at this side of the room.
Baekhyun knew very well that it was going to be obvious to Chanyeol why he left, he didn't want Chanyeol to be concerned. He just need to take a break and compose himself before he returns.
Luckily the toilets were at the very end of the room and Baekhyun quickly rushed into a cubicle, where he closed the door, locked it, and sat down on the lid of the seat. He breathed out after realising he had been holding his breath for a while.
A mistake? He repeats again inside his head.
If we did kiss would that have meant anything?
OkokokbUT I went to see the death cure today and omG IT WAS A m a zINg
Is anyone else here a fan of the maze runner series?? Bc I need a TMR friend to cry to
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