Baekhyun was fiddling with his pen in the middle of class.
He was tired from all this working extra hard to catch up, which made him even more unenthusiastic for any of his lessons. He would much prefer to be in bed right now, catching up on sleep sleep instead.
Baekhyun often found himself staring into the back of Chanyeol's head. He was that bored he couldn't find anything better to do. It was a good job his friends thought he was looking at the teacher.
When the bell went, Baekhyun had never been more happy to get out of the room.
He shoved all his things into his bag and quickly hurried his friends out the classroom and into the cafeteria. He couldn't tell if Chanyeol followed or not.
When they arrived, it wasn't long after Chanyeol wondered in holding his folder. Both Baekhyun and him locked eyes and smiled. The taller walked towards them but never sat down, instead he leaned over to where Baekhyun was sitting and lowly said "can I talk with you a sec?"
Hesitating slightly before replying, Baekhyun nodded and held up his index finger to Luhan and Kyungsoo as though to say one second.
The two looked at each other with raised eyebrows but other than that they didn't seem bothered.
Baekhyun followed Chanyeol as he began to walk back out of the Cafeteria completely and he started to wonder what the boy was to speak to him about.
They stopped around one of the corridors outside and Chanyeol turned to face him, looking a bit nervous.
"You ok?" Baekhyun asked, now feeling nervous aswell all because of his expression.
"Yeah, course"
"What did you want to say?"
"I..." Chanyeol started. "I was, um... I wanted to ask if you'd like to do something tonight?"
A smile suddenly appeared on Baekhyun's face. "Like what?"
"I mean- I don't know, whatever you want"
"Whatever I want?"
"Then how about dinner?"
Chanyeol's eyes lit up and he revealed a huge grin which made Baekhyun chuckle. His heart was beating pretty fast again but he ignored it.
"I'm up for that" the taller looked straight into Baekhyun's eyes like he never wanted to look away. "Any day"
When Jongdae sat down, Luhan immediately grabbed his arm, giving him a look.
"Have you noticed anything between Chanyeol and Baek?"
Before Jongdae could even speak, Kyungsoo lifted his head from his notebook and scoffed.
"Isn't it obvious"
Jongdae purses his lips together slightly, looking back and forth between Luhan and Kyungsoo.
"No why? Noticed what?"
"They just...seem to be—"
"Chanyeol likes Baekhyun for god sake" Kyungsoo blurts out. He wasn't phrased that a few people turned to their table as he said it so loud. Luhan immediately shushed him and told him to talk quieter before giving a nervous laugh to the other students.
"What? How do you know?" Jongdae asked, narrowing his eyes at the smaller. "Did he tell you?"
"As if" Kyungsoo laughed. "Like I said before: it's obvious. Just watch them, you only need a minute to know they're both into each other."
"Are you serious?"
"Why would I be joking?"
Jongdae and Luhan was taken aback by Kyungsoos remark, they had never thought about the two of that way. Mostly because Baekhyun had always hated the boy and wanted nothing to do with him. They thought it was weird that Kyungsoo was the first to notice and not them.
Kyungsoo nodded to the door where Chanyeol and Baekhyun made their way back to the cafeteria with bright smiles on their face. "Watch them"
And so Luhan and Jongdae did, it was then they realised– it was obvious. Even the look they give each other made it so clear to see. But who knows if they knew it themselves?
The two sat down and noticed the rest were staring at them. "What?" They said at the same time. Luhan and Jongdae shook their head while Kyungsoo laughed a little.
Baekhyun's had never gotten changed so fast in his entire life. Chanyeol had walked him home and waited outside for him while Baekhyun went inside and styled himself up. He didn't tell Chanyeol he was changing clothing or washing his face again or brushing his hair and styling it or anything like that, instead he just told him he needed to grab something and he'll 'be right back'.
He changed his clothes into something a little more jazzy and neat, nothing over the top, but better than the jeans and a hoodie Baekhyun was wearing moments ago. Then he splashed his face quickly with water and brushed out his hair in attempt to make it look... well less scruffy. Baekhyun picked up his keys, wallet and his phone before running back out to Chanyeol. When he burst the door open, Chanyeol turned round and stared with his mouth hanging open ever so slightly.
"You changed" Chanyeol said automatically.
Baekhyun let out a nervous laugh before locking up. "Yeah.. the hoodie was a bit..." he trailed off his sentence in hope that Chanyeol wouldn't find him odd. "Shall we go?"
The taller smiled and nodded. They walked themselves down into town where plenty of little shops and cafes and restaurants were lined up next to each other. They were walking underneath the street lamps when Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun, gazing down on him as they bump shoulders. "You look really good by the way"
Baekhyun looks up to Chanyeol to see him staring again. Baekhyun's face grows increasingly warm despite the weather being one of the coldest temperatures this month.
"Your outfit I mean" he quickly adds "not that you didn't before either.. but.. I was just saying that..."
"I get you" Baekhyun chuckled, despite his insides were going crazy. "Thank you" he looked away before his cheeks would turn bright pink.
The two of them walk round a corner until they spot a place they liked the look of. It was somewhere cheap but Chanyeol said he had been in before and they made good food. Baekhyun trusted his opinion and they went in, sitting down at the nearest table to the window.
"I'm so hungry" Baekhyun said as they sat down. "I don't know what to have"
Once they picked their meals, Chanyeol called the waitress over and they ordered, along with a couple of drinks. Baekhyun often found himself staring when the boy wasn't looking.
"So.." Chanyeol started as the woman walked away with a list of tasty foods written down on her pad.
"So" Baekhyun repeated with a shy smile.
"It's nice as just the two of us"
"Yeah, it is"
"I miss our calls" Chanyeol said slightly sad but looked overall happy anyway. Baekhyun missed them too. Not that he hasn't been calling the boy at all, it just became less frequent since they saw each other everyday at university. Plus Baekhyun always had a lot of work to do so that added to it.
"Me too" Baekhyun leaned forward over the table and Chanyeol did so too a fraction out of instinct. He flashed Chanyeol his favourite smile before saying. "From now on I'll call you every night"
Chanyeol grinned and suddenly Baekhyun noticed the boy was staring at his lips. Remain calm.
"But you have to promise to answer them" He said trying to ignore the fact Chanyeol wasn't looking into his eyes anymore. It was quite distracting actually, not to mention his cheeks were heating up.
"I promise"
Baekhyun stuck his hand out in front of him with his thumb and pinky sticking out. Chanyeol's gaze tore away from his lips and focused on the hand gesture. Chanyeol brought his hand up and hooked his pinky with Baekhyun's before pressing their thumbs together.
It was quite embarrassing looking at the size of Chanyeol's hand compared to his.
"Ok you sealed the promise" Baekhyun quickly pulled his hand away shyly.
"You can't break that now" he said. "If you do I'll be mad"
"I won't" Chanyeol reassured. "I've seen what you're like mad, so I definitely won't" he laughed.
Baekhyun would have probably found that funny if he remembered ever being mad with Chanyeol around. Instead he gave a forced laugh while wondering what happened in the situation Chanyeol was talking about. I wasn't mad at him was I?
After they had finished, the two paid equally before walking home, or by that I mean to Baekhyuns small apartment. The two stood outside on his doorstep just like last time and suddenly Baekhyun was remembering all that was said that night. He was almost tempted to bring it back up.
"It's been fun" Chanyeol started feeling an awkward atmosphere creeping up.
Baekhyun nodded with a smile. He was expecting Chanyeol to have walked away by now. Baekhyun now questioned whether he wanted the taller to leave - no not really. The atmopsher had fallen silent again, making him panic, desperately wanting something to say. He didn't want Chanyeol to leave just yet, say something say something!
"Do you want to come in?" Baekhyun blurted out, unsure whether this was the best decision.
By the looks of his expression, Chanyeol wasn't expecting that either. But he didn't look against the idea. "sure, why not?"
why not, he repeated in his head worriedly.
Baekhyun took in a deep breath and scratched his nape before turning around and unlocking the door. He couldn't remember how he left his room when he rushed out earlier, he could only hope that it was in a decent state.
He unlocked the door and braced himself as he stepped inside, leaving the door open for Chanyeol to follow.
woW im so very sorry about taking so long to upload
pls forgive me ((:
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