"When are you coming?"
Baekhyun was getting ready, picking several clothes out of his wardrobe to put together to make one awesome outfit. But at this moment he was on the phone to one of his best friends, Luhan.
It was chucking it down with rain but he knew he couldn't layer up because the place he was actually going to be was at a party. Turning up in a massive hoddie and sweatpants would be a big no even if they did keep him warm. Baekhyun had to remember that once he got to the party, he would soon warm up anyway.
"Soon. I'm still getting ready"
"Well hurry up, nearly everyone's here"
"Ok ok" he replied. "Don't rush me."
"You'll look great whatever you wear Baekhyun jut get your ass over. Sehun's just arrived."
"Really?" Baekhyun bit his lip and started to speed up. He wanted to be there soon. Most people don't like it when others are late.
Now, Baekhyun shouldn't be worried whether what he wears will affect this so called sehun, but, as some of you might know, it's hard not thinking about that when you happen to have a crush on that one person.
Baekhyun liked Oh Sehun, a guy who used to go to the same school and college as him and now he (luckily) went to the same university as him. He had pretty much always admired Sehun but never really thought about how much he liked him until then.
"Don't say anything embarrassing about me." Baekhyun said. "I mean, if you talk that is. I know what Dae said last time."
"Yeah yeah ok, just hurry up!" Luhan answered. "See you when you get here, ok?"
Before Baekhyun could answer 'ok' Luhan had hung up. Baekhyun then threw his phone down on the bed and got changed one last time before he decided that was the best outfit so far.
He brushed his hair and styled it enough to add that extra touch. He smiled once in the mirror to himself before he picked up his phone, car keys, house keys and locked the door on his way out.
"Finally!" Luhan jumped up and down before he pushed past a few people to hug Baekhyun. A few other friends greeted him at the door once they heard he had arrived.
Baekhyun had secretly got his eye open for Oh Sehun, anxiously looking around each corner of the house.
Jongdae bounced up to him and slung his arm over Baekhyun's neck.
"Let's get you a drink" he laughed. "Sehun's sat on the sofa with his friends"
Baekhyun sort of regretted telling his friends about his secret but then who would he have to gossip to? It's not like his brother was around for him to talk to all the time and he doubted that he would be very pleased that his younger brother liked another male.
Baekhyun stayed quiet until he got to the mini bar that for some reason this big ass house had. (Who has their own bar??) someone poured him a drink and passed it over to him.
He tilted his head back and took a big gulp while Jongdae shouted 'woowww! Byun Baekhyun! You've only been here 5 seconds!'
Baekhyun rolled his eyes but before he could manage anything else, he was then being pulled into another room. The living room- where most of the guests were gathered.
Like Jongdae had said, Sehun was spotted on the sofa along with his other tall and popular friends.
Of course Sehun wasn't paying any attention to Baekhyun. To be very honest, Baekhyun hadn't really spoken to him at all. Well, maybe they exchanged a few words from time to time but it's not like the two have proper conversations every day. Sehun isn't in the same sort of classes as Baekhyun so that didn't exactly make it any more helpful.
"You going over?" Luhan asked as he approached Baekhyun and Jongdae.
"Going over my arse. This kid probably won't ever go closer than a metre to that guy." Jongdae laughed and Luhan glared at him.
"You're supposed to be encouraging him"
Jongdae crossed his arms and glanced over to the sofa. "I've given up with that. He either just goes over to him or he doesn't" he said. "It's simple"
"It's not th-"
"No" Baekhyun interrupted and sighed in defeat "As much as I hate to say..He's right"
"Told you"
"But I'm not going yet. Too many of his friends. I'd rather talk to him alone than be with them."
"Oh come on Baek, can't wait forever. He's always going to be around friends, you know that"
Baekhyun thought for a moment. He really preferred to get the guy alone first, at the least but.. Jongdae was right. He was sort of fed up waiting for the right time and might as well get it over and done with now.
This might just go terrible. But whatever. The boy thought.
"Get me another drink."
While luhan looked concerned, Jongdae cheered and rushed off to his demand.
Luhan walked up with Baekhyun while Jongdae disappeared to talk to other people.
There were a few people sat down on the floor facing the sofa Sehun was seated on and they were all talking as a group. The people on the floor were new faces for Baekhyun, or at least he couldn't remember seeing them in his classes.
With one swift move, the two sat down with the students on the floor and instantly began to listen to the conversation. Only one of Sehuns friends seem to have noticed that we joined, the rest, including Sehun himself, were too immersed in the conversation.
"I sooo want to own my own restaurant when I'm older" one girl had said, sloshing her drink around in her hand.
"That would be so fun."
"Not as fun as making your own video games" a boy next to her scoffed. She glared at him and he soon stayed quiet.
Some other girl next to them had no interest in what they were saying but instead was more fascinated by Sehun, well that's what her face said about her.
She piped up and asked. "What's your dream job Oppa?" Directing it at no other but Sehun.
Baekhyun couldn't help but feel jealously towards this girl. He didn't like that someone else was looking at the tall thin blonde like that.
Sehun shrugged. "Don't have one at the moment. I'm seeing where life takes me" and with that he laid back on the sofa and crossed his legs. The girls seem to love just that as their mouths hung over letting out 'wow's from their lips as if what he had just said was the best thing on this earth.
Baekhyun couldn't help but let out a tsk As he now seemed to dislike these easily pleased girls next to him.
Unfortunately that attracted attention towards him.
Everyone in this small circle had their eyes now on him, making him feel very uncomfortable and very embarrassed. Due to no one saying a single thing, Baekhyun needed to try and cover up his mistake, hoping that it would shove the spotlight off of him.
"I-I mean that's a great idea, of course. Inspirational".
It was a close one. All for except one looked away from Baekhyun and carried on with their conversation.
The one that didn't was chuckling to himself.
Baekhyun only knew him because he was friends with Sehun and because he was in more of his classes. But if he wasn't any of those, Baekhyun would have had no interest in even knowing his name.
His name was Park Chanyeol and was always seen with Sehun. He guessed they were best friends.
Baekhyun frowned at the taller and tried to ignore him.
Baekhyun had never heard such boring people in his life. He had been listening to the two girls on the floor talk for pretty much the whole time he's been there. This wasn't what he had came for. The Girls didn't even seem to move and inch which bugged Baekhyun immensely.
Luhan leaned over to him. "Do you want to get another drink?"
Baekhyun nodded. The alcohol will have worn off by time these two girls stop talking. He thought.
The two of them stood and made their way to the bar. They lingered around there for a while, ever so looking around to see if the girls had vanished yet.
After another drink, Baekhyun could just about feel the alcohol kicking in. And he was pleased.
He didn't think he would be able to cope hanging around Sehun if he was sober.
Baekhyun slammed the cup onto the bar table and asked for yet another. That was when another hand did just the same next to him, asking for also another drink. Baekhyun rubbed his temple, feeling a headache coming on already due to the loud music and maybe one to many drinks. He glanced to his side, and then up, to see Chanyeol looking back down at him. He quickly looked away and hoped the student getting their drinks would hurry up so Baekhyun could leave.
"you know, if you have a headache already, maybe you should stop" Chanyeol commented.
"yeah, whatever" Baekhyun scoffed. hurry with the drinks goddamnit .
"you should take my word"
The amateur bartender slid over Baekhyun's drink and he picked it up before facing Chanyeol. "hmm, I'm ok, thanks." with a fake smile, Baekhyun turned and pushed past people to where luhan was standing, now with Jongdae and two others. He didn't look back to see what happened to Chanyeol but he guessed the boy had left.
For the rest of the night, Baekhyun didn't go back over to Sehun; he left it and decided maybe he should try again next time. Luhan had to drive him home in his own car because apparently he was the only sober person at the party. Baekhyun then offered for his friend to sleep over instead of walking home at such a late time of night and so Luhan did.
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