"Why do we need to put that?"
Baekhyun watched this guy– no Kyungsoo as he rolled his eyes at Chanyeols comment. He couldn't help but continue to stare at the two sat together on the other side.
Baekhyun had got the luxury to choose the team he worked with as he joined in late and obviously he was going to pick his friends. It just happened to contain Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. At first Baekhyun was pretty happy that Chan was in this group with him, thinking they'd get more time to speak, but when as soon as they hit the computer room, kyungsoo and him immediately sat together while Luhan and Jongdae did the same. This left Baekhyun on his own to pick a seat either neither next to Chanyeol or Luhan. Because he didn't want to seem suspicious to his friends, He picked the seat next to Luhan.
"Because the sheet says we have to, Chanyeol" kyungsoo replied.
"No it doesn't" Chanyeol argued. "We don't need to know that"
"Yes we do. It's staying on the presentation and that's final"
Baekhyun didn't really know what he an help with as the rest of the group had their own parts sorted. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo on one section while Luhan and Jongdae were doing the other. All Baekhyun could do was watch.
Chanyeol sighed and leant back in his chair. He glanced to the side and caught Baekhyun's gaze, making him flinch and turn to Luhans screen.
"Uh, is there anything I can do?" Baekhyun asked as naturally as he could.
Jongdae looked over his shoulder. "You really wanna join in? This is pretty boring"
"We'll find you something, Baek" Luhan said after nudging his friends arm.
Minutes go by and Luhan found something for him to do. He began working hard in it until he heard Chanyeol and Kyungsoo start another conversation. Chanyeol pulled out a joke and Baekhyun swore he heard a slight laugh from the smaller boy. It was funny... until Kyungsoo laughed.
Am I jealous?
Baekhyun glanced back over to the two again to see Kyungsoo smack the taller on the arm as he laughs.
When Baekhyun realises he's glaring into his paper, he knew it was true, he was so jealous. It was like he wanted to pull up his chair between the two boys just to try and separate them.
"Baek, you ok?"
Baekhyun snapped out of his glare and turned to his friend. "Yeah, why?" He answered maybe too quickly.
"You were just staring at your sheet"
"Oh" he forces a laugh and tries to continue the work without any other word.
Don't think about it. He told himself. It's probably nothing.
When the lesson ended everyone packed away along with his group, Chanyeol followed the four out and into the cafeteria. No one seemed bothered that the two had tagged along except Baekhyun. He had liked Kyungsoo but couldn't help to feel some sort of jealousy towards him now.
Chanyeol sat down on the table even when Baekhyun expected him to wait somewhere else for his friends. He took the seat next to Baekhyun after waiting for the others to seat themselves first.
"Where are your friends Chanyeol?" Jongdae asked sending a look towards Baekhyun.
Baekhyun didn't know what the look was supposed to mean.
The taller shrugged.
"Come order with me, baekkie?" Luhan asked as he stood, pulling money from pocket.
Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked up to him when they heard the nickname.
He was going to reject the boy but decided against it and nodded. Baekhyun pushed his chair out and followed Luhan to the counter.
"You sure you're ok?" Luhan questioned him again once they got out of the way.
"Yeah, fine. Why do you keep asking?"
"You just seen quieter than the other day."
"I'm fine don't worry" Baekhyun gave his friend a reassuring smile and ordered a drink along with Luhan.
When they came back to their seats, Sehun and his dark haired, tanned friend were sat in their places.
Luhan cleared his throat. "Excuse me?" He said leaning on one foot.
Sehun and his friend turned around to see them looking down at them.
"Yeah?" Sehun replied.
"You're in our seats" Luhan frowned.
Sehun only raised an eyebrow before he moved out the way and Luhan quickly slipped back into his place. His other friend, however didn't move and continued to stare Baekhyun away.
"Jongin" Chanyeol said flatly.
The said boys eyes moved to his friend before back to Baekhyun. "Fine" Jongin had said then stood, moving behind Sehun.
Mumbling "thank you", Baekhyun hurried back to his seat.
"You coming then Chan?" Sehun asked, patting the boy's shoulder.
"Where?" He asked.
"The match."
"Oh" Chanyeol said simply. "Go without me, I don't really feel like playing today"
"You can't just drop out" sehun pulls a face at Chanyeol and he just shrugs. "Ugh right, fine" Sehun motioned to his friend, Jongin, and they walked off together. Everyone was now looking at Chanyeol.
"You don't seem very excited for football anymore" Kyungsoo laughs and Baekhyun looks down to the floor in attempt to ignore Kyungsoos voice.
The taller shrugs again and leans further back in his chair. "I've found better hobbies"
When he looks back up, he can see in the corner of his eye that Chanyeol is staring straight at him. Baekhyun swallows but doesn't move his head.
"Anyway.." Jongdae drags out. "Did you not buy me anything?"' He asks Luhan and him.
"Go buy yourself something" Luhan answers back. "I'm not your slave"
Jongdae groans but stands up anyway. Kyungsoo joins him to buy themselves a drink. The five of them stay there for the rest of the break before they make their way into the classroom again.
When it was finally time for them to leave, Baekhyun was more than glad.
He hates feeling like this against the pair in his group but he simply couldn't help it. Baekhyun's mind was going crazy whenever Kyungsoo spoke to Chanyeol or vice Versa.
The five walked out together, frustrating Baekhyun further but he kept it cool. He trailed out behind Luhan, Jongdae and Kyungsoo while Chanyeol was behind him. He didn't understand why at first the taller didn't walk next to him but half way down the corridors Chanyeol caught up as though he had read the boy's mind.
Not that they talked though.
As they reached outside the university campus Baekhyun swore he heard a faint voice.. calling his name? He stopped in his steps, causing Chanyeol to copy and turn around to him. Baekhyun looked around the street and saw a boy around his age across the road, holding his bags straps.
"Baekhyun?" The stranger said.
So it was someone calling my name.
Baekhyun squinted his eyes to focus on who it was however there wasn't any need; the boy was already crossing the road to meet him.
As he came closer, Baekhyun realised it was no stranger, not in the slightest.
Baekhyun heard Chanyeol behind him ask what? Before he leaped towards Minseok for a hug.
"I can't believe it!" Minseok squealed next to his ear then pulled away. "Why didn't you message me, you idiot?!" He joked and hit the boy's arm, playfully, but still quite forcefully.
" long story.." Baekhyun answered with a guilty look. "But, more importantly, what are you doing here?"
"I came to meet a friend that goes here. Why, what are you doing?"
"I come here too!"
"You do?" Minseok laughed and hugged Baekhyun again. He must have saw his friends behind as he did so as once letting go, Minseok walked up to Chanyeol and held out his hand for the boy to shake.
"Howdy!" Minseok exclaimed with his best American accent possible. "I'm guessing your with Baek?"
"I-" Chanyeol started, obviously not knowing how to react. "We're friends yeah—"
"Great! Glad to meet you" Minseok motioned to his hand that was still waiting for Chanyeol to shake it. Chanyeol eventually connected his hands with him and let the stranger shake his hand.
By the time they let go, Jongdae, Luhan and Kyungsoo had walked back down towards them.
"Oh hey!" Minseok grinned in the direction of Baekhyun's friends.
Baekhyun stepped in and decided it'll be easier to introduce his hospital friend on himself.
"Guys this is Kim Minseok... we met a while ago. Minnie these are my friends... Kyungsoo, Jongdae, Luhan and Chanyeol" he said almost stuttering on the last name.
"It's really nice to meet you! When I last saw Baek, he was alone so it's nice to see—"
"Yah!" Baekhyun interrupted beforehe could finish. Minseok giggled and mouthed sorry to him.
"I'm sorry, where did Baekhyun meet you?"
Everyone looked to Chanyeol as he dead determined not to break eye contact with Minseok.
Minseok glanced to Baekhyun as if he was asking permission to speak. By the lack of response, Minseok took that as permission granted.
Chanyeol sniffled before stepping back to let them carry on.
"Well I should get going again," Minseok chuckled before turning to Baekhyun and held out his hand. "Give me your phone" he ordered after he saw the boy looking confused.
Baekhyun obeyed and rushed to pull his phone out of his pocket and slipped it in to Minseoks hand. Minseok quickly opened contacts and punched a new number in then handed it back.
"Now this time, actually message me, yeah?" He laughed as Baekhyun nodded then strode away down the street.
As soon as Minseok had walked far enough away, his friends crowded Baekhyun.
"Woah" was all Kyungsoo said while Jongdae commented on how "cool" Minseok seems.
"He come you didn't message him?" Luhan asked.
"I would have done if I didn't loose his number"
Jongdae laughed "You should invite him out with us sometime"
As they all began walking again, Chanyeol drifted towards him once more and unless Baekhyun was imagining things, he swore Chanyeol was so much closer than before.
Not that he minded.
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