Baekhyun smiled to himself.
He watched the Back of chanyeols head where a single leaf was captured within the boys thick hair. Baekhyun was trying to ignore it but it was simply too distracting. There was a leaf in Chanyeols hair. Was he the only that could see it?
He glanced around the room and saw everyone concentrating hard on the information the teacher was giving. Baekhyun felt slightly guilty that he wasn't paying attention—but that leaf!
Maybe I could get it out without him noticing?
Baekhyun leaned forward and over his desk and reached out for Chanyeols head. He gently grabbed the leaf between two fingers and pulled it out.
Despite feeling like he did a good job of being sneaky, Chanyeol immediately raised his hand to the back of his head as if to scratch it, but his hand brushed against Baekhyun, making him drop the leaf by accident.
Chanyeol turned around to see Baekhyuns Hand so close to his face
Baekhyuns heart almost stopped. Without even looking he knew his friends eyes were on the two of them, making Baekhyun feel embarrassed as he mentally cursed himself for even trying.
Chanyeol looked just as confused as his friends, but instead of asking any questions, he turned back before the teacher could complain.
Pulling his hand back, Baekhyun sunk into his chair and tried to pretend that didn't happen.
So embarrassing.
When the lesson was over, Baekhyun and his friends sat in the cafeteria with a drink while they helped him catch up on a few more notes. His hand was already becoming stiff.
Baekhyun picked up his Hot chocolate and took a sip. As he did so, his eyes caught a glimpse of three boys at the counter, one of them being Chanyeol. He watched over the edge of the cup, even if they weren't doing anything special, Baekhyun couldn't keep his eyes away from that direction.
Chanyeol was leaning against the counter while his friend ordered. Baekhyun still couldn't believe this was the guy he had been speaking to; he seems so unreal and... kind of perfect. The way the boys hair seemed strangely kinked and fluffy while it hung down over his forehead, his eyes looked dazed and almost lost but they still glistened in the natural light that shone through the windows, how his lips somehow looked soft and smooth, as if his whole appearance has just been photoshopped.
Baekhyun put his cup down, after realising he had drank the whole thing in one go.
"Were you staring just now?" Luhan questioned.
Baekhyun looked at him and pursed his lips together, before shaking his head.
"I totally saw you, don't lie!"
"I wasn't" He said, rather unconvincingly.
"You was, Baek I saw everything" Luhan laughed and turned to Jongdae. " he was wasn't he?"
"He was indeed"
Baekhyun scrunched up his face at Luhan "I was only drinking my chocolate... "
"I thought you would have been over with him by now" Jongdae said. "Have you really fallen for him again?"
Baekhyun swallowed nervously before asking "what are you on about?" He tried to fake a laugh after but it didn't really turn out that confident. He glanced back over to the counter towards Chanyeol who was now stood up straight, ready to leave probably. Before Baekhyun looked away he swore he saw Chanyeols eyes flicker to his table.
"You were looking at Sehun right?"
"Why would I be looking at Sehun?" Baekhyun started to feel a bit anxious. He couldn't remember having anything to do with Sehun at all, why would he?
Jongdae leant in close to Baekhyun, close enough so he could talk quietly and only Baekhyun would hear him. "Dude, you used to like Sehun. And I mean.. really like"
Baekhyun pushed himself back away from his friend as he dropped his pen on the table.
"What? I did? Seriously?"
"Yes seriously" Luhan butted in. Baekhyun felt weird knowing he had liked the boy before, he couldn't pin point why. When he looked up again, Baekhyun noticed Chanyeol and his friends had left.
"Not a personal favourite though, after he forgot your name"
"How did you know that?" Baekhyun asked.
"What? You told us"
"No I didn't"
Jongdae leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms bringing their attention to him. "He did it again didn't he?"
While Luhan gasped, Baekhyun opened his mouth only to close it again. He was unsure what his friends were talking about exactly. He had a rough idea. "I..uh,I don't know. When i... walked into him yesterday, he just said Baekin instead of my name. I just guessed he either didn't know me or just forgot since, well, it has been a long time right?"
"Oh no, Baek, Sehun has already forgotten your name once even though he's attended all the same schools as your for years! Imagine how that would feel, your life long crush doesn't know you after years of being in the same classes."
"That's a bit extreme, don't you think?" Luhan comments.
While the two chat on the subject, Baekhyun went blank. He stared at the piece of paper in front of him, purely imagining how that would feel like. Sudden memories of the first phone call with Chanyeol flooded into his mind without warning and just like that... Baekhyun feels even more guilty.
"It's Baekhyun right?"
"Maybe you're thinking of a different Baekhyun"
"There's only one Baekhyun I know. Byun Baekhyun, am I wrong?"
"who is this?"
"Do I have to?...tell you who I am?"
"I think we both know that... that I wont know you even if you know me, okay? I'm sorry but that's just how things work now"
"Park Chanyeol"
"Baek? You okay?" Luhan asked nudging his arm to snap him out of his daze.
"Yeah..." he said faintly.
Jongdae stood up as the other two watched him. "Come on, let's go. You can finish those notes later"
Baekhyun nodded and scooped all his things together before him, Luhan and Jongdae left the cafeteria.
"Everything ok?"
"Yeah, why?" Baekhyun chuckled over the phone. "Do I have to have a reason to call you now?"
"O-oh, no, I mean of course not" Chanyeol said. "I'm sorry I'm still sort of getting used to you being here"
"That's fine." Baekhyun got up from his desk and stretched the best he could while holding his phone between his ear and his shoulder. He pulled out his chair and sat on his bed instead, it was much more comfortable. After copying notes and trying to soak them up into his head for hours had made him stiff.
"So are you ok?"
"Yeah, I guess. I thought you would have been sleeping already. It's nearly 1am you know"
"I could ask you the same thing! I was studying—gotta try and catch up with you all and it's hard..." Baekhyun sighs and closes his eyes for a moment, wanting to listen to Chanyeols voice again like he used to before.
"You shouldn't work too hard like that, you'll just get tired and it'll be even harder for you then"
Baekhyuns lips turned up into a smile. "ok ok, but what's your reason?"
There was a pause before Chanyeol replied with "I couldn't sleep"
"Well can I help you in any way?" Baekhyun chuckled.
"You talking is good enough for me"
"You want me to talk you to sleep?"
"That would be wonderful" Chanyeols voice was getting softer and softer and it already sounded like could drop off any second. "But you need to sleep too, so don't worry about me"
Baekhyun shuffled to a more comfortable position and moved his phones speaker closer to his mouth so he wouldn't have to talk loudly. "Have you ever heard one of Shakespeare's sonnets?"
"You like poems?"
"I don't know if I did before, but while in hospital, they had a few boring books in the waiting room my friend brought in for me... that night, because I was bored, I read all of the poems and noted the ones that were my favourite. One of them was a translated script of one of Shakespeare's sonnets." As Baekhyun leant over and pulled out a small notepad in one of his draws, he heard Chanyeol hum softly as though he was too tired to even reply.
Baekhyun lay back into position as he found one to read out to Chanyeol. He knew the boy wouldn't last long anyway, so these short poems would be wonderful to help Chanyeol get to sleep.
"Sonnet Number 18" Baekhyun read, thinking about a sleepy Chanyeol lying in bed listening to his own voice. It made him feel warm and happy and just... great.
"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,..."
Baekhyun carried on until the entire poem was finished and until he, himself, was also feeling drowsy. He waited for a moment, wondering if the boy on the other end of the phone might speak but when there was nothing but slight murmurs, Baekhyun guessed Chanyeol was asleep.
"Chanyeol?" He asked just incase.
He was correct, he must have fallen asleep. At least his plan worked.
"Sweet dreams, yeol" Baekhyun whispered before ending the call and tucking himself in bed.
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