Skipping a month,
Baekhyun was sat in his wheelchair, watching patients, doctors and visitors walk by. He was sat in the cafeteria they had, next to the window with a coffee.
Apart from family, no one else had came to see him.
Did I even have any friends?
Not that he was bothered at this moment in time anyway, it wasn't like he'd like his friends to see him in such a state like this.
He had told the nurse that he was ok on his own for a bit and prefer if he could spend some time alone. Of course, she understood and left him.
As Baekhyun proceeded to look out the window, some stranger pulled out the chair opposite him and sat down.
When he glanced towards the stranger, he noticed it was a young man around the same age as him and happened to be staring straight back at him.
Baekhyun faced the boy fully, slightly surprised, while he was grinning.
"Hello" the boy said in a cheerful tone.
Baekhyun glanced to the side of him just incase. "Ugh, me?" He pointed to his chest.
"Yes of course, who else would I be talking to" the boy laughed.
"I..." Baekhyun started but never finished. "Hey"
"I'm Minseok" he held out his hand for Baekhyun to shake and as he did the boy said "nice to meet you!"
"Baekhyun" he replied, giving a light smile. "Uh nice to meet you too.. but did you need anything?"
"Nope" minseok said popping the 'p'. "You looked sad and pretty lonely, so I thought I'd come over" he shrugged and tilt his head to the side. Baekhyun thought whether he should be offended by the boy calling him sad-looking and lonely but then again, it was probably true.
"Thanks.." Baekhyun didn't really know how to reply to Minseok and that was really the best he could come up with. However the boy knew how to bring the conversation back to life.
"You want to go to the games room with me?"
"Games room. You wanna come?"
Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not a kid"
"Wow Baekhyun you're really good at this!" Minseok nudged his elbow as their eyes never left the screen. The two were sat in front of the tv playing on the old PlayStation the Hospital had. Baekhyun was surprised that they even had a games room.
"Thanks" Baekhyun laughed.
"But I'm better!"
The two continued to laugh and play a car racing game for an hour or so.
At first, Baekhyun was shocked at how well he did on the first game. As they kept playing over and over again, he eventually improved until he was so close to being just as good as Minseok.
When the match finished, Minseok put down his remote and turned to Baekhyun. Unfortunately, he had to look up as Minseok was sat on the floor and Baekhyun was in his wheelchair but by the looks of it, Minseok didn't care.
"So how long have you been here?"
Baekhyun hummed as he thought about it. "Probably just over a month now. You?"
"Ever since I was 6"
"What?!" Baekhyun's eyes widened.
Minseok laughed and shook his head. "It's not like that." He said. "I've been visiting since I was 6. I'm not here everyday, all day— I just keep having to have blood tests every so often."
"Oh.. do you mind if I ask why?"
"Iron deficiency, that's all"
"Ah, right"
"What about you? Why are you here?"
Baekhyun bit his lip before answering. "Um, car accident.."
"Wow, and we've just been playing car racing games" minseok laughed. Baekhyun joined along because he actually didn't think anything of it until the boy said it.
"Well at least you'll get to leave eventually—I'm gonna be stuck coming here for the rest of my life, probably"
Baekhyun went quiet. It was a good point. Minseok obviously noticed he'd stop laughing so he clasped his hands together and stood up.
Baekhyun met his eyes and waited for him to speak.
"You still have time before you go back right?"
He nodded, wondering what the boy was going to suggest this time.
"Well, you wanna join me on a walk outside?"
Baekhyun smiled, leading Minseok to grab the back handles of his wheelchair and push him out of the room towards the nearest door.
When his nurse found them, although she was happy to see Baekhyun enjoying himself, she unfortunately had to bring him back to his lonely hospital room.
The fun of today had came to an end.
Now, Baekhyun lay in the bed wondering when he might see Minseok in the hospital again. Sadly, he knew he wouldn't be here everyday.
It wouldn't be long before they brought Baekhyun food and this time he hoped it would be something delicious because, unlike most other days, he was extremely hungry today.
When his food did arrive, the nurse brought in something extra. After placing down the tray over his lap, once sitting up, he noticed next to the plate was a small packet of chocolates.
"What's this?" Baekhyun asked before she walked out.
"Oh" she said chuckling as though she forgot. "A guy stopped by and told us to give them to you"
"I'm sorry we didn't take a name. He just insisted on us handing them to you. Looks like he didn't want you to know" the nurse smiled.
"Oh ok" Baekhyun said slightly disappointed he didn't know who gave him the present. "Thank you"
"Enjoy your meal" the woman said and walked out, closing the door behind her.
Baekhyun stared at the chocolates. He wondered who they were from. Surely it wouldn't have been family— surely if it was they would have came straight through to him?
It's a shame I can't thank him personally.
I'd just like to say thank you for all those who have been reading and voting my story so far, I really appreciate this :)
And also sorry this chapter was really short again ah
The timeline should eventually even off soon so it will just be about the present day sooner or later.
Hope you've enjoyed this story so far :)))))
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