Auf Wiedersehen
War Fighter Tunnels
2/19th Special Weapons Group Area
Secure Area, Alfenwehr
West Germany
30 October, 1987
0630 Hours
"What do we do?" Groom breathed into my ear, reaching into my shirt, into the cup of my bra, and pinching my already sore nipple. I flinched slightly and gave a soft moan of pain, knowing that anyone else who could hear it would mistake it for something more. "Sorry," she breathed. "Forgot."
"Sokay. Not sure. I mean, I've got an idea," I said softly, rubbing her leg.
"How long do we have to do this?" She asked me.
"Till I can think of something that might work, till we're sure whatever that is wearing Stillwater's face isn't going to suspect something and massacre all of us," I told her, moving to kiss the side of her neck. She shivered in pleasure.
"That might lead to more than you're ready for," her soft voice was challenging, daring me to push it further. That aggression that had pushed me into the military, pushed me to excel in AIT, then pushed me into Special Weapons training where I'd honed that aggression even further and harnessed it to pass through that hellscape, that aggression reared its head, demanding I call her bluff, insisting that I prove to her that I had what it took, that I was ready for anything her ass could dish out.
It made my poor abused muffin throb.
My hands wiggled under her shirt in the front and down the back of her BDU pants to cup her round ass. She wasn't wearing panties and her skin was soft and smooth under my callused hand as I slid my hand down.
"I'll need salt, and the holly berries I've got in my pocket should work," I told her. "I need the mistletoe too."
"What else?" She asked me as she leaned me back onto the bench of the table, pushing my shirt up and pulling my bra down, revealing the ringed bite marks. "God damn, Cromwell, you got big ass titties."
"Yeah, big bags of fat titty," I grinned, then pulled her down, "Blood. I abhor blood magic, but I think it's going to be necessary for something that's going to be as strong as that doppleganger," I whispered in her ear. Her hands were kneading my fat tits. "See if you can tear the scabs, get some blood flowing."
"Are you going to need more than just you?" She panted in my ear, pulling at my sore and torn nipples. It made me gasp, but there was pleasure buried in the pain. I looked up at her, nodding, sliding my hand further until the bottom of her slit. She tilted her hips and my fingertips slid into warm enveloping wet softness. "Bite my nipples, I like them bit," she said, loudly enough to be heard. She bent down against me as I pushed two fingers deeper. "This is gonna be like Aine out at Atlas last year, isn't it?" she asked softly, her voice thickened with lust.
I nodded, pushing her head down to my tits, my fingers sliding up her back, both hands moving to her breasts as I pushed her shirt up.
Thumbnails into her nipples, hard, digging into the soft flesh of her aureoles. She gasped softly right before her sharp teeth sunk into my tender bruised tits.
Whatever it was pretending to be Stillwater turned and looked when I squealed, then went back to staring at the facility readout systems when "he" saw that she just biting my nipples, pulling her head back to stretch them out.
Goddamn it, the pain was receding and I could feel that goddamn hungry feeling rising up inside of me. The same one I'd held down, kept at bay, stifled until I could get out of my shit hole home town, out of foster care, before I ended up just another girl in a trailer park with forgotten dreams. I could feel it slicken up between my thighs, make my guts clench as my body surged with lust.
"Damn you, Groom," I moaned, rubbing her hair as she bit and stretched again, one hand sliding down my pants, "Be gentle, it's sore." She raised her head and I could see blood on her lips right before she kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth.
"Mmmm, hmmm," she said softly into my mouth. I could taste my own blood, and for some reason that made the fire in my guts rise even higher. The pain was receding, vanishing under hungry throbbing need. She broke the kiss and stuck her tongue in my ear. When I brought my hand up to cradle her head I could see both my thumb nails were bloody.
"Goddamn, I'm getting horny. We do this much longer, and we're going to be fucking for real," She breathed.
"We've got blood," I told her.
"It's go time. We gotta get into the kitchen for the salt," she breathed. She suddenly sat up on top of me, looking down at me, her tits hanging out as she kept squeezing my fat ones. "Like eating ass, Cromwell?" she suddenly asked. Blood was running down her tits. "I want your tongue in my ass after you lick the blood off my tits, you pretty little bitch."
I knew where she was going. "Brown wings work for me," I panted.
"I like it when there's honey between my cheeks, makes me feel all sticky and naughty," she said, bending down to kiss me real quick. I pulled my hands free and she smiled against my lips before breaking the kiss. She swung her legs off me and stood up, holding her hand down to help me up.
"Leave that shirt up, I wanna see those big ass titties of yours, Cromwell," She ordered.
A part of me that I tried to ignore for most of my life shivered in pleasure. I stood there while she knelt down, undoing my belt, then dropping my pants off my butt before sliding my panties off over my ass cheeks, leaving my ass bare.
"Wanna watch that ass in front of me," She said, looking up.
I walked in front of her as we entered the kitchen. The honey and the salt were on the same shelves. I grabbed the honey and passed it to Groom, then pulled the mistletoe and holly springs out of my pocket. I kept them wrapped in a cravat that after that bit with Aine had gone down I'd sewn into the cloth designs that my Grammy had taught me for the brief time I lived with her,
If Aine's old ways were true, why not Grammy's?
I smeared both with the blood running from out tits. Groom blushed, looking down at me as I squeezed her sliced aureoles to drip more blood on the green leaves.
"God dammit, this is getting me even hotter," Groom bitched. She rubbed her stomach, over her belly button, "Fucking Atlas warped me, I swear to God."
I just grinned up at her, kissing her belly button.
I'd always wondered what it would be like to make love to a woman, and the smell of Groom's aroused muffin was making my head swim.
There was so much lust built up in what we were doing, I knew that its power would be increased tenfold. I was whispering softly, rubbing first her belly, then mine, and I slowly stood up and looked her in the face. She was slightly shorted than me, so I flexed my knees.
And rubbed my bleeding tits against hers, smearing the blood. She could see me chanting softly as I moved up and down, undulating against her almost feverishly hot skin. Her blood, her sweat, mingling with mine, as we stood in the dimness of the pantry.
She suddenly grabbed my hair, pulling my head down. "I want to fuck the shit out of you," She growled, then kissed me. I reached down her pants, shoving the pointy and painful handful of holly and mistletoe under he BDU pants, under her panties, and rubbed it in the soft slit I found so far down. I could smell her, and it made my head light.
"Oh, God, that's so good," She shuddered, "I didn't know I was into that."
I grinned, then put the plants in her hand. "Now me."
Her hands were trembling, eager, as she copied me. The points, the thorns, poked and scraped at my sensitive flesh, inciting even more lust. I whispered in her ear what we needed to do as she moved the plants up and down, the knuckle of her thumb rubbing on my swollen clit.
When she handed it back I looked. The plants were shining with blood and vaginal fluid.
"Let's go to the Officer Quarters," She said loudly. She dropped her pants so that her plentiful, muscular ass was showing. Watch me walk."
We moved out into the "egg", walking slowly. I was behind her, using her to block "Stillwater's" view of me.
"I banish thee, I banish thee, I banish thee," I said softly, crushing the mistletoe and holly together in my hand.
"God, maybe we need some dick too," Groom said, walking around Stillwater, rubbing his chest. I followed her as she held the honey in front of his face. I dropped some berries and plants onto the metal floor of the egg as I walked up.
"What are you talking about, Specialist Groom?" Stillwater asked, his voice confused as Groom shook the honey. As I followed her I dropped more crushed berries and leaves in the North.
"Cromwell and I are all heated up. We want to fuck," She said, still circling him. "Wanna lick honey off my ass with her?" I giggled, but he ignored me as I dropped crushed berries and leaves to the south.
"Certainly not, you are my subordinates," He snapped. I dropped them to the east.
He wasn't noticing the salt dropping from her off hand as she began to circle him the final time.
"But we're hooooorny. You've fucked us before, given us both that nice, big, hard cock of yours," she lied.
I dropped the crushed berries and leaves to the West.
Westlin completed the circle.
With a crack force exploded outward. Groom was thrown down the aisle, managing to get one boot under her, one hand on the metal, throwing the honey to the side.
How the fuck did you manage to do a superhero pose, you bitch? I wondered, not paying any attention to the fact her boobs and ass were hanging out.
I was too busy rolling off the console, my ribs protesting and my spine feeling like it had snapped halfway up my back.
The thing that had been masquerading as Stillwater was screaming, standing up on its feet.
People began running in, shouting.
"STAND FAST!" I snapped, pitching my voice to be heard over the otherworldly screaming from the rapidly melting thing that had been trying to look like my squad leader.
"Jesus Christ!" was about the most common thing screamed as we stood there.
Whatever it was lunged forward, slamming its hands against something nobody could see, sharp crackling noises accompanying each impact of the melting fists.
"IT WASN'T STILLWATER!" Groom shouted, pulling up her pants and tugging down her shirt.
I kept watching. I wasn't going to get fooled.
Suddenly whatever it was just fell apart, turning into water that splashed on the ground.
A broken knife blade was laying in the puddle of water.
A black Gerber fighting knife blade.
Groom looked down at it, then looked at me.
"Is he gone?" She asked.
I nodded.
"Good," She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the Officer's Quarters section. "You started my engine, you get to finish me off."
For the first time in days I laughed, and found myself hurrying after her.
US Army Training Area
Training Site 22
2/19th Company Area
West Germany
30 October, 1987
0900 Hours
"I'll be back in a couple of hours, Chief," I told Henley, snapping the snap on my helmet. "We've got eight trailers of TOW-II missiles coming in today, and I gotta be there to supervise them being offloaded, or at least get everyone moving."
Henley waved at me, staring at the wall, his feet up on the desk.
Stillwater had radioed in, let us know that the Group Area was secure and so was the package. He was moving all the rounds, by hand, down to the Group arms room after Henley relayed the combination to the CO's safe so he could get the keys. There was still no commo with Cromwell, but the readings the Pentagon and Blackbriar were getting off of the War Fighter Tunnels, including oxygen levels, showed she wasn't in any danger.
Of course, the assholes had tried so many codes the place had locked itself down for God knew how long.
I left the tent, walking over to the Gypsy Wagon. I'd take it back to Atlas and get some hootch on the way. The Gypsy Wagon fired right up after the glow-plugs stopped clicking, and I leaned back, putting one arm out the window despite the cold, holding onto the top of the steering wheel as I headed out.
The Kaserne near Atlas was where we usually stopped. The owner had high end hard core porn mags, a large selection of booze, and cheap batteries for flashlights and, ahem, 'female genital examination instruments', and we showed our appreciation by hitting up his Kaserne whenever we needed it.
The roads were slick, but I'd gotten used to the roads over the years. I smoked cigarettes, listened to Stillwater's tape deck that he'd left in the cab, and tried not to think.
Nancy was gone.
Dropped from the program on request.
I'd heard the female troops had been hard on her, rough as hell, but for many of them she'd been their idol. One of the first females to graduate Special Weapons school, she was the standard the instructors had challenged those females to meet.
Plus, females were vicious, and Special Weapons females were all aggressive and mean.
I saw the Kaserne and pulled off, grabbing a parking space off to the side like usual and heading in after putting on my cowboy hat. I wasn't supposed to wear it in uniform, I wasn't Cavalry, but it was Halloween, I could claim I was dressed as a retard. I grabbed cartons of smokes, the brands I knew the crew smoked, and a half dozen bottles of alcohol. Then chose a few porn mags, including two that I knew catered to the females in the crew. I paid the smiling teller, peeling off 20's with a cigarette in my mouth.
The day was clear, cold, and beautiful Halloween morning.
Maybe I'd take the crew out trick or treating as a joke, or just buy a bunch of candy at the PX and we could all gorge.
I opened the side door, set the alcohol and other goodies inside.
Yeah, candy. That would boost everyone's spirits.
I turned around to see a man staring at me. In BDU's, standing at Parade Rest. I couldn't place his accent, but I wasn't worried about that.
Heh, someone was in trouble. You weren't supposed to wear your uniform off post unless you were on official business.
"Specialist Bomber?"
I frowned slightly. "Yes?"
What the hell did this asshole want? I had shit to do, and my crew wouldn't wait forever to...
He lifted up a pistol.
And shot me twice in the chest.
I fell back against the truck and he quickly knelt next to me, unbuttoning my top pocket and pulling out my little green notebook. He stood up, didn't bother looking around, and aimed the pistol at my head. My head dropped as I coughed up blood onto the front of my uniform.
"Auf wiedersehen," he said.
Now I placed the accent.
East German.
There was a rushing noise, like a train coming at me.
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