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Dream SMP
Ten years. It's been ten years since they last saw the Hermits.
And a new addition had been added to the SMP. Aster. Aster is the 8 year old son of Karl, Sapnap and Quackity. Yes, they have a new kid. Their twins, Silvia and Quin, are now 15. And Kiera is now a 13 year old.
Dream and George's first born, Cally, is 15. Ginny is also 13 and Aspen is 10. Carla, Bad and Skeppy's daughter, is 14. Their son, Andrew, is 12.
Everything seemed alright...At least...For now...
. . .
"Aster?" Sapnap said. He knocked on the door to his son's room.
"Leave me alone!" A boy mumbled from the other side of the door.
"Aster, open the door please," Sapnap said.
"Fine!" The door swung open to reveal an irritated black haired, 8 year old boy.
Sapnap kneeled down to get to his son's height, which actually made him look a lot shorter than Aster.
"Can you tell me what's wrong?" Sapnap asked.
"It's nothing!" The light browned eyed boy cried out.
"Are you sure?" Sapnap asked.
Aster stayed silent for a moment before responding. "I just feel like I don't belong here," he whispered.
"Why not?" Sapnap asked, although he knew the answer to this.
"Silvia can time travel like Papa, Quin is a duck like Mama Q, and Kiera is a blaze like you!" He looked down at his feet. "And I'm nothing..."
"Don't say that about yourself," Sapnap said, running his hands through his son's hair.
"Why not? It's true!"
The boy looked at his father with tears glistening in his eyes, threatening to come out at any moment. And that was when Sapnap saw something on the little boy's face other than dried tear streaks. Could it be?
Aster looked confused as he watched his father stand up to call for his husband.
"Is something wrong Sapnap?" Quackity asked when he appeared, frantic because of his husband's yelling.
"Come here," Sapnap said, pulling Quackity down to Aster's level. "Look."
Aster tilted his head, confused. Quackity was also confused until he saw what Sapnap had saw. On the little boy's cheeks, there were small swirls of what seemed to be inherited from Karl.
"I'll go get Karl's book," Quackity said. He got up and hurried to the library the three had installed.
A couple minutes later, the duck hybrid came back, his golden feathered wings fluttering with excitement.
This book was specifically to identify what marks on a traveler meant which traveler they were. Quackity flipped through the pages until he found the page that matched the marks on Aster's face.
"What is it?" Aster asked, tiling his head.
"You're a dimension traveler, Aster," Quackity said, looking up at his son with a smile.
Quackity, Karl and Sapnap had the same conversation with Aster multiple times. The three knew that Aster felt as if he was nothing special and this had proved him wrong.
Aster smiled as soon as he comprehended what Quackity had said.
"I wanna tell Quin, Keira and Siliva!" Aster said, excited.
"Go ahead," Sapnap said, smiling.
And just like that, Aster ran off to go tell his siblings about his new found discovery.
"Wish Karl was here," Quackity said.
"That makes the two of us," Sapnap said, smiling at his shorter husband and Quackity returned that smiled.
But what they didn't know was that when Karl came back, things were going to be a different...A whole lot more different...For the brunet was currency time traveling...And when he came back, the family's worst fears would surface to reality...
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Hermitcraft / Empires SMP
Grian was sitting on a bench with his husband.
"Scar do you ever think about death?"
The American laughed. "I mean, I die literally all the time."
Grian turned his head to face Scar with a smirk. "You'll never be a pro."
"I know..." He sighed.
Scar noticed Mitchell and Xavier running after each other in a direction.
"Give me a second, G..."
"Alright. Just don't die."
Scar pouted, "You underestimate me!"
"I'm not wrong though."
Scar sighed and got up to follow the two men.
"What are you doing?"
Xavier grinned, "Disobeying my brother."
"How...?" Scar cautiously asked.
Xavier looked panicked. "Uhm..."
"Oh yeah we're jumping into that weird glitch thingy that X told us not to touch," Mitchell said.
"HELSIE!!!" Xavier scolded.
Mitchell wasn't impressed. "Why does everyone call me Helsie? And why are you scolding me?"
"Because you used to go by Helsknight. Also, you revealed what we were doing to Scar."
"Let's just go," Mitchell said.
"Can I come?" Scar asked.
Xavier sighed. "Sure, why not?"
The glitch looked like a break in the world. Similar to Grian's in Season 9, but it was black rather than purple.
Xavier and Mitchell squeezed each other's hands, while Scar gulped. The three stepped into the void like glitch, and they lost track of time.
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Aster is a Greek gender neutral name. It means Star or Flower. It comes from the word, "Asteroid"
- Pleb
This probably won't be finished until next year for two reasons. 1, we're probably not gonna work over summer break. 2, I get writer's block frequently and have 0 motivation for this series. We're lucky Repeat was finally finished. "Xavier and Mitchell squeezed each other's hands." Mmm yes. Totally platonic friendship. TOTALLY straight. (Not.) Okay, so Ik we really didn't see Scarian develop yet, but it was implied that they got together after book 2. "Aster, open the door please." Hmm what Sapnap said reminds me of a meme. "Veronica, open the, open the door please. Veronica open the door! Veronica can we not fight anymore please, can we not fight anymore? Veronica, sure you're scared I've been there, I can set you free. Veronica don't make me come in there, I'm gonna count to three." (Bro, I forgot completely about that trend -Pleb)
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