Chapter 9 - What the Actual Fuck
Chapter 9 - What the Actual Fuck
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Dream SMP
By the time the Feral Boys met up, it was 2 days later.
"Silvia!" Aster ran up and hugged his older sister.
"Hey!" Silvia said, smiling.
"I wonder if there are more people like them," Alex said.
"Was there anyone else with you?" Karl asked the trio.
"Well..." Cally said. "There's Scar, Grian, Wynne, Xisuma, Xavier, Hels, Mumbo, Impulse, Ren..."
"That's a lot," Alex said.
"No kidding," George said.
Cally took out her communicator.
<CallyDNF_> Where the fuck are y'all
<Wynne_Times> America
<CallyDNF_> Well can y'all come to Florida?
<Wynne_Times> I dunno. Can we?
<GoodTimesWithScar> Maybe
<Wynne_Times> Why don't you come over instead
Cally closed her communicator. "Well, we were asked to go over to them.
"Well, we're gonna have to somehow afford 8 plane tickets," George said.
"I'm going to go broke aren't I?" Clay said.
"Yea. Cause you're gonna pay for it," Nick said, smirking.
"Fuck you Nick," Clay muttered.
"The only person you're gonna be fucking is George," Nick said.
Silvia, Aster, Alex and Karl bursted out laughing. George's face went bright red.
"NICK-" George and Dream said in perfect unison.
"Am I wrong though?" Nick asked.
"Truer words have never been spoken," Cally replied, trying to contain a laugh.
— — —
After a couple days, everyone was finally able to get to America.
There was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it," Ryan said. He turned to Scar and Wynne. "Stay. Put. If you're anything like me you'll be tempted to goof off."
Ryan opened the door to reveal Charles, Grian, Mumbo, Ren, X, and Xavier.
"Hi Scar..." Charles said.
Ryan nodded. "Hey G."
"Well this is confusing," Ren pointed out.
Grian ran into Scar's arms. "Hey!"
"Good to see you again," Scar said.
The two let go of each other and Grian hugged Wynne. "Hi Wynne. I was so worried about you! You're grounded when we get home."
Xavier killed the mood. "IF we get home."
He recieved some glares from everyone else.
X slapped him on the back of his head. "Xavier...don't think like that."
"WELL IT'S TRUE!" Xavier shouted. His expression then looked disappointed. "Why didn't you say 'I like your cut G' instead...?"
"I'm G," Grian said. "Not you."
Xavier thought about this for a moment. "Then 'I like your cut, X'."
"I'M X!!" Xisuma shouted.
"WE'RE BOTH X," Xavier said. "Technically...And besides. If I'm not X, then who am I?"
"You're a fellow living being that is in the house that's genus is Homo and the species of a Sapien that is also Xisuma's twin," Grian said.
"Actually," X said. "I'm more well known as X. You can be Xav."
"That sounds dumb," Xavier said. "Wait, X's twin. Twx. Twix. I'M A TWIX BAR."
Mitchell laughed. "Wait- Homo? No homo guys!"
"Very homo actually," Wynne said.
"Homo or no homo?" Xavier asked.
Wynne looked disappointed. "I just said, very ho-"
"Socks," Grian said.
<Helsknight_> I'M NOT- I just...
Mitchell didn't want to say anything out loud, so he messaged Wynne.
You whisper to Wynne_Times: Got any relationship advice?
Wynne_Times whispers to you: Heck if I know. I'm 7! Who is it you like?!
You whisper to Wynne_Times: I...Xavier...
Wynne_Times whispers to you: Ah, evil buddies.
You whisper to Wynne_Times: WE'RE NOT EVIL ANYMORE
Wynne_Times whispers to you: Well don't worry I can help <3
You whisper to Wynne_Times: Thanks Wynne <3
But Mitchell didn't at all want Wynne to help in the way he did.
<Helsknight_> ...
<Helsknight_> Wynne I swear to fucking god-
<EvilXisuma> I- I don't know how to react. Should I be worried because love is fake because it only exists because of oxytocin, or should I be happy because my crush likes me back? ;)
<Helsknight_> Wait-
Charles and Ryan, were looking more confused by the minute since everyone seemed high while looking at their communicators.
"Wynne," Mitchell said, sending Wynne a death stare.
"What?" Wynne said, mischievously.
"Wynne Times. What are you planning?" Grian asked.
"Nothing," Wynne replied.
"I know that tone. You're planning something," Grian said.
Wynne giggled and tooted out a fart. Mumbo took one whiff of it and appeared to pass out.
Grian rushed over to his friend. Mumbo's pulse wasn't there. "Mumbo...?"
Grian looked back up at Wynne. His son's left eye appeared red. Wynne grinned and stabbed Scar in the chest.
Wynne cast a spell and it bound Grian in tight ropes.
Grian was angrier by the second. "You do realize I can EASILY break free right?"
"You could," His son responded. "But then I'll kill all your friends back on Hermitcraft. Joel, Scott, Jimmy, Iskall, et cetera."
Grian glared up at the boy. "You are clearly not my son. Wynne would never do that."
Wynne laughed. "Would he? You barely even know your own son. How the FUCK would you know?"
"Wynne has green and purple eyes. You have green and red. Get OUT of his body NOW."
"My my my...Wynne Times agreed to this possession."
He tied up everyone else as well, except for Charles and Ryan, he thought they were weak and couldn't do anything anyway.
Wynne, or rather the demon possessing him, giggled uncontrollably. He snapped his fingers and party lights and disco music appeared. A giant shrek statue appeared in the center of the room. Decorations with the ogre's face popped up seemingly out of nowhere.
He blasted rainbow streamers everywhere. "Let's partyyyyy!"
He started dancing to the music as Grian sobbed. "Who...are you?"
Wynne walked back towards Grian and pointed a knife at his neck. "I'm your worst nightmare, Grian Bellum."
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Love never existed in the first place. We only have love because of oxytocin (Vark is fake apparently. And apparently my feelings for u ;) -Galactic) I don''t know how I feel about this chapter...Especially with...Yea, I got second hand embarrassment from reading it- And I swear this is gonna be the only chapter that's gonna be high on crack...Hopefully...
- Pleb
gUyS i'M nOt HiGh On CrAcK i SwEaR (She had an entire 3 sentenced plot where Wynne farted and Mumbo died from the stench. I feel weird writing that -Pleb) I'M NOT HIGH ON CRACK I SWEAR. And what do you guys think about Wynnester? ;) (Not now they're 8 and 7 but like when they're older maybe) LET'S GOO HEX
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