Chapter 8 - Is Life Just A Stimulation?
Chapter 8 - Is Life Just A Simulation?
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Dream SMP
Cally woke up in some unknown place. She was outside someone's house, in a bush? What? The blonde stood up and saw that she was at someone's front door. She walked up the steps and rang the doorbell. A couple seconds later, the door was opened by a tall dirty blond man.
"Excuse me?" The man asked. "I'm sorry, but I don't have a kid."
"Uh- Sorry. I must have mistaken you for someone else."
"Oh. Well...Why are you here?" The dirty blond asked politely.
"Well, I think I was probably just knocked out and I woke up here. I don't know how to get home," Cally said, coming up with some wild story.
"Well..." The man said. "You can stay here until you're found if you like."
"Thank you!" Cally said beaming. The man allowed her to step into the house.
"Do you need a tour or do you think you can manage on your own?"
"I think I can manage," Cally said smiling.
The man with emerald green eyes nodded. "Well, I should probably tell Nick that you're going to be staying here."
"Nick?" Cally asked.
"NICK!" The man called into the house.
"What do you need Clay?" A black haired man asked, coming out of a room.
Cally stared at the man in shock. Not only did he sound like him, he even looked like Sapnap.
The black haired man — Nick — Noticed the black smile on Cally's cheek. Nick smiled.
"What's your name?" Nick asked.
"Cally," Cally replied.
"Well, the guest room is down the hall, 3rd door on the left.
"Thanks," Cally said. As she walked away, she heard Nick say something to 'Clay'.
"Bro, she has your smile on her cheek."
"I saw that Nick, but next thing you know, she'll be flexing on the internet."
"How did she not notice me?"
"She did stare at you."
"That's true. But if she managed to say her name steadily, how come she didn't say 'Sapnap?'"
"She thought I was her dad."
"Dad?! Who's the mother? Gogy?"
"Oh, shut up Nick."
"Bet the fans would agree."
"Yea, yea, Sapnap"
"I'm not wrong though, am I Dream?"
"How insulting! I'm going to Patches."
"Patches loves me more than she loves you."
"Gogy loves you more than Patches loves you."
"Shut up."
"George is coming in about a week probably," Nick said. "Better get ready for your session."
"NICK!! We're just going to play Minecraft!!"
Cally closed the guest room door, shocked at what she heard. So that is her Dad and her uncle Sapnap. Why are they going by Nick and Clay? And they mentioned her mother coming to visit? What the hell is Minecraft?
. . .
Aster woke up outside of a build. He sat up and peered into a window. He saw someone facing their computer. But what was stranger was that this person had a striking resemblance to his Mama Q. Especially with the black mullet that was hidden underneath the beanie.
Aster wandered around the sides of the building until he came to a door. He tried opening it but he couldn't. That's strange...
Aster then knocked on the door and waited. A couple seconds later, that very same man came to the door.
"Hello?" The black haired man asked.
"Hi!" Aster said, smiling.
"Well, hi there," the man replied. "What are you doing outside my door?"
"Well," Aster said, dragging out the word. "I don't know what this place is and I don't know where I can stay or how I got here," he said, lying a bit here and there.
"You can stay with me if you like."
"Really? Thanks!!"
The eight year old happily followed the man into his room.
"Do you think you can stay silent?" The man asked. "I'm on a call with my friends."
Aster gave a quick nod.
The black haired man sat back in his chair and put on his headphones before clicking around.
"Hey guys," the man said.
Aster couldn't hear anything. Though it was probably because he was wearing headphones.
Soon enough, Aster fell asleep, waiting for the man to finish.
About an hour or two later, Aster woke up, finding that he was still on the bed. But the man wasn't there. He left the room and found the man sitting on his couch. Aster snuck up behind him.
The man jumped up in shock. "WHAT THE FUCK-" He then saw Aster trying to contain his laugh. "Oh, I see how this is," he said, smirking. He walked up to Aster and bent down to get to his level. "Hey kid. What's your name?" The man asked.
"It's Aster," Aster said, now wheezing.
"Well, Aster," he said. "How do you feel about...This?" Out of nowhere, the man began tickling the eight year old boy. Aster shrieked and laughed. "That's revenge. Hey, by the way, I'm Alex."
"You remind me of someone," Aster said.
"Who?" Alex asked, gesturing Aster to sit on the couch with him. Aster gratefully accepted.
"My Mama Q!" Aster said, smiling.
"Q?" Alex asked.
"Yea!" Aster beamed.
"By any chance, is their full name...Quackity?"
"How did you know?" Aster asked.
"Oh, holy fuck," Alex muttered.
"What?" Aster said, curious.
"Who's your other parent?" Alex asked.
"I have two!" Aster said.
"I think I know who they might be, but do you know their names?"
Aster was silent for a moment. "I think it was Karl and Sapnap?"
Alex picked up his phone and called someone on Discord. Or rather...Two people...
"C'mon...Pick up..."
"Hey Q!" Aster heard Karl's voice through the phone.
"Nick? Karl? I have something to tell you."
. . .
Silvia groaned softly as she sat up. She was against a wall of a clear opening where a lamborghini sat in the center.
"Karl!" The girl heard a voice say.
She panicked and hid inside a metal trunk.
"Hey, I heard something in here," said a voice that sounded like Karl's
"Must be your mind," said another voice as a group of five people walked into the room. Silvia slowly lifed up the lid of the trunk a little bit and peeked outside into the room to see that four unknown people had walked into the room. And with them was...Karl?
"I know I heard something Nolan," Karl said.
"I heard something too," said another person. He turned to a fourth person. "I think someone's in here Jimmy."
"Well then Chase," supposingly Jimmy said. "Let's look for them."
Silvia tensed up once Chase, maybe? When Chase got near her hiding spot. Then he saw her.
"JIMMY!!" Chase called out.
"You found something?!" Jimmy called back. Chase had Silvia by the wrist and brought her to the other four.
"She has your hoodie Karl," said the fifth unknown person. "Think she's a fan?"
"Might be," Karl said.
"She has a bandana too," Jimmy said.
"Who are you?" Silvia asked once she recovered.
"Does she really not know who we are?" Chase asked. "Even though she has Karl's hoodie?"
"I know Karl," Silvia snapped. "But who the honk are the rest of you?"
"Well," Jimmy said. "Do you know the channel, Mr. Beast?"
"No?" Silvia said, unsure of what he meant.
"Well, then," Jimmy said. "I'm Jimmy. That's Karl, Chase, Nolan and Chandler."
"She even uses 'honk' like you Karl," Chandler said.
"What's your name?" Karl asked.
"Silvia," Silvia replied.
"Well, nice to meet you Silvia," Jimmy said. "But we're about to record a minecraft video."
"Oh-" Silivia said.
"Want to stay with me?" Karl asked. "I'm not in the video."
"Okay," Silvia replied.
Karl led Silvia to his recording room. Karl turned on the computer and opened Discord only to get a call from a private group DM. Karl, not having his headphones on, answered it to find that the call was from his friend, Alex and his other friend, Nick had already answered it.
"Hey Q!" Karl said.
"Nick? Karl? I have something to tell you," A voice that sounded like Quackity's sounded from the other end.
"What is it Alex?" Said supposingly Nick.
"I just got a little visitor," probably Alex said.
"That's funny," Nick said. "Me and Clay did too."
Karl glanced at Silvia who was in shock that the other two people that he was talking to sounded precisely like her other two parents. "I did too," Karl then said.
"What are their names?" Nick asked. "Mine's Cally."
"Silvia," Karl said.
"Aster," Alex said.
"SILVIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Screeched a voice from Alex's end.
"WHY THE FUCK DO I HEAR ASTER SCREAMING?!" Shouted a voice from Nick's end.
"WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING?!" Shouted a voice that sounded like Dream. Probably Clay?
"Shut up before I get noise complaints," Karl and Alex said.
"Silvia, you there?" Said Cally's voice.
"Yea..." Silvia said, dazed.
"Okay, what did you want to tell us?" Nick asked.
"Well, Aster here is 8. He told me I reminded him of someone he called "Mama Q'."
"Mama Q?" Karl asked.
"I asked him if by any chance their full name was Quackity and he said yes."
"Who's your parents?" Karl asked turning to Silvia.
"What are your names?" Silvia asked.
"They're Alex and Nick. But online, they go by Quackity and Sapnap."
"Then it's the three of you."
"Did you guys hear that?" Karl asked.
"Who are your parents?" Silvia heard Nick ask, probably Cally.
"Green teletubby and colorblind idiot."
Nick laughed. "Dream and Gogy."
"Is Silvia your sister or something?" Alex asked Aster.
"Yea!" Aster said.
"Holy fuck," Alex muttered. "I can't believe this is actually happening."
"Can't we all?" Nick said. He sighed. "Do you think you can catch a plane over here?" Nick asked. "It could be a Feral Boys meet up. Twitter will go wild."
"Sure, why not?" Alex said. "We love watching Twitter go wild."
— — —
Grian, Ren, Mumbo, Xisuma, and Xavier woke up in an unfamiliar place.
"Where are we?" X asked.
"I dunno..." Grian said.
"Suma!" Xavier called. "Over here!"
X walked over to Xavier, "Huh, a house."
Grian then noticed Mumbo. "OH YOU!!!"
"Is there a problem here?" A man with what seemed to be dirty blond hair stood at the door. He had glasses on, too.
"No...?" Grian said. "Why do you ask?"
The man chuckled. "I mean I was just recording some Minecraft videos with my friends and then I heard you guys."
"Minecraft videos?" Xavier asked. "What's Minecraft."
He chuckled again. "Come on, my wife's not home right now, so I'll show you."
The man showed them quite a familiar looking setting. Come to think of it, the builds look exactly like the builds from...
"Who are you?" Grian asked.
"Oh, I'm Charles!" The man said. "But on YouTube I go by Grian. I was just recording some Hermitcraft videos with my friends GoodTimesWithScar and Mumbo Jumbo. Who are you?"
"I'm, uhhh, Xelqua!"
Charles looked at him odd. " old YouTube name used to be Xelqua. Funny coincidence."
Grian looked down at his communicator. Hopefully this works...
<Grian> Hello?
<GoodTimeWithScar> Grian!! Where are you?
Grian looked up. "Where are we?"
Charles laughed. "We're in the United Kingdom! UK for short. It used to be call Britain, and some people still do call it Britain."
<Grian> A place called the United Kingdom. Where are you?
<GoodTimeWithScar> Apparently some strange place called the United States of America. People here are weird. They looked at me weirdly when I asked them where I was. Well, at least someone told me I was in "AmErIcA".
<Grian> Excuse me?
<GoodTimeWithScar> Mind your language, Mister.
Scar closed off his communicator and scanned his area. So this was America, huh?
Scar looked down at Wynne. "Yes?"
"Where in America are we? And how big is it?"
Scar opened his communicator and pulled up a map of the dimension. There appeared to be 7 continents. North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica.
"Hmm," He said. "Let me find the country on here first. Well, America has to be in the Americas, right? If it's not I'm gonna feel lied to."
Scar checked North America and found the United States. It was pretty large. "It's big Wynne, and we don't know where we are yet. We lost Impulse and Mitchell too."
He then decided to check every continent so he could find the United Kingdom, where Grian was. It was in Europe, separated from North America by the Atlantic ocean. He gulped, knowing that he was extremely far away from his husband. Still, he wanted to brag.
<GoodTimeWithScar> Lol I'm in a big country and you're stuck on a small island
<Grian> Yeah, yeah. Is Wynne with you?
<GoodTimeWithScar> Yes, he is. Don't worry. :)
<Wynne_Times> I can see literally every message you send.
<impulseSV> Lol. Where are you guys? I'm in America too, I just don't know where.
<GoodTimeWithScar> Me neither, it's so big.
<Wynne_Times> You know what's also big?
<Grian> The moon.
<MumboJumbo> The moon.
<GoodTimeWithScar> The moon.
<impulseSV> The moon.
<Renthedog> The moon.
<Xisuma> The moon...
<EvilXisuma> The moon!
<Helsknight_> The moon...I guess.
<Wynne_Times> Wow you guys really remember that season 8 world huh?
<Grian> How could we not?
<CallyDNF_> I was thinking of something else
<SilviaJacobs_> I know what you're thinking
<Aster_Stars> How are all of you people that must be at least 30 so pure
<CallyDNF_> Look at Uncle Bad
<Aster_Stars> But even he would think that and shout "LANGUAGE" or something
<SilviaJacobs_> He's right
<GoodTimesWithScar> What were you three even thinking?
<Aster_Stars> Nothing-
<SilviaJacobs> NOTHING-
<CallyDNF_> Nothing sus
<Wynne_Times> Yea, sureeeee
<Grian> Oh...OH
<CallyDNF_> Yeah...
Scar closed off his communicator before a whole conversation started on things that are sus.
He scanned around to see if there was a nice looking person that could help. That's when he noticed a man with brown hair, who seemed to be in a wheelchair.
He grabbed Wynne's wrist and walked over. "Hi, do you know how to get to the UK?"
The man nodded, "Yeah, you just catch a flight at an airport! Ah, the UK reminds me of my friend Grian. I should go prank him."
This startled Scar, "What do you mean?"
"We play on a Minecraft server together and we upload videos of it onto YouTube. It's called Hermitcraft!" He replied.
"What's your name...?" Scar cautiously asked.
"Ryan!" The man said. "Though on YouTube I go by GoodTimesWithScar, Scar for short. How about you?"
Scar obviously couldn't say it was him. So he said what was on his mind. "Oak!"
Wynne gave him a look that said Really?
Scar just looked back at him like What? Trees were on my mind.
"Huh," Ryan said. "Reminds me of Pokémon."
Wynne burst out in laughter and looked up at his father. "PFFFFFT- HI PROFESSOR OAK, CARE TO GIVE ME A POKÉDEX?!"
"I can still ground you, you know," Scar said, clearly unimpressed with Wynne's comment.
"Ground me?" Wynne asked. "I find it funny, because think of the literal meaning. I mean you GROUND yourself ALL the time when you die from elytra-" Scar quickly covered his son's mouth, but Wynne forced it aside.
"You die from elytra all the time too?" Ryan asked. "The Hermits tease me for it!"
Wynne, who was barely paying attention to most of the conversation before the 'Oak' part, laughed. "You know the Hermits?! They tease him all the time for it too!"
"Wynne!!" Scar scolded.
Ryan raised an eyebrow. "But you're not from Hermitcraft..."
He thought to himself. The math just wasn't mathing.
"Wait...who are you again?"
"Oak!" Scar said. "Who else?"
"You're lying. What's your real name?"
Scar sighed. "It's Scar...Scar Times. Or rather...GoodTimesWithScar."
"Okay, this is a bit creepy..." Ryan said. "Who's that?"
He pointed at Wynne, who grinned. "I'm Wynne Times!!"
He aggressively shook Ryan's hand. "And this is...?"
Scar sighed. "My son."
"Who's the other parent?"
"Do you really wanna know?" Scar asked.
"It's uhh...Grian. You know, the guy with a pristine waffle for the back of his head."
"I-" Ryan was speechless. "Let me call him on Discord..." Ryan picked up his phone and typed something in. He then lifted his phone to his ear. Meanwhile, Scar decided to message everyone in chat.
<GoodTimeWithScar> Uhm...My 'IRL' self knows who I am...
<Grian> Shoot.
<GoodTimeWithScar> And it's Wynne's fault...
<Grian> Wynne...
<Wynne_Times> Woopsie! Did I do something wrong?
<Grian> Yes.
<GoodTimeWithScar> Yes...
<Xisuma> Too much information, Xavier, too much.
<Helsknight_> I mean I have dreams about it.
<MumboJumbo> Why are our opposites so messed up
<Grian> Now why would you have dreams about it?
<Helsknight_> IDK IT'S NOT MY FAULT. I'm just there and someone hot is also there and yeah.
<Wynne_Times> Who's the hot person there?
<Grian> WYNNE!!!
<Helsknight_> ...I'd rather not say.
<Wynne_Times> Fair.
"Okay," Ryan said. "Grian's catching a flight with everyone else from your world. Now tell me, is X still the rational one?"
"Unfortunately," Scar muttered. "HE NEVER LETS US GET HIGH IN CHAT!!!"
<Wynne_Times> I need a lighter.
<Grian> Why?
<Wynne_Times> I wanna burn this awful country to the ground while singing 'We Didn't Start the Fire'.
<CallyDNF_> Reminds me of Tubbo...
<Grian> You will NOT burn America to the ground. Hear me?
<Wynne_Times> So let me get this straight...
<CallyDNF_> Heh, 'straight'.
<Grian> That's exactly how it is, yes.
<MumboJumbo> Such great father skills there, G.
<Grian> I know, I'm fucking awesome.
<Wynne_Times> Hang on, did you just swear?
<Grian> Excuse me? Language.
<EvilXisuma> But you just-
<Grian> Language.
<Aster_Stars> But he cursed
<CallyDNF_> He went from Grian to Tommy to Bad
<Aster_Stars> Makes sense
"Scar?" Ryan asked.
Scar looked up from his communicator. "Hm?"
" did you get here?"
"That's a long story..." Scar said. "But we'll have to remain here for a week."
"Well," Ryan responded. "Grian and the others should be here by tomorrow. You can tell me about it inside?"
Scar sighed. "Fine...let's go."
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Any requests for more AUs to help us get to 69 chapters? (Heh, funny number -Galactic) This is a damn ass long chapter here....We're writing this on google slides. Font size 8 and 15 slides. Also, now I'm in three MCYT fandoms at once...Dream SMP, Hermitcraft and LifeSteal SMP (See now I've always been in 3. Hermitcraft, Last Life SMP, and 3rd Life SMP. DEFINITELY now Double Life SMP now that it's started too. I tried getting into Empires SMP and Afterlife SMP but I just really didn't. Like when I'm bored I would occasionally watch a vid or 2 of Empires but I couldn't keep up with that AND Hermitcraft Season 8. -Galactic)
- Pleb
Just dissing America lol. Also, this American knows where (most) places are. Stop dissing us for not knowing or caring where countries are lol. Plus, I know a lot of European countries with the help of a song called "Europe is Gay". (I watched a CountryHumans MAP of it lol) Russia: *Is anti- LGBTQ+*; Europe is Gay: "Russia's gayer than all those places."
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