Chapter 12 - Memories
Chapter 12 - Memories
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When Wynne woke up, he found himself in an entirely different place. He wasn't at the tree with Aster like they were last night.
The young Watcher looked around, trying to figure out where he was. Wynne found himself in a van being drove by some pufferfish man? Wynne shook the shock off.
He looked at the people surrounding him. Some of the Hermits weren't there. The only other Hermits that were there were Grian, Scar and Mumbo. There was also Aster, Silvia and Cally. So no one else was missing. But lying on the ground too, we're two females. One with golden brown hair and the other with blue hair.
What was especially strange was that everyone seemed to be in a bathing suit if some sort.
"Dad. Wake up." Wynne shook Grian awake.
Grian got up, slightly confused. "What- Where-"
"Before you ask, I don't know where we are," Wynne said.
"I don't know that either. Also. Who are they?" Wynne pointed to the two women.
"Gold and Funneh."
"More friends from the Dream SMP."
Wynne glanced down at Scar who was shirtless. Then smirked mischievously. Grian saw Wynne's face and smiled.
"Go ahead," Grian said.
Wynne beamed. He leaned in close to Scar's ear.
"Daaad. Jellie's missing."
Scar sat up in shock to find Grian biting his fist, trying not to laugh whereas Wynne didn't bother hiding it.
Wynne's laughter had woken up the others.
"Grian?" Funneh immediately recognized the Brit from years ago.
"That's me!" Grian said, finally managing to stop.
"Gee, I haven't seen you in a while."
"Funneh!" Gold said." Why do we look so young?!"
"I think we're in our high school-aged bodies," Mumbo said.
"Well-" Aster said. "Seems like four people stayed at their age."
"No need to rub it in," Scar said. "Where are we anyways?"
Grian peered out of the door of the van and was shocked at what he saw.
"I- I don't know," Grian said, heading towards the back where Mumbo and Scar were sitting.
Mumbo and Scar exchanged worried glances. Unless you really knew Grian, you would never be able to tell the difference between Grian's voices. Mumbo and Scar definitely knew something was up.
"What's wrong Grian?" Scar asked his smaller husband as the others were trying to figure out where they were.
"Nothing-" Grian lied.
"We know something's wrong G," Mumbo said.
"Okay, fine," Grian said, reluctantly giving in. "I know where we are."
"Where?" Scar asked.
"We're at the place where I temporarily went to High School."
"So-" Scar said.
"In Japan." Grian replied, trying to be as vague as possible.
"I found something!!" Aster cried out.
"What did you find?" Mumbo asked. The trio got up and went towards the huddled group.
"A note," Aster said. The small boy passed it to Mumbo to read.
Dear Hermits, DSMP Children and Krew Members,
You are in Japan currently. One of you has been here before. Apologies to that person for the next couple of weeks are going to be traumatic for you.
No, you will not be here for a week. It's going to be longer than a week. Definitely.
Funneh and Gold. You two are here because you have experienced things somewhat like the experiences that you might have here. Ahem- Yandere High-
MAKE SURE YOU JUST GO WITH THE FLOW. When you leave, it will be as if you never even visited. But it in case there's a glitch, DO NOT CHANGE THE PAST. If you do, one of you might not even be known to your friends anymore. Or let alone not even be alive.
Have fun! And terribly sorry.
"Well," who's the one that's been here before?" Silvia asked.
Hesitantly, Grian raised his hand. "I am..."
"So, you know what you have to do," Cally said. "We're just going to go along with whatever you do."
Grian sighed in relief as they didn't ask questions. "Well, we're going to have to pretend to be friends or siblings. Wynne, you're going to have to pretend that you're Scar or mine's younger brother."
"No problem!" Wynne said, beaming.
"Remember the names we came up with?" Gold said to Funneh, snickering slightly.
"Yea!" Funneh said, laughing.
Then two voices were heard coming towards the van. Two voices that were familiar to Grian. One of them being horribly familiar.
"Is he on this bus?" Asked one.
"Yes," replied the other.
Grian, reluctantly stepped out of the van and faced the two.
"Hey Grian!" Said one with bunny ears.
"Hey!" Said the second unknown voice.
"Oh hey!"
"Oh no no," the bunny boy—Sam—said. "I should say 'toup to the morning to ya Grian,'" Sam said in a horrible replication of a British accent. Mumbo, inside the van, snickered slightly at the poor imitation.
Grian ignored the horrid imitation. "Hope you don't mind but I brought a couple friends too."
"Of course!"
"Well, they're in the van," Grian said. "Guys! Get out here!"
"That's a lot-" Sam said, watching the 8 people come out.
"I have a lot of friends," Grian said.
"Hello-" Scar said.
"What were you saying?!" Mumbo cried out.
"Another British," Sam whispered to Taurtis.
"Ello good chap," Taurtis said.
Wynne snickered.
"Tip tip to the morning."
"I- What are you doing," Grian said.
"Um-" Gold spoke up. "Anyways, I'm Gold. This is Funneh."
"I'm Silvia. This is my little brother, Aster."
"I'm Scar!"
"I'm Mumbo."
"Now that we've introduced ourselves," Cally said. "What are your names?"
"I'm Sam and this is my best buddy, Taurtis!"
"Nice to meet you," Mumbo said.
Scar glanced at Grian who looked slightly scared. The fear was probably unnoticeable unless you looked really closely.
Upon seeing his husband's face, Scar knew that Sam here was bad news.
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I came up with this right on the spot. I emailed it to Galactic and then copy and pasted it here. Also. Sam pronounces Grian as "Gree-On"
- Pleb
Pleb, you've really outdone yourself. This chapter- *chefs kiss* (Why thank you -Pleb) I probably liked the idea of this bc of angst load lmao (There's gonna be more soooon -Pleb) Oh wait this chapter is called memories. Dangit now I'm reminded of...BABY WE BUILT THIS HOUSE ON MEMORIEEEES, TAKE MY PICTURE NOW, SHAKE IT TIL YOU SEE IT, AND WHEN YOUR FANTASIEEEES BECOME YOUR LEGACYYY, PROMISE ME A PLAAAAACE IN YOUR HOUSE OF MEMORIES
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