Chapter 1 - Forgotten
Chapter 1 - Forgotten
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Dream SMP
Karl looked around, confused at where he was. He saw some things that reminded him of something, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. There were posters and item frames with books in them. The Masquerade, The Lost City of Mizu, The Pit, The Maze...And there were so many more. But nothing came to the boy when he saw these. Karl left the room without even looking at any of the books.
Strangely enough, the only thing that Karl remembered was his personal information...But not all of it. He couldn't recall anything else. In fact. The thing he remembered was himself. No one else.
The boy found his way out of the small library before finding himself in a larger one. The boy wandered around the library, running his fingers over the spines of the books.
"Karl!" The brunet spun around to see a golden winged male.
"Who are you?" Karl asked curiously.
The duck hybrid looked confused. "Funny joke Karl," Quackity said. "I want to tell you something."
"No, really," Karl said. "Who are you?"
Quackity looked confused but as soon as he figure out was going on, his eyes widened in fear and shock. "SAPNAP!"
Karl got scared. Why was this man calling for someone named Sapnap?
"Karl?" The boy turned around to see another black haired male.
"Who the quack are you people?!" Karl cried out.
"Karl," Sapnap said. "If this is a joke, it isn't funny."
"Fuck," Quackity whispered. "He lost his memory."
"I have my memory, thank you," Karl snapped.
Quackity and Sapnap exchanged glances just as Karl darted away.
"KARL!" Sapnap ran after the brunet.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Karl cried out.
Karl ran past the four kids and out the door. Sapnap stopped at the door and sighed. He knew there was nothing he could do.
Silvia saw her two parents running. Silvia had heard the conversation unravel. But most importantly...Silvia knew exactly what to do...But it involved risks...
"You can only time travel when you're 15," Karl had told Silvia when she was 10.
"Awww..." Silvia pouted. Karl chuckled at his daughter's reaction.
Two more days...Just two more...Karl can wait two days...Right?
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Hermitcraft / Empires SMP
"Scar?!" Grian called out.
The blond ran up to Xisumavoid.
"X!!! Scar's missing!!"
The admin turned towards Grian. "Yeah, Xavier and Mitchell are missing too. Ren, Impulse, and I were discussing heading out to look for them. We were looking for you. Coming? Since you three literally travelled to Alpha in Season 6?"
The four of them geared up. X, Ren, and Impulse met up by the glitch.
Grian slipped his Watcher mask into his bag, and met up with the three. "Who's watching the server while you're gone?"
"Wels, I trust him."
"Alright. Impulse and Ren, you guys ready?"
"Yep!" Impulse said. "Notified Tango and Zed where we're going."
"And I told Doc," Ren said. "Should you tell Mumbo?"
Grian thought about this. "Nah, let him figure it out himself. He's a spoon, after all."
"That's a bit mean," X said.
"It's not as mean as you act towards Dream."
"Again, I realized what I was doing was wrong. I never got to apologize."
Grian sighed. "Let's just go."
"I agree," Ren said.
"Let's do this!" Impulse cheered. "Scar, Xavier, and Mitchell, here we come!"
"Race you guys," Grian said, bolting towards the glitch.
"Grian!" Xisuma scolded, running after the blond.
"Wait!!" Called a voice.
X and Grian stopped. The four turned around to see a young 7 year old boy.
Grian sighed, "What is it now, Wynne?"
Wynne pouted. "I wanna come!"
"You can't."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm your father and I said so," Grian said.
"What if I follow you anyway?"
"Wynne Bellum-Times!" Grian scolded. "If I find out you followed us you're grounded. Permanently."
"Fine...Xisuma will you let me come?"
"No," The admin said.
"Why not?"
"Because Grian said otherwise," X continued. "Plus, I agree with him. You're too young and it's too dangerous. I'm the admin, I DEFINITELY have final say on who gets to come."
"If you're the admin then why aren't you staying to look after the server?"
That got Grian, Ren, and Impulse cracking up.
"He is speaking facts though, my dude!" Ren blurted out.
"Yeah," Impulse said. "He kind of is."
"Let's just go," Xisuma said.
Grian nodded, "We have no time to lose. I'm gonna try racing you guys again!"
"No!" X said, as he sprinted after the blond gremlin once more.
Grian and X jumped through the glitch, Ren and Impulse grabbing them just before they jumped so they wouldn't get split up.
Wynne pouted and ran back off to mess with the other Hermits. He was Grian and Scar's son, after all. So he knew how to cause mischief.
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Scarian Child
- Pleb
Added Wynne here because there won't be a book 4 to add him in. I was looking at gender neutral names for one of my OCs (Their name is Avery Harvey, if you're curious) and stumbled upon Wynne. Thought it would be a perfect name for Scarian child because Grian used to work on a server called Wynncraft. Bellum-Times because, well Scar's is obvious (Times). So then I needed to make up a last name for Grian. Bellum means war in Latin. Pretty suitable for our blond gremlin, right?
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