Year 3000
Character: Jin & Sayo
Genre: Romance, Humor & Friendship
Rating: T
Chapter summary: A millenia passed since earth was graced with their gentle presence
A millenia passed since they graced the world with their utter devotion
A millenia passed since the world witnessed their unconditional love
One lifetime wasn't enough, so the stars, moon, heaven and every astral being conspired to bring them back.
Year: around 3000
(picture the future as you want, not good with that)
Sun glared at her and she glared at him.
Sun glared because it is mid day,
She glared at her best friend because he is an idiot.
Idiot, fool and everything similar under this sun.
She slapped him hard
on his shoulder and told him to stop sulking, "Would you cut it out, stop whining like a love sick puppy. She wasn't worth it. You can do better than her"
"But I loved her," he whined again.
"Really? Then tell me what was her favorite food? What did she usually order in my restaurant," she asked with a raised eyebrow
"ummm... She loved... She ordered..." he stammered.
"Aha see.. If you loved her, least you would do is notice what she likes," she exclaimed trumphantly.
Jin and Sayo.
Day and Night.
Earth and Sky.
Total opposite in personality,were best of friends.
They would bicker,
They would fight,
They would get on each others throat,
but they will always care for other.
One would cry, the other would be the kleenex.
One would succeed, the other would celebrate.
One would be angry, and both so stubborn the they wont try to talk to each other. But by sunset, everything would be set.
"Doesn't matter, does it? You aren't some grand master in memory department either. You tell me, what did Mark loved to eat? He was your boyfriend a week ago,
before you broke up." he scowled darkly. He despised that man. He had hurt his best friend. She had not talked to him for whole 2 hours, so he had took the liberty to go punch daylights out of that guy and give him two black eyes. Not that she needed to know...
"Don't talk about that scumbag. I don't understand..." and there she started ranting about her ex-boyfriend and men in general:
How they were all perverted, not him.
How they were all pigs, not him.
How much they all used her, not him.
How much she hated all men, ofcourse not him.
He rested his chin on his left palm and kept staring at her. She was beautiful. His best friend was everything he ever wanted. But that was forbidden, because she was his BESTFRIEND, not his GIRLFRIEND.
Yes, Jin Hakariya, the heart throab of girls of 50 miles radius around him was utterly in love with his childhood best friend. But the irony, the most observant girl was oblivious of that fact. God, she never even noticed the engagement ring hanging on his neck by a chain...
She was going on and on...
"...every guy I have ever met is so perverted or selfish prat with ulterior motive. I haven't seen a single decent guy in forever. I might die a spinster..."
'Maybe you are looking in wrong direction, Sayo. Why don't you ever see me even if I am right here' he thought.
"WHAT?" she screeched.
Opps, He must have been thinking out loud, cat's outta the bag. Might as well confess to her.
"Sayo, Iloveyou," and he closed his eyes in fear of rejection.
Then he felt her soft lips on his with her whispering words, "And here I panicked that I would have to date 10 more guys to make you jealous enough to accept it."
A vision flashed through his eyes with her words, "I love you too, idiot"
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