Chapter Three: Greenhall Hills
The coach's doors opened. The driver looked at us from inside their compartment, signalling that this was our stop. I jumped off my seat, my friends following suit. We walked down the aisleway. The driver's compartment doors opened and she stepped out. We followed her outside the coach, onto the stone pavement. She opened the trunk of the boot and gave us our suitcases. Ghost was the last to get his belongings, but Lunar took them for it, which was pretty sweet. The driver shut the trunk, then walked back into the coach. She got into her compartment and waved goodbye to us. We waved back except for Ghost and Lunar. We went up to to the stone officer. There was a man with a security outfit on. A grey jacket with a black pocket on the top Left, with yellow words saying, SECURITY. A black cap with the lime words, GREENHALL. Black jeans and boots.
"Names?" He asked us, his voice was pretty deep.
"I'm Tim, they are Max, Zane, Victor, Ghost and Lunar." I replied. "Do you need second names?"
"Fortunately not." He replied. He typed something into his computer. "You're all here." He then turned backwards and walked towards some drawers. He brought out some lime paper wristbands. He gave one to each of us. I put mine on my Right hand. "Don't take those off until you leave, or security will bring you to me and my co-workers, and it'll just be a huge waste of everyone's time, and nobody wants that."
"Got it." I said lowering my head and tipping my sunhat, then I put it back on. He then pressed a red button beside him turning it green and the tall gates opened. It was quite a wide forest with tall trees and hills. A cave and a clear pebble path you can follow. Which me and my friends were doing then. We reached a spot, we had reserved under the name, Tim, because Daniel paid for it for us. Which I'm so grateful for. It was a spot in the circle centre, where the floor was made of bark. There was a tall wooden sign, right outside of the circle, with the baby blue words, TIM, on it. Max and Zane got the tents out for us. They were little circles then they sprung into medium sized tents. A dark green one for Max and Zane, a light light pink tent for Vic, a black one for Ghost and Lunar, and a baby blue one for me. They were all different shapes, but with the same designs. A triangle one for Max and Zane, a circle one for Ghost and Lunar, a rectangle one for Vic, and a square one for me. So there was the actual opaque door. There was a white net zip door next, all of them for our shapes. That little room had no floor, so it was just bark. There was a ceiling and walls though. Then the next white net zip door is the actual tent part. Where you slept and did personal things. We layed our sleeping bags out. Them all being our favourite colours. Then, we got back out of our tents. "So, what now?" I asked.
"I don't know." Vic replied.
"Me and Ghost are going to the edge of a cliff." Lunar said.
"We are?" Ghost asked.
"Are you sure that's safe?" I asked.
"Who cares if it is or not? I don't and if it is I'll protect my boyfriend at all cost." Lunar said, then he gave Ghost a piggy back and they ran off Right.
"Me and Max are going to sleep." Zane said. He grabbed Max by the waist and they climbed inside their tent. They then zipped the opaque dark green door.
"Guess it's just you and me." I turned to Victor.
"I guess. So, what're we doing?" He asked.
"Uh... Getting to know the place and find out where everything is. I believe we can get a map and guide at the entrance." I replied.
"But we were just thereeeeee." He complained.
"We didn't need it then. Come on!" I said.
"Ok, since I don't want you to go alone. Besides, it's been so long since I've stretched my legs." He then proceeded to sprint in front of me, back the way we came.
"Woah! Hey, wait up!" I called after him, beginning to jog way behind him. "I'm definitely going to get some food after this cus I am starvinggggg." I muttered. I picked up the pace and ran a little faster. Victor had already arrived and was stood in front of a wooden cabin waiting for me. I caught up to him in 3 minutes.
"What took ya so long?" He asked.
"The fact I'm tired, hungry and now sweaty." I replied.
"That was supposed to be a rhetorical question." He said.
"I do not care." I said. On top of the wooden cabin were the big wooden words, NAVIGATION. I ran inside before he could. On a Left wooden shelf were golden compasses. On a Right wooden shelf were black technological Greenhall watches. Finally, on a middle wooden shelf were guides that included maps. The compasses were clip on. So, I grabbed one and attatched it to my tracksuit bottoms' Right side. I then grabbed a guide and put in my Right bottoms' pocket, then I zipped it up. I then grabbed a watch and put it onto my Left wrist. Vic did the same, except he was wearing jeans. We then left. We switched on our watches as we were walking, a white screen appeared on them with the black words, OFFICE WILL UNLOCK THEM FOR YOU. We groaned.
"Back to the officeeeeee." Vic groaned. We reluctantly turned around and headed towards the office. The man took them from us, then typed something into them. He then gave them back to us.
"Thanks." I said. We put them back on our wrists, and switched them off for now. As we walked, I pulled out my guide. Vic looked at it at the Left side of me. The map was quite big. There was the centre, where we were of course staying. Quite a while after the centre, was a huge waterfall and lake. On the Right side of the map was the cliff, where Ghost and Lunar said they had gone to. On the Left side of the map was the huge stone cave. Behind us was the entrance and exit, and of course the office. I switched on my watch. It showed the time in black letters on the home screen: 11:25. "Not too bad." I muttered.
"Hey! Let's go check out the lake!" Vic exclaimed. Then, he ran in front of me, full steam ahead again.
"HEY! WAIT UP!" I ran after him yet again. I was really getting a workout without lifting weights today.
Vic was standing still. I ran next to him. Then I bent over and put my hands on my knees, out of breath, with my eyes closed. I stood back up, and opened my eyes. I was met with a breath taking sight. My mouth hung open.
"Woahhhhhhhhh." We both said. The lake was beautiful, astonishing, spectacular:
We were stood on green, black and grey wobbly stones. There was a giant, crystal clear, baby blue lake in front of us. At the back was a waterfall, pouring into it. In front of us, surrounding us, were ginormous limestone, rocky walls. Next to but far away from us, sat on a slightly high flat rock, was a girl. She had brown hair, the back of it was a high spiky ponytail. The front and slightly top of her hair was... Black and inky looking? That's strange, but who am I to judge. I couldn't see the front of her body, but she was wearing a dark grey scarf and hood, a black coat, white gloves, a dark grey belt, with two pocket pouches, purpley black bottoms, and laced black shoes. She also had a black tail sticking out of her backside. The end of it was the shape of a love heart, and the outline of the tail was purple.
"Oh, wow." I said. "Is she a different species?"
"Who cares." Vic said.
"Should we go talk to her?" I asked.
"I don't know. I don't want to disturb her peace, but then again... Maybe she's lonely." He replied.
We both shrugged at the same time, then we ran up to her. I could see the front of her now. She had neon purple eyes, with black pupils. She also had these weird black, with purple outlines, sort of patches on her bottoms. One on her Left knee, and one on her Right ankle, though they were two there but one was covering the over, so you could only see a bit of the second one. She stared at the waterfall quietly, as if in a trance.
"Hello." I said. She looked down at us.
"H-Hi." She stuttered.
"Are you ok? We noticed you're on your own." Vic said.
"And I prefer it that way." She then stood up, took a step back then ran and dived into the lake. With her clothes on...
"We disturbed her." He said.
"No shit, Sherlock." I said, crossing my arms.
"Well, what do we do now?" Vic asked.
"Lunch?" I asked, checking my watch. It was now 11:30.
"Definitely!" He said. Then he sprinted off... Again.
"Oh, COME. ON!" I groaned.
I checked my map again. I had missed something. They was also a hall. It was a big building slightly next to the entrance. In brackets on the map it said, Lunch, assemblies, meetings, ect. I checked my watch. On the home screen, there was an app called, RULES. 'Ooooohhhh, rules to break.' I thought. I clicked on it. It took me to a screen with lined paper. Rule 1. Curfew= 11:00, no later. 'Guess I'm staying up to 3AM then, lol.' I thought. We ran inside the hall, we sat down at a rectangular marble table with six seats. Three on one side, three on the other. I sat at the end on the side closest to the entrance, Vic sat next to me. I whipped out my phone and video called the group chat. Vic declined the call of course. Zane answered. He was laying down in his sleeping bag, he rubbed his eyes. I could see Max lying next to him. He was slightly touching Zane's side.
"Whatttttttt?" He asked sleepily.
"Me and Vic are getting lunch. You coming?" I explained and asked.
"Just give me and Max about half an hour." He said, then he declined. It was just me on the call for about ten seconds. Ghost then answered.
"Hm?" He said.
"You coming to get lunch with me, Vic, Max and Zane?" I asked.
"Uh..." He thought.
"Tell him no." I heard Lunar mutter. "Unless, you're hungry."
Ghost's tummy rumbled. "I am." He whispered.
"Ok, sorry. We can go." He said. Ghost then accepted.
"What's Lunar's problem?" Vic asked.
"I don't know, but I wish I did." I said.
Max and Zane arrived exactly, half an hour later. "You're very literal." I stated.
"Don't I know it." Zane said. He sat down next to Vic. Max sat opposite him. Vic pulled out his phone and began scrolling through it.
"Whatcha looking at?" I asked trying to look at his screen.
"N-Nothing." He stuttered. He then flushed red, as he pulled his phone close to his chest, so I couldn't see his screen.
"Are you looking at photos of Zachhhhhh?" I teased.
"N-No." He went even redder. 'Bingo!' I thought.
"Sure, buddy. Sureeeee." I said, then I left him alone. Lunar and Ghost arrived shortly after. Lunar had his arm around Ghost's neck. They walked up to Max.
"Budge up." Lunar said. Max moved to the end of the row. Zane's face turned into a frown, as well as Max's. Ghost sat opposite Vic. Lunar sat opposite Zane. 'As far away from me as possible. Of course.' I thought. 'Classic Lunar.' I felt slightly bad for Max and Zane. Anyways, I picked up a menu and ordered a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich.
"Actually, I-I'm not hungry anymore." Ghost whispered.
"We both know that's a lie. You haven't eaten for 3 days! Please get something." Lunar said. I stared at them in shock. Vic dropped his phone on the table. Zane and Max stopped staring into space.
"3 DAYS!?" We all exclaimed. "GHOST, YOU'RE GONNA DIE IF YOU KEEP THIS UP!" We shouted.
"Shut up!" Lunar said. We fell silent.
Ghost coughed suspiciously. "Anyways, uh... Yeah, eating sounds great!"
"Don't change the-" I started.
"He'll do what he wants!" Lunar interrupted me. We glared at eachother.
"Anyways, the weather is nice today. It's really... Um. Sunny." Ghost said, in an awkward tone.
"Really?" I said.
"Hey, don't judge him!" Lunar shouted.
"I'm not!" I shouted. We leant over our chairs and growled at eachother.
"Guys, stop!" Ghost said desperately. We ignored him.
"What're you gonna do Luna? I'm just trying to help." I said angrily.
"It's Lunar." He growled.
"Luna." I said.
"RAGH!" He growled, he grabbed onto my collar and jumped over the table sending us flying. We crashed into a wall behind us. My back hurt like crazy now, and I was furious. I told you I had anger issues- I threw him off me, then launched myself at him as he struggled to get up, he was kneeling on only his Left leg. I crashed into him with my fists flailing. I punched him in his Left eye. Which caused him to close it. "YOU FUCKING CUNT!" He swore. He then kicked me right in the dick with his Right foot. He sent me backwards. I fell on my back on the floor, clutching my nuts.
"IMAGINE LOOKING LIKE A TREE!" I shouted angrily.
"OH, YOU BETTER SHUT IT!" I shouted.
"MAKE ME!" Lunar screamed. We got up then, we charged towards eachother.
"YOU TWO STOP FUCKING FIGHTING!" Ghost exclaimed. We stopped in our tracks and sat down on the floor. Ghost rarely swore. In fact, the only person that had heard him swear once before was Lunar. Everyone gasped and turned to face Ghost. He was stood on his seat.
"Sorry." Me and Lunar mumbled. We got up. I grabbed my sandwich, turned around and ran out the exit.
"TIM, WAIT!" Max, Zane and Vic called after me. I didn't listen to them. I just ran back to the centre, and I dived straight into my tent. I then zipped all the doors. I ate my sandwich in silence. I then passed out from exhaustion and injuries. Me and Lunar both knew that apology was to Ghost, and to no one else. No one. I had a dream about everyone getting along, and eating ice cream together as the sun set behind a pink sky. I woke up, my vision was slightly blurry. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up. I was on top of my sleeping bag, in my clothes. My sunhat lay at the Right side of me. I checked my watch. It was now 3PM. God... I had been sleeping for that long. Wow... It was still bright and sunny, outside. My hair was a mess. It was sticking up and uneven. I sighed and just put my sunhat on to cover it up. I unzipped the doors, then zipped them again. I was now outside. I heard quiet voices coming from Ghost and Lunar's tent. I was still angry at Lunar, so I left their tent alone. The pain in my balls returned.
"Ah." I quietly hissed. Zane opened up his opaque door.
"Hey, Tim. You ok? We knocked on your door earlier, but you didn't answer." Zane said. "Lunar's still pretty pissed."
"You want an honest answer?" I asked.
"Of course." He said.
"Then, no. My dick and balls sting like fuck." I admitted.
"Ooohhh, yeah. I forgot he kicked you there. That's rough." He said. "Do you want to come inside our tent?" He asked.
"Sure, I could use some company." I said. I climbed inside, and Zane zipped all the doors. Max was typing on his laptop. There was a hologram in between him and Zane's sleeping bags, it projected dark green stars onto the ceiling. 'The Friends We Made.' Was also silently playing in the background. Max was currently sat on top of his sleeping bag. He adjusted his glasses slightly. Then, kept on typing. "So, what're you doing?" I asked him.
"Oh, just writing something." Max answered.
"Do you mind telling me what?" I asked.
"Just an essay, I forced myself to write it because I'm bored as heck." He replied.
"Cool." I said. I looked over at Zane. He was watching his laptop. He was watching russoplays. I heard that Russo was one of his and Max's friends.
"Pet Simulator X, huh?" I said.
"Yep. Pretty boring, but I just want to check up on him." Zane said.
"And you do that by watching his channel?" I asked.
"Well, he's too busy to talk at the moment. With being a dad, an Rb Battles host, collabing with Kreek, and posting on this channel as well as his vlog channel." He replied.
"Wow... That's a lot. Sounds like he needs a break." I said.
"Yep." Zane nodded. I sat and watched Russoplays with him for a long time. I checked my watch. It was now 5PM.
"Ok, dinner time." I said.
"Ok." Max and Zane agreed. It was still bright outside and warm. Though the sun was slightly lower than before. We went over to Vic's tent.
"Hey, Vic. You coming for dinner?" I asked.
"Yep, one sec." He came out. We were all wearing the outfits we wore earlier. Quiet voices still came from Ghost and Lunar's tent.
"We better not disturb them." I muttered, then I headed off. Vic came right after me. Then hand in hand, Max and Zane followed. We ate dinner in the hall, then went back to our tents. It was now 7PM. "Hey, you guys want to come into my tent and stay up as late as possible?" I asked.
"We do that sometimes. So, why not?" Max and Zane said.
"Sure." Vic shrugged his shoulders. I let them into my tent, then I zipped all the doors.
"The curfew is 11PM, but fuck rules, am I right?" I said.
They all nodded in agreement.
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